blob: 02bea6f8e9eb2b73a462379e54c7ec5c3804304c [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::build::expr::as_place::{PlaceBase, PlaceBuilder};
use crate::build::matches::{Binding, Candidate, FlatPat, MatchPair, TestCase};
use crate::build::Builder;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
use rustc_infer::infer::type_variable::TypeVariableOrigin;
use rustc_middle::mir::*;
use rustc_middle::thir::{self, *};
use rustc_middle::ty::TypeVisitableExt;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc_span::Span;
impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
pub(crate) fn field_match_pairs<'pat>(
&mut self,
place: PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
subpatterns: &'pat [FieldPat<'tcx>],
) -> Vec<MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>> {
.map(|fieldpat| {
let place =
place.clone_project(PlaceElem::Field(fieldpat.field, fieldpat.pattern.ty));
MatchPair::new(place, &fieldpat.pattern, self)
pub(crate) fn prefix_slice_suffix<'pat>(
&mut self,
match_pairs: &mut Vec<MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>>,
place: &PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
prefix: &'pat [Box<Pat<'tcx>>],
opt_slice: &'pat Option<Box<Pat<'tcx>>>,
suffix: &'pat [Box<Pat<'tcx>>],
) {
let tcx = self.tcx;
let (min_length, exact_size) = if let Some(place_resolved) = place.try_to_place(self) {
match place_resolved.ty(&self.local_decls, tcx).ty.kind() {
ty::Array(_, length) => (length.eval_target_usize(tcx, self.param_env), true),
_ => ((prefix.len() + suffix.len()).try_into().unwrap(), false),
} else {
((prefix.len() + suffix.len()).try_into().unwrap(), false)
match_pairs.extend(prefix.iter().enumerate().map(|(idx, subpattern)| {
let elem =
ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { offset: idx as u64, min_length, from_end: false };
MatchPair::new(place.clone_project(elem), subpattern, self)
if let Some(subslice_pat) = opt_slice {
let suffix_len = suffix.len() as u64;
let subslice = place.clone_project(PlaceElem::Subslice {
from: prefix.len() as u64,
to: if exact_size { min_length - suffix_len } else { suffix_len },
from_end: !exact_size,
match_pairs.push(MatchPair::new(subslice, subslice_pat, self));
match_pairs.extend(suffix.iter().rev().enumerate().map(|(idx, subpattern)| {
let end_offset = (idx + 1) as u64;
let elem = ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex {
offset: if exact_size { min_length - end_offset } else { end_offset },
from_end: !exact_size,
let place = place.clone_project(elem);
MatchPair::new(place, subpattern, self)
/// Creates a false edge to `imaginary_target` and a real edge to
/// real_target. If `imaginary_target` is none, or is the same as the real
/// target, a Goto is generated instead to simplify the generated MIR.
pub(crate) fn false_edges(
&mut self,
from_block: BasicBlock,
real_target: BasicBlock,
imaginary_target: Option<BasicBlock>,
source_info: SourceInfo,
) {
match imaginary_target {
Some(target) if target != real_target => {
TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { real_target, imaginary_target: target },
_ => self.cfg.goto(from_block, source_info, real_target),
impl<'pat, 'tcx> MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx> {
pub(in crate::build) fn new(
mut place_builder: PlaceBuilder<'tcx>,
pattern: &'pat Pat<'tcx>,
cx: &mut Builder<'_, 'tcx>,
) -> MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx> {
// Force the place type to the pattern's type.
