blob: 2b5791f3ea53d9448fb5e21379de20d80975a536 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering};
use std::thread;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use dunce::canonicalize;
use path_macro::path;
use xshell::{cmd, Shell};
pub fn miri_dir() -> std::io::Result<PathBuf> {
/// Queries the active toolchain for the Miri dir.
pub fn active_toolchain() -> Result<String> {
let sh = Shell::new()?;
let stdout = cmd!(sh, "rustup show active-toolchain").read()?;
Ok(stdout.split_whitespace().next().context("Could not obtain active Rust toolchain")?.into())
pub fn flagsplit(flags: &str) -> Vec<String> {
// This code is taken from `RUSTFLAGS` handling in cargo.
flags.split(' ').map(str::trim).filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).map(str::to_string).collect()
pub fn arg_flag_value(
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<OsStr>>,
flag: &str,
) -> Option<OsString> {
let mut args = args.into_iter();
while let Some(arg) = {
let arg = arg.as_ref();
if arg == "--" {
return None;
let Some(arg) = arg.to_str() else {
// Skip non-UTF-8 arguments.
if arg == flag {
// Next one is the value.
return Some(;
} else if let Some(val) = arg.strip_prefix(flag).and_then(|s| s.strip_prefix("=")) {
return Some(val.to_owned().into());
/// Some extra state we track for building Miri, such as the right RUSTFLAGS.
pub struct MiriEnv {
/// miri_dir is the root of the miri repository checkout we are working in.
pub miri_dir: PathBuf,
/// active_toolchain is passed as `+toolchain` argument to cargo/rustc invocations.
pub toolchain: String,
/// Extra flags to pass to cargo.
pub cargo_extra_flags: Vec<String>,
/// The rustc sysroot
pub sysroot: PathBuf,
/// The shell we use.
pub sh: Shell,
impl MiriEnv {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let toolchain = active_toolchain()?;
let sh = Shell::new()?; // we are preserving the current_dir on this one, so paths resolve properly!
let miri_dir = miri_dir()?;
let sysroot = cmd!(sh, "rustc +{toolchain} --print sysroot").read()?.into();
let target_output = cmd!(sh, "rustc +{toolchain} --version --verbose").read()?;
let rustc_meta = rustc_version::version_meta_for(&target_output)?;
let libdir = path!(sysroot / "lib" / "rustlib" / / "lib");
// Determine some toolchain properties
if !libdir.exists() {
println!("Something went wrong determining the library dir.");
println!("I got {} but that does not exist.", libdir.display());
println!("Please report a bug at");
// Share target dir between `miri` and `cargo-miri`.
let target_dir = std::env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR")
.unwrap_or_else(|| path!(miri_dir / "target").into());
sh.set_var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR", target_dir);
// We configure dev builds to not be unusably slow.
let devel_opt_level =
std::env::var_os("CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_OPT_LEVEL").unwrap_or_else(|| "2".into());
sh.set_var("CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_OPT_LEVEL", devel_opt_level);
// Compute rustflags.
let rustflags = {
let mut flags = OsString::new();
// We set the rpath so that Miri finds the private rustc libraries it needs.
flags.push("-C link-args=-Wl,-rpath,");
// Enable rustc-specific lints (ignored without `-Zunstable-options`).
" -Zunstable-options -Wrustc::internal -Wrust_2018_idioms -Wunused_lifetimes",
// Add user-defined flags.
if let Some(value) = std::env::var_os("RUSTFLAGS") {
flags.push(" ");
sh.set_var("RUSTFLAGS", rustflags);
// Get extra flags for cargo.
let cargo_extra_flags = std::env::var("CARGO_EXTRA_FLAGS").unwrap_or_default();
let cargo_extra_flags = flagsplit(&cargo_extra_flags);
Ok(MiriEnv { miri_dir, toolchain, sh, sysroot, cargo_extra_flags })
pub fn install_to_sysroot(
path: impl AsRef<OsStr>,
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<OsStr>>,
) -> Result<()> {
let MiriEnv { sysroot, toolchain, cargo_extra_flags, .. } = self;
// Install binaries to the miri toolchain's `sysroot` so they do not interact with other toolchains.
