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// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Code for type-checking cast expressions.
//! A cast `e as U` is valid if one of the following holds:
//! * `e` has type `T` and `T` coerces to `U`; *coercion-cast*
//! * `e` has type `*T`, `U` is `*U_0`, and either `U_0: Sized` or
//! unsize_kind(`T`) = unsize_kind(`U_0`); *ptr-ptr-cast*
//! * `e` has type `*T` and `U` is a numeric type, while `T: Sized`; *ptr-addr-cast*
//! * `e` is an integer and `U` is `*U_0`, while `U_0: Sized`; *addr-ptr-cast*
//! * `e` has type `T` and `T` and `U` are any numeric types; *numeric-cast*
//! * `e` is a C-like enum and `U` is an integer type; *enum-cast*
//! * `e` has type `bool` or `char` and `U` is an integer; *prim-int-cast*
//! * `e` has type `u8` and `U` is `char`; *u8-char-cast*
//! * `e` has type `&[T; n]` and `U` is `*const T`; *array-ptr-cast*
//! * `e` is a function pointer type and `U` has type `*T`,
//! while `T: Sized`; *fptr-ptr-cast*
//! * `e` is a function pointer type and `U` is an integer; *fptr-addr-cast*
//! where `&.T` and `*T` are references of either mutability,
//! and where unsize_kind(`T`) is the kind of the unsize info
//! in `T` - the vtable for a trait definition (e.g. `fmt::Display` or
//! `Iterator`, not `Iterator<Item=u8>`) or a length (or `()` if `T: Sized`).
//! Note that lengths are not adjusted when casting raw slices -
//! `T: *const [u16] as *const [u8]` creates a slice that only includes
//! half of the original memory.
//! Casting is not transitive, that is, even if `e as U1 as U2` is a valid
//! expression, `e as U2` is not necessarily so (in fact it will only be valid if
//! `U1` coerces to `U2`).
use super::FnCtxt;
use lint;
use hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::hir;
use rustc::traits;
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TypeFoldable};
use rustc::ty::cast::{CastKind, CastTy};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax_pos::Span;
use util::common::ErrorReported;
/// Reifies a cast check to be checked once we have full type information for
/// a function context.
pub struct CastCheck<'tcx> {
expr: &'tcx hir::Expr,
expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
cast_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
cast_span: Span,
span: Span,
/// The kind of the unsize info (length or vtable) - we only allow casts between
/// fat pointers if their unsize-infos have the same kind.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum UnsizeKind<'tcx> {
/// The unsize info of this projection
OfProjection(&'tcx ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx>),
/// The unsize info of this parameter
OfParam(&'tcx ty::ParamTy)
impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
/// Returns the kind of unsize information of t, or None
/// if t is sized or it is unknown.
fn unsize_kind(&self, t: Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<UnsizeKind<'tcx>> {
match t.sty {
ty::TySlice(_) | ty::TyStr => Some(UnsizeKind::Length),
ty::TyTrait(ref tty) => Some(UnsizeKind::Vtable(tty.principal_def_id())),
ty::TyStruct(def, substs) => {
// FIXME(arielb1): do some kind of normalization
match def.struct_variant().fields.last() {
None => None,
Some(f) => self.unsize_kind(f.ty(self.tcx, substs))
// We should really try to normalize here.
ty::TyProjection(ref pi) => Some(UnsizeKind::OfProjection(pi)),
ty::TyParam(ref p) => Some(UnsizeKind::OfParam(p)),
_ => None
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum CastError {
/// Cast of thin to fat raw ptr (eg. `*const () as *const [u8]`)
impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> CastCheck<'tcx> {
pub fn new(fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
expr: &'tcx hir::Expr,
expr_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
cast_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
cast_span: Span,
span: Span)
-> Result<CastCheck<'tcx>, ErrorReported> {
let check = CastCheck {
expr: expr,
expr_ty: expr_ty,
cast_ty: cast_ty,
cast_span: cast_span,
span: span,
// For better error messages, check for some obviously unsized
// cases now. We do a more thorough check at the end, once
// inference is more completely known.