// FIXME(oli-obk): can we use this to simplify slice/array pattern hacks?
if let Some(resolved) = place_builder.resolve_upvar(cx) {
place_builder = resolved;
// Only add the OpaqueCast projection if the given place is an opaque type and the
// expected type from the pattern is not.
let may_need_cast = match place_builder.base() {
PlaceBase::Local(local) => {
let ty =
Place::ty_from(local, place_builder.projection(), &cx.local_decls, cx.tcx).ty;
ty != pattern.ty && ty.has_opaque_types()
_ => true,
if may_need_cast {
place_builder = place_builder.project(ProjectionElem::OpaqueCast(pattern.ty));
let place = place_builder.try_to_place(cx);
let default_irrefutable = || TestCase::Irrefutable { binding: None, ascription: None };
let mut subpairs = Vec::new();
let test_case = match pattern.kind {
PatKind::Wild | PatKind::Error(_) => default_irrefutable(),
PatKind::Or { ref pats } => TestCase::Or {
pats: pats.iter().map(|pat| FlatPat::new(place_builder.clone(), pat, cx)).collect(),
PatKind::Range(ref range) => {
if range.is_full_range(cx.tcx) == Some(true) {
} else {
PatKind::Constant { value } => TestCase::Constant { value },
PatKind::AscribeUserType {
ascription: thir::Ascription { ref annotation, variance },
ref subpattern,
} => {
// Apply the type ascription to the value at ``
let ascription =|source| super::Ascription {
annotation: annotation.clone(),
subpairs.push(MatchPair::new(place_builder, subpattern, cx));
TestCase::Irrefutable { ascription, binding: None }
PatKind::Binding { mode, var, ref subpattern, .. } => {
let binding =|source| super::Binding {
span: pattern.span,
var_id: var,
binding_mode: mode,
if let Some(subpattern) = subpattern.as_ref() {
// this is the `x @ P` case; have to keep matching against `P` now
subpairs.push(MatchPair::new(place_builder, subpattern, cx));
TestCase::Irrefutable { ascription: None, binding }
PatKind::InlineConstant { subpattern: ref pattern, def, .. } => {
// Apply a type ascription for the inline constant to the value at ``
let ascription =|source| {
let span = pattern.span;
let parent_id = cx.tcx.typeck_root_def_id(cx.def_id.to_def_id());
let args = ty::InlineConstArgs::new(
ty::InlineConstArgsParts {
parent_args: ty::GenericArgs::identity_for_item(cx.tcx, parent_id),
ty: cx
.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin { param_def_id: None, span }),
let user_ty = cx.infcx.canonicalize_user_type_annotation(ty::UserType::TypeOf(
ty::UserArgs { args, user_self_ty: None },
let annotation = ty::CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation {
inferred_ty: pattern.ty,
user_ty: Box::new(user_ty),
super::Ascription { annotation, source, variance: ty::Contravariant }
subpairs.push(MatchPair::new(place_builder, pattern, cx));
TestCase::Irrefutable { ascription, binding: None }
PatKind::Array { ref prefix, ref slice, ref suffix } => {
cx.prefix_slice_suffix(&mut subpairs, &place_builder, prefix, slice, suffix);
PatKind::Slice { ref prefix, ref slice, ref suffix } => {
cx.prefix_slice_suffix(&mut subpairs, &place_builder, prefix, slice, suffix);
if prefix.is_empty() && slice.is_some() && suffix.is_empty() {
} else {
TestCase::Slice {
len: prefix.len() + suffix.len(),
variable_length: slice.is_some(),
PatKind::Variant { adt_def, variant_index, args, ref subpatterns } => {
let downcast_place = place_builder.downcast(adt_def, variant_index); // `(x as Variant)`
subpairs = cx.field_match_pairs(downcast_place, subpatterns);
let irrefutable = adt_def.variants().iter_enumerated().all(|(i, v)| {
i == variant_index || {
|| cx.tcx.features().min_exhaustive_patterns)
&& !v
.inhabited_predicate(cx.tcx, adt_def)
.instantiate(cx.tcx, args)
.apply_ignore_module(cx.tcx, cx.param_env)
}) && (adt_def.did().is_local()
|| !adt_def.is_variant_list_non_exhaustive());
if irrefutable {
} else {
TestCase::Variant { adt_def, variant_index }
PatKind::Leaf { ref subpatterns } => {
subpairs = cx.field_match_pairs(place_builder, subpatterns);
PatKind::Deref { ref subpattern } => {
subpairs.push(MatchPair::new(place_builder.deref(), subpattern, cx));
PatKind::DerefPattern { ref subpattern, mutability } => {
// Create a new temporary for each deref pattern.
