blob: 064cf7d7f0f8eae7cff2bb81bb1e4016a69baf94 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::errors;
use crate::util::check_builtin_macro_attribute;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, FnHeader, FnSig, Generics, StmtKind};
use rustc_ast::{Fn, ItemKind, Stmt, TyKind, Unsafe};
use rustc_expand::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident};
use rustc_span::Span;
use thin_vec::{thin_vec, ThinVec};
pub(crate) fn expand(
ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
_span: Span,
meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
item: Annotatable,
) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
check_builtin_macro_attribute(ecx, meta_item, sym::alloc_error_handler);
let orig_item = item.clone();
// Allow using `#[alloc_error_handler]` on an item statement
// FIXME - if we get deref patterns, use them to reduce duplication here
let (item, is_stmt, sig_span) = if let Annotatable::Item(item) = &item
&& let ItemKind::Fn(fn_kind) = &item.kind
(item, false, ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(fn_kind.sig.span))
} else if let Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) = &item
&& let StmtKind::Item(item) = &stmt.kind
&& let ItemKind::Fn(fn_kind) = &item.kind
(item, true, ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(fn_kind.sig.span))
} else {
ecx.dcx().emit_err(errors::AllocErrorMustBeFn { span: item.span() });
return vec![orig_item];
// Generate a bunch of new items using the AllocFnFactory
let span = ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(item.span);
// Generate item statements for the allocator methods.
let stmts = thin_vec![generate_handler(ecx, item.ident, span, sig_span)];
// Generate anonymous constant serving as container for the allocator methods.
let const_ty = ecx.ty(sig_span, TyKind::Tup(ThinVec::new()));
let const_body = ecx.expr_block(ecx.block(span, stmts));
let const_item = ecx.item_const(span, Ident::new(kw::Underscore, span), const_ty, const_body);
let const_item = if is_stmt {
Annotatable::Stmt(P(ecx.stmt_item(span, const_item)))
} else {
// Return the original item and the new methods.
vec![orig_item, const_item]
// #[rustc_std_internal_symbol]
// unsafe fn __rg_oom(size: usize, align: usize) -> ! {
// handler(core::alloc::Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align))
// }
fn generate_handler(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, handler: Ident, span: Span, sig_span: Span) -> Stmt {
let usize = cx.path_ident(span, Ident::new(sym::usize, span));
let ty_usize = cx.ty_path(usize);
let size = Ident::from_str_and_span("size", span);
let align = Ident::from_str_and_span("align", span);
let layout_new = cx.std_path(&[sym::alloc, sym::Layout, sym::from_size_align_unchecked]);
let layout_new = cx.expr_path(cx.path(span, layout_new));
let layout = cx.expr_call(
thin_vec![cx.expr_ident(span, size), cx.expr_ident(span, align)],
let call = cx.expr_call_ident(sig_span, handler, thin_vec![layout]);
let never = ast::FnRetTy::Ty(cx.ty(span, TyKind::Never));
let params = thin_vec![cx.param(span, size, ty_usize.clone()), cx.param(span, align, ty_usize)];
let decl = cx.fn_decl(params, never);
let header = FnHeader { unsafety: Unsafe::Yes(span), ..FnHeader::default() };
let sig = FnSig { decl, header, span: span };
let body = Some(cx.block_expr(call));
let kind = ItemKind::Fn(Box::new(Fn {
defaultness: ast::Defaultness::Final,
generics: Generics::default(),
let attrs = thin_vec![cx.attr_word(sym::rustc_std_internal_symbol, span)];
let item = cx.item(span, Ident::from_str_and_span("__rg_oom", span), attrs, kind);
cx.stmt_item(sig_span, item)