match cast_ty.sty {
ty::TyTrait(..) | ty::TySlice(..) => {
_ => {
fn report_cast_error(&self, fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, e: CastError) {
match e {
CastError::NeedViaPtr |
CastError::NeedViaThinPtr |
CastError::NeedViaInt |
CastError::NeedViaUsize => {
fcx.type_error_struct(self.span, |actual| {
format!("casting `{}` as `{}` is invalid",
}, self.expr_ty)
.help(&format!("cast through {} first", match e {
CastError::NeedViaPtr => "a raw pointer",
CastError::NeedViaThinPtr => "a thin pointer",
CastError::NeedViaInt => "an integer",
CastError::NeedViaUsize => "a usize",
_ => bug!()
CastError::CastToBool => {
struct_span_err!(fcx.tcx.sess, self.span, E0054, "cannot cast as `bool`")
.help("compare with zero instead")
CastError::CastToChar => {
fcx.type_error_message(self.span, |actual| {
format!("only `u8` can be cast as `char`, not `{}`", actual)
}, self.expr_ty);
CastError::NonScalar => {
fcx.type_error_message(self.span, |actual| {
format!("non-scalar cast: `{}` as `{}`",
}, self.expr_ty);
CastError::IllegalCast => {
fcx.type_error_message(self.span, |actual| {
format!("casting `{}` as `{}` is invalid",
}, self.expr_ty);
CastError::SizedUnsizedCast => {
fcx.type_error_message(self.span, |actual| {
format!("cannot cast thin pointer `{}` to fat pointer `{}`",
}, self.expr_ty)
CastError::DifferingKinds => {
fcx.type_error_struct(self.span, |actual| {
format!("casting `{}` as `{}` is invalid",
}, self.expr_ty)
.note("vtable kinds may not match")
fn report_cast_to_unsized_type(&self, fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) {
self.cast_ty.references_error() ||
let tstr = fcx.ty_to_string(self.cast_ty);
let mut err = fcx.type_error_struct(self.span, |actual| {
format!("cast to unsized type: `{}` as `{}`", actual, tstr)
}, self.expr_ty);
match self.expr_ty.sty {
ty::TyRef(_, ty::TypeAndMut { mutbl: mt, .. }) => {
let mtstr = match mt {
hir::MutMutable => "mut ",
hir::MutImmutable => ""
if self.cast_ty.is_trait() {
match fcx.tcx.sess.codemap().span_to_snippet(self.cast_span) {
Ok(s) => {
"try casting to a reference instead:",
format!("&{}{}", mtstr, s));
Err(_) =>
span_help!(err, self.cast_span,
"did you mean `&{}{}`?", mtstr, tstr),
} else {
span_help!(err, self.span,
"consider using an implicit coercion to `&{}{}` instead",
mtstr, tstr);
ty::TyBox(..) => {
match fcx.tcx.sess.codemap().span_to_snippet(self.cast_span) {
Ok(s) => {
"try casting to a `Box` instead:",
format!("Box<{}>", s));
Err(_) =>
span_help!(err, self.cast_span, "did you mean `Box<{}>`?", tstr),
_ => {
span_help!(err, self.expr.span,
"consider using a box or reference as appropriate");
fn trivial_cast_lint(&self, fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) {
let t_cast = self.cast_ty;
let t_expr = self.expr_ty;
if t_cast.is_numeric() && t_expr.is_numeric() {
format!("trivial numeric cast: `{}` as `{}`. Cast can be \
replaced by coercion, this might require type \
ascription or a temporary variable",
} else {
format!("trivial cast: `{}` as `{}`. Cast can be \
replaced by coercion, this might require type \
ascription or a temporary variable",
pub fn check(mut self, fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) {
self.expr_ty = fcx.structurally_resolved_type(self.span, self.expr_ty);
self.cast_ty = fcx.structurally_resolved_type(self.span, self.cast_ty);
debug!("check_cast({}, {:?} as {:?})",, self.expr_ty,
if !fcx.type_is_known_to_be_sized(self.cast_ty, self.span) {
} else if self.expr_ty.references_error() || self.cast_ty.references_error() {
// No sense in giving duplicate error messages
} else if self.try_coercion_cast(fcx) {
debug!(" -> CoercionCast");
} else { match self.do_check(fcx) {
Ok(k) => {
debug!(" -> {:?}", k);
fcx.tcx.cast_kinds.borrow_mut().insert(, k);
Err(e) => self.report_cast_error(fcx, e)
/// Check a cast, and report an error if one exists. In some cases, this
/// can return Ok and create type errors in the fcx rather than returning
/// directly. coercion-cast is handled in check instead of here.
fn do_check(&self, fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) -> Result<CastKind, CastError> {
use rustc::ty::cast::IntTy::*;
use rustc::ty::cast::CastTy::*;
let (t_from, t_cast) = match (CastTy::from_ty(self.expr_ty),
CastTy::from_ty(self.cast_ty)) {
(Some(t_from), Some(t_cast)) => (t_from, t_cast),
// Function item types may need to be reified before casts.
(None, Some(t_cast)) => {
if let ty::TyFnDef(_, _, f) = self.expr_ty.sty {
// Attempt a coercion to a fn pointer type.
let res = fcx.try_coerce(self.expr, fcx.tcx.mk_fn_ptr(f));
if !res.is_ok() {
return Err(CastError::NonScalar);
(FnPtr, t_cast)
} else {
return Err(CastError::NonScalar);
_ => {
return Err(CastError::NonScalar)
match (t_from, t_cast) {
// These types have invariants! can't cast into them.
