blob: ced994aa6366eb7b6e900c714ff9c65aafe22196 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_middle::ty::{GenericArg, GenericArgKind};
use rustc_span::Span;
use super::explicit::ExplicitPredicatesMap;
use super::utils::*;
/// Infer predicates for the items in the crate.
/// `global_inferred_outlives`: this is initially the empty map that
/// was generated by walking the items in the crate. This will
/// now be filled with inferred predicates.
pub(super) fn infer_predicates(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
) -> FxHashMap<DefId, ty::EarlyBinder<RequiredPredicates<'_>>> {
let mut explicit_map = ExplicitPredicatesMap::new();
let mut global_inferred_outlives = FxHashMap::default();
// If new predicates were added then we need to re-calculate
// all crates since there could be new implied predicates.
'outer: loop {
let mut predicates_added = false;
// Visit all the crates and infer predicates
for id in tcx.hir().items() {
let item_did = id.owner_id;
debug!("InferVisitor::visit_item(item={:?})", item_did);
let mut item_required_predicates = RequiredPredicates::default();
match tcx.def_kind(item_did) {
DefKind::Union | DefKind::Enum | DefKind::Struct => {
let adt_def = tcx.adt_def(item_did.to_def_id());
// Iterate over all fields in item_did
for field_def in adt_def.all_fields() {
// Calculating the predicate requirements necessary
// for item_did.
// For field of type &'a T (reference) or Adt
// (struct/enum/union) there will be outlive
// requirements for adt_def.
let field_ty = tcx.type_of(field_def.did).subst_identity();
let field_span = tcx.def_span(field_def.did);
&mut item_required_predicates,
&mut explicit_map,
_ => {}
// If new predicates were added (`local_predicate_map` has more
// predicates than the `global_inferred_outlives`), the new predicates
// might result in implied predicates for their parent types.
// Therefore mark `predicates_added` as true and which will ensure
// we walk the crates again and re-calculate predicates for all
// items.
let item_predicates_len: usize = global_inferred_outlives
.map_or(0, |p| p.as_ref().skip_binder().len());
if item_required_predicates.len() > item_predicates_len {
predicates_added = true;
.insert(item_did.to_def_id(), ty::EarlyBinder::new(item_required_predicates));
if !predicates_added {
break 'outer;
fn insert_required_predicates_to_be_wf<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
field_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
field_span: Span,
global_inferred_outlives: &FxHashMap<DefId, ty::EarlyBinder<RequiredPredicates<'tcx>>>,
required_predicates: &mut RequiredPredicates<'tcx>,
explicit_map: &mut ExplicitPredicatesMap<'tcx>,
) {
for arg in field_ty.walk() {
let ty = match arg.unpack() {
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty,
// No predicates from lifetimes or constants, except potentially
// constants' types, but `walk` will get to them as well.
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) | GenericArgKind::Const(_) => continue,
match *ty.kind() {
// The field is of type &'a T which means that we will have
// a predicate requirement of T: 'a (T outlives 'a).
// We also want to calculate potential predicates for the T
ty::Ref(region, rty, _) => {
insert_outlives_predicate(tcx, rty.into(), region, field_span, required_predicates);
// For each Adt (struct/enum/union) type `Foo<'a, T>`, we
// can load the current set of inferred and explicit
// predicates from `global_inferred_outlives` and filter the
// ones that are TypeOutlives.
ty::Adt(def, substs) => {
// First check the inferred predicates
// Example 1:
// struct Foo<'a, T> {
// field1: Bar<'a, T>
// }
// struct Bar<'b, U> {
// field2: &'b U
// }
// Here, when processing the type of `field1`, we would
// request the set of implicit predicates computed for `Bar`
// thus far. This will initially come back empty, but in next
// round we will get `U: 'b`. We then apply the substitution
// `['b => 'a, U => T]` and thus get the requirement that `T:
// 'a` holds for `Foo`.
