blob: c5ff14e606968adb84f5c59efb8a777ca4d0aa86 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt::Write;
use rustc::hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc::hir::def::Def;
use rustc::hir::map::definitions::DefPathData;
use rustc::middle::const_val::{ConstVal, ErrKind};
use rustc::mir;
use rustc::ty::layout::{self, Size, Align, HasDataLayout, LayoutOf, TyLayout};
use rustc::ty::subst::{Subst, Substs};
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc::ty::maps::TyCtxtAt;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{IndexVec, Idx};
use rustc::middle::const_val::FrameInfo;
use syntax::codemap::{self, Span};
use syntax::ast::Mutability;
use rustc::mir::interpret::{
GlobalId, Value, Pointer, PrimVal, PrimValKind,
EvalError, EvalResult, EvalErrorKind, MemoryPointer,
use std::mem;
use super::{Place, PlaceExtra, Memory,
HasMemory, MemoryKind,
pub struct EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx: 'a + 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> {
/// Stores the `Machine` instance.
pub machine: M,
/// The results of the type checker, from rustc.
pub tcx: TyCtxtAt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
/// Bounds in scope for polymorphic evaluations.
pub param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
/// The virtual memory system.
pub memory: Memory<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M>,
/// The virtual call stack.
pub(crate) stack: Vec<Frame<'mir, 'tcx>>,
/// The maximum number of stack frames allowed
pub(crate) stack_limit: usize,
/// The maximum number of terminators that may be evaluated.
/// This prevents infinite loops and huge computations from freezing up const eval.
/// Remove once halting problem is solved.
pub(crate) terminators_remaining: usize,
/// A stack frame.
pub struct Frame<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> {
// Function and callsite information
/// The MIR for the function called on this frame.
pub mir: &'mir mir::Mir<'tcx>,
/// The def_id and substs of the current function
pub instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
/// The span of the call site.
pub span: codemap::Span,
// Return place and locals
/// The block to return to when returning from the current stack frame
pub return_to_block: StackPopCleanup,
/// The location where the result of the current stack frame should be written to.
pub return_place: Place,
/// The list of locals for this stack frame, stored in order as
/// `[return_ptr, arguments..., variables..., temporaries...]`. The locals are stored as `Option<Value>`s.
/// `None` represents a local that is currently dead, while a live local
/// can either directly contain `PrimVal` or refer to some part of an `Allocation`.
/// Before being initialized, arguments are `Value::ByVal(PrimVal::Undef)` and other locals are `None`.
pub locals: IndexVec<mir::Local, Option<Value>>,
// Current position within the function
/// The block that is currently executed (or will be executed after the above call stacks
/// return).
pub block: mir::BasicBlock,
/// The index of the currently evaluated statement.
pub stmt: usize,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum StackPopCleanup {
/// The stackframe existed to compute the initial value of a static/constant, make sure it
/// isn't modifyable afterwards in case of constants.
/// In case of `static mut`, mark the memory to ensure it's never marked as immutable through
/// references or deallocated
/// A regular stackframe added due to a function call will need to get forwarded to the next
/// block
/// The main function and diverging functions have nowhere to return to
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TyAndPacked<'tcx> {
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub packed: bool,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ValTy<'tcx> {
pub value: Value,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> ValTy<'tcx> {
pub fn from(val: &ty::Const<'tcx>) -> Option<Self> {
match val.val {
ConstVal::Value(value) => Some(ValTy { value, ty: val.ty }),
ConstVal::Unevaluated { .. } => None,
impl<'tcx> ::std::ops::Deref for ValTy<'tcx> {
type Target = Value;
fn deref(&self) -> &Value {
impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> HasDataLayout for &'a EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn data_layout(&self) -> &layout::TargetDataLayout {
impl<'c, 'b, 'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> HasDataLayout
for &'c &'b mut EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn data_layout(&self) -> &layout::TargetDataLayout {
impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> layout::HasTyCtxt<'tcx> for &'a EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'b, 'tcx, 'tcx> {
impl<'c, 'b, 'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> layout::HasTyCtxt<'tcx>
for &'c &'b mut EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn tcx<'d>(&'d self) -> TyCtxt<'d, 'tcx, 'tcx> {
impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> LayoutOf<Ty<'tcx>> for &'a EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
type TyLayout = EvalResult<'tcx, TyLayout<'tcx>>;
fn layout_of(self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Self::TyLayout {
.map_err(|layout| EvalErrorKind::Layout(layout).into())
impl<'c, 'b, 'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> LayoutOf<Ty<'tcx>>
for &'c &'b mut EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
type TyLayout = EvalResult<'tcx, TyLayout<'tcx>>;
fn layout_of(self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Self::TyLayout {
impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
pub fn new(
tcx: TyCtxtAt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
machine: M,
memory_data: M::MemoryData,
) -> Self {
EvalContext {
memory: Memory::new(tcx, memory_data),
stack: Vec::new(),
stack_limit: tcx.sess.const_eval_stack_frame_limit,
terminators_remaining: 1_000_000,
pub fn alloc_ptr(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, MemoryPointer> {
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
assert!(!layout.is_unsized(), "cannot alloc memory for unsized type");
let size = layout.size.bytes();
self.memory.allocate(size, layout.align, Some(MemoryKind::Stack))
pub fn memory(&self) -> &Memory<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
pub fn memory_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Memory<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
&mut self.memory
pub fn stack(&self) -> &[Frame<'mir, 'tcx>] {
pub fn cur_frame(&self) -> usize {
assert!(self.stack.len() > 0);
self.stack.len() - 1
pub fn str_to_value(&mut self, s: &str) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
