blob: fe6cbca32c748ff61573de1afaabde7cbcdba6cc [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::spec::base::apple::{macos_llvm_target, opts, Arch, TargetAbi};
use crate::spec::{Cc, FramePointer, LinkerFlavor, Lld, SanitizerSet};
use crate::spec::{Target, TargetOptions};
pub fn target() -> Target {
let arch = Arch::X86_64h;
let mut base = opts("macos", arch, TargetAbi::Normal);
base.max_atomic_width = Some(128);
base.frame_pointer = FramePointer::Always;
base.add_pre_link_args(LinkerFlavor::Darwin(Cc::Yes, Lld::No), &["-m64"]);
base.supported_sanitizers =
SanitizerSet::ADDRESS | SanitizerSet::CFI | SanitizerSet::LEAK | SanitizerSet::THREAD;
// x86_64h is core2-avx without a few of the features which would otherwise
// be guaranteed, so we need to disable those. This imitates clang's logic:
// -
// -
// FIXME: Sadly, turning these off here disables them in such a way that they
// aren't re-enabled by `-Ctarget-cpu=native` (on a machine that has them).
// It would be nice if this were not the case, but fixing it seems tricky
// (and given that the main use-case for this target is for use in universal
// binaries, probably not that important).
base.features = "-rdrnd,-aes,-pclmul,-rtm,-fsgsbase".into();
// Double-check that the `cpu` is what we expect (if it's not the list above
// may need updating).
base.cpu, "core-avx2",
"you need to adjust the feature list in x86_64h-apple-darwin if you change this",
Target {
// Clang automatically chooses a more specific target based on
// MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. To enable cross-language LTO to work
// correctly, we do too.
llvm_target: macos_llvm_target(arch).into(),
metadata: crate::spec::TargetMetadata {
description: None,
tier: None,
host_tools: None,
std: None,
pointer_width: 64,
arch: arch.target_arch(),
options: TargetOptions { mcount: "\u{1}mcount".into(), ..base },