blob: 66d4db3ebaf0a6df2feb64d0c437f7ad9b019553 [file] [log] [blame]
trait Tr {
type Y = u16;
fn Y() {}
impl Tr for u8 {}
trait Dr {
type X = u16;
fn Z() {}
impl Dr for u8 {}
enum E { Y }
type A = u32;
fn main() {
let _: <u8 as Tr>::N; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in trait `Tr`
let _: <u8 as E>::N; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in enum `E`
let _: <u8 as A>::N; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in `A`
<u8 as Tr>::N; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `N` in trait `Tr`
<u8 as E>::N; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `N` in enum `E`
<u8 as A>::N; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `N` in `A`
let _: <u8 as Tr>::Y; // OK
let _: <u8 as E>::Y; //~ ERROR expected associated type, found variant `E::Y`
<u8 as Tr>::Y; // OK
<u8 as E>::Y; //~ ERROR expected method or associated constant, found unit variant `E::Y`
let _: <u8 as Tr>::N::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in trait `Tr`
let _: <u8 as E>::N::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in enum `E`
let _: <u8 as A>::N::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in `A`
<u8 as Tr>::N::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in trait `Tr`
<u8 as E>::N::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in enum `E`
<u8 as A>::N::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `N` in `A`
let _: <u8 as Tr>::Y::NN; //~ ERROR ambiguous associated type
let _: <u8 as E>::Y::NN; //~ ERROR expected associated type, found variant `E::Y`
<u8 as Tr>::Y::NN; //~ ERROR no associated item named `NN` found
<u8 as E>::Y::NN; //~ ERROR expected associated type, found variant `E::Y`
let _: <u8 as Tr::N>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `NN` in `Tr::N`
let _: <u8 as E::N>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `NN` in `E::N`
let _: <u8 as A::N>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `NN` in `A::N`
<u8 as Tr::N>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `NN` in `Tr::N`
<u8 as E::N>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `NN` in `E::N`
<u8 as A::N>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `NN` in `A::N`
let _: <u8 as Tr::Y>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find associated type `NN` in `Tr::Y`
let _: <u8 as E::Y>::NN; //~ ERROR failed to resolve: `Y` is a variant, not a module
<u8 as Tr::Y>::NN; //~ ERROR cannot find method or associated constant `NN` in `Tr::Y`
<u8 as E::Y>::NN; //~ ERROR failed to resolve: `Y` is a variant, not a module
let _: <u8 as Dr>::Z; //~ ERROR expected associated type, found method `Dr::Z`
<u8 as Dr>::X; //~ ERROR expected method or associated constant, found associated type `Dr::X`
let _: <u8 as Dr>::Z::N; //~ ERROR expected associated type, found method `Dr::Z`
<u8 as Dr>::X::N; //~ ERROR no associated item named `N` found