blob: fce1f65881266f00d5b047bc96fdab09fd263ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
error: `derive` may only be applied to structs, enums and unions
--> $DIR/
LL | fn foo<#[derive(Debug)] T>() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: expected an inert attribute, found an attribute macro
--> $DIR/
LL | fn foo<#[derive(Debug)] T>() {
| ^^^^^
error: `derive` may only be applied to structs, enums and unions
--> $DIR/
LL | #[derive(Debug)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: expected an inert attribute, found an attribute macro
--> $DIR/
LL | #[derive(Debug)]
| ^^^^^
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors