blob: e27b03dddc5be56882eaf84089585bd4ceb9e98d [file] [log] [blame]
fn f<T>() {}
struct X;
fn main() {
false == false == false;
//~^ ERROR comparison operators cannot be chained
false == 0 < 2;
//~^ ERROR comparison operators cannot be chained
//~| ERROR mismatched types
//~| ERROR mismatched types
//~^ ERROR comparison operators cannot be chained
//~| HELP use `::<...>` instead of `<...>` to specify type arguments
f<Result<Option<X>, Option<Option<X>>>(1, 2);
//~^ ERROR comparison operators cannot be chained
//~| HELP split the comparison into two...
//~| ...or parenthesize one of the comparisons
//~| HELP use `::<...>` instead of `<...>` to specify type arguments
use std::convert::identity;
let _ = identity<u8>;
//~^ ERROR comparison operators cannot be chained
//~| HELP use `::<...>` instead of `<...>` to specify type arguments
//~| HELP or use `(...)` if you meant to specify fn arguments