blob: cf9f6981c5a2edd7275aec7073b6dbedb4ef86eb [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use rustc_data_structures::captures::Captures;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_data_structures::graph::DirectedGraph;
use rustc_index::IndexVec;
use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_middle::mir::coverage::{CounterId, CovTerm, Expression, ExpressionId, Op};
use tracing::{debug, debug_span, instrument};
use crate::coverage::graph::{BasicCoverageBlock, CoverageGraph, TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops};
/// The coverage counter or counter expression associated with a particular
/// BCB node or BCB edge.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum BcbCounter {
Counter { id: CounterId },
Expression { id: ExpressionId },
impl BcbCounter {
fn as_term(&self) -> CovTerm {
match *self {
BcbCounter::Counter { id, .. } => CovTerm::Counter(id),
BcbCounter::Expression { id, .. } => CovTerm::Expression(id),
impl Debug for BcbCounter {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Counter { id, .. } => write!(fmt, "Counter({:?})", id.index()),
Self::Expression { id } => write!(fmt, "Expression({:?})", id.index()),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct BcbExpression {
lhs: BcbCounter,
op: Op,
rhs: BcbCounter,
pub(super) enum CounterIncrementSite {
Node { bcb: BasicCoverageBlock },
Edge { from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock },
/// Generates and stores coverage counter and coverage expression information
/// associated with nodes/edges in the BCB graph.
pub(super) struct CoverageCounters {
/// List of places where a counter-increment statement should be injected
/// into MIR, each with its corresponding counter ID.
counter_increment_sites: IndexVec<CounterId, CounterIncrementSite>,
/// Coverage counters/expressions that are associated with individual BCBs.
node_counters: IndexVec<BasicCoverageBlock, Option<BcbCounter>>,
/// Coverage counters/expressions that are associated with the control-flow
/// edge between two BCBs.
/// We currently don't iterate over this map, but if we do in the future,
/// switch it back to `FxIndexMap` to avoid query stability hazards.
edge_counters: FxHashMap<(BasicCoverageBlock, BasicCoverageBlock), BcbCounter>,
/// Table of expression data, associating each expression ID with its
/// corresponding operator (+ or -) and its LHS/RHS operands.
expressions: IndexVec<ExpressionId, BcbExpression>,
/// Remember expressions that have already been created (or simplified),
/// so that we don't create unnecessary duplicates.
expressions_memo: FxHashMap<BcbExpression, BcbCounter>,
impl CoverageCounters {
/// Ensures that each BCB node needing a counter has one, by creating physical
/// counters or counter expressions for nodes and edges as required.
pub(super) fn make_bcb_counters(
graph: &CoverageGraph,
bcb_needs_counter: &BitSet<BasicCoverageBlock>,
) -> Self {
let mut builder = CountersBuilder::new(graph, bcb_needs_counter);
fn with_num_bcbs(num_bcbs: usize) -> Self {
Self {
counter_increment_sites: IndexVec::new(),
node_counters: IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, num_bcbs),
edge_counters: FxHashMap::default(),
expressions: IndexVec::new(),
expressions_memo: FxHashMap::default(),
/// Shared helper used by [`Self::make_phys_node_counter`] and
/// [`Self::make_phys_edge_counter`]. Don't call this directly.
fn make_counter_inner(&mut self, site: CounterIncrementSite) -> BcbCounter {
let id = self.counter_increment_sites.push(site);
BcbCounter::Counter { id }
/// Creates a new physical counter for a BCB node.
fn make_phys_node_counter(&mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> BcbCounter {
self.make_counter_inner(CounterIncrementSite::Node { bcb })
/// Creates a new physical counter for a BCB edge.
fn make_phys_edge_counter(
&mut self,
from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
) -> BcbCounter {
self.make_counter_inner(CounterIncrementSite::Edge { from_bcb, to_bcb })
fn make_expression(&mut self, lhs: BcbCounter, op: Op, rhs: BcbCounter) -> BcbCounter {
let new_expr = BcbExpression { lhs, op, rhs };
.or_insert_with(|| Self::make_expression_inner(&mut self.expressions, new_expr))
/// This is an associated function so that we can call it while borrowing
/// `&mut self.expressions_memo`.
fn make_expression_inner(
expressions: &mut IndexVec<ExpressionId, BcbExpression>,
new_expr: BcbExpression,
) -> BcbCounter {
// Simplify expressions using basic algebra.
