blob: 4c5be0a3f4bedb750184fe545cec74a39674f623 [file] [log] [blame]
pub mod query;
mod counters;
mod graph;
mod spans;
mod tests;
use self::counters::{CounterIncrementSite, CoverageCounters};
use self::graph::{BasicCoverageBlock, CoverageGraph};
use self::spans::{BcbMapping, BcbMappingKind, CoverageSpans};
use crate::MirPass;
use rustc_middle::hir;
use rustc_middle::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
use rustc_middle::mir::coverage::*;
use rustc_middle::mir::{
self, BasicBlock, BasicBlockData, Coverage, SourceInfo, Statement, StatementKind, Terminator,
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::def_id::LocalDefId;
use rustc_span::source_map::SourceMap;
use rustc_span::{BytePos, Pos, RelativeBytePos, Span, Symbol};
/// Inserts `StatementKind::Coverage` statements that either instrument the binary with injected
/// counters, via intrinsic `llvm.instrprof.increment`, and/or inject metadata used during codegen
/// to construct the coverage map.
pub struct InstrumentCoverage;
impl<'tcx> MirPass<'tcx> for InstrumentCoverage {
fn is_enabled(&self, sess: &rustc_session::Session) -> bool {
fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mut mir::Body<'tcx>) {
let mir_source = mir_body.source;
// This pass runs after MIR promotion, but before promoted MIR starts to
// be transformed, so it should never see promoted MIR.
let def_id = mir_source.def_id().expect_local();
if !is_eligible_for_coverage(tcx, def_id) {
trace!("InstrumentCoverage skipped for {def_id:?} (not eligible)");
// An otherwise-eligible function is still skipped if its start block
// is known to be unreachable.
match mir_body.basic_blocks[mir::START_BLOCK].terminator().kind {
TerminatorKind::Unreachable => {
trace!("InstrumentCoverage skipped for unreachable `START_BLOCK`");
_ => {}
instrument_function_for_coverage(tcx, mir_body);
fn instrument_function_for_coverage<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_body: &mut mir::Body<'tcx>) {
let def_id = mir_body.source.def_id();
let _span = debug_span!("instrument_function_for_coverage", ?def_id).entered();
let hir_info = extract_hir_info(tcx, def_id.expect_local());
let basic_coverage_blocks = CoverageGraph::from_mir(mir_body);
// Compute coverage spans from the `CoverageGraph`.
let Some(coverage_spans) =
spans::generate_coverage_spans(mir_body, &hir_info, &basic_coverage_blocks)
else {
// No relevant spans were found in MIR, so skip instrumenting this function.
// Create an optimized mix of `Counter`s and `Expression`s for the `CoverageGraph`. Ensure
// every coverage span has a `Counter` or `Expression` assigned to its `BasicCoverageBlock`
// and all `Expression` dependencies (operands) are also generated, for any other
// `BasicCoverageBlock`s not already associated with a coverage span.
let bcb_has_coverage_spans = |bcb| coverage_spans.bcb_has_coverage_spans(bcb);
let coverage_counters =
CoverageCounters::make_bcb_counters(&basic_coverage_blocks, bcb_has_coverage_spans);
let mappings = create_mappings(tcx, &hir_info, &coverage_spans, &coverage_counters);
if mappings.is_empty() {
// No spans could be converted into valid mappings, so skip this function.
debug!("no spans could be converted into valid mappings; skipping");
mir_body.function_coverage_info = Some(Box::new(FunctionCoverageInfo {
function_source_hash: hir_info.function_source_hash,
num_counters: coverage_counters.num_counters(),
expressions: coverage_counters.into_expressions(),
/// For each coverage span extracted from MIR, create a corresponding
/// mapping.
