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// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use abi::{self, Abi, Align, FieldPlacement, Size};
use abi::{HasDataLayout, LayoutOf, TyLayout, TyLayoutMethods};
use spec::HasTargetSpec;
mod aarch64;
mod arm;
mod asmjs;
mod hexagon;
mod mips;
mod mips64;
mod msp430;
mod nvptx;
mod nvptx64;
mod powerpc;
mod powerpc64;
mod riscv;
mod s390x;
mod sparc;
mod sparc64;
mod x86;
mod x86_64;
mod x86_win64;
mod wasm32;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum PassMode {
/// Ignore the argument (useful for empty struct).
/// Pass the argument directly.
/// Pass a pair's elements directly in two arguments.
Pair(ArgAttributes, ArgAttributes),
/// Pass the argument after casting it, to either
/// a single uniform or a pair of registers.
/// Pass the argument indirectly via a hidden pointer.
/// The second value, if any, is for the extra data (vtable or length)
/// which indicates that it refers to an unsized rvalue.
Indirect(ArgAttributes, Option<ArgAttributes>),
// Hack to disable non_upper_case_globals only for the bitflags! and not for the rest
// of this module
pub use self::attr_impl::ArgAttribute;
mod attr_impl {
// The subset of llvm::Attribute needed for arguments, packed into a bitfield.
bitflags! {
pub struct ArgAttribute: u16 {
const ByVal = 1 << 0;
const NoAlias = 1 << 1;
const NoCapture = 1 << 2;
const NonNull = 1 << 3;
const ReadOnly = 1 << 4;
const SExt = 1 << 5;
const StructRet = 1 << 6;
const ZExt = 1 << 7;
const InReg = 1 << 8;
/// A compact representation of LLVM attributes (at least those relevant for this module)
/// that can be manipulated without interacting with LLVM's Attribute machinery.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct ArgAttributes {
pub regular: ArgAttribute,
pub pointee_size: Size,
pub pointee_align: Option<Align>
impl ArgAttributes {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ArgAttributes {
regular: ArgAttribute::default(),
pointee_size: Size::ZERO,
pointee_align: None,
pub fn set(&mut self, attr: ArgAttribute) -> &mut Self {
self.regular |= attr;
pub fn contains(&self, attr: ArgAttribute) -> bool {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum RegKind {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Reg {
pub kind: RegKind,
pub size: Size,
macro_rules! reg_ctor {
($name:ident, $kind:ident, $bits:expr) => {
pub fn $name() -> Reg {
Reg {
kind: RegKind::$kind,
size: Size::from_bits($bits)
impl Reg {
reg_ctor!(i8, Integer, 8);
reg_ctor!(i16, Integer, 16);
reg_ctor!(i32, Integer, 32);
reg_ctor!(i64, Integer, 64);
reg_ctor!(f32, Float, 32);
reg_ctor!(f64, Float, 64);
impl Reg {
pub fn align<C: HasDataLayout>(&self, cx: C) -> Align {
let dl = cx.data_layout();
match self.kind {
RegKind::Integer => {
match self.size.bits() {
1 => dl.i1_align,
2..=8 => dl.i8_align,
9..=16 => dl.i16_align,
17..=32 => dl.i32_align,
33..=64 => dl.i64_align,
65..=128 => dl.i128_align,
_ => panic!("unsupported integer: {:?}", self)
RegKind::Float => {
match self.size.bits() {
32 => dl.f32_align,
64 => dl.f64_align,
_ => panic!("unsupported float: {:?}", self)
RegKind::Vector => dl.vector_align(self.size)
/// An argument passed entirely registers with the
/// same kind (e.g. HFA / HVA on PPC64 and AArch64).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Uniform {
pub unit: Reg,
/// The total size of the argument, which can be:
/// * equal to `unit.size` (one scalar/vector)
/// * a multiple of `unit.size` (an array of scalar/vectors)
/// * if `unit.kind` is `Integer`, the last element
/// can be shorter, i.e. `{ i64, i64, i32 }` for
/// 64-bit integers with a total size of 20 bytes