// FIXME(deref_patterns): dedup temporaries to avoid multiple `deref()` calls?
let temp = cx.temp(
Ty::new_ref(cx.tcx, cx.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, subpattern.ty, mutability),
subpairs.push(MatchPair::new(PlaceBuilder::from(temp).deref(), subpattern, cx));
TestCase::Deref { temp, mutability }
PatKind::Never => TestCase::Never,
MatchPair { place, test_case, subpairs, pattern }
pub(super) struct FakeBorrowCollector<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
cx: &'a mut Builder<'b, 'tcx>,
/// Base of the scrutinee place. Used to distinguish bindings inside the scrutinee place from
/// bindings inside deref patterns.
scrutinee_base: PlaceBase,
/// Store for each place the kind of borrow to take. In case of conflicts, we take the strongest
/// borrow (i.e. Deep > Shallow).
/// Invariant: for any place in `fake_borrows`, all the prefixes of this place that are
/// dereferences are also borrowed with the same of stronger borrow kind.
fake_borrows: FxIndexMap<Place<'tcx>, FakeBorrowKind>,
/// Determine the set of places that have to be stable across match guards.
/// Returns a list of places that need a fake borrow along with a local to store it.
/// Match exhaustiveness checking is not able to handle the case where the place being matched on is
/// mutated in the guards. We add "fake borrows" to the guards that prevent any mutation of the
/// place being matched. There are a some subtleties:
/// 1. Borrowing `*x` doesn't prevent assigning to `x`. If `x` is a shared reference, the borrow
/// isn't even tracked. As such we have to add fake borrows of any prefixes of a place.
/// 2. We don't want `match x { (Some(_), _) => (), .. }` to conflict with mutable borrows of `x.1`, so we
/// only add fake borrows for places which are bound or tested by the match.
/// 3. We don't want `match x { Some(_) => (), .. }` to conflict with mutable borrows of `(x as
/// Some).0`, so the borrows are a special shallow borrow that only affects the place and not its
/// projections.
/// ```rust
/// let mut x = (Some(0), true);
/// match x {
/// (Some(_), false) => {}
/// _ if { if let Some(ref mut y) = x.0 { *y += 1 }; true } => {}
/// _ => {}
/// }
/// ```
/// 4. The fake borrows may be of places in inactive variants, e.g. here we need to fake borrow `x`
/// and `(x as Some).0`, but when we reach the guard `x` may not be `Some`.
/// ```rust
/// let mut x = (Some(Some(0)), true);
/// match x {
/// (Some(Some(_)), false) => {}
/// _ if { if let Some(Some(ref mut y)) = x.0 { *y += 1 }; true } => {}
/// _ => {}
/// }
/// ```
/// So it would be UB to generate code for the fake borrows. They therefore have to be removed by
/// a MIR pass run after borrow checking.
pub(super) fn collect_fake_borrows<'tcx>(
cx: &mut Builder<'_, 'tcx>,
candidates: &[&mut Candidate<'_, 'tcx>],
temp_span: Span,
scrutinee_base: PlaceBase,
) -> Vec<(Place<'tcx>, Local, FakeBorrowKind)> {
let mut collector =
FakeBorrowCollector { cx, scrutinee_base, fake_borrows: FxIndexMap::default() };
for candidate in candidates.iter() {
let fake_borrows = collector.fake_borrows;
debug!("add_fake_borrows fake_borrows = {:?}", fake_borrows);
let tcx = cx.tcx;
.map(|(matched_place, borrow_kind)| {
let fake_borrow_deref_ty = matched_place.ty(&cx.local_decls, tcx).ty;
let fake_borrow_ty =
Ty::new_imm_ref(tcx, tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, fake_borrow_deref_ty);
let mut fake_borrow_temp = LocalDecl::new(fake_borrow_ty, temp_span);
fake_borrow_temp.local_info = ClearCrossCrate::Set(Box::new(LocalInfo::FakeBorrow));
let fake_borrow_temp = cx.local_decls.push(fake_borrow_temp);
(*matched_place, fake_borrow_temp, *borrow_kind)
impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx> FakeBorrowCollector<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
// Fake borrow this place and its dereference prefixes.
