blob: 5c20ffc7c6724d887b8d5cc630cfa2decdda3eab [file] [log] [blame]
// rust-lang/rust#57979 : the initial support for `impl Trait` didn't
// properly check syntax hidden behind an associated type projection.
// Here we test behavior of occurrences of `impl Trait` within an
// `impl Trait` in that context.
mod allowed {
pub trait Foo<T> { }
pub trait Bar { }
pub trait Quux { type Assoc; }
pub fn demo(_: impl Quux<Assoc=impl Foo<impl Bar>>) { }
mod warned {
pub trait Foo<T> { }
pub trait Bar { }
pub trait Quux { type Assoc; }
pub fn demo(_: impl Quux<Assoc=impl Foo<impl Bar>>) { }
//~^ WARN nested `impl Trait` is not allowed
//~| WARN will become a hard error in a future release!
mod denied {
pub trait Foo<T> { }
pub trait Bar { }
pub trait Quux { type Assoc; }
pub fn demo(_: impl Quux<Assoc=impl Foo<impl Bar>>) { }
//~^ ERROR nested `impl Trait` is not allowed
//~| WARN will become a hard error in a future release!
fn main() { }