blob: f04f48e3bab85b89881892f02b686c3cc523865f [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::debug::TableEntry;
use crate::durability::Durability;
use crate::hash::FxIndexMap;
use crate::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy;
use crate::plumbing::InputQueryStorageOps;
use crate::plumbing::QueryStorageMassOps;
use crate::plumbing::QueryStorageOps;
use crate::revision::Revision;
use crate::runtime::StampedValue;
use crate::Database;
use crate::Query;
use crate::Runtime;
use crate::{DatabaseKeyIndex, QueryDb};
use indexmap::map::Entry;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::iter;
use tracing::debug;
/// Input queries store the result plus a list of the other queries
/// that they invoked. This means we can avoid recomputing them when
/// none of those inputs have changed.
pub struct InputStorage<Q>
Q: Query,
group_index: u16,
slots: RwLock<FxIndexMap<Q::Key, Slot<Q::Value>>>,
struct Slot<V> {
key_index: u32,
stamped_value: RwLock<StampedValue<V>>,
impl<Q> std::panic::RefUnwindSafe for InputStorage<Q>
Q: Query,
Q::Key: std::panic::RefUnwindSafe,
Q::Value: std::panic::RefUnwindSafe,
impl<Q> QueryStorageOps<Q> for InputStorage<Q>
Q: Query,
const CYCLE_STRATEGY: crate::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy = CycleRecoveryStrategy::Panic;
fn new(group_index: u16) -> Self {
InputStorage { group_index, slots: Default::default() }
fn fmt_index(
_db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb,
index: u32,
fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
let slot_map =;
let key = slot_map.get_index(index as usize).unwrap().0;
write!(fmt, "{}({:?})", Q::QUERY_NAME, key)
fn maybe_changed_after(
db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb,
index: u32,
revision: Revision,
) -> bool {
debug_assert!(revision < db.salsa_runtime().current_revision());
let slots = &;
let Some((_, slot)) = slots.get_index(index as usize) else {
return true;
debug!("maybe_changed_after(slot={:?}, revision={:?})", Q::default(), revision,);
let changed_at =;
debug!("maybe_changed_after: changed_at = {:?}", changed_at);
changed_at > revision
fn fetch(&self, db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb, key: &Q::Key) -> Q::Value {
let slots = &;
let slot = slots
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no value set for {:?}({:?})", Q::default(), key));
let StampedValue { value, durability, changed_at } =;
DatabaseKeyIndex {
group_index: self.group_index,
query_index: Q::QUERY_INDEX,
key_index: slot.key_index,
fn durability(&self, _db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb, key: &Q::Key) -> Durability {
match {
Some(slot) =>,
None => panic!("no value set for {:?}({:?})", Q::default(), key),
fn entries<C>(&self, _db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb) -> C
C: std::iter::FromIterator<TableEntry<Q::Key, Q::Value>>,
let slots =;
.map(|(key, slot)| {
TableEntry::new(key.clone(), Some(
impl<Q> QueryStorageMassOps for InputStorage<Q>
Q: Query,
fn purge(&self) {
*self.slots.write() = Default::default();
impl<Q> InputQueryStorageOps<Q> for InputStorage<Q>
Q: Query,
fn set(&self, runtime: &mut Runtime, key: &Q::Key, value: Q::Value, durability: Durability) {
tracing::debug!("{:?}({:?}) = {:?} ({:?})", Q::default(), key, value, durability);
// The value is changing, so we need a new revision (*). We also
// need to update the 'last changed' revision by invoking
// `guard.mark_durability_as_changed`.
// CAREFUL: This will block until the global revision lock can
// be acquired. If there are still queries executing, they may
// need to read from this input. Therefore, we wait to acquire
// the lock on `map` until we also hold the global query write
// lock.
// (*) Technically, since you can't presently access an input
// for a non-existent key, and you can't enumerate the set of
// keys, we only need a new revision if the key used to
// exist. But we may add such methods in the future and this
// case doesn't generally seem worth optimizing for.
runtime.with_incremented_revision(|next_revision| {
let mut slots = self.slots.write();
// Do this *after* we acquire the lock, so that we are not
// racing with somebody else to modify this same cell.