fn fake_borrow(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>, kind: FakeBorrowKind) {
if self.fake_borrows.get(&place).is_some_and(|k| *k >= kind) {
self.fake_borrows.insert(place, kind);
// Also fake borrow the prefixes of any fake borrow.
self.fake_borrow_deref_prefixes(place, kind);
// Fake borrow the prefixes of this place that are dereferences.
fn fake_borrow_deref_prefixes(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>, kind: FakeBorrowKind) {
for (place_ref, elem) in place.as_ref().iter_projections().rev() {
if let ProjectionElem::Deref = elem {
// Insert a shallow borrow after a deref. For other projections the borrow of
// `place_ref` will conflict with any mutation of `place.base`.
let place = place_ref.to_place(;
if self.fake_borrows.get(&place).is_some_and(|k| *k >= kind) {
self.fake_borrows.insert(place, kind);
fn visit_candidate(&mut self, candidate: &Candidate<'_, 'tcx>) {
for binding in &candidate.extra_data.bindings {
for match_pair in &candidate.match_pairs {
fn visit_flat_pat(&mut self, flat_pat: &FlatPat<'_, 'tcx>) {
for binding in &flat_pat.extra_data.bindings {
for match_pair in &flat_pat.match_pairs {
fn visit_match_pair(&mut self, match_pair: &MatchPair<'_, 'tcx>) {
if let TestCase::Or { pats, .. } = &match_pair.test_case {
for flat_pat in pats.iter() {
} else if matches!(match_pair.test_case, TestCase::Deref { .. }) {
// The subpairs of a deref pattern are all places relative to the deref temporary, so we
// don't fake borrow them. Problem is, if we only shallowly fake-borrowed
// ``, this would allow:
// ```
// let mut b = Box::new(false);
// match b {
// deref!(true) => {} // not reached because `*b == false`
// _ if { *b = true; false } => {} // not reached because the guard is `false`
// deref!(false) => {} // not reached because the guard changed it
// // UB because we reached the unreachable.
// }
// ```
// Hence we fake borrow using a deep borrow.
if let Some(place) = {
self.fake_borrow(place, FakeBorrowKind::Deep);
} else {
// Insert a Shallow borrow of any place that is switched on.
if let Some(place) = {
self.fake_borrow(place, FakeBorrowKind::Shallow);
for subpair in &match_pair.subpairs {
fn visit_binding(&mut self, Binding { source, .. }: &Binding<'tcx>) {
if let PlaceBase::Local(l) = self.scrutinee_base
&& l != source.local
// The base of this place is a temporary created for deref patterns. We don't emit fake
// borrows for these as they are not initialized in all branches.
// Insert a borrows of prefixes of places that are bound and are
// behind a dereference projection.
// These borrows are taken to avoid situations like the following:
// match x[10] {
// _ if { x = &[0]; false } => (),
// y => (), // Out of bounds array access!
// }
// match *x {
// // y is bound by reference in the guard and then by copy in the
// // arm, so y is 2 in the arm!
// y if { y == 1 && (x = &2) == () } => y,
// _ => 3,
// }
// We don't just fake borrow the whole place because this is allowed:
// match u {
// _ if { u = true; false } => (),
// x => (),
// }
self.fake_borrow_deref_prefixes(*source, FakeBorrowKind::Shallow);
pub fn ref_pat_borrow_kind(ref_mutability: Mutability) -> BorrowKind {
match ref_mutability {
Mutability::Mut => BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::Default },
Mutability::Not => BorrowKind::Shared,