blob: 04c9e93c7a527cf79c41c18d035706cc740ca987 [file] [log] [blame]
// .debug_gdb_scripts binary section.
use crate::llvm;
use crate::common::CodegenCx;
use crate::builder::Builder;
use crate::value::Value;
use rustc::session::config::DebugInfo;
use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::*;
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::symbol::sym;
/// Inserts a side-effect free instruction sequence that makes sure that the
/// .debug_gdb_scripts global is referenced, so it isn't removed by the linker.
pub fn insert_reference_to_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(bx: &mut Builder<'_, '_, '_>) {
if needs_gdb_debug_scripts_section(bx) {
let gdb_debug_scripts_section = get_or_insert_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(bx);
// Load just the first byte as that's all that's necessary to force
// LLVM to keep around the reference to the global.
let indices = [bx.const_i32(0), bx.const_i32(0)];
let element = bx.inbounds_gep(gdb_debug_scripts_section, &indices);
let volative_load_instruction = bx.volatile_load(element);
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(volative_load_instruction, 1);
/// Allocates the global variable responsible for the .debug_gdb_scripts binary
/// section.
pub fn get_or_insert_gdb_debug_scripts_section_global(cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, '_>)
-> &'ll Value {
let c_section_var_name = "__rustc_debug_gdb_scripts_section__\0";
let section_var_name = &c_section_var_name[..c_section_var_name.len()-1];
let section_var = unsafe {
c_section_var_name.as_ptr() as *const _)
section_var.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let section_name = b".debug_gdb_scripts\0";
let section_contents = b"\\0";
unsafe {
let llvm_type = cx.type_array(cx.type_i8(),
section_contents.len() as u64);
let section_var = cx.define_global(section_var_name,
bug!("symbol `{}` is already defined", section_var_name)
llvm::LLVMSetSection(section_var, section_name.as_ptr() as *const _);
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(section_var, cx.const_bytes(section_contents));
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(section_var, llvm::True);
llvm::LLVMSetUnnamedAddr(section_var, llvm::True);
llvm::LLVMRustSetLinkage(section_var, llvm::Linkage::LinkOnceODRLinkage);
// This should make sure that the whole section is not larger than
// the string it contains. Otherwise we get a warning from GDB.
llvm::LLVMSetAlignment(section_var, 1);
pub fn needs_gdb_debug_scripts_section(cx: &CodegenCx<'_, '_>) -> bool {
let omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section =
attr::contains_name(&cx.tcx.hir().krate_attrs(), sym::omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section);
!omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section &&
cx.sess().opts.debuginfo != DebugInfo::None &&