blob: ddbe1333c4b08e4996fe4b8fe9c0cf0d84191715 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use rustc_data_structures::graph::DirectedGraph;
use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_index::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::mir::coverage::{BlockMarkerId, BranchSpan, ConditionInfo, CoverageKind};
use rustc_middle::mir::{self, BasicBlock, StatementKind};
use rustc_span::Span;
use crate::coverage::graph::{BasicCoverageBlock, CoverageGraph, START_BCB};
use crate::coverage::spans::{
extract_refined_covspans, unexpand_into_body_span_with_visible_macro,
use crate::coverage::ExtractedHirInfo;
/// Associates an ordinary executable code span with its corresponding BCB.
pub(super) struct CodeMapping {
pub(super) span: Span,
pub(super) bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
/// This is separate from [`MCDCBranch`] to help prepare for larger changes
/// that will be needed for improved branch coverage in the future.
/// (See <>.)
pub(super) struct BranchPair {
pub(super) span: Span,
pub(super) true_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
pub(super) false_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
/// Associates an MC/DC branch span with condition info besides fields for normal branch.
pub(super) struct MCDCBranch {
pub(super) span: Span,
pub(super) true_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
pub(super) false_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
/// If `None`, this actually represents a normal branch mapping inserted
/// for code that was too complex for MC/DC.
pub(super) condition_info: Option<ConditionInfo>,
pub(super) decision_depth: u16,
/// Associates an MC/DC decision with its join BCBs.
pub(super) struct MCDCDecision {
pub(super) span: Span,
pub(super) end_bcbs: BTreeSet<BasicCoverageBlock>,
pub(super) bitmap_idx: u32,
pub(super) conditions_num: u16,
pub(super) decision_depth: u16,
pub(super) struct CoverageSpans {
bcb_has_mappings: BitSet<BasicCoverageBlock>,
pub(super) code_mappings: Vec<CodeMapping>,
pub(super) branch_pairs: Vec<BranchPair>,
test_vector_bitmap_bytes: u32,
pub(super) mcdc_branches: Vec<MCDCBranch>,
pub(super) mcdc_decisions: Vec<MCDCDecision>,
impl CoverageSpans {
pub(super) fn bcb_has_coverage_spans(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> bool {
pub(super) fn test_vector_bitmap_bytes(&self) -> u32 {
/// Extracts coverage-relevant spans from MIR, and associates them with
/// their corresponding BCBs.
/// Returns `None` if no coverage-relevant spans could be extracted.
pub(super) fn generate_coverage_spans(
mir_body: &mir::Body<'_>,
hir_info: &ExtractedHirInfo,
basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph,
) -> Option<CoverageSpans> {
let mut code_mappings = vec![];
let mut branch_pairs = vec![];
let mut mcdc_branches = vec![];
let mut mcdc_decisions = vec![];
if hir_info.is_async_fn {
// An async function desugars into a function that returns a future,
// with the user code wrapped in a closure. Any spans in the desugared
// outer function will be unhelpful, so just keep the signature span
// and ignore all of the spans in the MIR body.
if let Some(span) = hir_info.fn_sig_span_extended {
code_mappings.push(CodeMapping { span, bcb: START_BCB });
} else {
extract_refined_covspans(mir_body, hir_info, basic_coverage_blocks, &mut code_mappings);
branch_pairs.extend(extract_branch_pairs(mir_body, hir_info, basic_coverage_blocks));
&mut mcdc_branches,
&mut mcdc_decisions,
if code_mappings.is_empty()
&& branch_pairs.is_empty()
&& mcdc_branches.is_empty()
&& mcdc_decisions.is_empty()
return None;
// Identify which BCBs have one or more mappings.
let mut bcb_has_mappings = BitSet::new_empty(basic_coverage_blocks.num_nodes());
let mut insert = |bcb| {
for &CodeMapping { span: _, bcb } in &code_mappings {
for &BranchPair { true_bcb, false_bcb, .. } in &branch_pairs {
for &MCDCBranch { true_bcb, false_bcb, .. } in &mcdc_branches {
// Determine the length of the test vector bitmap.
