blob: 8b3ed5b0c623a5533bf9ec0047c8cda51b2617e8 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_codegen_ssa::debuginfo::{FunctionDebugContext, FunctionDebugContextData, MirDebugScope};
use super::metadata::file_metadata;
use super::utils::{DIB, span_start};
use crate::llvm;
use crate::llvm::debuginfo::{DIScope, DISubprogram};
use crate::common::CodegenCx;
use rustc::mir::{Body, SourceScope};
use libc::c_uint;
use syntax_pos::Pos;
use rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{Idx, IndexVec};
use syntax_pos::BytePos;
/// Produces DIScope DIEs for each MIR Scope which has variables defined in it.
/// If debuginfo is disabled, the returned vector is empty.
pub fn create_mir_scopes(
cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, '_>,
mir: &Body<'_>,
debug_context: &FunctionDebugContext<&'ll DISubprogram>,
) -> IndexVec<SourceScope, MirDebugScope<&'ll DIScope>> {
let null_scope = MirDebugScope {
scope_metadata: None,
file_start_pos: BytePos(0),
file_end_pos: BytePos(0)
let mut scopes = IndexVec::from_elem(null_scope, &mir.source_scopes);
let debug_context = match *debug_context {
FunctionDebugContext::RegularContext(ref data) => data,
FunctionDebugContext::DebugInfoDisabled |
FunctionDebugContext::FunctionWithoutDebugInfo => {
return scopes;
// Find all the scopes with variables defined in them.
let mut has_variables = BitSet::new_empty(mir.source_scopes.len());
for var in mir.vars_iter() {
let decl = &mir.local_decls[var];
// Instantiate all scopes.
for idx in 0..mir.source_scopes.len() {
let scope = SourceScope::new(idx);
make_mir_scope(cx, &mir, &has_variables, debug_context, scope, &mut scopes);
fn make_mir_scope(cx: &CodegenCx<'ll, '_>,
mir: &Body<'_>,
has_variables: &BitSet<SourceScope>,
debug_context: &FunctionDebugContextData<&'ll DISubprogram>,
scope: SourceScope,
scopes: &mut IndexVec<SourceScope, MirDebugScope<&'ll DIScope>>) {
if scopes[scope].is_valid() {
let scope_data = &mir.source_scopes[scope];
let parent_scope = if let Some(parent) = scope_data.parent_scope {
make_mir_scope(cx, mir, has_variables, debug_context, parent, scopes);
} else {
// The root is the function itself.
let loc = span_start(cx, mir.span);
scopes[scope] = MirDebugScope {
scope_metadata: Some(debug_context.fn_metadata),
file_start_pos: loc.file.start_pos,
file_end_pos: loc.file.end_pos,
if !has_variables.contains(scope) {
// Do not create a DIScope if there are no variables
// defined in this MIR Scope, to avoid debuginfo bloat.
// However, we don't skip creating a nested scope if
// our parent is the root, because we might want to
// put arguments in the root and not have shadowing.
if parent_scope.scope_metadata.unwrap() != debug_context.fn_metadata {
scopes[scope] = parent_scope;
let loc = span_start(cx, scope_data.span);
let file_metadata = file_metadata(cx,
let scope_metadata = unsafe {
loc.line as c_uint,
loc.col.to_usize() as c_uint))
scopes[scope] = MirDebugScope {
file_start_pos: loc.file.start_pos,
file_end_pos: loc.file.end_pos,