blob: 2663b3d160a7a4ad1359d7ac83a9da71bdab5912 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::common::Config;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use log::*;
mod tests;
/// Conversion table from triple OS name to Rust SYSNAME
const OS_TABLE: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)] = &[
("android", "android"),
("androideabi", "android"),
("cloudabi", "cloudabi"),
("cuda", "cuda"),
("darwin", "macos"),
("dragonfly", "dragonfly"),
("emscripten", "emscripten"),
("freebsd", "freebsd"),
("fuchsia", "fuchsia"),
("haiku", "haiku"),
("hermit", "hermit"),
("ios", "ios"),
("l4re", "l4re"),
("linux", "linux"),
("mingw32", "windows"),
("none", "none"),
("netbsd", "netbsd"),
("openbsd", "openbsd"),
("redox", "redox"),
("sgx", "sgx"),
("solaris", "solaris"),
("win32", "windows"),
("windows", "windows"),
("vxworks", "vxworks"),
const ARCH_TABLE: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)] = &[
("aarch64", "aarch64"),
("amd64", "x86_64"),
("arm", "arm"),
("arm64", "aarch64"),
("armv4t", "arm"),
("armv5te", "arm"),
("armv7", "arm"),
("armv7s", "arm"),
("asmjs", "asmjs"),
("hexagon", "hexagon"),
("i386", "x86"),
("i586", "x86"),
("i686", "x86"),
("mips", "mips"),
("mips64", "mips64"),
("mips64el", "mips64"),
("mipsisa32r6", "mips"),
("mipsisa32r6el", "mips"),
("mipsisa64r6", "mips64"),
("mipsisa64r6el", "mips64"),
("mipsel", "mips"),
("mipsisa32r6", "mips"),
("mipsisa32r6el", "mips"),
("mipsisa64r6", "mips64"),
("mipsisa64r6el", "mips64"),
("msp430", "msp430"),
("nvptx64", "nvptx64"),
("powerpc", "powerpc"),
("powerpc64", "powerpc64"),
("powerpc64le", "powerpc64"),
("riscv64gc", "riscv64"),
("s390x", "s390x"),
("sparc", "sparc"),
("sparc64", "sparc64"),
("sparcv9", "sparc64"),
("thumbv6m", "thumb"),
("thumbv7em", "thumb"),
("thumbv7m", "thumb"),
("wasm32", "wasm32"),
("x86_64", "x86_64"),
("xcore", "xcore"),
pub fn matches_os(triple: &str, name: &str) -> bool {
// For the wasm32 bare target we ignore anything also ignored on emscripten
// and then we also recognize `wasm32-bare` as the os for the target
if triple == "wasm32-unknown-unknown" {
return name == "emscripten" || name == "wasm32-bare";
let triple: Vec<_> = triple.split('-').collect();
for &(triple_os, os) in OS_TABLE {
if triple.contains(&triple_os) {
return os == name;
panic!("Cannot determine OS from triple");
/// Determine the architecture from `triple`
pub fn get_arch(triple: &str) -> &'static str {
let triple: Vec<_> = triple.split('-').collect();
for &(triple_arch, arch) in ARCH_TABLE {
if triple.contains(&triple_arch) {
return arch;
panic!("Cannot determine Architecture from triple");
pub fn matches_env(triple: &str, name: &str) -> bool {
if let Some(env) = triple.split('-').nth(3) { env.starts_with(name) } else { false }
pub fn get_pointer_width(triple: &str) -> &'static str {
if (triple.contains("64") && !triple.ends_with("gnux32")) || triple.starts_with("s390x") {
} else {
pub fn make_new_path(path: &str) -> String {
// Windows just uses PATH as the library search path, so we have to
// maintain the current value while adding our own
match env::var(lib_path_env_var()) {
Ok(curr) => format!("{}{}{}", path, path_div(), curr),
Err(..) => path.to_owned(),
pub fn lib_path_env_var() -> &'static str {
fn path_div() -> &'static str {
pub fn logv(config: &Config, s: String) {
debug!("{}", s);
if config.verbose {
println!("{}", s);
pub trait PathBufExt {
/// Append an extension to the path, even if it already has one.
fn with_extra_extension<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, extension: S) -> PathBuf;
impl PathBufExt for PathBuf {
fn with_extra_extension<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, extension: S) -> PathBuf {
if extension.as_ref().len() == 0 {
} else {
let mut fname = self.file_name().unwrap().to_os_string();
if !extension.as_ref().to_str().unwrap().starts_with(".") {