let test_vector_bitmap_bytes = mcdc_decisions
.map(|&MCDCDecision { bitmap_idx, conditions_num, .. }| {
bitmap_idx + (1_u32 << u32::from(conditions_num)).div_ceil(8)
Some(CoverageSpans {
fn resolve_block_markers(
branch_info: &mir::coverage::BranchInfo,
mir_body: &mir::Body<'_>,
) -> IndexVec<BlockMarkerId, Option<BasicBlock>> {
let mut block_markers = IndexVec::<BlockMarkerId, Option<BasicBlock>>::from_elem_n(
// Fill out the mapping from block marker IDs to their enclosing blocks.
for (bb, data) in mir_body.basic_blocks.iter_enumerated() {
for statement in &data.statements {
if let StatementKind::Coverage(CoverageKind::BlockMarker { id }) = statement.kind {
block_markers[id] = Some(bb);
// FIXME: There is currently a lot of redundancy between
// `extract_branch_pairs` and `extract_mcdc_mappings`. This is needed so
// that they can each be modified without interfering with the other, but in
// the long term we should try to bring them together again when branch coverage
// and MC/DC coverage support are more mature.
pub(super) fn extract_branch_pairs(
mir_body: &mir::Body<'_>,
hir_info: &ExtractedHirInfo,
basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph,
) -> Vec<BranchPair> {
let Some(branch_info) = mir_body.coverage_branch_info.as_deref() else { return vec![] };
let block_markers = resolve_block_markers(branch_info, mir_body);
.filter_map(|&BranchSpan { span: raw_span, true_marker, false_marker }| {
// For now, ignore any branch span that was introduced by
// expansion. This makes things like assert macros less noisy.
if !raw_span.ctxt().outer_expn_data().is_root() {
return None;
let (span, _) =
unexpand_into_body_span_with_visible_macro(raw_span, hir_info.body_span)?;
let bcb_from_marker =
|marker: BlockMarkerId| basic_coverage_blocks.bcb_from_bb(block_markers[marker]?);
let true_bcb = bcb_from_marker(true_marker)?;
let false_bcb = bcb_from_marker(false_marker)?;
Some(BranchPair { span, true_bcb, false_bcb })
pub(super) fn extract_mcdc_mappings(
mir_body: &mir::Body<'_>,
body_span: Span,
basic_coverage_blocks: &CoverageGraph,
mcdc_branches: &mut impl Extend<MCDCBranch>,
mcdc_decisions: &mut impl Extend<MCDCDecision>,
) {
let Some(branch_info) = mir_body.coverage_branch_info.as_deref() else { return };
let block_markers = resolve_block_markers(branch_info, mir_body);
let bcb_from_marker =
|marker: BlockMarkerId| basic_coverage_blocks.bcb_from_bb(block_markers[marker]?);
let check_branch_bcb =
|raw_span: Span, true_marker: BlockMarkerId, false_marker: BlockMarkerId| {
// For now, ignore any branch span that was introduced by
// expansion. This makes things like assert macros less noisy.
if !raw_span.ctxt().outer_expn_data().is_root() {
return None;
let (span, _) = unexpand_into_body_span_with_visible_macro(raw_span, body_span)?;
let true_bcb = bcb_from_marker(true_marker)?;
let false_bcb = bcb_from_marker(false_marker)?;
Some((span, true_bcb, false_bcb))
|&mir::coverage::MCDCBranchSpan {
span: raw_span,
}| {
let (span, true_bcb, false_bcb) =
check_branch_bcb(raw_span, true_marker, false_marker)?;
Some(MCDCBranch { span, true_bcb, false_bcb, condition_info, decision_depth })
let mut next_bitmap_idx = 0;
|decision: &mir::coverage::MCDCDecisionSpan| {
let (span, _) = unexpand_into_body_span_with_visible_macro(decision.span, body_span)?;
let end_bcbs = decision
.map(|&marker| bcb_from_marker(marker))
let bitmap_idx = next_bitmap_idx;
next_bitmap_idx += (1_u32 << decision.conditions_num).div_ceil(8);
Some(MCDCDecision {
conditions_num: decision.conditions_num as u16,
decision_depth: decision.decision_depth,