blob: 0a42b6b46f2c90b17b56974567014821226aac9d [file] [log] [blame]
use fmt_macros::{Parser, Piece, Position};
use crate::hir::def_id::DefId;
use crate::ty::{self, TyCtxt, GenericParamDefKind};
use crate::util::common::ErrorReported;
use crate::util::nodemap::FxHashMap;
use syntax::ast::{MetaItem, NestedMetaItem};
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::symbol::{Symbol, kw, sym};
use syntax_pos::Span;
use syntax_pos::symbol::LocalInternedString;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OnUnimplementedFormatString(LocalInternedString);
pub struct OnUnimplementedDirective {
pub condition: Option<MetaItem>,
pub subcommands: Vec<OnUnimplementedDirective>,
pub message: Option<OnUnimplementedFormatString>,
pub label: Option<OnUnimplementedFormatString>,
pub note: Option<OnUnimplementedFormatString>,
pub struct OnUnimplementedNote {
pub message: Option<String>,
pub label: Option<String>,
pub note: Option<String>,
impl OnUnimplementedNote {
pub fn empty() -> Self {
OnUnimplementedNote { message: None, label: None, note: None }
fn parse_error(
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
message: &str,
label: &str,
note: Option<&str>,
) -> ErrorReported {
let mut diag = struct_span_err!(
tcx.sess, span, E0232, "{}", message);
diag.span_label(span, label);
if let Some(note) = note {
impl<'tcx> OnUnimplementedDirective {
fn parse(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_def_id: DefId,
items: &[NestedMetaItem],
span: Span,
is_root: bool,
) -> Result<Self, ErrorReported> {
let mut errored = false;
let mut item_iter = items.iter();
let condition = if is_root {
} else {
let cond =||
parse_error(tcx, span,
"empty `on`-clause in `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]`",
"empty on-clause here",
parse_error(tcx, span,
"invalid `on`-clause in `#[rustc_on_unimplemented]`",
"invalid on-clause here",
attr::eval_condition(cond, &tcx.sess.parse_sess, &mut |_| true);
let mut message = None;
let mut label = None;
let mut note = None;
let mut subcommands = vec![];
for item in item_iter {
if item.check_name(sym::message) && message.is_none() {
if let Some(message_) = item.value_str() {
message = Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
tcx, trait_def_id, message_.as_str(), span)?);
} else if item.check_name(sym::label) && label.is_none() {
if let Some(label_) = item.value_str() {
label = Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
tcx, trait_def_id, label_.as_str(), span)?);
} else if item.check_name(sym::note) && note.is_none() {
if let Some(note_) = item.value_str() {
note = Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
tcx, trait_def_id, note_.as_str(), span)?);
} else if item.check_name(sym::on) && is_root &&
message.is_none() && label.is_none() && note.is_none()
if let Some(items) = item.meta_item_list() {
if let Ok(subcommand) =
Self::parse(tcx, trait_def_id, &items, item.span(), false)
} else {
errored = true;
// nothing found
parse_error(tcx, item.span(),
"this attribute must have a valid value",
"expected value here",
Some(r#"eg `#[rustc_on_unimplemented(message="foo")]`"#));
if errored {
} else {
Ok(OnUnimplementedDirective { condition, message, label, subcommands, note })
pub fn of_item(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_def_id: DefId,
impl_def_id: DefId,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, ErrorReported> {
let attrs = tcx.get_attrs(impl_def_id);
let attr = if let Some(item) = attr::find_by_name(&attrs, sym::rustc_on_unimplemented) {
} else {
return Ok(None);
let result = if let Some(items) = attr.meta_item_list() {
Self::parse(tcx, trait_def_id, &items, attr.span, true).map(Some)
} else if let Some(value) = attr.value_str() {
Ok(Some(OnUnimplementedDirective {
condition: None,
message: None,
subcommands: vec![],
label: Some(OnUnimplementedFormatString::try_parse(
tcx, trait_def_id, value.as_str(), attr.span)?),
note: None,
} else {
return Err(ErrorReported);
debug!("of_item({:?}/{:?}) = {:?}", trait_def_id, impl_def_id, result);
