blob: a1147cb5cfc9c4d567b85c419e351b0db7cdb3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// We wrap patterns in a tuple because top-level or-patterns were special-cased.
fn main() {
match (0u8,) {
(1 | 2,) => {}
(1,) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match (0u8,) {
(1 | 2,) => {}
(2,) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match (0u8,) {
(1,) => {}
(2,) => {}
(1 | 2,) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match (0u8, 0u8) {
(1 | 2, 3 | 4) => {}
(1, 3) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
(1, 4) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
(2, 4) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
(2 | 1, 4) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
(1, 5 | 6) => {}
(1, 4 | 5) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match (true, true) {
(false | true, false | true) => (),
match (Some(0u8),) {
(None | Some(1 | 2),) => {}
(Some(1),) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
(None,) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match ((0u8,),) {
((1 | 2,) | (3 | 4,),) => {}
((1..=4,),) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match (0,) {
(1 | 1,) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable
_ => {}
match [0; 2] {
| 0 //~ ERROR unreachable
, 0
| 0] => {} //~ ERROR unreachable
_ => {}
match &[][..] {
[0] => {}
[0, _] => {}
[0, _, _] => {}
[1, ..] => {}
[1 //~ ERROR unreachable
| 2, ..] => {}
_ => {}
match Some(0) {
Some(0) => {}
Some(0 //~ ERROR unreachable
| 1) => {}
_ => {}
// A subpattern that is only unreachable in one branch is overall reachable.
match (true, true) {
(true, true) => {}
(false | true, false | true) => {}
match (true, true) {
(true, false) => {}
(false, true) => {}
(false | true, false | true) => {}
// A subpattern that is unreachable in all branches is overall unreachable.
match (true, true) {
(false, true) => {}
(true, true) => {}
(false | true, false
| true) => {} //~ ERROR unreachable
match (true, true) {
(true, false) => {}
(true, true) => {}
| true, //~ ERROR unreachable
false | true) => {}