if let Some(unsubstituted_predicates) = global_inferred_outlives.get(&def.did()) {
for (unsubstituted_predicate, &span) in
// `unsubstituted_predicate` is `U: 'b` in the
// example above. So apply the substitution to
// get `T: 'a` (or `predicate`):
let predicate = unsubstituted_predicates
.subst(tcx, substs);
// Check if the type has any explicit predicates that need
// to be added to `required_predicates`
// let _: () = substs.region_at(0);
ty::Dynamic(obj, ..) => {
// This corresponds to `dyn Trait<..>`. In this case, we should
// use the explicit predicates as well.
debug!("field_ty = {}", &field_ty);
debug!("ty in field = {}", &ty);
if let Some(ex_trait_ref) = obj.principal() {
// Here, we are passing the type `usize` as a
// placeholder value with the function
// `with_self_ty`, since there is no concrete type
// `Self` for a `dyn Trait` at this
// stage. Therefore when checking explicit
// predicates in `check_explicit_predicates` we
// need to ignore checking the explicit_map for
// Self type.
let substs =
ex_trait_ref.with_self_ty(tcx, tcx.types.usize).skip_binder().substs;
ty::Alias(ty::Projection, obj) => {
// This corresponds to `<T as Foo<'a>>::Bar`. In this case, we should use the
// explicit predicates as well.
// FIXME(inherent_associated_types): Handle this case properly.
ty::Alias(ty::Inherent, _) => {}
_ => {}
/// We also have to check the explicit predicates
/// declared on the type.
/// ```ignore (illustrative)
/// struct Foo<'a, T> {
/// field1: Bar<T>
/// }
/// struct Bar<U> where U: 'static, U: Foo {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// Here, we should fetch the explicit predicates, which
/// will give us `U: 'static` and `U: Foo`. The latter we
/// can ignore, but we will want to process `U: 'static`,
/// applying the substitution as above.
fn check_explicit_predicates<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
substs: &[GenericArg<'tcx>],
required_predicates: &mut RequiredPredicates<'tcx>,
explicit_map: &mut ExplicitPredicatesMap<'tcx>,
ignored_self_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
) {
"check_explicit_predicates(def_id={:?}, \
substs={:?}, \
explicit_map={:?}, \
required_predicates={:?}, \
def_id, substs, explicit_map, required_predicates, ignored_self_ty,
let explicit_predicates = explicit_map.explicit_predicates_of(tcx, def_id);
for (outlives_predicate, &span) in explicit_predicates.as_ref().skip_binder() {
debug!("outlives_predicate = {:?}", &outlives_predicate);
// Careful: If we are inferring the effects of a `dyn Trait<..>`
// type, then when we look up the predicates for `Trait`,
// we may find some that reference `Self`. e.g., perhaps the
// definition of `Trait` was:
// ```
// trait Trait<'a, T> where Self: 'a { .. }
// ```
// we want to ignore such predicates here, because
// there is no type parameter for them to affect. Consider
// a struct containing `dyn Trait`:
// ```
// struct MyStruct<'x, X> { field: Box<dyn Trait<'x, X>> }
// ```
// The `where Self: 'a` predicate refers to the *existential, hidden type*
// that is represented by the `dyn Trait`, not to the `X` type parameter
// (or any other generic parameter) declared on `MyStruct`.
// Note that we do this check for self **before** applying `substs`. In the
// case that `substs` come from a `dyn Trait` type, our caller will have
// included `Self = usize` as the value for `Self`. If we were
// to apply the substs, and not filter this predicate, we might then falsely
// conclude that e.g., `X: 'x` was a reasonable inferred requirement.
// Another similar case is where we have an inferred
// requirement like `<Self as Trait>::Foo: 'b`. We presently
// ignore such requirements as well (cc #54467)-- though
// conceivably it might be better if we could extract the `Foo
// = X` binding from the object type (there must be such a
// binding) and thus infer an outlives requirement that `X:
// 'b`.
if let Some(self_ty) = ignored_self_ty
&& let GenericArgKind::Type(ty) = outlives_predicate.0.unpack()
&& ty.walk().any(|arg| arg == self_ty.into())
debug!("skipping self ty = {:?}", &ty);
let predicate = explicit_predicates.rebind(*outlives_predicate).subst(tcx, substs);
debug!("predicate = {:?}", &predicate);
insert_outlives_predicate(tcx, predicate.0, predicate.1, span, required_predicates);