let ptr = self.memory.allocate_cached(s.as_bytes());
PrimVal::from_u128(s.len() as u128),
pub(super) fn const_to_value(&self, const_val: &ConstVal<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
match *const_val {
ConstVal::Unevaluated(def_id, substs) => {
let instance = self.resolve(def_id, substs)?;
self.read_global_as_value(GlobalId {
promoted: None,
}, ty)
ConstVal::Value(val) => Ok(val),
pub(super) fn resolve(&self, def_id: DefId, substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ty::Instance<'tcx>> {
trace!("resolve: {:?}, {:#?}", def_id, substs);
trace!("substs: {:#?}", self.substs());
trace!("param_env: {:#?}", self.param_env);
let substs = self.tcx.subst_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
).ok_or(EvalErrorKind::TypeckError.into()) // turn error prop into a panic to expose associated type in const issue
pub(super) fn type_is_sized(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
ty.is_sized(self.tcx, self.param_env)
pub fn load_mir(
instance: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, &'tcx mir::Mir<'tcx>> {
// do not continue if typeck errors occurred (can only occur in local crate)
let did = instance.def_id();
if did.is_local() && self.tcx.has_typeck_tables(did) && self.tcx.typeck_tables_of(did).tainted_by_errors {
return err!(TypeckError);
trace!("load mir {:?}", instance);
match instance {
ty::InstanceDef::Item(def_id) => {
self.tcx.maybe_optimized_mir(def_id).ok_or_else(|| {
_ => Ok(self.tcx.instance_mir(instance)),
pub fn monomorphize(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>, substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// miri doesn't care about lifetimes, and will choke on some crazy ones
// let's simply get rid of them
let substituted = ty.subst(*self.tcx, substs);
self.tcx.normalize_erasing_regions(ty::ParamEnv::reveal_all(), substituted)
/// Return the size and aligment of the value at the given type.
/// Note that the value does not matter if the type is sized. For unsized types,
/// the value has to be a fat pointer, and we only care about the "extra" data in it.
pub fn size_and_align_of_dst(
&mut self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
value: Value,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, (Size, Align)> {
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
if !layout.is_unsized() {
} else {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyAdt(..) | ty::TyTuple(..) => {
// First get the size of all statically known fields.
// Don't use type_of::sizing_type_of because that expects t to be sized,
// and it also rounds up to alignment, which we want to avoid,
// as the unsized field's alignment could be smaller.
debug!("DST {} layout: {:?}", ty, layout);
let sized_size = layout.fields.offset(layout.fields.count() - 1);
let sized_align = layout.align;
"DST {} statically sized prefix size: {:?} align: {:?}",
// Recurse to get the size of the dynamically sized field (must be
// the last field).
let field_ty = layout.field(&self, layout.fields.count() - 1)?.ty;
let (unsized_size, unsized_align) =
self.size_and_align_of_dst(field_ty, value)?;
// FIXME (#26403, #27023): We should be adding padding
// to `sized_size` (to accommodate the `unsized_align`
// required of the unsized field that follows) before
// summing it with `sized_size`. (Note that since #26403
// is unfixed, we do not yet add the necessary padding
// here. But this is where the add would go.)
// Return the sum of sizes and max of aligns.
let size = sized_size + unsized_size;
// Choose max of two known alignments (combined value must
// be aligned according to more restrictive of the two).
let align = sized_align.max(unsized_align);
// Issue #27023: must add any necessary padding to `size`
// (to make it a multiple of `align`) before returning it.
// Namely, the returned size should be, in C notation:
// `size + ((size & (align-1)) ? align : 0)`
// emulated via the semi-standard fast bit trick:
// `(size + (align-1)) & -align`
Ok((size.abi_align(align), align))
ty::TyDynamic(..) => {
let (_, vtable) = self.into_ptr_vtable_pair(value)?;
// the second entry in the vtable is the dynamic size of the object.
ty::TySlice(_) | ty::TyStr => {
let (elem_size, align) = layout.field(&self, 0)?.size_and_align();
let (_, len) = self.into_slice(value)?;
Ok((elem_size * len, align))
_ => bug!("size_of_val::<{:?}>", ty),
pub fn push_stack_frame(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
span: codemap::Span,
mir: &'mir mir::Mir<'tcx>,
return_place: Place,
return_to_block: StackPopCleanup,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
::log_settings::settings().indentation += 1;
let locals = if mir.local_decls.len() > 1 {
let mut locals = IndexVec::from_elem(Some(Value::ByVal(PrimVal::Undef)), &mir.local_decls);
match self.tcx.describe_def(instance.def_id()) {
// statics and constants don't have `Storage*` statements, no need to look for them
Some(Def::Static(..)) | Some(Def::Const(..)) | Some(Def::AssociatedConst(..)) => {},
_ => {
trace!("push_stack_frame: {:?}: num_bbs: {}", span, mir.basic_blocks().len());
for block in mir.basic_blocks() {
for stmt in block.statements.iter() {
use rustc::mir::StatementKind::{StorageDead, StorageLive};
match stmt.kind {
StorageLive(local) |
StorageDead(local) => locals[local] = None,
_ => {}
} else {
// don't allocate at all for trivial constants
self.stack.push(Frame {
block: mir::START_BLOCK,
stmt: 0,
self.memory.cur_frame = self.cur_frame();
if self.stack.len() > self.stack_limit {
} else {
pub(super) fn pop_stack_frame(&mut self) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
::log_settings::settings().indentation -= 1;
M::end_region(self, None)?;
let frame = self.stack.pop().expect(
"tried to pop a stack frame, but there were none",
if !self.stack.is_empty() {
// TODO: Is this the correct time to start considering these accesses as originating from the returned-to stack frame?
self.memory.cur_frame = self.cur_frame();
match frame.return_to_block {
StackPopCleanup::MarkStatic(mutable) => {
if let Place::Ptr { ptr, .. } = frame.return_place {
// FIXME: to_ptr()? might be too extreme here, static zsts might reach this under certain conditions
} else {
bug!("StackPopCleanup::MarkStatic on: {:?}", frame.return_place);
StackPopCleanup::Goto(target) => self.goto_block(target),
StackPopCleanup::None => {}
// deallocate all locals that are backed by an allocation
for local in frame.locals {
pub fn deallocate_local(&mut self, local: Option<Value>) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
if let Some(Value::ByRef(ptr, _align)) = local {
trace!("deallocating local");
let ptr = ptr.to_ptr()?;
/// Evaluate an assignment statement.
