blob: 3257f282dc1cba005c24ab084cce9e735d9164d0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The MIR is built from some high-level abstract IR
//! (HAIR). This section defines the HAIR along with a trait for
//! accessing it. The intention is to allow MIR construction to be
//! unit-tested and separated from the Rust source and compiler data
//! structures.
use self::cx::Cx;
use rustc::infer::canonical::Canonical;
use rustc::middle::region;
use rustc::mir::{BinOp, BorrowKind, Field, UnOp};
use rustc::ty::adjustment::PointerCast;
use rustc::ty::layout::VariantIdx;
use rustc::ty::subst::SubstsRef;
use rustc::ty::{AdtDef, Const, Ty, UpvarSubsts, UserType};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_span::Span;
mod constant;
crate mod cx;
crate mod pattern;
crate use self::pattern::PatTyProj;
crate use self::pattern::{BindingMode, FieldPat, Pat, PatKind, PatRange};
mod util;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
crate enum LintLevel {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Block<'tcx> {
crate targeted_by_break: bool,
crate region_scope: region::Scope,
crate opt_destruction_scope: Option<region::Scope>,
crate span: Span,
crate stmts: Vec<StmtRef<'tcx>>,
crate expr: Option<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
crate safety_mode: BlockSafety,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
crate enum BlockSafety {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum StmtRef<'tcx> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Stmt<'tcx> {
crate kind: StmtKind<'tcx>,
crate opt_destruction_scope: Option<region::Scope>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum StmtKind<'tcx> {
Expr {
/// scope for this statement; may be used as lifetime of temporaries
scope: region::Scope,
/// expression being evaluated in this statement
expr: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Let {
/// scope for variables bound in this let; covers this and
/// remaining statements in block
remainder_scope: region::Scope,
/// scope for the initialization itself; might be used as
/// lifetime of temporaries
init_scope: region::Scope,
/// `let <PAT> = ...`
/// if a type is included, it is added as an ascription pattern
pattern: Pat<'tcx>,
/// let pat: ty = <INIT> ...
initializer: Option<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
/// the lint level for this let-statement
lint_level: LintLevel,
// `Expr` is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(Expr<'_>, 168);
/// The Hair trait implementor lowers their expressions (`&'tcx H::Expr`)
/// into instances of this `Expr` enum. This lowering can be done
/// basically as lazily or as eagerly as desired: every recursive
/// reference to an expression in this enum is an `ExprRef<'tcx>`, which
/// may in turn be another instance of this enum (boxed), or else an
/// unlowered `&'tcx H::Expr`. Note that instances of `Expr` are very
/// short-lived. They are created by `Hair::to_expr`, analyzed and
/// converted into MIR, and then discarded.
/// If you compare `Expr` to the full compiler AST, you will see it is
/// a good bit simpler. In fact, a number of the more straight-forward
/// MIR simplifications are already done in the impl of `Hair`. For
/// example, method calls and overloaded operators are absent: they are
/// expected to be converted into `Expr::Call` instances.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Expr<'tcx> {
/// type of this expression
crate ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// lifetime of this expression if it should be spilled into a
/// temporary; should be None only if in a constant context
crate temp_lifetime: Option<region::Scope>,
/// span of the expression in the source
crate span: Span,
/// kind of expression
crate kind: ExprKind<'tcx>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum ExprKind<'tcx> {
Scope {
region_scope: region::Scope,
lint_level: LintLevel,
value: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Box {
value: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Call {
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
fun: ExprRef<'tcx>,
args: Vec<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
// Whether this is from a call in HIR, rather than from an overloaded
// operator. True for overloaded function call.
from_hir_call: bool,
Deref {
arg: ExprRef<'tcx>,
}, // NOT overloaded!
Binary {
op: BinOp,
lhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
rhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
}, // NOT overloaded!
LogicalOp {
op: LogicalOp,
lhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
rhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
}, // NOT overloaded!
// LogicalOp is distinct from BinaryOp because of lazy evaluation of the operands.
Unary {
op: UnOp,
arg: ExprRef<'tcx>,
}, // NOT overloaded!
Cast {
source: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Use {
source: ExprRef<'tcx>,
}, // Use a lexpr to get a vexpr.
NeverToAny {
source: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Pointer {
cast: PointerCast,
source: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Loop {
body: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Match {
scrutinee: ExprRef<'tcx>,
arms: Vec<Arm<'tcx>>,
Block {
body: &'tcx hir::Block<'tcx>,
Assign {
lhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
rhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
AssignOp {
op: BinOp,
lhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
rhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Field {
lhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
name: Field,
Index {
lhs: ExprRef<'tcx>,
index: ExprRef<'tcx>,
VarRef {
id: hir::HirId,
/// first argument, used for self in a closure
Borrow {
borrow_kind: BorrowKind,
arg: ExprRef<'tcx>,
/// A `&raw [const|mut] $place_expr` raw borrow resulting in type `*[const|mut] T`.
