blob: 8071f07d811959975e8d409d06a674c82102dd7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Tidy check to enforce rules about platform-specific code in std
//! This is intended to maintain existing standards of code
//! organization in hopes that the standard library will continue to
//! be refactored to isolate platform-specific bits, making porting
//! easier; where "standard library" roughly means "all the
//! dependencies of the std and test crates".
//! This generally means placing restrictions on where `cfg(unix)`,
//! `cfg(windows)`, `cfg(target_os)` and `cfg(target_env)` may appear,
//! the basic objective being to isolate platform-specific code to the
//! platform-specific `std::sys` modules, and to the allocation,
//! unwinding, and libc crates.
//! Following are the basic rules, though there are currently
//! exceptions:
//! - core may not have platform-specific code
//! - libcompiler_builtins may have platform-specific code
//! - liballoc_system may have platform-specific code
//! - liballoc_jemalloc may have platform-specific code
//! - libpanic_abort may have platform-specific code
//! - libpanic_unwind may have platform-specific code
//! - libunwind may have platform-specific code
//! - other crates in the std facade may not
//! - std may have platform-specific code in the following places
//! - sys/unix/
//! - sys/windows/
//! - os/
//! `std/sys_common` should _not_ contain platform-specific code.
//! Finally, because std contains tests with platform-specific
//! `ignore` attributes, once the parser encounters `mod tests`,
//! platform-specific cfgs are allowed. Not sure yet how to deal with
//! this in the long term.
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::Path;
use std::iter::Iterator;
// Paths that may contain platform-specific code
const EXCEPTION_PATHS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
// std crates
"src/libstd/sys/", // Platform-specific code for std lives here.
// This has the trailing slash so that sys_common is not excepted.
"src/libstd/os", // Platform-specific public interfaces
"src/rtstartup", // Not sure what to do about this. magic stuff for mingw
// temporary exceptions
"src/libstd/", // FIXME(#44217)
"src/libterm", // Not sure how to make this crate portable, but test needs it
"src/libtest", // Probably should defer to unstable std::sys APIs
// std testing crates, ok for now at least
// non-std crates
pub fn check(path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
let ref mut contents = String::new();
// Sanity check that the complex parsing here works
let ref mut saw_target_arch = false;
let ref mut saw_cfg_bang = false;
super::walk(path, &mut super::filter_dirs, &mut |file| {
let filestr = file.to_string_lossy().replace("\\", "/");
if !filestr.ends_with(".rs") { return }
let is_exception_path = EXCEPTION_PATHS.iter().any(|s| filestr.contains(&**s));
if is_exception_path { return }
check_cfgs(contents, &file, bad, saw_target_arch, saw_cfg_bang);
fn check_cfgs(contents: &mut String, file: &Path,
bad: &mut bool, saw_target_arch: &mut bool, saw_cfg_bang: &mut bool) {
t!(t!(File::open(file), file).read_to_string(contents));
// For now it's ok to have platform-specific code after 'mod tests'.
let mod_tests_idx = find_test_mod(contents);
let contents = &contents[..mod_tests_idx];
// Pull out all "cfg(...)" and "cfg!(...)" strings
let cfgs = parse_cfgs(contents);
let mut line_numbers: Option<Vec<usize>> = None;
let mut err = |idx: usize, cfg: &str| {
if line_numbers.is_none() {
line_numbers = Some(contents.match_indices('\n').map(|(i, _)| i).collect());
let line_numbers = line_numbers.as_ref().expect("");
let line = match line_numbers.binary_search(&idx) {
Ok(_) => unreachable!(),
Err(i) => i + 1
tidy_error!(bad, "{}:{}: platform-specific cfg: {}", file.display(), line, cfg);
for (idx, cfg) in cfgs.into_iter() {
// Sanity check that the parsing here works
if !*saw_target_arch && cfg.contains("target_arch") { *saw_target_arch = true }
if !*saw_cfg_bang && cfg.contains("cfg!") { *saw_cfg_bang = true }
let contains_platform_specific_cfg =
|| cfg.contains("target_env")
|| cfg.contains("target_vendor")
|| cfg.contains("unix")
|| cfg.contains("windows");
if !contains_platform_specific_cfg { continue }
let preceeded_by_doc_comment = {
let pre_contents = &contents[..idx];
let pre_newline = pre_contents.rfind('\n');
let pre_doc_comment = pre_contents.rfind("///");
match (pre_newline, pre_doc_comment) {
(Some(n), Some(c)) => n < c,
(None, Some(_)) => true,
(_, None) => false,
if preceeded_by_doc_comment { continue }
err(idx, cfg);
fn find_test_mod(contents: &str) -> usize {
if let Some(mod_tests_idx) = contents.find("mod tests") {
// Also capture a previos line indicating "mod tests" in cfg-ed out
let prev_newline_idx = contents[..mod_tests_idx].rfind('\n').unwrap_or(mod_tests_idx);
let prev_newline_idx = contents[..prev_newline_idx].rfind('\n');
if let Some(nl) = prev_newline_idx {
let prev_line = &contents[nl + 1 .. mod_tests_idx];
if prev_line.contains("cfg(all(test, not(target_os")
|| prev_line.contains("cfg(all(test, not(any(target_os") {
} else {
} else {
} else {
fn parse_cfgs<'a>(contents: &'a str) -> Vec<(usize, &'a str)> {
let candidate_cfgs = contents.match_indices("cfg");
let candidate_cfg_idxs =|(i, _)| i);
// This is puling out the indexes of all "cfg" strings
// that appear to be tokens succeeded by a paren.
let cfgs = candidate_cfg_idxs.filter(|i| {
let pre_idx = i.saturating_sub(*i);
let succeeds_non_ident = !contents.as_bytes().get(pre_idx)
let contents_after = &contents[*i..];
let first_paren = contents_after.find('(');
let paren_idx =|ip| i + ip);
let preceeds_whitespace_and_paren =|ip| {
let maybe_space = &contents[*i + "cfg".len() .. ip];
maybe_space.chars().all(|c| char::is_whitespace(c) || c == '!')
succeeds_non_ident && preceeds_whitespace_and_paren
});|i| {
let mut depth = 0;
let contents_from = &contents[i..];
for (j, byte) in contents_from.bytes().enumerate() {
match byte {
b'(' => {
depth += 1;
b')' => {
depth -= 1;
if depth == 0 {
return (i, &contents_from[.. j + 1]);
_ => { }