/// There is no separate `eval_rvalue` function. Instead, the code for handling each rvalue
/// type writes its results directly into the memory specified by the place.
pub(super) fn eval_rvalue_into_place(
&mut self,
rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>,
place: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
let dest = self.eval_place(place)?;
let dest_ty = self.place_ty(place);
use rustc::mir::Rvalue::*;
match *rvalue {
Use(ref operand) => {
let value = self.eval_operand(operand)?.value;
let valty = ValTy {
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
BinaryOp(bin_op, ref left, ref right) => {
let left = self.eval_operand(left)?;
let right = self.eval_operand(right)?;
if self.intrinsic_overflowing(
// There was an overflow in an unchecked binop. Right now, we consider this an error and bail out.
// The rationale is that the reason rustc emits unchecked binops in release mode (vs. the checked binops
// it emits in debug mode) is performance, but it doesn't cost us any performance in miri.
// If, however, the compiler ever starts transforming unchecked intrinsics into unchecked binops,
// we have to go back to just ignoring the overflow here.
return err!(OverflowingMath);
CheckedBinaryOp(bin_op, ref left, ref right) => {
let left = self.eval_operand(left)?;
let right = self.eval_operand(right)?;
UnaryOp(un_op, ref operand) => {
let val = self.eval_operand_to_primval(operand)?;
let val = self.unary_op(un_op, val, dest_ty)?;
Aggregate(ref kind, ref operands) => {
let (dest, active_field_index) = match **kind {
mir::AggregateKind::Adt(adt_def, variant_index, _, active_field_index) => {
self.write_discriminant_value(dest_ty, dest, variant_index)?;
if adt_def.is_enum() {
(self.place_downcast(dest, variant_index)?, active_field_index)
} else {
(dest, active_field_index)
_ => (dest, None)
let layout = self.layout_of(dest_ty)?;
for (i, operand) in operands.iter().enumerate() {
let value = self.eval_operand(operand)?;
// Ignore zero-sized fields.
if !self.layout_of(value.ty)?.is_zst() {
let field_index = active_field_index.unwrap_or(i);
let (field_dest, _) = self.place_field(dest, mir::Field::new(field_index), layout)?;
self.write_value(value, field_dest)?;
Repeat(ref operand, _) => {
let (elem_ty, length) = match dest_ty.sty {
ty::TyArray(elem_ty, n) => (elem_ty, n.val.unwrap_u64()),
_ => {
"tried to assign array-repeat to non-array type {:?}",
let elem_size = self.layout_of(elem_ty)?.size.bytes();
let value = self.eval_operand(operand)?.value;
let (dest, dest_align) = self.force_allocation(dest)?.to_ptr_align();
// FIXME: speed up repeat filling
for i in 0..length {
let elem_dest = dest.offset(i * elem_size, &self)?;
self.write_value_to_ptr(value, elem_dest, dest_align, elem_ty)?;
Len(ref place) => {
// FIXME(CTFE): don't allow computing the length of arrays in const eval
let src = self.eval_place(place)?;
let ty = self.place_ty(place);
let (_, len) = src.elem_ty_and_len(ty);
PrimVal::from_u128(len as u128),
Ref(_, _, ref place) => {
let src = self.eval_place(place)?;
// We ignore the alignment of the place here -- special handling for packed structs ends
// at the `&` operator.
let (ptr, _align, extra) = self.force_allocation(src)?.to_ptr_align_extra();
let val = match extra {
PlaceExtra::None => ptr.to_value(),
PlaceExtra::Length(len) => ptr.to_value_with_len(len),
PlaceExtra::Vtable(vtable) => ptr.to_value_with_vtable(vtable),
PlaceExtra::DowncastVariant(..) => {
bug!("attempted to take a reference to an enum downcast place")
let valty = ValTy {
value: val,
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
NullaryOp(mir::NullOp::Box, ty) => {
let ty = self.monomorphize(ty, self.substs());
M::box_alloc(self, ty, dest)?;
NullaryOp(mir::NullOp::SizeOf, ty) => {
let ty = self.monomorphize(ty, self.substs());
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
"SizeOf nullary MIR operator called for unsized type");
PrimVal::from_u128(layout.size.bytes() as u128),
Cast(kind, ref operand, cast_ty) => {
debug_assert_eq!(self.monomorphize(cast_ty, self.substs()), dest_ty);
use rustc::mir::CastKind::*;
match kind {
Unsize => {
let src = self.eval_operand(operand)?;
let src_layout = self.layout_of(src.ty)?;
let dst_layout = self.layout_of(dest_ty)?;
self.unsize_into(src.value, src_layout, dest, dst_layout)?;
Misc => {
let src = self.eval_operand(operand)?;
if self.type_is_fat_ptr(src.ty) {
match (src.value, self.type_is_fat_ptr(dest_ty)) {
(Value::ByRef { .. }, _) |
(Value::ByValPair(..), true) => {
let valty = ValTy {
value: src.value,
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
(Value::ByValPair(data, _), false) => {
let valty = ValTy {
value: Value::ByVal(data),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
(Value::ByVal(_), _) => bug!("expected fat ptr"),
} else {
let src_val = self.value_to_primval(src)?;
let dest_val = self.cast_primval(src_val, src.ty, dest_ty)?;
let valty = ValTy {
value: Value::ByVal(dest_val),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