// (Otherwise, someone else might write a *newer* revision
// into the same cell while we block on the lock.)
let stamped_value = StampedValue { value, durability, changed_at: next_revision };
match slots.entry(key.clone()) {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
let mut slot_stamped_value = entry.get().stamped_value.write();
let old_durability = slot_stamped_value.durability;
*slot_stamped_value = stamped_value;
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let key_index = entry.index() as u32;
entry.insert(Slot { key_index, stamped_value: RwLock::new(stamped_value) });
/// Same as `InputStorage`, but optimized for queries that take no inputs.
pub struct UnitInputStorage<Q>
Q: Query<Key = ()>,
slot: UnitSlot<Q::Value>,
struct UnitSlot<V> {
database_key_index: DatabaseKeyIndex,
stamped_value: RwLock<Option<StampedValue<V>>>,
impl<Q> std::panic::RefUnwindSafe for UnitInputStorage<Q>
Q: Query<Key = ()>,
Q::Key: std::panic::RefUnwindSafe,
Q::Value: std::panic::RefUnwindSafe,
impl<Q> QueryStorageOps<Q> for UnitInputStorage<Q>
Q: Query<Key = ()>,
const CYCLE_STRATEGY: crate::plumbing::CycleRecoveryStrategy = CycleRecoveryStrategy::Panic;
fn new(group_index: u16) -> Self {
let database_key_index =
DatabaseKeyIndex { group_index, query_index: Q::QUERY_INDEX, key_index: 0 };
UnitInputStorage { slot: UnitSlot { database_key_index, stamped_value: RwLock::new(None) } }
fn fmt_index(
_db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb,
_index: u32,
fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "{}", Q::QUERY_NAME)
fn maybe_changed_after(
db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb,
_index: u32,
revision: Revision,
) -> bool {
debug_assert!(revision < db.salsa_runtime().current_revision());
debug!("maybe_changed_after(slot={:?}, revision={:?})", Q::default(), revision,);
let Some(value) = &* else {
return true;
let changed_at = value.changed_at;
debug!("maybe_changed_after: changed_at = {:?}", changed_at);
changed_at > revision
fn fetch(&self, db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb, &(): &Q::Key) -> Q::Value {
let StampedValue { value, durability, changed_at } = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no value set for {:?}", Q::default()));
fn durability(&self, _db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb, &(): &Q::Key) -> Durability {
match &* {
Some(stamped_value) => stamped_value.durability,
None => panic!("no value set for {:?}", Q::default(),),
fn entries<C>(&self, _db: &<Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb) -> C
C: std::iter::FromIterator<TableEntry<Q::Key, Q::Value>>,
(),|it| it.value.clone()),
impl<Q> QueryStorageMassOps for UnitInputStorage<Q>
Q: Query<Key = ()>,
fn purge(&self) {
*self.slot.stamped_value.write() = Default::default();
impl<Q> InputQueryStorageOps<Q> for UnitInputStorage<Q>
Q: Query<Key = ()>,
fn set(&self, runtime: &mut Runtime, (): &Q::Key, value: Q::Value, durability: Durability) {
tracing::debug!("{:?} = {:?} ({:?})", Q::default(), value, durability);
// The value is changing, so we need a new revision (*). We also
// need to update the 'last changed' revision by invoking
// `guard.mark_durability_as_changed`.
// CAREFUL: This will block until the global revision lock can
// be acquired. If there are still queries executing, they may
// need to read from this input. Therefore, we wait to acquire
// the lock on `map` until we also hold the global query write
// lock.
// (*) Technically, since you can't presently access an input
// for a non-existent key, and you can't enumerate the set of
// keys, we only need a new revision if the key used to
// exist. But we may add such methods in the future and this
// case doesn't generally seem worth optimizing for.
runtime.with_incremented_revision(|next_revision| {
let mut stamped_value_slot = self.slot.stamped_value.write();
// Do this *after* we acquire the lock, so that we are not
// racing with somebody else to modify this same cell.
// (Otherwise, someone else might write a *newer* revision
// into the same cell while we block on the lock.)
let stamped_value = StampedValue { value, durability, changed_at: next_revision };
match &mut *stamped_value_slot {
Some(slot_stamped_value) => {
let old_durability = slot_stamped_value.durability;
*slot_stamped_value = stamped_value;
stamped_value_slot @ None => {
*stamped_value_slot = Some(stamped_value);
/// Check that `Slot<Q, MP>: Send + Sync` as long as
/// `DB::DatabaseData: Send + Sync`, which in turn implies that
/// `Q::Key: Send + Sync`, `Q::Value: Send + Sync`.
fn check_send_sync<Q>()
Q: Query,
Q::Key: Send + Sync,
Q::Value: Send + Sync,
fn is_send_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}
/// Check that `Slot<Q, MP>: 'static` as long as
/// `DB::DatabaseData: 'static`, which in turn implies that
/// `Q::Key: 'static`, `Q::Value: 'static`.
fn check_static<Q>()
Q: Query + 'static,
Q::Key: 'static,
Q::Value: 'static,
fn is_static<T: 'static>() {}