blob: ec4eed6797600c15d3fc8c536c8857c72fb4d2a0 [file] [log] [blame]
//revisions: ast mir
//[mir] compile-flags: -Z borrowck=mir
// Here is arielb1's basic example from rust-lang/rust#27282
// that AST borrowck is flummoxed by:
fn should_reject_destructive_mutate_in_guard() {
match Some(&4) {
None => {},
ref mut foo if {
(|| { let bar = foo; bar.take() })();
//[mir]~^ ERROR cannot move out of borrowed content [E0507]
false } => { },
Some(s) => std::process::exit(*s),
// Here below is a case that needs to keep working: we only use the
// binding via immutable-borrow in the guard, and we mutate in the arm
// body.
fn allow_mutate_in_arm_body() {
match Some(&4) {
None => {},
ref mut foo if foo.is_some() && false => { foo.take(); () }
Some(s) => std::process::exit(*s),
// Here below is a case that needs to keep working: we only use the
// binding via immutable-borrow in the guard, and we move into the arm
// body.
fn allow_move_into_arm_body() {
match Some(&4) {
None => {},
mut foo if foo.is_some() && false => { foo.take(); () }
Some(s) => std::process::exit(*s),
// Since this is a compile-fail test that is explicitly encoding the
// different behavior of AST- vs MIR-borrowck where AST-borrowck does
// not error, we need to use rustc_error to placate the test harness
// that wants *some* error to occur.
fn main() { //[ast]~ ERROR compilation successful