ReifyFnPointer => {
match self.eval_operand(operand)?.ty.sty {
ty::TyFnDef(def_id, substs) => {
if self.tcx.has_attr(def_id, "rustc_args_required_const") {
bug!("reifying a fn ptr that requires \
const arguments");
let instance: EvalResult<'tcx, _> = ty::Instance::resolve(
let fn_ptr = self.memory.create_fn_alloc(instance?);
let valty = ValTy {
value: Value::ByVal(PrimVal::Ptr(fn_ptr)),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
ref other => bug!("reify fn pointer on {:?}", other),
UnsafeFnPointer => {
match dest_ty.sty {
ty::TyFnPtr(_) => {
let mut src = self.eval_operand(operand)?;
src.ty = dest_ty;
self.write_value(src, dest)?;
ref other => bug!("fn to unsafe fn cast on {:?}", other),
ClosureFnPointer => {
match self.eval_operand(operand)?.ty.sty {
ty::TyClosure(def_id, substs) => {
let substs = self.tcx.subst_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
let instance = ty::Instance::resolve_closure(
let fn_ptr = self.memory.create_fn_alloc(instance);
let valty = ValTy {
value: Value::ByVal(PrimVal::Ptr(fn_ptr)),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)?;
ref other => bug!("closure fn pointer on {:?}", other),
Discriminant(ref place) => {
let ty = self.place_ty(place);
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
let place = self.eval_place(place)?;
let discr_val = self.read_discriminant_value(place, ty)?;
match layout.variants {
layout::Variants::Single { index } => {
assert_eq!(discr_val, index as u128);
layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } |
layout::Variants::NicheFilling { .. } => {
if let ty::TyAdt(adt_def, _) = ty.sty {
trace!("Read discriminant {}, valid discriminants {:?}", discr_val, adt_def.discriminants(*self.tcx).collect::<Vec<_>>());
if adt_def.discriminants(*self.tcx).all(|v| {
discr_val != v.val
return err!(InvalidDiscriminant);
} else {
bug!("rustc only generates Rvalue::Discriminant for enums");
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Bytes(discr_val), dest_ty)?;
if log_enabled!(::log::Level::Trace) {
pub(super) fn type_is_fat_ptr(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyRawPtr(ref tam) |
ty::TyRef(_, ref tam) => !self.type_is_sized(tam.ty),
ty::TyAdt(def, _) if def.is_box() => !self.type_is_sized(ty.boxed_ty()),
_ => false,
pub(super) fn eval_operand_to_primval(
&mut self,
op: &mir::Operand<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, PrimVal> {
let valty = self.eval_operand(op)?;
pub(crate) fn operands_to_args(
&mut self,
ops: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Vec<ValTy<'tcx>>> {
.map(|op| self.eval_operand(op))
pub fn eval_operand(&mut self, op: &mir::Operand<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ValTy<'tcx>> {
use rustc::mir::Operand::*;
let ty = self.monomorphize(op.ty(self.mir(), *self.tcx), self.substs());
match *op {
// FIXME: do some more logic on `move` to invalidate the old location
Copy(ref place) |
Move(ref place) => {
Ok(ValTy {
value: self.eval_and_read_place(place)?,
Constant(ref constant) => {
use rustc::mir::Literal;
let mir::Constant { ref literal, .. } = **constant;
let value = match *literal {
Literal::Value { ref value } => self.const_to_value(&value.val, ty)?,
Literal::Promoted { index } => {
self.read_global_as_value(GlobalId {
instance: self.frame().instance,
promoted: Some(index),
}, ty)?
Ok(ValTy {
pub fn read_discriminant_value(
&mut self,
place: Place,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, u128> {
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
//trace!("read_discriminant_value {:#?}", layout);
match layout.variants {
layout::Variants::Single { index } => {
return Ok(index as u128);
layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } |
layout::Variants::NicheFilling { .. } => {},
let (discr_place, discr) = self.place_field(place, mir::Field::new(0), layout)?;
let raw_discr = self.value_to_primval(ValTy {
value: self.read_place(discr_place)?,
ty: discr.ty
let discr_val = match layout.variants {
layout::Variants::Single { .. } => bug!(),
layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } => raw_discr.to_bytes()?,
layout::Variants::NicheFilling {
ref niche_variants,
} => {
let variants_start = niche_variants.start as u128;
let variants_end = niche_variants.end as u128;
match raw_discr {
PrimVal::Ptr(_) => {
assert!(niche_start == 0);
assert!(variants_start == variants_end);
dataful_variant as u128
PrimVal::Bytes(raw_discr) => {
let discr = raw_discr.wrapping_sub(niche_start)
if variants_start <= discr && discr <= variants_end {
} else {
dataful_variant as u128
PrimVal::Undef => return err!(ReadUndefBytes),
pub fn write_discriminant_value(
&mut self,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
dest: Place,
variant_index: usize,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
let layout = self.layout_of(dest_ty)?;
match layout.variants {
layout::Variants::Single { index } => {
if index != variant_index {
// If the layout of an enum is `Single`, all
// other variants are necessarily uninhabited.