cmd!(, "cargo +{toolchain} install {cargo_extra_flags...} --path {path} --force --root {sysroot} {args...}").run()?;
pub fn build(
manifest_path: impl AsRef<OsStr>,
args: &[OsString],
quiet: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
let MiriEnv { toolchain, cargo_extra_flags, .. } = self;
let quiet_flag = if quiet { Some("--quiet") } else { None };
// We build the tests as well, (a) to avoid having rebuilds when building the tests later
// and (b) to have more parallelism during the build of Miri and its tests.
let mut cmd = cmd!(,
"cargo +{toolchain} build --bins --tests {cargo_extra_flags...} --manifest-path {manifest_path} {quiet_flag...} {args...}"
pub fn check(&self, manifest_path: impl AsRef<OsStr>, args: &[OsString]) -> Result<()> {
let MiriEnv { toolchain, cargo_extra_flags, .. } = self;
cmd!(, "cargo +{toolchain} check {cargo_extra_flags...} --manifest-path {manifest_path} --all-targets {args...}")
pub fn clippy(&self, manifest_path: impl AsRef<OsStr>, args: &[OsString]) -> Result<()> {
let MiriEnv { toolchain, cargo_extra_flags, .. } = self;
cmd!(, "cargo +{toolchain} clippy {cargo_extra_flags...} --manifest-path {manifest_path} --all-targets {args...}")
pub fn test(&self, manifest_path: impl AsRef<OsStr>, args: &[OsString]) -> Result<()> {
let MiriEnv { toolchain, cargo_extra_flags, .. } = self;
"cargo +{toolchain} test {cargo_extra_flags...} --manifest-path {manifest_path} {args...}"
/// Receives an iterator of files.
/// Will format each file with the miri rustfmt config.
/// Does not recursively format modules.
pub fn format_files(
files: impl Iterator<Item = Result<PathBuf, walkdir::Error>>,
toolchain: &str,
config_path: &Path,
flags: &[OsString],
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
use itertools::Itertools;
let mut first = true;
// Format in batches as not all our files fit into Windows' command argument limit.
for batch in &files.chunks(256) {
// Build base command.
let mut cmd = cmd!(,
"rustfmt +{toolchain} --edition=2021 --config-path {config_path} --unstable-features --skip-children {flags...}"
if first {
// Log an abbreviating command, and only once.
eprintln!("$ {cmd} ...");
first = false;
// Add files.
for file in batch {
// Make it a relative path so that on platforms with extremely tight argument
// limits (like Windows), we become immune to someone cloning the repo
// 50 directories deep.
let file = file?;
let file = file.strip_prefix(&self.miri_dir)?;
cmd = cmd.arg(file);
// Run rustfmt.
// We want our own error message, repeating the command is too much.
cmd.quiet().run().map_err(|_| anyhow!("`rustfmt` failed"))?;
/// Run the given closure many times in parallel with access to the shell, once for each value in the `range`.
pub fn run_many_times(
range: Range<u32>,
run: impl Fn(&Shell, u32) -> Result<()> + Sync,
) -> Result<()> {
// `next` is atomic so threads can concurrently fetch their next value to run.
let next = AtomicU32::new(range.start);
let end = range.end; // exclusive!
let failed = AtomicBool::new(false);
thread::scope(|s| {
let mut handles = Vec::new();
// Spawn one worker per core.
for _ in 0..thread::available_parallelism()?.get() {
// Create a copy of the shell for this thread.
let local_shell =;
let handle = s.spawn(|| -> Result<()> {
let local_shell = local_shell; // move the copy into this thread.
// Each worker thread keeps asking for numbers until we're all done.
loop {
let cur = next.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
if cur >= end {
// We hit the upper limit and are done.
// Run the command with this seed.
run(&local_shell, cur).map_err(|err| {
// If we failed, tell everyone about this., Ordering::Relaxed);
// Check if some other command failed (in which case we'll stop as well).
if failed.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
return Ok(());
// Wait for all workers to be done.
for handle in handles {
// If all workers succeeded, we can't have failed.