// Some of these cases might not actually occur in practice, depending
// on the details of how the instrumentor builds expressions.
let BcbExpression { lhs, op, rhs } = new_expr;
if let BcbCounter::Expression { id } = lhs {
let lhs_expr = &expressions[id];
// Simplify `(a - b) + b` to `a`.
if lhs_expr.op == Op::Subtract && op == Op::Add && lhs_expr.rhs == rhs {
return lhs_expr.lhs;
// Simplify `(a + b) - b` to `a`.
if lhs_expr.op == Op::Add && op == Op::Subtract && lhs_expr.rhs == rhs {
return lhs_expr.lhs;
// Simplify `(a + b) - a` to `b`.
if lhs_expr.op == Op::Add && op == Op::Subtract && lhs_expr.lhs == rhs {
return lhs_expr.rhs;
if let BcbCounter::Expression { id } = rhs {
let rhs_expr = &expressions[id];
// Simplify `a + (b - a)` to `b`.
if op == Op::Add && rhs_expr.op == Op::Subtract && lhs == rhs_expr.rhs {
return rhs_expr.lhs;
// Simplify `a - (a - b)` to `b`.
if op == Op::Subtract && rhs_expr.op == Op::Subtract && lhs == rhs_expr.lhs {
return rhs_expr.rhs;
// Simplification failed, so actually create the new expression.
let id = expressions.push(new_expr);
BcbCounter::Expression { id }
/// Creates a counter that is the sum of the given counters.
/// Returns `None` if the given list of counters was empty.
fn make_sum(&mut self, counters: &[BcbCounter]) -> Option<BcbCounter> {
.reduce(|accum, counter| self.make_expression(accum, Op::Add, counter))
pub(super) fn num_counters(&self) -> usize {
fn set_node_counter(&mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock, counter: BcbCounter) -> BcbCounter {
let existing = self.node_counters[bcb].replace(counter);
"node {bcb:?} already has a counter: {existing:?} => {counter:?}"
fn set_edge_counter(
&mut self,
from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
counter: BcbCounter,
) -> BcbCounter {
let existing = self.edge_counters.insert((from_bcb, to_bcb), counter);
"edge ({from_bcb:?} -> {to_bcb:?}) already has a counter: {existing:?} => {counter:?}"
pub(super) fn term_for_bcb(&self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> Option<CovTerm> {
self.node_counters[bcb].map(|counter| counter.as_term())
/// Returns an iterator over all the nodes/edges in the coverage graph that
/// should have a counter-increment statement injected into MIR, along with
/// each site's corresponding counter ID.
pub(super) fn counter_increment_sites(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (CounterId, &CounterIncrementSite)> {
/// Returns an iterator over the subset of BCB nodes that have been associated
/// with a counter *expression*, along with the ID of that expression.
pub(super) fn bcb_nodes_with_coverage_expressions(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (BasicCoverageBlock, ExpressionId)> + Captures<'_> {
self.node_counters.iter_enumerated().filter_map(|(bcb, &counter)| match counter {
// Yield the BCB along with its associated expression ID.
Some(BcbCounter::Expression { id }) => Some((bcb, id)),
// This BCB is associated with a counter or nothing, so skip it.
Some(BcbCounter::Counter { .. }) | None => None,
pub(super) fn into_expressions(self) -> IndexVec<ExpressionId, Expression> {
let old_len = self.expressions.len();
let expressions = self
.map(|BcbExpression { lhs, op, rhs }| Expression {
lhs: lhs.as_term(),
rhs: rhs.as_term(),
.collect::<IndexVec<ExpressionId, _>>();
// Expression IDs are indexes into this vector, so make sure we didn't
// accidentally invalidate them by changing its length.
assert_eq!(old_len, expressions.len());
/// Helper struct that allows counter creation to inspect the BCB graph, and
/// the set of nodes that need counters.
struct CountersBuilder<'a> {
counters: CoverageCounters,
graph: &'a CoverageGraph,
bcb_needs_counter: &'a BitSet<BasicCoverageBlock>,
impl<'a> CountersBuilder<'a> {
fn new(graph: &'a CoverageGraph, bcb_needs_counter: &'a BitSet<BasicCoverageBlock>) -> Self {
assert_eq!(graph.num_nodes(), bcb_needs_counter.domain_size());
Self {
counters: CoverageCounters::with_num_bcbs(graph.num_nodes()),
fn make_bcb_counters(&mut self) {
debug!("make_bcb_counters(): adding a counter or expression to each BasicCoverageBlock");
// Traverse the coverage graph, ensuring that every node that needs a
// coverage counter has one.