AddressOf {
mutability: hir::Mutability,
arg: ExprRef<'tcx>,
Break {
label: region::Scope,
value: Option<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
Continue {
label: region::Scope,
Return {
value: Option<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
Repeat {
value: ExprRef<'tcx>,
count: u64,
Array {
fields: Vec<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
Tuple {
fields: Vec<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
Adt {
adt_def: &'tcx AdtDef,
variant_index: VariantIdx,
substs: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
/// Optional user-given substs: for something like `let x =
/// Bar::<T> { ... }`.
user_ty: Option<Canonical<'tcx, UserType<'tcx>>>,
fields: Vec<FieldExprRef<'tcx>>,
base: Option<FruInfo<'tcx>>,
PlaceTypeAscription {
source: ExprRef<'tcx>,
/// Type that the user gave to this expression
user_ty: Option<Canonical<'tcx, UserType<'tcx>>>,
ValueTypeAscription {
source: ExprRef<'tcx>,
/// Type that the user gave to this expression
user_ty: Option<Canonical<'tcx, UserType<'tcx>>>,
Closure {
closure_id: DefId,
substs: UpvarSubsts<'tcx>,
upvars: Vec<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
movability: Option<hir::Movability>,
Literal {
literal: &'tcx Const<'tcx>,
user_ty: Option<Canonical<'tcx, UserType<'tcx>>>,
/// A literal containing the address of a `static`.
/// This is only distinguished from `Literal` so that we can register some
/// info for diagnostics.
StaticRef {
literal: &'tcx Const<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
InlineAsm {
asm: &'tcx hir::InlineAsmInner,
outputs: Vec<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
inputs: Vec<ExprRef<'tcx>>,
Yield {
value: ExprRef<'tcx>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum ExprRef<'tcx> {
Hair(&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct FieldExprRef<'tcx> {
crate name: Field,
crate expr: ExprRef<'tcx>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct FruInfo<'tcx> {
crate base: ExprRef<'tcx>,
crate field_types: Vec<Ty<'tcx>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Arm<'tcx> {
crate pattern: Pat<'tcx>,
crate guard: Option<Guard<'tcx>>,
crate body: ExprRef<'tcx>,
crate lint_level: LintLevel,
crate scope: region::Scope,
crate span: Span,
impl<'tcx> Arm<'tcx> {
// HACK(or_patterns; Centril | dlrobertson): Remove this and
// correctly handle each case in which this method is used.
crate fn top_pats_hack(&self) -> &[Pat<'tcx>] {
match &*self.pattern.kind {
PatKind::Or { pats } => pats,
_ => std::slice::from_ref(&self.pattern),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum Guard<'tcx> {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
crate enum LogicalOp {
impl<'tcx> ExprRef<'tcx> {
crate fn span(&self) -> Span {
match self {
ExprRef::Hair(expr) => expr.span,
ExprRef::Mirror(expr) => expr.span,
// The Mirror trait
/// "Mirroring" is the process of converting from a HIR type into one
/// of the HAIR types defined in this file. This is basically a "on
/// the fly" desugaring step that hides a lot of the messiness in the
/// tcx. For example, the mirror of a `&'tcx hir::Expr` is an
/// `Expr<'tcx>`.
/// Mirroring is gradual: when you mirror an outer expression like `e1
/// + e2`, the references to the inner expressions `e1` and `e2` are
/// `ExprRef<'tcx>` instances, and they may or may not be eagerly
/// mirrored. This allows a single AST node from the compiler to
/// expand into one or more Hair nodes, which lets the Hair nodes be
/// simpler.
crate trait Mirror<'tcx> {
type Output;
fn make_mirror(self, cx: &mut Cx<'_, 'tcx>) -> Self::Output;
impl<'tcx> Mirror<'tcx> for Expr<'tcx> {
type Output = Expr<'tcx>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut Cx<'_, 'tcx>) -> Expr<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> Mirror<'tcx> for ExprRef<'tcx> {
type Output = Expr<'tcx>;
fn make_mirror(self, hir: &mut Cx<'_, 'tcx>) -> Expr<'tcx> {
match self {
ExprRef::Hair(h) => h.make_mirror(hir),
ExprRef::Mirror(m) => *m,
impl<'tcx> Mirror<'tcx> for Stmt<'tcx> {
type Output = Stmt<'tcx>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut Cx<'_, 'tcx>) -> Stmt<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> Mirror<'tcx> for StmtRef<'tcx> {
type Output = Stmt<'tcx>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut Cx<'_, 'tcx>) -> Stmt<'tcx> {
match self {
StmtRef::Mirror(m) => *m,
impl<'tcx> Mirror<'tcx> for Block<'tcx> {
type Output = Block<'tcx>;
fn make_mirror(self, _: &mut Cx<'_, 'tcx>) -> Block<'tcx> {