/// Precondition: All BCBs corresponding to those spans have been given
/// coverage counters.
fn create_mappings<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
hir_info: &ExtractedHirInfo,
coverage_spans: &CoverageSpans,
coverage_counters: &CoverageCounters,
) -> Vec<Mapping> {
let source_map = tcx.sess.source_map();
let body_span = hir_info.body_span;
let source_file = source_map.lookup_source_file(body_span.lo());
use rustc_session::RemapFileNameExt;
let file_name = Symbol::intern(&;
let term_for_bcb = |bcb| {
.expect("all BCBs with spans were given counters")
.filter_map(|&BcbMapping { kind: bcb_mapping_kind, span }| {
let kind = match bcb_mapping_kind {
BcbMappingKind::Code(bcb) => MappingKind::Code(term_for_bcb(bcb)),
let code_region = make_code_region(source_map, file_name, span, body_span)?;
Some(Mapping { kind, code_region })
/// For each BCB node or BCB edge that has an associated coverage counter,
/// inject any necessary coverage statements into MIR.
fn inject_coverage_statements<'tcx>(
mir_body: &mut mir::Body<'tcx>,
basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph,
bcb_has_coverage_spans: impl Fn(BasicCoverageBlock) -> bool,
coverage_counters: &CoverageCounters,
) {
// Inject counter-increment statements into MIR.
for (id, counter_increment_site) in coverage_counters.counter_increment_sites() {
// Determine the block to inject a counter-increment statement into.
// For BCB nodes this is just their first block, but for edges we need
// to create a new block between the two BCBs, and inject into that.
let target_bb = match *counter_increment_site {
CounterIncrementSite::Node { bcb } => basic_coverage_blocks[bcb].leader_bb(),
CounterIncrementSite::Edge { from_bcb, to_bcb } => {
// Create a new block between the last block of `from_bcb` and
// the first block of `to_bcb`.
let from_bb = basic_coverage_blocks[from_bcb].last_bb();
let to_bb = basic_coverage_blocks[to_bcb].leader_bb();
let new_bb = inject_edge_counter_basic_block(mir_body, from_bb, to_bb);
"Edge {from_bcb:?} (last {from_bb:?}) -> {to_bcb:?} (leader {to_bb:?}) \
requires a new MIR BasicBlock {new_bb:?} for counter increment {id:?}",
inject_statement(mir_body, CoverageKind::CounterIncrement { id }, target_bb);
// For each counter expression that is directly associated with at least one
// span, we inject an "expression-used" statement, so that coverage codegen
// can check whether the injected statement survived MIR optimization.
// (BCB edges can't have spans, so we only need to process BCB nodes here.)
// See the code in `rustc_codegen_llvm::coverageinfo::map_data` that deals
// with "expressions seen" and "zero terms".
for (bcb, expression_id) in coverage_counters
.filter(|&(bcb, _)| bcb_has_coverage_spans(bcb))
CoverageKind::ExpressionUsed { id: expression_id },
/// Given two basic blocks that have a control-flow edge between them, creates
/// and returns a new block that sits between those blocks.
fn inject_edge_counter_basic_block(
mir_body: &mut mir::Body<'_>,
from_bb: BasicBlock,
to_bb: BasicBlock,
) -> BasicBlock {
let span = mir_body[from_bb].terminator().source_info.span.shrink_to_hi();
let new_bb = mir_body.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
statements: vec![], // counter will be injected here
terminator: Some(Terminator {
source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(span),
kind: TerminatorKind::Goto { target: to_bb },
is_cleanup: false,
let edge_ref = mir_body[from_bb]
.find(|successor| **successor == to_bb)
.expect("from_bb should have a successor for to_bb");
*edge_ref = new_bb;
fn inject_statement(mir_body: &mut mir::Body<'_>, counter_kind: CoverageKind, bb: BasicBlock) {
debug!(" injecting statement {counter_kind:?} for {bb:?}");
let data = &mut mir_body[bb];
let source_info = data.terminator().source_info;
let statement = Statement {
kind: StatementKind::Coverage(Box::new(Coverage { kind: counter_kind })),
data.statements.insert(0, statement);
/// Convert the Span into its file name, start line and column, and end line and column.
