blob: 0d015e54f8b1c3913477fa2329b627f178f659f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that opaque `impl Trait` types are allowed to contain late-bound regions.
// build-pass (FIXME(62277): could be check-pass?)
// edition:2018
use std::future::Future;
pub type Func = impl Sized;
// Late bound region should be allowed to escape the function, since it's bound
// in the type.
fn null_function_ptr() -> Func {
None::<for<'a> fn(&'a ())>
async fn async_nop(_: &u8) {}
pub type ServeFut = impl Future<Output=()>;
// Late bound regions occur in the generator witness type here.
fn serve() -> ServeFut {
async move {
let x = 5;
fn main() {}