blob: c771013f72814b8210d47585a16f9a5fe17319b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// this tests move up progration, which is not yet implemented
// Check codegen for assignments (`a = b`) where the left-hand-side is
// not yet initialized. Assignments tend to be absent in simple code,
// so subtle breakage in them can leave a quite hard-to-find trail of
// destruction.
// ignore-tidy-linelength
fn main() {
let nodrop_x = false;
let nodrop_y;
// Since boolean does not require drop, this can be a simple
// assignment:
nodrop_y = nodrop_x;
let drop_x : Option<Box<u32>> = None;
let drop_y;
// Since the type of `drop_y` has drop, we generate a `replace`
// terminator:
drop_y = drop_x;
// START rustc.main.SimplifyCfg-initial.after.mir
// bb0: {
// StorageLive(_1);
// _1 = const false;
// FakeRead(ForLet, _1);
// StorageLive(_2);
// StorageLive(_3);
// _3 = _1;
// _2 = move _3;
// StorageDead(_3);
// StorageLive(_4);
// _4 = std::option::Option::<std::boxed::Box<u32>>::None;
// FakeRead(ForLet, _4);
// AscribeUserType(_4, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] });
// StorageLive(_5);
// StorageLive(_6);
// _6 = move _4;
// replace(_5 <- move _6) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb5];
// }
// ...
// bb2: {
// drop(_6) -> [return: bb6, unwind: bb4];
// }
// ...
// bb5 (cleanup): {
// drop(_6) -> bb4;
// }
// END rustc.main.SimplifyCfg-initial.after.mir