/// Line numbers and column numbers are 1-based. Unlike most column numbers emitted by
/// the compiler, these column numbers are denoted in **bytes**, because that's what
/// LLVM's `llvm-cov` tool expects to see in coverage maps.
/// Returns `None` if the conversion failed for some reason. This shouldn't happen,
/// but it's hard to rule out entirely (especially in the presence of complex macros
/// or other expansions), and if it does happen then skipping a span or function is
/// better than an ICE or `llvm-cov` failure that the user might have no way to avoid.
fn make_code_region(
source_map: &SourceMap,
file_name: Symbol,
span: Span,
body_span: Span,
) -> Option<CodeRegion> {
"Called make_code_region(file_name={}, span={}, body_span={})",
let lo = span.lo();
let hi = span.hi();
let file = source_map.lookup_source_file(lo);
if !file.contains(hi) {
debug!(?span, ?file, ?lo, ?hi, "span crosses multiple files; skipping");
return None;
// Column numbers need to be in bytes, so we can't use the more convenient
// `SourceMap` methods for looking up file coordinates.
let rpos_and_line_and_byte_column = |pos: BytePos| -> Option<(RelativeBytePos, usize, usize)> {
let rpos = file.relative_position(pos);
let line_index = file.lookup_line(rpos)?;
let line_start = file.lines()[line_index];
// Line numbers and column numbers are 1-based, so add 1 to each.
Some((rpos, line_index + 1, (rpos - line_start).to_usize() + 1))
let (lo_rpos, mut start_line, mut start_col) = rpos_and_line_and_byte_column(lo)?;
let (hi_rpos, mut end_line, mut end_col) = rpos_and_line_and_byte_column(hi)?;
// If the span is empty, try to expand it horizontally by one character's
// worth of bytes, so that it is more visible in `llvm-cov` reports.
// We do this after resolving line/column numbers, so that empty spans at the
// end of a line get an extra column instead of wrapping to the next line.
if span.is_empty()
&& body_span.contains(span)
&& let Some(src) = &file.src
// Prefer to expand the end position, if it won't go outside the body span.
if hi < body_span.hi() {
let hi_rpos = hi_rpos.to_usize();
let nudge_bytes = src.ceil_char_boundary(hi_rpos + 1) - hi_rpos;
end_col += nudge_bytes;
} else if lo > body_span.lo() {
let lo_rpos = lo_rpos.to_usize();
let nudge_bytes = lo_rpos - src.floor_char_boundary(lo_rpos - 1);
// Subtract the nudge, but don't go below column 1.
start_col = start_col.saturating_sub(nudge_bytes).max(1);
// If neither nudge could be applied, stick with the empty span coordinates.
// Apply an offset so that code in doctests has correct line numbers.
// FIXME(#79417): Currently we have no way to offset doctest _columns_.
start_line = source_map.doctest_offset_line(&, start_line);
end_line = source_map.doctest_offset_line(&, end_line);
check_code_region(CodeRegion {
start_line: start_line as u32,
start_col: start_col as u32,
end_line: end_line as u32,
end_col: end_col as u32,
/// If `llvm-cov` sees a code region that is improperly ordered (end < start),
/// it will immediately exit with a fatal error. To prevent that from happening,
/// discard regions that are improperly ordered, or might be interpreted in a
/// way that makes them improperly ordered.
fn check_code_region(code_region: CodeRegion) -> Option<CodeRegion> {
let CodeRegion { file_name: _, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col } = code_region;
// Line/column coordinates are supposed to be 1-based. If we ever emit
// coordinates of 0, `llvm-cov` might misinterpret them.
let all_nonzero = [start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col].into_iter().all(|x| x != 0);
// Coverage mappings use the high bit of `end_col` to indicate that a
// region is actually a "gap" region, so make sure it's unset.
let end_col_has_high_bit_unset = (end_col & (1 << 31)) == 0;
// If a region is improperly ordered (end < start), `llvm-cov` will exit
// with a fatal error, which is inconvenient for users and hard to debug.
let is_ordered = (start_line, start_col) <= (end_line, end_col);
if all_nonzero && end_col_has_high_bit_unset && is_ordered {
} else {
"Skipping code region that would be misinterpreted or rejected by LLVM"
// If this happens in a debug build, ICE to make it easier to notice.
debug_assert!(false, "Improper code region: {code_region:?}");
fn is_eligible_for_coverage(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: LocalDefId) -> bool {
// Only instrument functions, methods, and closures (not constants since they are evaluated
// at compile time by Miri).
