blob: c8bd7fea11b9f7fa912b94d4d20d3c8adabc39b3 [file] [log] [blame]
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use crate::inherent::*;
use crate::ir_print::IrPrint;
use crate::visit::{Flags, TypeSuperVisitable, TypeVisitable};
use crate::{CanonicalVarInfo, DebugWithInfcx, TraitRef};
pub trait Interner: Sized + Copy + IrPrint<TraitRef<Self>> {
type DefId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type DefiningOpaqueTypes: Copy + Debug + Hash + Default + Eq + TypeVisitable<Self>;
type AdtDef: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type GenericArgs: GenericArgs<Self>;
type GenericArg: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
type Term: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type Binder<T: TypeVisitable<Self>>: BoundVars<Self> + TypeSuperVisitable<Self>;
type BoundVars: IntoIterator<Item = Self::BoundVar>;
type BoundVar;
type CanonicalVars: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + IntoIterator<Item = CanonicalVarInfo<Self>>;
// Kinds of tys
type Ty: Ty<Self>;
type Tys: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + IntoIterator<Item = Self::Ty>;
type AliasTy: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
type ParamTy: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type BoundTy: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type PlaceholderTy: PlaceholderLike;
// Things stored inside of tys
type ErrorGuaranteed: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type BoundExistentialPredicates: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
type PolyFnSig: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
type AllocId: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type Pat: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + DebugWithInfcx<Self>;
// Kinds of consts
type Const: Const<Self>;
type AliasConst: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
type PlaceholderConst: PlaceholderLike;
type ParamConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type BoundConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type ValueConst: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type ExprConst: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
// Kinds of regions
type Region: Region<Self>;
type EarlyParamRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type LateParamRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type BoundRegion: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type InferRegion: Copy + DebugWithInfcx<Self> + Hash + Eq;
type PlaceholderRegion: PlaceholderLike;
// Predicates
type Predicate: Predicate<Self>;
type TraitPredicate: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type RegionOutlivesPredicate: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type TypeOutlivesPredicate: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type ProjectionPredicate: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type NormalizesTo: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type SubtypePredicate: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type CoercePredicate: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type ClosureKind: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq;
type Clauses: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeSuperVisitable<Self> + Flags;
fn mk_canonical_var_infos(self, infos: &[CanonicalVarInfo<Self>]) -> Self::CanonicalVars;
type GenericsOf: GenericsOf<Self>;
fn generics_of(self, def_id: Self::DefId) -> Self::GenericsOf;
fn check_and_mk_args(
def_id: Self::DefId,
args: impl IntoIterator<Item: Into<Self::GenericArg>>,
) -> Self::GenericArgs;
/// Imagine you have a function `F: FnOnce(&[T]) -> R`, plus an iterator `iter`
/// that produces `T` items. You could combine them with
/// `f(&iter.collect::<Vec<_>>())`, but this requires allocating memory for the
/// `Vec`.
/// This trait allows for faster implementations, intended for cases where the
/// number of items produced by the iterator is small. There is a blanket impl
/// for `T` items, but there is also a fallible impl for `Result<T, E>` items.
pub trait CollectAndApply<T, R>: Sized {
type Output;
/// Produce a result of type `Self::Output` from `iter`. The result will
/// typically be produced by applying `f` on the elements produced by
/// `iter`, though this may not happen in some impls, e.g. if an error
/// occurred during iteration.
fn collect_and_apply<I, F>(iter: I, f: F) -> Self::Output
I: Iterator<Item = Self>,
F: FnOnce(&[T]) -> R;
/// The blanket impl that always collects all elements and applies `f`.
impl<T, R> CollectAndApply<T, R> for T {
type Output = R;
/// Equivalent to `f(&iter.collect::<Vec<_>>())`.
fn collect_and_apply<I, F>(mut iter: I, f: F) -> R
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
F: FnOnce(&[T]) -> R,
// This code is hot enough that it's worth specializing for the most
// common length lists, to avoid the overhead of `SmallVec` creation.
// Lengths 0, 1, and 2 typically account for ~95% of cases. If
// `size_hint` is incorrect a panic will occur via an `unwrap` or an
// `assert`.
match iter.size_hint() {
(0, Some(0)) => {
(1, Some(1)) => {
let t0 =;
(2, Some(2)) => {
let t0 =;
let t1 =;
f(&[t0, t1])
_ => f(&iter.collect::<SmallVec<[_; 8]>>()),
/// A fallible impl that will fail, without calling `f`, if there are any
/// errors during collection.
impl<T, R, E> CollectAndApply<T, R> for Result<T, E> {
type Output = Result<R, E>;
/// Equivalent to `Ok(f(&iter.collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?))`.
fn collect_and_apply<I, F>(mut iter: I, f: F) -> Result<R, E>
I: Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>,
F: FnOnce(&[T]) -> R,
// This code is hot enough that it's worth specializing for the most
// common length lists, to avoid the overhead of `SmallVec` creation.
// Lengths 0, 1, and 2 typically account for ~95% of cases. If
// `size_hint` is incorrect a panic will occur via an `unwrap` or an
// `assert`, unless a failure happens first, in which case the result
// will be an error anyway.
Ok(match iter.size_hint() {
(0, Some(0)) => {
(1, Some(1)) => {
let t0 =;
(2, Some(2)) => {
let t0 =;
let t1 =;
f(&[t0, t1])
_ => f(&iter.collect::<Result<SmallVec<[_; 8]>, _>>()?),