assert_eq!(layout.for_variant(&self, variant_index).abi,
layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } => {
let discr_val = dest_ty.ty_adt_def().unwrap()
.discriminant_for_variant(*self.tcx, variant_index)
let (discr_dest, discr) = self.place_field(dest, mir::Field::new(0), layout)?;
self.write_primval(discr_dest, PrimVal::Bytes(discr_val), discr.ty)?;
layout::Variants::NicheFilling {
ref niche_variants,
} => {
if variant_index != dataful_variant {
let (niche_dest, niche) =
self.place_field(dest, mir::Field::new(0), layout)?;
let niche_value = ((variant_index - niche_variants.start) as u128)
self.write_primval(niche_dest, PrimVal::Bytes(niche_value), niche.ty)?;
pub fn read_global_as_value(&self, gid: GlobalId<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
if self.tcx.is_static(gid.instance.def_id()).is_some() {
let alloc_id = self
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
let ptr = MemoryPointer::new(alloc_id, 0);
return Ok(Value::ByRef(ptr.into(), layout.align))
let cv = self.const_eval(gid)?;
self.const_to_value(&cv.val, ty)
pub fn const_eval(&self, gid: GlobalId<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>> {
let param_env = if self.tcx.is_static(gid.instance.def_id()).is_some() {
} else {
self.tcx.const_eval(param_env.and(gid)).map_err(|err| match *err.kind {
ErrKind::Miri(ref err, _) => match err.kind {
EvalErrorKind::TypeckError |
EvalErrorKind::Layout(_) => EvalErrorKind::TypeckError.into(),
_ => EvalErrorKind::ReferencedConstant.into(),
ErrKind::TypeckError => EvalErrorKind::TypeckError.into(),
ref other => bug!("const eval returned {:?}", other),
pub fn force_allocation(&mut self, place: Place) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Place> {
let new_place = match place {
Place::Local { frame, local } => {
match self.stack[frame].locals[local] {
None => return err!(DeadLocal),
Some(Value::ByRef(ptr, align)) => {
Place::Ptr {
extra: PlaceExtra::None,
Some(val) => {
let ty = self.stack[frame].mir.local_decls[local].ty;
let ty = self.monomorphize(ty, self.stack[frame].instance.substs);
let layout = self.layout_of(ty)?;
let ptr = self.alloc_ptr(ty)?;
self.stack[frame].locals[local] =
Some(Value::ByRef(ptr.into(), layout.align)); // it stays live
let place = Place::from_ptr(ptr, layout.align);
self.write_value(ValTy { value: val, ty }, place)?;
Place::Ptr { .. } => place,
/// ensures this Value is not a ByRef
pub fn follow_by_ref_value(
value: Value,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
match value {
Value::ByRef(ptr, align) => {
self.read_value(ptr, align, ty)
other => Ok(other),
pub fn value_to_primval(
ValTy { value, ty } : ValTy<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, PrimVal> {
match self.follow_by_ref_value(value, ty)? {
Value::ByRef { .. } => bug!("follow_by_ref_value can't result in `ByRef`"),
Value::ByVal(primval) => {
// TODO: Do we really want insta-UB here?
self.ensure_valid_value(primval, ty)?;
Value::ByValPair(..) => bug!("value_to_primval can't work with fat pointers"),
pub fn write_ptr(&mut self, dest: Place, val: Pointer, dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
let valty = ValTy {
value: val.to_value(),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)
pub fn write_primval(
&mut self,
dest: Place,
val: PrimVal,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
let valty = ValTy {
value: Value::ByVal(val),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)
pub fn write_value(
&mut self,
ValTy { value: src_val, ty: dest_ty } : ValTy<'tcx>,
dest: Place,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
//trace!("Writing {:?} to {:?} at type {:?}", src_val, dest, dest_ty);
// Note that it is really important that the type here is the right one, and matches the type things are read at.
// In case `src_val` is a `ByValPair`, we don't do any magic here to handle padding properly, which is only
// correct if we never look at this data with the wrong type.
match dest {
Place::Ptr { ptr, align, extra } => {
assert_eq!(extra, PlaceExtra::None);
self.write_value_to_ptr(src_val, ptr, align, dest_ty)
Place::Local { frame, local } => {
let dest = self.stack[frame].get_local(local)?;
|this, val| this.stack[frame].set_local(local, val),
// The cases here can be a bit subtle. Read carefully!
fn write_value_possibly_by_val<F: FnOnce(&mut Self, Value) -> EvalResult<'tcx>>(
&mut self,
src_val: Value,
write_dest: F,
old_dest_val: Value,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
if let Value::ByRef(dest_ptr, align) = old_dest_val {
// If the value is already `ByRef` (that is, backed by an `Allocation`),
// then we must write the new value into this allocation, because there may be
// other pointers into the allocation. These other pointers are logically
// pointers into the local variable, and must be able to observe the change.
// Thus, it would be an error to replace the `ByRef` with a `ByVal`, unless we
// knew for certain that there were no outstanding pointers to this allocation.
self.write_value_to_ptr(src_val, dest_ptr, align, dest_ty)?;
} else if let Value::ByRef(src_ptr, align) = src_val {
// If the value is not `ByRef`, then we know there are no pointers to it
// and we can simply overwrite the `Value` in the locals array directly.
// In this specific case, where the source value is `ByRef`, we must duplicate
// the allocation, because this is a by-value operation. It would be incorrect
// if they referred to the same allocation, since then a change to one would
// implicitly change the other.