// FIXME(#73156): Handle source code coverage in const eval, but note, if and when const
// expressions get coverage spans, we will probably have to "carve out" space for const
// expressions from coverage spans in enclosing MIR's, like we do for closures. (That might
// be tricky if const expressions have no corresponding statements in the enclosing MIR.
// Closures are carved out by their initial `Assign` statement.)
if !tcx.def_kind(def_id).is_fn_like() {
trace!("InstrumentCoverage skipped for {def_id:?} (not an fn-like)");
return false;
// Don't instrument functions with `#[automatically_derived]` on their
// enclosing impl block, on the assumption that most users won't care about
// coverage for derived impls.
if let Some(impl_of) = tcx.impl_of_method(def_id.to_def_id())
&& tcx.is_automatically_derived(impl_of)
trace!("InstrumentCoverage skipped for {def_id:?} (automatically derived)");
return false;
if tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id).flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::NO_COVERAGE) {
trace!("InstrumentCoverage skipped for {def_id:?} (`#[coverage(off)]`)");
return false;
/// Function information extracted from HIR by the coverage instrumentor.
struct ExtractedHirInfo {
function_source_hash: u64,
is_async_fn: bool,
/// The span of the function's signature, extended to the start of `body_span`.
/// Must have the same context and filename as the body span.
fn_sig_span_extended: Option<Span>,
body_span: Span,
fn extract_hir_info<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def_id: LocalDefId) -> ExtractedHirInfo {
// FIXME(#79625): Consider improving MIR to provide the information needed, to avoid going back
// to HIR for it.
let hir_node = tcx.hir_node_by_def_id(def_id);
let (_, fn_body_id) =
hir::map::associated_body(hir_node).expect("HIR node is a function with body");
let hir_body = tcx.hir().body(fn_body_id);
let maybe_fn_sig = hir_node.fn_sig();
let is_async_fn = maybe_fn_sig.is_some_and(|fn_sig| fn_sig.header.is_async());
let mut body_span = hir_body.value.span;
use rustc_hir::{Closure, Expr, ExprKind, Node};
// Unexpand a closure's body span back to the context of its declaration.
// This helps with closure bodies that consist of just a single bang-macro,
// and also with closure bodies produced by async desugaring.
if let Node::Expr(&Expr { kind: ExprKind::Closure(&Closure { fn_decl_span, .. }), .. }) =
body_span = body_span.find_ancestor_in_same_ctxt(fn_decl_span).unwrap_or(body_span);
// The actual signature span is only used if it has the same context and
// filename as the body, and precedes the body.
let fn_sig_span_extended = maybe_fn_sig
.map(|fn_sig| fn_sig.span)
.filter(|&fn_sig_span| {
let source_map = tcx.sess.source_map();
let file_idx = |span: Span| source_map.lookup_source_file_idx(span.lo());
&& fn_sig_span.hi() <= body_span.lo()
&& file_idx(fn_sig_span) == file_idx(body_span)
// If so, extend it to the start of the body span.
.map(|fn_sig_span| fn_sig_span.with_hi(body_span.lo()));
let function_source_hash = hash_mir_source(tcx, hir_body);
ExtractedHirInfo { function_source_hash, is_async_fn, fn_sig_span_extended, body_span }
fn hash_mir_source<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, hir_body: &'tcx rustc_hir::Body<'tcx>) -> u64 {
// FIXME(cjgillot) Stop hashing HIR manually here.
let owner =;