blob: 42c28686f5c14ec3d692eb8cc2f9fc0cdd38e199 [file] [log] [blame]
mod cache;
mod overflow;
pub(super) use overflow::OverflowHandler;
use self::cache::ProvisionalEntry;
use cache::ProvisionalCache;
use overflow::OverflowData;
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::dep_graph::DepKind;
use rustc_middle::traits::solve::{CanonicalGoal, Certainty, MaybeCause, QueryResult};
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use std::{collections::hash_map::Entry, mem};
use super::SolverMode;
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
pub struct StackDepth {}
struct StackElem<'tcx> {
goal: CanonicalGoal<'tcx>,
has_been_used: bool,
pub(super) struct SearchGraph<'tcx> {
mode: SolverMode,
/// The stack of goals currently being computed.
/// An element is *deeper* in the stack if its index is *lower*.
stack: IndexVec<StackDepth, StackElem<'tcx>>,
overflow_data: OverflowData,
provisional_cache: ProvisionalCache<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> SearchGraph<'tcx> {
pub(super) fn new(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mode: SolverMode) -> SearchGraph<'tcx> {
Self {
stack: Default::default(),
overflow_data: OverflowData::new(tcx),
provisional_cache: ProvisionalCache::empty(),
pub(super) fn solver_mode(&self) -> SolverMode {
/// We do not use the global cache during coherence.
/// The trait solver behavior is different for coherence
/// so we would have to add the solver mode to the cache key.
/// This is probably not worth it as trait solving during
/// coherence tends to already be incredibly fast.
/// We could add another global cache for coherence instead,
/// but that's effort so let's only do it if necessary.
pub(super) fn should_use_global_cache(&self) -> bool {
match self.mode {
SolverMode::Normal => true,
SolverMode::Coherence => false,
pub(super) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.stack.is_empty() && self.provisional_cache.is_empty()
/// Whether we're currently in a cycle. This should only be used
/// for debug assertions.
pub(super) fn in_cycle(&self) -> bool {
if let Some(stack_depth) = self.stack.last_index() {
// Either the current goal on the stack is the root of a cycle...
if self.stack[stack_depth].has_been_used {
return true;
// ...or it depends on a goal with a lower depth.
let current_goal = self.stack[stack_depth].goal;
let entry_index = self.provisional_cache.lookup_table[&current_goal];
self.provisional_cache.entries[entry_index].depth != stack_depth
} else {
/// Tries putting the new goal on the stack, returning an error if it is already cached.
/// This correctly updates the provisional cache if there is a cycle.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, tcx), ret)]
fn try_push_stack(
&mut self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
goal: CanonicalGoal<'tcx>,
) -> Result<(), QueryResult<'tcx>> {
// Look at the provisional cache to check for cycles.
let cache = &mut self.provisional_cache;
match cache.lookup_table.entry(goal) {
// No entry, simply push this goal on the stack after dealing with overflow.
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
if self.overflow_data.has_overflow(self.stack.len()) {
return Err(self.deal_with_overflow(tcx, goal));
let depth = self.stack.push(StackElem { goal, has_been_used: false });
let response = super::response_no_constraints(tcx, goal, Certainty::Yes);
let entry_index = cache.entries.push(ProvisionalEntry { response, depth, goal });
// We have a nested goal which relies on a goal `root` deeper in the stack.
// We first store that we may have to rerun `evaluate_goal` for `root` in case the
// provisional response is not equal to the final response. We also update the depth
// of all goals which recursively depend on our current goal to depend on `root`
// instead.
// Finally we can return either the provisional response for that goal if we have a
// coinductive cycle or an ambiguous result if the cycle is inductive.
Entry::Occupied(entry_index) => {
let entry_index = *entry_index.get();
let stack_depth = cache.depth(entry_index);
debug!("encountered cycle with depth {stack_depth:?}");
self.stack[stack_depth].has_been_used = true;
// NOTE: The goals on the stack aren't the only goals involved in this cycle.
// We can also depend on goals which aren't part of the stack but coinductively
// depend on the stack themselves. We already checked whether all the goals
// between these goals and their root on the stack. This means that as long as
// each goal in a cycle is checked for coinductivity by itself, simply checking
// the stack is enough.
if self.stack.raw[stack_depth.index()..]
.all(|g| g.goal.value.predicate.is_coinductive(tcx))
} else {
/// We cannot simply store the result of [super::EvalCtxt::compute_goal] as we have to deal with
/// coinductive cycles.