// It is a valid optimization to attempt reading a primitive value out of the
// source and write that into the destination without making an allocation, so
// we do so here.
if let Ok(Some(src_val)) = self.try_read_value(src_ptr, align, dest_ty) {
write_dest(self, src_val)?;
} else {
let dest_ptr = self.alloc_ptr(dest_ty)?.into();
let layout = self.layout_of(dest_ty)?;
self.memory.copy(src_ptr, align.min(layout.align), dest_ptr, layout.align, layout.size.bytes(), false)?;
write_dest(self, Value::ByRef(dest_ptr, layout.align))?;
} else {
// Finally, we have the simple case where neither source nor destination are
// `ByRef`. We may simply copy the source value over the the destintion.
write_dest(self, src_val)?;
pub fn write_value_to_ptr(
&mut self,
value: Value,
dest: Pointer,
dest_align: Align,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
let layout = self.layout_of(dest_ty)?;
trace!("write_value_to_ptr: {:#?}, {}, {:#?}", value, dest_ty, layout);
match value {
Value::ByRef(ptr, align) => {
self.memory.copy(ptr, align.min(layout.align), dest, dest_align.min(layout.align), layout.size.bytes(), false)
Value::ByVal(primval) => {
let signed = match layout.abi {
layout::Abi::Scalar(ref scal) => match scal.value {
layout::Primitive::Int(_, signed) => signed,
_ => false,
_ if primval.is_undef() => false,
_ => bug!("write_value_to_ptr: invalid ByVal layout: {:#?}", layout)
self.memory.write_primval(dest.to_ptr()?, dest_align, primval, layout.size.bytes(), signed)
Value::ByValPair(a_val, b_val) => {
let ptr = dest.to_ptr()?;
trace!("write_value_to_ptr valpair: {:#?}", layout);
let (a, b) = match layout.abi {
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(ref a, ref b) => (&a.value, &b.value),
_ => bug!("write_value_to_ptr: invalid ByValPair layout: {:#?}", layout)
let (a_size, b_size) = (a.size(&self), b.size(&self));
let a_ptr = ptr;
let b_offset = a_size.abi_align(b.align(&self));
let b_ptr = ptr.offset(b_offset.bytes(), &self)?.into();
// TODO: What about signedess?
self.memory.write_primval(a_ptr, dest_align, a_val, a_size.bytes(), false)?;
self.memory.write_primval(b_ptr, dest_align, b_val, b_size.bytes(), false)
pub fn ty_to_primval_kind(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, PrimValKind> {
use syntax::ast::FloatTy;
let kind = match ty.sty {
ty::TyBool => PrimValKind::Bool,
ty::TyChar => PrimValKind::Char,
ty::TyInt(int_ty) => {
use syntax::ast::IntTy::*;
let size = match int_ty {
I8 => 1,
I16 => 2,
I32 => 4,
I64 => 8,
I128 => 16,
Isize => self.memory.pointer_size(),
ty::TyUint(uint_ty) => {
use syntax::ast::UintTy::*;
let size = match uint_ty {
U8 => 1,
U16 => 2,
U32 => 4,
U64 => 8,
U128 => 16,
Usize => self.memory.pointer_size(),
ty::TyFloat(FloatTy::F32) => PrimValKind::F32,
ty::TyFloat(FloatTy::F64) => PrimValKind::F64,
ty::TyFnPtr(_) => PrimValKind::FnPtr,
ty::TyRef(_, ref tam) |
ty::TyRawPtr(ref tam) if self.type_is_sized(tam.ty) => PrimValKind::Ptr,
ty::TyAdt(def, _) if def.is_box() => PrimValKind::Ptr,
ty::TyAdt(..) => {
match self.layout_of(ty)?.abi {
layout::Abi::Scalar(ref scalar) => {
use rustc::ty::layout::Primitive::*;
match scalar.value {
Int(i, false) => PrimValKind::from_uint_size(i.size().bytes()),
Int(i, true) => PrimValKind::from_int_size(i.size().bytes()),
F32 => PrimValKind::F32,
F64 => PrimValKind::F64,
Pointer => PrimValKind::Ptr,
_ => return err!(TypeNotPrimitive(ty)),
_ => return err!(TypeNotPrimitive(ty)),
fn ensure_valid_value(&self, val: PrimVal, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
match ty.sty {
ty::TyBool if val.to_bytes()? > 1 => err!(InvalidBool),
ty::TyChar if ::std::char::from_u32(val.to_bytes()? as u32).is_none() => {
err!(InvalidChar(val.to_bytes()? as u32 as u128))
_ => Ok(()),
pub fn read_value(&self, ptr: Pointer, align: Align, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
if let Some(val) = self.try_read_value(ptr, align, ty)? {
} else {
bug!("primitive read failed for type: {:?}", ty);
pub(crate) fn read_ptr(
ptr: MemoryPointer,
ptr_align: Align,
pointee_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
let ptr_size = self.memory.pointer_size();
let p: Pointer = self.memory.read_ptr_sized(ptr, ptr_align)?.into();
if self.type_is_sized(pointee_ty) {
} else {
trace!("reading fat pointer extra of type {}", pointee_ty);
let extra = ptr.offset(ptr_size, self)?;
match self.tcx.struct_tail(pointee_ty).sty {
ty::TyDynamic(..) => Ok(p.to_value_with_vtable(
self.memory.read_ptr_sized(extra, ptr_align)?.to_ptr()?,
ty::TySlice(..) | ty::TyStr => {
let len = self
.read_ptr_sized(extra, ptr_align)?
Ok(p.to_value_with_len(len as u64))
_ => bug!("unsized primval ptr read from {:?}", pointee_ty),
pub fn try_read_value(&self, ptr: Pointer, ptr_align: Align, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Option<Value>> {
use syntax::ast::FloatTy;
let ptr = ptr.to_ptr()?;
let val = match ty.sty {
ty::TyBool => {
let val = self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, 1)?;
let val = match val {
PrimVal::Bytes(0) => false,
PrimVal::Bytes(1) => true,
// TODO: This seems a little overeager, should reading at bool type already be insta-UB?
_ => return err!(InvalidBool),
ty::TyChar => {
let c = self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, 4)?.to_bytes()? as u32;
match ::std::char::from_u32(c) {
Some(ch) => PrimVal::from_char(ch),
None => return err!(InvalidChar(c as u128)),
ty::TyInt(int_ty) => {
use syntax::ast::IntTy::*;
let size = match int_ty {
I8 => 1,
I16 => 2,
I32 => 4,
I64 => 8,
I128 => 16,
Isize => self.memory.pointer_size(),
self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, size)?
ty::TyUint(uint_ty) => {
use syntax::ast::UintTy::*;
let size = match uint_ty {
U8 => 1,
U16 => 2,
U32 => 4,
U64 => 8,
U128 => 16,
Usize => self.memory.pointer_size(),
self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, size)?
ty::TyFloat(FloatTy::F32) => {
PrimVal::Bytes(self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, 4)?.to_bytes()?)
ty::TyFloat(FloatTy::F64) => {
PrimVal::Bytes(self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, 8)?.to_bytes()?)
ty::TyFnPtr(_) => self.memory.read_ptr_sized(ptr, ptr_align)?,
ty::TyRef(_, ref tam) |
ty::TyRawPtr(ref tam) => return self.read_ptr(ptr, ptr_align, tam.ty).map(Some),
ty::TyAdt(def, _) => {
if def.is_box() {
return self.read_ptr(ptr, ptr_align, ty.boxed_ty()).map(Some);
if let layout::Abi::Scalar(ref scalar) = self.layout_of(ty)?.abi {
let size = scalar.value.size(self).bytes();
self.memory.read_primval(ptr, ptr_align, size)?
} else {
return Ok(None);
_ => return Ok(None),
pub fn frame(&self) -> &Frame<'mir, 'tcx> {
self.stack.last().expect("no call frames exist")
pub fn frame_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Frame<'mir, 'tcx> {
self.stack.last_mut().expect("no call frames exist")
pub(super) fn mir(&self) -> &'mir mir::Mir<'tcx> {
pub fn substs(&self) -> &'tcx Substs<'tcx> {
if let Some(frame) = self.stack.last() {
} else {
fn unsize_into_ptr(
&mut self,
src: Value,
src_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
dest: Place,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
sty: Ty<'tcx>,
dty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
// A<Struct> -> A<Trait> conversion
let (src_pointee_ty, dest_pointee_ty) = self.tcx.struct_lockstep_tails(sty, dty);
match (&src_pointee_ty.sty, &dest_pointee_ty.sty) {
(&ty::TyArray(_, length), &ty::TySlice(_)) => {
let ptr = self.into_ptr(src)?;
// u64 cast is from usize to u64, which is always good
let valty = ValTy {
value: ptr.to_value_with_len(length.val.unwrap_u64() ),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)
(&ty::TyDynamic(..), &ty::TyDynamic(..)) => {
// For now, upcasts are limited to changes in marker
// traits, and hence never actually require an actual
// change to the vtable.
let valty = ValTy {
value: src,
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)
(_, &ty::TyDynamic(ref data, _)) => {
let trait_ref = data.principal().unwrap().with_self_ty(
let trait_ref = self.tcx.erase_regions(&trait_ref);
let vtable = self.get_vtable(src_pointee_ty, trait_ref)?;
let ptr = self.into_ptr(src)?;
let valty = ValTy {
value: ptr.to_value_with_vtable(vtable),
ty: dest_ty,
self.write_value(valty, dest)
_ => bug!("invalid unsizing {:?} -> {:?}", src_ty, dest_ty),
fn unsize_into(
&mut self,
src: Value,
src_layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
dst: Place,
dst_layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
match (&src_layout.ty.sty, &dst_layout.ty.sty) {
(&ty::TyRef(_, ref s), &ty::TyRef(_, ref d)) |
(&ty::TyRef(_, ref s), &ty::TyRawPtr(ref d)) |
(&ty::TyRawPtr(ref s), &ty::TyRawPtr(ref d)) => {
self.unsize_into_ptr(src, src_layout.ty, dst, dst_layout.ty, s.ty, d.ty)
(&ty::TyAdt(def_a, _), &ty::TyAdt(def_b, _)) => {
assert_eq!(def_a, def_b);
if def_a.is_box() || def_b.is_box() {
if !def_a.is_box() || !def_b.is_box() {
bug!("invalid unsizing between {:?} -> {:?}", src_layout, dst_layout);
return self.unsize_into_ptr(
// unsizing of generic struct with pointer fields
// Example: `Arc<T>` -> `Arc<Trait>`
// here we need to increase the size of every &T thin ptr field to a fat ptr
for i in 0..src_layout.fields.count() {
let (dst_f_place, dst_field) =
self.place_field(dst, mir::Field::new(i), dst_layout)?;
if dst_field.is_zst() {
let (src_f_value, src_field) = match src {
Value::ByRef(ptr, align) => {
let src_place = Place::from_primval_ptr(ptr, align);
let (src_f_place, src_field) =
self.place_field(src_place, mir::Field::new(i), src_layout)?;
(self.read_place(src_f_place)?, src_field)
Value::ByVal(_) | Value::ByValPair(..) => {
let src_field = src_layout.field(&self, i)?;
assert_eq!(src_layout.fields.offset(i).bytes(), 0);
assert_eq!(src_field.size, src_layout.size);
(src, src_field)
if src_field.ty == dst_field.ty {
self.write_value(ValTy {
value: src_f_value,
ty: src_field.ty,
}, dst_f_place)?;
} else {
self.unsize_into(src_f_value, src_field, dst_f_place, dst_field)?;
_ => {
"unsize_into: invalid conversion: {:?} -> {:?}",
pub fn dump_local(&self, place: Place) {
// Debug output
match place {
Place::Local { frame, local } => {
let mut allocs = Vec::new();
let mut msg = format!("{:?}", local);
if frame != self.cur_frame() {
