blob: cbf2b181e3c2a04d76ebbb65fb2545b88fd345de [file] [log] [blame]
use super::*;
use std::mem;
fn test_loading_atoi() {
if cfg!(windows) {
// The C library does not need to be loaded since it is already linked in
let lib = match DynamicLibrary::open(None) {
Err(error) => panic!("Could not load self as module: {}", error),
Ok(lib) => lib,
let atoi: extern "C" fn(*const libc::c_char) -> libc::c_int = unsafe {
match lib.symbol("atoi") {
Err(error) => panic!("Could not load function atoi: {}", error),
Ok(atoi) => mem::transmute::<*mut u8, _>(atoi),
let argument = CString::new("1383428980").unwrap();
let expected_result = 0x52757374;
let result = atoi(argument.as_ptr());
if result != expected_result {
panic!("atoi({:?}) != {} but equaled {} instead", argument, expected_result, result)
fn test_errors_do_not_crash() {
use std::path::Path;
if !cfg!(unix) {
// Open /dev/null as a library to get an error, and make sure
// that only causes an error, and not a crash.
let path = Path::new("/dev/null");
match DynamicLibrary::open(Some(&path)) {
Err(_) => {}
Ok(_) => panic!("Successfully opened the empty library."),