(_, RPtr(_)) | (_, Int(CEnum)) | (_, FnPtr) => Err(CastError::NonScalar),
// * -> Bool
(_, Int(Bool)) => Err(CastError::CastToBool),
// * -> Char
(Int(U(ast::UintTy::U8)), Int(Char)) => Ok(CastKind::U8CharCast), // u8-char-cast
(_, Int(Char)) => Err(CastError::CastToChar),
// prim -> float,ptr
(Int(Bool), Float) | (Int(CEnum), Float) | (Int(Char), Float)
=> Err(CastError::NeedViaInt),
(Int(Bool), Ptr(_)) | (Int(CEnum), Ptr(_)) | (Int(Char), Ptr(_))
=> Err(CastError::NeedViaUsize),
// ptr -> *
(Ptr(m_e), Ptr(m_c)) => self.check_ptr_ptr_cast(fcx, m_e, m_c), // ptr-ptr-cast
(Ptr(m_expr), Int(_)) => self.check_ptr_addr_cast(fcx, m_expr), // ptr-addr-cast
(Ptr(_), Float) | (FnPtr, Float) => Err(CastError::NeedViaUsize),
(FnPtr, Int(_)) => Ok(CastKind::FnPtrAddrCast),
(RPtr(_), Int(_)) | (RPtr(_), Float) => Err(CastError::NeedViaPtr),
// * -> ptr
(Int(_), Ptr(mt)) => self.check_addr_ptr_cast(fcx, mt), // addr-ptr-cast
(FnPtr, Ptr(mt)) => self.check_fptr_ptr_cast(fcx, mt),
(Float, Ptr(_)) => Err(CastError::NeedViaUsize),
(RPtr(rmt), Ptr(mt)) => self.check_ref_cast(fcx, rmt, mt), // array-ptr-cast
// prim -> prim
(Int(CEnum), Int(_)) => Ok(CastKind::EnumCast),
(Int(Char), Int(_)) | (Int(Bool), Int(_)) => Ok(CastKind::PrimIntCast),
(Int(_), Int(_)) |
(Int(_), Float) |
(Float, Int(_)) |
(Float, Float) => Ok(CastKind::NumericCast),
fn check_ptr_ptr_cast(&self,
fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
m_expr: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>,
m_cast: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>)
-> Result<CastKind, CastError>
debug!("check_ptr_ptr_cast m_expr={:?} m_cast={:?}",
m_expr, m_cast);
// ptr-ptr cast. vtables must match.
// Cast to sized is OK
if fcx.type_is_known_to_be_sized(m_cast.ty, self.span) {
return Ok(CastKind::PtrPtrCast);
// sized -> unsized? report invalid cast (don't complain about vtable kinds)
if fcx.type_is_known_to_be_sized(m_expr.ty, self.span) {
return Err(CastError::SizedUnsizedCast);
// vtable kinds must match
match (fcx.unsize_kind(m_cast.ty), fcx.unsize_kind(m_expr.ty)) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) if a == b => Ok(CastKind::PtrPtrCast),
_ => Err(CastError::DifferingKinds)
fn check_fptr_ptr_cast(&self,
fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
m_cast: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>)
-> Result<CastKind, CastError>
// fptr-ptr cast. must be to sized ptr
if fcx.type_is_known_to_be_sized(m_cast.ty, self.span) {
} else {
fn check_ptr_addr_cast(&self,
fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
m_expr: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>)
-> Result<CastKind, CastError>
// ptr-addr cast. must be from sized ptr
if fcx.type_is_known_to_be_sized(m_expr.ty, self.span) {
} else {
fn check_ref_cast(&self,
fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
m_expr: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>,
m_cast: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>)
-> Result<CastKind, CastError>
// array-ptr-cast.
if m_expr.mutbl == hir::MutImmutable && m_cast.mutbl == hir::MutImmutable {
if let ty::TyArray(ety, _) = m_expr.ty.sty {
// Due to the limitations of LLVM global constants,
// region pointers end up pointing at copies of
// vector elements instead of the original values.
// To allow raw pointers to work correctly, we
// need to special-case obtaining a raw pointer
// from a region pointer to a vector.
// this will report a type mismatch if needed
fcx.demand_eqtype(self.span, ety, m_cast.ty);
return Ok(CastKind::ArrayPtrCast);
fn check_addr_ptr_cast(&self,
fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>,
m_cast: &'tcx ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>)
-> Result<CastKind, CastError>
// ptr-addr cast. pointer must be thin.
if fcx.type_is_known_to_be_sized(m_cast.ty, self.span) {
} else {
fn try_coercion_cast(&self, fcx: &FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>) -> bool {
fcx.try_coerce(self.expr, self.cast_ty).is_ok()
impl<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx> {
fn type_is_known_to_be_sized(&self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
span: Span)
-> bool
traits::type_known_to_meet_builtin_bound(self, ty, ty::BoundSized, span)