// The traversal tries to ensure that, when a loop is encountered, all
// nodes within the loop are visited before visiting any nodes outside
// the loop.
let mut traversal = TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops::new(self.graph);
while let Some(bcb) = {
let _span = debug_span!("traversal", ?bcb).entered();
if self.bcb_needs_counter.contains(bcb) {
"`TraverseCoverageGraphWithLoops` missed some `BasicCoverageBlock`s: {:?}",
/// Make sure the given node has a node counter, and then make sure each of
/// its out-edges has an edge counter (if appropriate).
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
fn make_node_counter_and_out_edge_counters(&mut self, from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) {
// First, ensure that this node has a counter of some kind.
// We might also use that counter to compute one of the out-edge counters.
let node_counter = self.get_or_make_node_counter(from_bcb);
let successors = self.graph.successors[from_bcb].as_slice();
// If this node's out-edges won't sum to the node's counter,
// then there's no reason to create edge counters here.
if !self.graph[from_bcb].is_out_summable {
// When choosing which out-edge should be given a counter expression, ignore edges that
// already have counters, or could use the existing counter of their target node.
let out_edge_has_counter = |to_bcb| {
if self.counters.edge_counters.contains_key(&(from_bcb, to_bcb)) {
return true;
self.graph.sole_predecessor(to_bcb) == Some(from_bcb)
&& self.counters.node_counters[to_bcb].is_some()
// Determine the set of out-edges that could benefit from being given an expression.
let candidate_successors = self.graph.successors[from_bcb]
.filter(|&to_bcb| !out_edge_has_counter(to_bcb))
// If there are out-edges without counters, choose one to be given an expression
// (computed from this node and the other out-edges) instead of a physical counter.
let Some(target_bcb) = self.choose_out_edge_for_expression(from_bcb, &candidate_successors)
else {
// For each out-edge other than the one that was chosen to get an expression,
// ensure that it has a counter (existing counter/expression or a new counter),
// and accumulate the corresponding counters into a single sum expression.
let other_out_edge_counters = successors
// Skip the chosen edge, since we'll calculate its count from this sum.
.filter(|&edge_target_bcb| edge_target_bcb != target_bcb)
.map(|to_bcb| self.get_or_make_edge_counter(from_bcb, to_bcb))
let Some(sum_of_all_other_out_edges) = self.counters.make_sum(&other_out_edge_counters)
else {
// Now create an expression for the chosen edge, by taking the counter
// for its source node and subtracting the sum of its sibling out-edges.
let expression =
self.counters.make_expression(node_counter, Op::Subtract, sum_of_all_other_out_edges);
debug!("{target_bcb:?} gets an expression: {expression:?}");
self.counters.set_edge_counter(from_bcb, target_bcb, expression);
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
fn get_or_make_node_counter(&mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> BcbCounter {
// If the BCB already has a counter, return it.
if let Some(counter) = self.counters.node_counters[bcb] {
debug!("{bcb:?} already has a counter: {counter:?}");
return counter;
let counter = self.make_node_counter_inner(bcb);
self.counters.set_node_counter(bcb, counter)
fn make_node_counter_inner(&mut self, bcb: BasicCoverageBlock) -> BcbCounter {
// If the node's sole in-edge already has a counter, use that.
if let Some(sole_pred) = self.graph.sole_predecessor(bcb)
&& let Some(&edge_counter) = self.counters.edge_counters.get(&(sole_pred, bcb))
return edge_counter;
let predecessors = self.graph.predecessors[bcb].as_slice();
// Handle cases where we can't compute a node's count from its in-edges:
// - START_BCB has no in-edges, so taking the sum would panic (or be wrong).
