blob: 1ec025f78c9aca3cdab2dbe0b63bb3bf3ce8345b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lock;
use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::{Hash, BuildHasher};
use std::panic;
use std::env;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender};
use syntax_pos::{SpanData};
use ty::TyCtxt;
use dep_graph::{DepNode};
use proc_macro;
use lazy_static;
use session::Session;
// The name of the associated type for `Fn` return types
pub const FN_OUTPUT_NAME: &'static str = "Output";
// Useful type to use with `Result<>` indicate that an error has already
// been reported to the user, so no need to continue checking.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
pub struct ErrorReported;
thread_local!(static TIME_DEPTH: Cell<usize> = Cell::new(0));
lazy_static! {
static ref DEFAULT_HOOK: Box<dyn Fn(&panic::PanicInfo) + Sync + Send + 'static> = {
let hook = panic::take_hook();
fn panic_hook(info: &panic::PanicInfo) {
if !proc_macro::__internal::in_sess() {
let backtrace = env::var_os("RUST_BACKTRACE").map(|x| &x != "0").unwrap_or(false);
if backtrace {
unsafe {
if env::var("RUSTC_BREAK_ON_ICE").is_ok() {
extern "system" {
fn DebugBreak();
// Trigger a debugger if we crashed during bootstrap
pub fn install_panic_hook() {
/// Parameters to the `Dump` variant of type `ProfileQueriesMsg`.
pub struct ProfQDumpParams {
/// A base path for the files we will dump
pub path:String,
/// To ensure that the compiler waits for us to finish our dumps
pub ack:Sender<()>,
/// toggle dumping a log file with every `ProfileQueriesMsg`
pub dump_profq_msg_log:bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct QueryMsg {
pub query: &'static str,
pub msg: Option<String>,
/// A sequence of these messages induce a trace of query-based incremental compilation.
/// FIXME(matthewhammer): Determine whether we should include cycle detection here or not.
pub enum ProfileQueriesMsg {
/// begin a timed pass
/// end a timed pass
/// begin a task (see dep_graph::graph::with_task)
/// end a task
/// begin a new query
/// can't use `Span` because queries are sent to other thread
QueryBegin(SpanData, QueryMsg),
/// query is satisfied by using an already-known value for the given key
/// query requires running a provider; providers may nest, permitting queries to nest.
/// query is satisfied by a provider terminating with a value
/// dump a record of the queries to the given path
/// halt the profiling/monitoring background thread
/// If enabled, send a message to the profile-queries thread
pub fn profq_msg(sess: &Session, msg: ProfileQueriesMsg) {
if let Some(s) = sess.profile_channel.borrow().as_ref() {
} else {
// Do nothing
/// Set channel for profile queries channel
pub fn profq_set_chan(sess: &Session, s: Sender<ProfileQueriesMsg>) -> bool {
let mut channel = sess.profile_channel.borrow_mut();
if channel.is_none() {
*channel = Some(s);
} else {
/// Read the current depth of `time()` calls. This is used to
/// encourage indentation across threads.
pub fn time_depth() -> usize {
TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| slot.get())
/// Set the current depth of `time()` calls. The idea is to call
/// `set_time_depth()` with the result from `time_depth()` in the
/// parent thread.
pub fn set_time_depth(depth: usize) {
TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| slot.set(depth));
pub fn time<T, F>(sess: &Session, what: &str, f: F) -> T where
F: FnOnce() -> T,
time_ext(sess.time_passes(), Some(sess), what, f)
pub fn time_ext<T, F>(do_it: bool, sess: Option<&Session>, what: &str, f: F) -> T where
F: FnOnce() -> T,
if !do_it { return f(); }
let old = TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| {
let r = slot.get();
slot.set(r + 1);
if let Some(sess) = sess {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
profq_msg(sess, ProfileQueriesMsg::TimeBegin(what.to_string()))
let start = Instant::now();
let rv = f();
let dur = start.elapsed();
if let Some(sess) = sess {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
profq_msg(sess, ProfileQueriesMsg::TimeEnd)
print_time_passes_entry_internal(what, dur);
TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| slot.set(old));
pub fn print_time_passes_entry(do_it: bool, what: &str, dur: Duration) {
if !do_it {
let old = TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| {
let r = slot.get();
slot.set(r + 1);
print_time_passes_entry_internal(what, dur);
TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| slot.set(old));
fn print_time_passes_entry_internal(what: &str, dur: Duration) {
let indentation = TIME_DEPTH.with(|slot| slot.get());
let mem_string = match get_resident() {
Some(n) => {
let mb = n as f64 / 1_000_000.0;
format!("; rss: {}MB", mb.round() as usize)
None => "".to_owned(),
println!("{}time: {}{}\t{}",
" ".repeat(indentation),
// Hack up our own formatting for the duration to make it easier for scripts
// to parse (always use the same number of decimal places and the same unit).