write!(msg, " ({} frames up)", self.cur_frame() - frame).unwrap();
write!(msg, ":").unwrap();
match self.stack[frame].get_local(local) {
Err(err) => {
if let EvalErrorKind::DeadLocal = err.kind {
write!(msg, " is dead").unwrap();
} else {
panic!("Failed to access local: {:?}", err);
Ok(Value::ByRef(ptr, align)) => {
match ptr.into_inner_primval() {
PrimVal::Ptr(ptr) => {
write!(msg, " by align({}) ref:", align.abi()).unwrap();
ptr => write!(msg, " integral by ref: {:?}", ptr).unwrap(),
Ok(Value::ByVal(val)) => {
write!(msg, " {:?}", val).unwrap();
if let PrimVal::Ptr(ptr) = val {
Ok(Value::ByValPair(val1, val2)) => {
write!(msg, " ({:?}, {:?})", val1, val2).unwrap();
if let PrimVal::Ptr(ptr) = val1 {
if let PrimVal::Ptr(ptr) = val2 {
trace!("{}", msg);
Place::Ptr { ptr, align, .. } => {
match ptr.into_inner_primval() {
PrimVal::Ptr(ptr) => {
trace!("by align({}) ref:", align.abi());
ptr => trace!(" integral by ref: {:?}", ptr),
/// Convenience function to ensure correct usage of locals
pub fn modify_local<F>(&mut self, frame: usize, local: mir::Local, f: F) -> EvalResult<'tcx>
F: FnOnce(&mut Self, Value) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value>,
let val = self.stack[frame].get_local(local)?;
let new_val = f(self, val)?;
self.stack[frame].set_local(local, new_val)?;
// FIXME(solson): Run this when setting to Undef? (See previous version of this code.)
// if let Value::ByRef(ptr) = self.stack[frame].get_local(local) {
// self.memory.deallocate(ptr)?;
// }
pub fn generate_stacktrace(&self, explicit_span: Option<Span>) -> (Vec<FrameInfo>, Span) {
let mut last_span = None;
let mut frames = Vec::new();
// skip 1 because the last frame is just the environment of the constant
for &Frame { instance, span, .. } in self.stack().iter().skip(1).rev() {
// make sure we don't emit frames that are duplicates of the previous
if explicit_span == Some(span) {
last_span = Some(span);
if let Some(last) = last_span {
if last == span {
} else {
last_span = Some(span);
let location = if self.tcx.def_key(instance.def_id()) == DefPathData::ClosureExpr {
} else {
frames.push(FrameInfo { span, location });
trace!("generate stacktrace: {:#?}, {:?}", frames, explicit_span);
(frames, self.tcx.span)
pub fn report(&self, e: &mut EvalError, as_err: bool, explicit_span: Option<Span>) {
match e.kind {
EvalErrorKind::Layout(_) |
EvalErrorKind::TypeckError => return,
_ => {},
if let Some(ref mut backtrace) = e.backtrace {
let mut trace_text = "\n\nAn error occurred in miri:\n".to_string();
write!(trace_text, "backtrace frames: {}\n", backtrace.frames().len()).unwrap();
'frames: for (i, frame) in backtrace.frames().iter().enumerate() {
if frame.symbols().is_empty() {
write!(trace_text, "{}: no symbols\n", i).unwrap();
for symbol in frame.symbols() {
write!(trace_text, "{}: ", i).unwrap();
if let Some(name) = {
write!(trace_text, "{}\n", name).unwrap();
} else {
write!(trace_text, "<unknown>\n").unwrap();
write!(trace_text, "\tat ").unwrap();
if let Some(file_path) = symbol.filename() {
write!(trace_text, "{}", file_path.display()).unwrap();
} else {
write!(trace_text, "<unknown_file>").unwrap();
if let Some(line) = symbol.lineno() {
write!(trace_text, ":{}\n", line).unwrap();
} else {
write!(trace_text, "\n").unwrap();
error!("{}", trace_text);
if let Some(frame) = self.stack().last() {
let block = &frame.mir.basic_blocks()[frame.block];
let span = explicit_span.unwrap_or_else(|| if frame.stmt < block.statements.len() {
} else {
trace!("reporting const eval failure at {:?}", span);
let mut err = if as_err {
::rustc::middle::const_val::struct_error(*self.tcx, span, "constant evaluation error")
} else {
let node_id = self
.filter_map(|frame| self.tcx.hir.as_local_node_id(frame.instance.def_id()))
.expect("some part of a failing const eval must be local");
"constant evaluation error",
let (frames, span) = self.generate_stacktrace(explicit_span);
err.span_label(span, e.to_string());
for FrameInfo { span, location } in frames {
err.span_note(span, &format!("inside call to `{}`", location));
} else {
pub fn sign_extend(&self, value: u128, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, u128> {
super::sign_extend(self.tcx.tcx, value, ty)
pub fn truncate(&self, value: u128, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, u128> {
super::truncate(self.tcx.tcx, value, ty)
impl<'mir, 'tcx> Frame<'mir, 'tcx> {
pub fn get_local(&self, local: mir::Local) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Value> {
fn set_local(&mut self, local: mir::Local, value: Value) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
match self.locals[local] {
None => err!(DeadLocal),
Some(ref mut local) => {
*local = value;
pub fn storage_live(&mut self, local: mir::Local) -> Option<Value> {
trace!("{:?} is now live", local);
// StorageLive *always* kills the value that's currently stored
mem::replace(&mut self.locals[local], Some(Value::ByVal(PrimVal::Undef)))
/// Returns the old value of the local
pub fn storage_dead(&mut self, local: mir::Local) -> Option<Value> {
trace!("{:?} is now dead", local);