// - For nodes with one in-edge, or that directly loop to themselves,
// trying to get the in-edge counts would require this node's counter,
// leading to infinite recursion.
if predecessors.len() <= 1 || predecessors.contains(&bcb) {
debug!(?bcb, ?predecessors, "node has <=1 predecessors or is its own predecessor");
let counter = self.counters.make_phys_node_counter(bcb);
debug!(?bcb, ?counter, "node gets a physical counter");
return counter;
// A BCB with multiple incoming edges can compute its count by ensuring that counters
// exist for each of those edges, and then adding them up to get a total count.
let in_edge_counters = predecessors
.map(|from_bcb| self.get_or_make_edge_counter(from_bcb, bcb))
let sum_of_in_edges: BcbCounter =
self.counters.make_sum(&in_edge_counters).expect("there must be at least one in-edge");
debug!("{bcb:?} gets a new counter (sum of predecessor counters): {sum_of_in_edges:?}");
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
fn get_or_make_edge_counter(
&mut self,
from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
) -> BcbCounter {
// If the edge already has a counter, return it.
if let Some(&counter) = self.counters.edge_counters.get(&(from_bcb, to_bcb)) {
debug!("Edge {from_bcb:?}->{to_bcb:?} already has a counter: {counter:?}");
return counter;
let counter = self.make_edge_counter_inner(from_bcb, to_bcb);
self.counters.set_edge_counter(from_bcb, to_bcb, counter)
fn make_edge_counter_inner(
&mut self,
from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
to_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
) -> BcbCounter {
// If the target node has exactly one in-edge (i.e. this one), then just
// use the node's counter, since it will have the same value.
if let Some(sole_pred) = self.graph.sole_predecessor(to_bcb) {
assert_eq!(sole_pred, from_bcb);
// This call must take care not to invoke `get_or_make_edge` for
// this edge, since that would result in infinite recursion!
return self.get_or_make_node_counter(to_bcb);
// If the source node has exactly one out-edge (i.e. this one) and would have
// the same execution count as that edge, then just use the node's counter.
if let Some(simple_succ) = self.graph.simple_successor(from_bcb) {
assert_eq!(simple_succ, to_bcb);
return self.get_or_make_node_counter(from_bcb);
// Make a new counter to count this edge.
let counter = self.counters.make_phys_edge_counter(from_bcb, to_bcb);
debug!(?from_bcb, ?to_bcb, ?counter, "edge gets a physical counter");
/// Given a set of candidate out-edges (represented by their successor node),
/// choose one to be given a counter expression instead of a physical counter.
fn choose_out_edge_for_expression(
from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
candidate_successors: &[BasicCoverageBlock],
) -> Option<BasicCoverageBlock> {
// Try to find a candidate that leads back to the top of a loop,
// because reloop edges tend to be executed more times than loop-exit edges.
if let Some(reloop_target) = self.find_good_reloop_edge(from_bcb, &candidate_successors) {
debug!("Selecting reloop target {reloop_target:?} to get an expression");
return Some(reloop_target);
// We couldn't identify a "good" edge, so just choose an arbitrary one.
let arbitrary_target = candidate_successors.first().copied()?;
debug!(?arbitrary_target, "selecting arbitrary out-edge to get an expression");
/// Given a set of candidate out-edges (represented by their successor node),
/// tries to find one that leads back to the top of a loop.
/// Reloop edges are good candidates for counter expressions, because they
/// will tend to be executed more times than a loop-exit edge, so it's nice
/// for them to be able to avoid a physical counter increment.
fn find_good_reloop_edge(
from_bcb: BasicCoverageBlock,
candidate_successors: &[BasicCoverageBlock],
) -> Option<BasicCoverageBlock> {
// If there are no candidates, avoid iterating over the loop stack.
if candidate_successors.is_empty() {
return None;
// Consider each loop on the current traversal context stack, top-down.
for loop_header_node in self.graph.loop_headers_containing(from_bcb) {
// Try to find a candidate edge that doesn't exit this loop.
for &target_bcb in candidate_successors {
// An edge is a reloop edge if its target dominates any BCB that has
// an edge back to the loop header. (Otherwise it's an exit edge.)
let is_reloop_edge = self
.any(|reloop_bcb| self.graph.dominates(target_bcb, reloop_bcb));
if is_reloop_edge {
// We found a good out-edge to be given an expression.
return Some(target_bcb);
// All of the candidate edges exit this loop, so keep looking
// for a good reloop edge for one of the outer loops.