pub fn evaluate(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
options: &[(Symbol, Option<String>)],
) -> OnUnimplementedNote {
let mut message = None;
let mut label = None;
let mut note = None;
info!("evaluate({:?}, trait_ref={:?}, options={:?})", self, trait_ref, options);
for command in self.subcommands.iter().chain(Some(self)).rev() {
if let Some(ref condition) = command.condition {
if !attr::eval_condition(condition, &tcx.sess.parse_sess, &mut |c| {
c.ident().map_or(false, |ident| {
c.value_str().map(|s| s.as_str().to_string())
}) {
debug!("evaluate: skipping {:?} due to condition", command);
debug!("evaluate: {:?} succeeded", command);
if let Some(ref message_) = command.message {
message = Some(message_.clone());
if let Some(ref label_) = command.label {
label = Some(label_.clone());
if let Some(ref note_) = command.note {
note = Some(note_.clone());
let options: FxHashMap<Symbol, String> = options.into_iter()
.filter_map(|(k, v)| v.as_ref().map(|v| (*k, v.to_owned())))
OnUnimplementedNote {
label:|l| l.format(tcx, trait_ref, &options)),
message:|m| m.format(tcx, trait_ref, &options)),
note:|n| n.format(tcx, trait_ref, &options)),
impl<'tcx> OnUnimplementedFormatString {
fn try_parse(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_def_id: DefId,
from: LocalInternedString,
err_sp: Span,
) -> Result<Self, ErrorReported> {
let result = OnUnimplementedFormatString(from);
result.verify(tcx, trait_def_id, err_sp)?;
fn verify(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_def_id: DefId,
span: Span,
) -> Result<(), ErrorReported> {
let name = tcx.item_name(trait_def_id);
let generics = tcx.generics_of(trait_def_id);
let parser = Parser::new(&self.0, None, vec![], false);
let mut result = Ok(());
for token in parser {
match token {
Piece::String(_) => (), // Normal string, no need to check it
Piece::NextArgument(a) => match a.position {
// `{Self}` is allowed
Position::ArgumentNamed(s) if s == kw::SelfUpper => (),
// `{ThisTraitsName}` is allowed
Position::ArgumentNamed(s) if s == name => (),
// `{from_method}` is allowed
Position::ArgumentNamed(s) if s == sym::from_method => (),
// `{from_desugaring}` is allowed
Position::ArgumentNamed(s) if s == sym::from_desugaring => (),
// So is `{A}` if A is a type parameter
Position::ArgumentNamed(s) => match generics.params.iter().find(|param| { == s
}) {
Some(_) => (),
None => {
span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0230,
"there is no parameter `{}` on trait `{}`", s, name);
result = Err(ErrorReported);
// `{:1}` and `{}` are not to be used
Position::ArgumentIs(_) | Position::ArgumentImplicitlyIs(_) => {
span_err!(tcx.sess, span, E0231,
"only named substitution parameters are allowed");
result = Err(ErrorReported);
pub fn format(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
trait_ref: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
options: &FxHashMap<Symbol, String>,
) -> String {
let name = tcx.item_name(trait_ref.def_id);
let trait_str = tcx.def_path_str(trait_ref.def_id);
let generics = tcx.generics_of(trait_ref.def_id);
let generic_map = generics.params.iter().filter_map(|param| {
let value = match param.kind {
GenericParamDefKind::Type { .. } |
GenericParamDefKind::Const => {
trait_ref.substs[param.index as usize].to_string()
GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => return None
let name =;
Some((name, value))
}).collect::<FxHashMap<Symbol, String>>();
let empty_string = String::new();
let parser = Parser::new(&self.0, None, vec![], false);|p|
match p {
Piece::String(s) => s,
Piece::NextArgument(a) => match a.position {
Position::ArgumentNamed(s) => match generic_map.get(&s) {
Some(val) => val,
None if s == name => {
None => {
if let Some(val) = options.get(&s) {
} else if s == sym::from_desugaring || s == sym::from_method {
// don't break messages using these two arguments incorrectly
} else {
bug!("broken on_unimplemented {:?} for {:?}: \
no argument matching {:?}",
self.0, trait_ref, s)
_ => bug!("broken on_unimplemented {:?} - bad format arg", self.0)