/// When we encounter a coinductive cycle, we have to prove the final result of that cycle
/// while we are still computing that result. Because of this we continously recompute the
/// cycle until the result of the previous iteration is equal to the final result, at which
/// point we are done.
/// This function returns `true` if we were able to finalize the goal and `false` if it has
/// updated the provisional cache and we have to recompute the current goal.
/// FIXME: Refer to the rustc-dev-guide entry once it exists.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, actual_goal), ret)]
fn try_finalize_goal(
&mut self,
actual_goal: CanonicalGoal<'tcx>,
response: QueryResult<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let stack_elem = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let StackElem { goal, has_been_used } = stack_elem;
assert_eq!(goal, actual_goal);
let cache = &mut self.provisional_cache;
let provisional_entry_index = *cache.lookup_table.get(&goal).unwrap();
let provisional_entry = &mut cache.entries[provisional_entry_index];
// We eagerly update the response in the cache here. If we have to reevaluate
// this goal we use the new response when hitting a cycle, and we definitely
// want to access the final response whenever we look at the cache.
let prev_response = mem::replace(&mut provisional_entry.response, response);
// Was the current goal the root of a cycle and was the provisional response
// different from the final one.
if has_been_used && prev_response != response {
// If so, remove all entries whose result depends on this goal
// from the provisional cache...
// That's not completely correct, as a nested goal can also
// depend on a goal which is lower in the stack so it doesn't
// actually depend on the current goal. This should be fairly
// rare and is hopefully not relevant for performance.
cache.lookup_table.retain(|_key, index| *index <= provisional_entry_index);
cache.entries.truncate(provisional_entry_index.index() + 1);
// ...and finally push our goal back on the stack and reevaluate it.
self.stack.push(StackElem { goal, has_been_used: false });
} else {
pub(super) fn with_new_goal(
&mut self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
canonical_goal: CanonicalGoal<'tcx>,
mut loop_body: impl FnMut(&mut Self) -> QueryResult<'tcx>,
) -> QueryResult<'tcx> {
if self.should_use_global_cache() {
if let Some(result) = tcx.new_solver_evaluation_cache.get(&canonical_goal, tcx) {
debug!(?canonical_goal, ?result, "cache hit");
return result;
match self.try_push_stack(tcx, canonical_goal) {
Ok(()) => {}
// Our goal is already on the stack, eager return.
Err(response) => return response,
// This is for global caching, so we properly track query dependencies.
// Everything that affects the `Result` should be performed within this
// `with_anon_task` closure.
let (result, dep_node) = tcx.dep_graph.with_anon_task(tcx, DepKind::TraitSelect, || {
|this| {
let result = this.deal_with_overflow(tcx, canonical_goal);
let _ = this.stack.pop().unwrap();
|this| {
let result = loop_body(this);
this.try_finalize_goal(canonical_goal, result).then(|| result)
let cache = &mut self.provisional_cache;
let provisional_entry_index = *cache.lookup_table.get(&canonical_goal).unwrap();
let provisional_entry = &mut cache.entries[provisional_entry_index];
let depth = provisional_entry.depth;
// If not, we're done with this goal.
// Check whether that this goal doesn't depend on a goal deeper on the stack
// and if so, move it to the global cache.
// Note that if any nested goal were to depend on something deeper on the stack,
// this would have also updated the depth of the current goal.
if depth == self.stack.next_index() {
// If the current goal is the head of a cycle, we drop all other
// cycle participants without moving them to the global cache.
let other_cycle_participants = provisional_entry_index.index() + 1;
for (i, entry) in cache.entries.drain_enumerated(other_cycle_participants..) {
let actual_index = cache.lookup_table.remove(&entry.goal);
debug_assert_eq!(Some(i), actual_index);
debug_assert!(entry.depth == depth);
let current_goal = cache.entries.pop().unwrap();
let actual_index = cache.lookup_table.remove(&current_goal.goal);
debug_assert_eq!(Some(provisional_entry_index), actual_index);
debug_assert!(current_goal.depth == depth);
// We move the root goal to the global cache if we either did not hit an overflow or if it's
// the root goal as that will now always hit the same overflow limit.
// NOTE: We cannot move any non-root goals to the global cache. When replaying the root goal's
// dependencies, our non-root goal may no longer appear as child of the root goal.
// See for some additional context.
let can_cache = !self.overflow_data.did_overflow() || self.stack.is_empty();
if self.should_use_global_cache() && can_cache {