pub fn duration_to_secs_str(dur: Duration) -> String {
const NANOS_PER_SEC: f64 = 1_000_000_000.0;
let secs = dur.as_secs() as f64 +
dur.subsec_nanos() as f64 / NANOS_PER_SEC;
format!("{:.3}", secs)
pub fn to_readable_str(mut val: usize) -> String {
let mut groups = vec![];
loop {
let group = val % 1000;
val /= 1000;
if val == 0 {
} else {
groups.push(format!("{:03}", group));
pub fn record_time<T, F>(accu: &Lock<Duration>, f: F) -> T where
F: FnOnce() -> T,
let start = Instant::now();
let rv = f();
let duration = start.elapsed();
let mut accu = accu.lock();
*accu = *accu + duration;
// Memory reporting
fn get_resident() -> Option<usize> {
use std::fs;
let field = 1;
let contents = fs::read("/proc/self/statm").ok()?;
let contents = String::from_utf8(contents).ok()?;
let s = contents.split_whitespace().nth(field)?;
let npages = s.parse::<usize>().ok()?;
Some(npages * 4096)
fn get_resident() -> Option<usize> {
type BOOL = i32;
type DWORD = u32;
type HANDLE = *mut u8;
use libc::size_t;
use std::mem;
cb: DWORD,
PageFaultCount: DWORD,
PeakWorkingSetSize: size_t,
WorkingSetSize: size_t,
QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: size_t,
QuotaPagedPoolUsage: size_t,
QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: size_t,
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: size_t,
PagefileUsage: size_t,
PeakPagefileUsage: size_t,
#[link(name = "psapi")]
extern "system" {
fn GetCurrentProcess() -> HANDLE;
fn GetProcessMemoryInfo(Process: HANDLE,
cb: DWORD) -> BOOL;
let mut pmc: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
pmc.cb = mem::size_of_val(&pmc) as DWORD;
match unsafe { GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &mut pmc, pmc.cb) } {
0 => None,
_ => Some(pmc.WorkingSetSize as usize),
pub fn indent<R, F>(op: F) -> R where
R: Debug,
F: FnOnce() -> R,
// Use in conjunction with the log post-processor like `src/etc/indenter`
// to make debug output more readable.
let r = op();
debug!("<< (Result = {:?})", r);
pub struct Indenter {
_cannot_construct_outside_of_this_module: (),
impl Drop for Indenter {
fn drop(&mut self) { debug!("<<"); }
pub fn indenter() -> Indenter {
Indenter { _cannot_construct_outside_of_this_module: () }
pub trait MemoizationMap {
type Key: Clone;
type Value: Clone;
/// If `key` is present in the map, return the value,
/// otherwise invoke `op` and store the value in the map.
/// NB: if the receiver is a `DepTrackingMap`, special care is
/// needed in the `op` to ensure that the correct edges are
/// added into the dep graph. See the `DepTrackingMap` impl for
/// more details!
fn memoize<OP>(&self, key: Self::Key, op: OP) -> Self::Value
where OP: FnOnce() -> Self::Value;
impl<K, V, S> MemoizationMap for RefCell<HashMap<K,V,S>>
where K: Hash+Eq+Clone, V: Clone, S: BuildHasher
type Key = K;
type Value = V;
fn memoize<OP>(&self, key: K, op: OP) -> V
where OP: FnOnce() -> V
let result = self.borrow().get(&key).cloned();
match result {
Some(result) => result,
None => {
let result = op();
self.borrow_mut().insert(key, result.clone());
fn test_to_readable_str() {
assert_eq!("0", to_readable_str(0));
assert_eq!("1", to_readable_str(1));
assert_eq!("99", to_readable_str(99));
assert_eq!("999", to_readable_str(999));
assert_eq!("1_000", to_readable_str(1_000));
assert_eq!("1_001", to_readable_str(1_001));
assert_eq!("999_999", to_readable_str(999_999));
assert_eq!("1_000_000", to_readable_str(1_000_000));
assert_eq!("1_234_567", to_readable_str(1_234_567));