pub total: Size,
impl From<Reg> for Uniform {
fn from(unit: Reg) -> Uniform {
Uniform {
total: unit.size
impl Uniform {
pub fn align<C: HasDataLayout>(&self, cx: C) -> Align {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct CastTarget {
pub prefix: [Option<RegKind>; 8],
pub prefix_chunk: Size,
pub rest: Uniform,
impl From<Reg> for CastTarget {
fn from(unit: Reg) -> CastTarget {
impl From<Uniform> for CastTarget {
fn from(uniform: Uniform) -> CastTarget {
CastTarget {
prefix: [None; 8],
prefix_chunk: Size::ZERO,
rest: uniform
impl CastTarget {
pub fn pair(a: Reg, b: Reg) -> CastTarget {
CastTarget {
prefix: [Some(a.kind), None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
prefix_chunk: a.size,
rest: Uniform::from(b)
pub fn size<C: HasDataLayout>(&self, cx: C) -> Size {
(self.prefix_chunk * self.prefix.iter().filter(|x| x.is_some()).count() as u64)
.abi_align( +
pub fn align<C: HasDataLayout>(&self, cx: C) -> Align {
.filter_map(|x||kind| Reg { kind, size: self.prefix_chunk }.align(cx)))
|acc, align| acc.max(align))
impl<'a, Ty> TyLayout<'a, Ty> {
fn is_aggregate(&self) -> bool {
match self.abi {
Abi::Uninhabited |
Abi::Scalar(_) |
Abi::Vector { .. } => false,
Abi::ScalarPair(..) |
Abi::Aggregate { .. } => true
fn homogeneous_aggregate<C>(&self, cx: C) -> Option<Reg>
where Ty: TyLayoutMethods<'a, C> + Copy, C: LayoutOf<Ty = Ty, TyLayout = Self> + Copy
match self.abi {
Abi::Uninhabited => None,
// The primitive for this algorithm.
Abi::Scalar(ref scalar) => {
let kind = match scalar.value {
abi::Int(..) |
abi::Pointer => RegKind::Integer,
abi::Float(_) => RegKind::Float,
Some(Reg {
size: self.size
Abi::Vector { .. } => {
Some(Reg {
kind: RegKind::Vector,
size: self.size
Abi::ScalarPair(..) |
Abi::Aggregate { .. } => {
let mut total = Size::ZERO;
let mut result = None;
let is_union = match self.fields {
FieldPlacement::Array { count, .. } => {
if count > 0 {
return self.field(cx, 0).homogeneous_aggregate(cx);
} else {
return None;
FieldPlacement::Union(_) => true,
FieldPlacement::Arbitrary { .. } => false
for i in 0..self.fields.count() {
if !is_union && total != self.fields.offset(i) {
return None;
let field = self.field(cx, i);
match (result, field.homogeneous_aggregate(cx)) {
// The field itself must be a homogeneous aggregate.
(_, None) => return None,
// If this is the first field, record the unit.
(None, Some(unit)) => {
result = Some(unit);
// For all following fields, the unit must be the same.
(Some(prev_unit), Some(unit)) => {
if prev_unit != unit {
return None;
// Keep track of the offset (without padding).
let size = field.size;
if is_union {
total = total.max(size);
} else {
total += size;
// There needs to be no padding.
if total != self.size {
} else {
/// Information about how to pass an argument to,
/// or return a value from, a function, under some ABI.
pub struct ArgType<'a, Ty> {
pub layout: TyLayout<'a, Ty>,
/// Dummy argument, which is emitted before the real argument.
pub pad: Option<Reg>,
pub mode: PassMode,
impl<'a, Ty> ArgType<'a, Ty> {
pub fn new(layout: TyLayout<'a, Ty>) -> Self {
ArgType {
pad: None,
mode: PassMode::Direct(ArgAttributes::new()),
pub fn make_indirect(&mut self) {
assert_eq!(self.mode, PassMode::Direct(ArgAttributes::new()));
// Start with fresh attributes for the pointer.
let mut attrs = ArgAttributes::new();
// For non-immediate arguments the callee gets its own copy of
// the value on the stack, so there are no aliases. It's also
// program-invisible so can't possibly capture
attrs.pointee_size = self.layout.size;
// FIXME(eddyb) We should be doing this, but at least on
// i686-pc-windows-msvc, it results in wrong stack offsets.
// attrs.pointee_align = Some(self.layout.align);
let extra_attrs = if self.layout.is_unsized() {
} else {
self.mode = PassMode::Indirect(attrs, extra_attrs);
pub fn make_indirect_byval(&mut self) {
match self.mode {
PassMode::Indirect(ref mut attrs, _) => {
_ => unreachable!()
pub fn extend_integer_width_to(&mut self, bits: u64) {
// Only integers have signedness
if let Abi::Scalar(ref scalar) = self.layout.abi {
if let abi::Int(i, signed) = scalar.value {
if i.size().bits() < bits {
if let PassMode::Direct(ref mut attrs) = self.mode {
attrs.set(if signed {
} else {
pub fn cast_to<T: Into<CastTarget>>(&mut self, target: T) {
assert_eq!(self.mode, PassMode::Direct(ArgAttributes::new()));
self.mode = PassMode::Cast(target.into());
pub fn pad_with(&mut self, reg: Reg) {
self.pad = Some(reg);
pub fn is_indirect(&self) -> bool {
match self.mode {
PassMode::Indirect(..) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_sized_indirect(&self) -> bool {
match self.mode {
PassMode::Indirect(_, None) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_unsized_indirect(&self) -> bool {
match self.mode {
PassMode::Indirect(_, Some(_)) => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_ignore(&self) -> bool {
self.mode == PassMode::Ignore
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Conv {
/// Metadata describing how the arguments to a native function
/// should be passed in order to respect the native ABI.
/// I will do my best to describe this structure, but these
/// comments are reverse-engineered and may be inaccurate. -NDM
pub struct FnType<'a, Ty> {
/// The LLVM types of each argument.
pub args: Vec<ArgType<'a, Ty>>,
/// LLVM return type.
pub ret: ArgType<'a, Ty>,
pub variadic: bool,
pub conv: Conv,
impl<'a, Ty> FnType<'a, Ty> {
pub fn adjust_for_cabi<C>(&mut self, cx: C, abi: ::spec::abi::Abi) -> Result<(), String>
where Ty: TyLayoutMethods<'a, C> + Copy,
C: LayoutOf<Ty = Ty, TyLayout = TyLayout<'a, Ty>> + HasDataLayout + HasTargetSpec
match &cx.target_spec().arch[..] {
"x86" => {
let flavor = if abi == ::spec::abi::Abi::Fastcall {
} else {
x86::compute_abi_info(cx, self, flavor);
"x86_64" => if abi == ::spec::abi::Abi::SysV64 {
x86_64::compute_abi_info(cx, self);
} else if abi == ::spec::abi::Abi::Win64 || cx.target_spec().options.is_like_windows {
} else {
x86_64::compute_abi_info(cx, self);
"aarch64" => aarch64::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"arm" => arm::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"mips" => mips::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"mips64" => mips64::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"powerpc" => powerpc::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"powerpc64" => powerpc64::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"s390x" => s390x::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"asmjs" => asmjs::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"wasm32" => {
if cx.target_spec().llvm_target.contains("emscripten") {
asmjs::compute_abi_info(cx, self)
} else {
"msp430" => msp430::compute_abi_info(self),
"sparc" => sparc::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"sparc64" => sparc64::compute_abi_info(cx, self),
"nvptx" => nvptx::compute_abi_info(self),
"nvptx64" => nvptx64::compute_abi_info(self),
"hexagon" => hexagon::compute_abi_info(self),
"riscv32" => riscv::compute_abi_info(self, 32),
"riscv64" => riscv::compute_abi_info(self, 64),
a => return Err(format!("unrecognized arch \"{}\" in target specification", a))
if let PassMode::Indirect(ref mut attrs, _) = self.ret.mode {