blob: a28bff3babfbf53909ab982746a2e6b6beb216bb [file] [log] [blame]
use super::{StringReader, UnmatchedBrace};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use rustc_errors::PResult;
use rustc_span::Span;
use syntax::print::pprust::token_to_string;
use syntax::token::{self, Token};
use syntax::tokenstream::{
IsJoint::{self, *},
TokenStream, TokenTree, TreeAndJoint,
impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
crate fn into_token_trees(self) -> (PResult<'a, TokenStream>, Vec<UnmatchedBrace>) {
let mut tt_reader = TokenTreesReader {
string_reader: self,
token: Token::dummy(),
joint_to_prev: Joint,
open_braces: Vec::new(),
unmatched_braces: Vec::new(),
matching_delim_spans: Vec::new(),
last_unclosed_found_span: None,
last_delim_empty_block_spans: FxHashMap::default(),
let res = tt_reader.parse_all_token_trees();
(res, tt_reader.unmatched_braces)
struct TokenTreesReader<'a> {
string_reader: StringReader<'a>,
token: Token,
joint_to_prev: IsJoint,
/// Stack of open delimiters and their spans. Used for error message.
open_braces: Vec<(token::DelimToken, Span)>,
unmatched_braces: Vec<UnmatchedBrace>,
/// The type and spans for all braces
/// Used only for error recovery when arriving to EOF with mismatched braces.
matching_delim_spans: Vec<(token::DelimToken, Span, Span)>,
last_unclosed_found_span: Option<Span>,
last_delim_empty_block_spans: FxHashMap<token::DelimToken, Span>,
impl<'a> TokenTreesReader<'a> {
// Parse a stream of tokens into a list of `TokenTree`s, up to an `Eof`.
fn parse_all_token_trees(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, TokenStream> {
let mut buf = TokenStreamBuilder::default();
while self.token != token::Eof {
// Parse a stream of tokens into a list of `TokenTree`s, up to a `CloseDelim`.
fn parse_token_trees_until_close_delim(&mut self) -> TokenStream {
let mut buf = TokenStreamBuilder::default();
loop {
if let token::CloseDelim(..) = self.token.kind {
return buf.into_token_stream();
match self.parse_token_tree() {
Ok(tree) => buf.push(tree),
Err(mut e) => {
return buf.into_token_stream();
fn parse_token_tree(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, TreeAndJoint> {
let sm = self.string_reader.sess.source_map();
match self.token.kind {
token::Eof => {
let msg = "this file contains an unclosed delimiter";
let mut err =
self.string_reader.sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(self.token.span, msg);
for &(_, sp) in &self.open_braces {
err.span_label(sp, "unclosed delimiter");
self.unmatched_braces.push(UnmatchedBrace {
expected_delim: token::DelimToken::Brace,
found_delim: None,
found_span: self.token.span,
unclosed_span: Some(sp),
candidate_span: None,
if let Some((delim, _)) = self.open_braces.last() {
if let Some((_, open_sp, close_sp)) = self
.filter(|(d, open_sp, close_sp)| {
if let Some(close_padding) = sm.span_to_margin(*close_sp) {
if let Some(open_padding) = sm.span_to_margin(*open_sp) {
return delim == d && close_padding != open_padding;
// these are in reverse order as they get inserted on close, but
// we want the last open/first close
err.span_label(*open_sp, "this delimiter might not be properly closed...");
" it matches this but it has different indentation",
token::OpenDelim(delim) => {
// The span for beginning of the delimited section
let pre_span = self.token.span;
// Parse the open delimiter.
self.open_braces.push((delim, self.token.span));
// Parse the token trees within the delimiters.
// We stop at any delimiter so we can try to recover if the user
// uses an incorrect delimiter.
let tts = self.parse_token_trees_until_close_delim();
// Expand to cover the entire delimited token tree
let delim_span = DelimSpan::from_pair(pre_span, self.token.span);
match self.token.kind {
// Correct delimiter.
token::CloseDelim(d) if d == delim => {
let (open_brace, open_brace_span) = self.open_braces.pop().unwrap();
let close_brace_span = self.token.span;
if tts.is_empty() {
let empty_block_span =;
self.last_delim_empty_block_spans.insert(delim, empty_block_span);
if self.open_braces.len() == 0 {
// Clear up these spans to avoid suggesting them as we've found
// properly matched delimiters so far for an entire block.
} else {
// Parse the closing delimiter.
// Incorrect delimiter.
token::CloseDelim(other) => {
let mut unclosed_delimiter = None;
let mut candidate = None;
if self.last_unclosed_found_span != Some(self.token.span) {
// do not complain about the same unclosed delimiter multiple times
self.last_unclosed_found_span = Some(self.token.span);
// This is a conservative error: only report the last unclosed
// delimiter. The previous unclosed delimiters could actually be
// closed! The parser just hasn't gotten to them yet.
if let Some(&(_, sp)) = self.open_braces.last() {
unclosed_delimiter = Some(sp);
if let Some(current_padding) = sm.span_to_margin(self.token.span) {
for (brace, brace_span) in &self.open_braces {
if let Some(padding) = sm.span_to_margin(*brace_span) {
// high likelihood of these two corresponding
if current_padding == padding && brace == &other {
candidate = Some(*brace_span);
let (tok, _) = self.open_braces.pop().unwrap();
self.unmatched_braces.push(UnmatchedBrace {
expected_delim: tok,
found_delim: Some(other),
found_span: self.token.span,
unclosed_span: unclosed_delimiter,
candidate_span: candidate,
} else {
// If the incorrect delimiter matches an earlier opening
// delimiter, then don't consume it (it can be used to
// close the earlier one). Otherwise, consume it.
// E.g., we try to recover from:
// fn foo() {
// bar(baz(
// } // Incorrect delimiter but matches the earlier `{`
if !self.open_braces.iter().any(|&(b, _)| b == other) {
token::Eof => {
// Silently recover, the EOF token will be seen again
// and an error emitted then. Thus we don't pop from
// self.open_braces here.
_ => {}
Ok(TokenTree::Delimited(delim_span, delim, tts.into()).into())
token::CloseDelim(delim) => {
// An unexpected closing delimiter (i.e., there is no
// matching opening delimiter).
let token_str = token_to_string(&self.token);
let msg = format!("unexpected closing delimiter: `{}`", token_str);
let mut err =
self.string_reader.sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(self.token.span, &msg);
if let Some(span) = self.last_delim_empty_block_spans.remove(&delim) {
"this block is empty, you might have not meant to close it",
err.span_label(self.token.span, "unexpected closing delimiter");
_ => {
let tt = TokenTree::Token(self.token.take());
let is_joint = self.joint_to_prev == Joint && self.token.is_op();
Ok((tt, if is_joint { Joint } else { NonJoint }))
fn real_token(&mut self) {
self.joint_to_prev = Joint;
loop {
let token = self.string_reader.next_token();
match token.kind {
token::Whitespace | token::Comment | token::Shebang(_) | token::Unknown(_) => {
self.joint_to_prev = NonJoint;
_ => {
self.token = token;
struct TokenStreamBuilder {
buf: Vec<TreeAndJoint>,
impl TokenStreamBuilder {
fn push(&mut self, (tree, joint): TreeAndJoint) {
if let Some((TokenTree::Token(prev_token), Joint)) = self.buf.last() {
if let TokenTree::Token(token) = &tree {
if let Some(glued) = prev_token.glue(token) {
self.buf.push((TokenTree::Token(glued), joint));
self.buf.push((tree, joint))
fn into_token_stream(self) -> TokenStream {