blob: f680b0d64cded26815b9b0244928ab04cd9290a1 [file] [log] [blame]
use itertools::Itertools;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, TokenTree};
use quote::quote;
use syn;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{
braced, parenthesized, parse_macro_input, Attribute, Block, Error, Expr, Ident, ReturnType,
Token, Type,
mod kw {
/// Ident or a wildcard `_`.
struct IdentOrWild(Ident);
impl Parse for IdentOrWild {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(if input.peek(Token![_]) {
let underscore = input.parse::<Token![_]>()?;
IdentOrWild(Ident::new("_", underscore.span()))
} else {
/// A modifier for a query
enum QueryModifier {
/// The description of the query.
Desc(Option<Ident>, Punctuated<Expr, Token![,]>),
/// Cache the query to disk if the `Expr` returns true.
Cache(Option<(IdentOrWild, IdentOrWild)>, Block),
/// Custom code to load the query from disk.
LoadCached(Ident, Ident, Block),
/// A cycle error for this query aborting the compilation with a fatal error.
/// A cycle error results in a delay_bug call
/// Don't hash the result, instead just mark a query red if it runs
/// Don't force the query
/// Generate a dep node based on the dependencies of the query
/// Always evaluate the query, ignoring its depdendencies
impl Parse for QueryModifier {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let modifier: Ident = input.parse()?;
if modifier == "desc" {
// Parse a description modifier like:
// `desc { |tcx| "foo {}", tcx.item_path(key) }`
let attr_content;
braced!(attr_content in input);
let tcx = if attr_content.peek(Token![|]) {
let tcx = attr_content.parse()?;
} else {
let desc = attr_content.parse_terminated(Expr::parse)?;
Ok(QueryModifier::Desc(tcx, desc))
} else if modifier == "cache_on_disk_if" {
// Parse a cache modifier like:
// `cache(tcx, value) { |tcx| key.is_local() }`
let has_args = if let TokenTree::Group(group) = input.fork().parse()? {
group.delimiter() == Delimiter::Parenthesis
} else {
let args = if has_args {
let args;
parenthesized!(args in input);
let tcx = args.parse()?;
let value = args.parse()?;
Some((tcx, value))
} else {
let block = input.parse()?;
Ok(QueryModifier::Cache(args, block))
} else if modifier == "load_cached" {
// Parse a load_cached modifier like:
// `load_cached(tcx, id) { tcx.queries.on_disk_cache.try_load_query_result(tcx, id) }`
let args;
parenthesized!(args in input);
let tcx = args.parse()?;
let id = args.parse()?;
let block = input.parse()?;
Ok(QueryModifier::LoadCached(tcx, id, block))
} else if modifier == "fatal_cycle" {
} else if modifier == "cycle_delay_bug" {
} else if modifier == "no_hash" {
} else if modifier == "no_force" {
} else if modifier == "anon" {
} else if modifier == "eval_always" {
} else {
Err(Error::new(modifier.span(), "unknown query modifier"))
/// Ensures only doc comment attributes are used
fn check_attributes(attrs: Vec<Attribute>) -> Result<()> {
for attr in attrs {
if !attr.path.is_ident("doc") {
return Err(Error::new(attr.span(), "attributes not supported on queries"));
/// A compiler query. `query ... { ... }`
struct Query {
modifiers: List<QueryModifier>,
name: Ident,
key: IdentOrWild,
arg: Type,
result: ReturnType,
impl Parse for Query {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
// Parse the query declaration. Like `query type_of(key: DefId) -> Ty<'tcx>`
let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
let arg_content;
parenthesized!(arg_content in input);
let key = arg_content.parse()?;
let arg = arg_content.parse()?;
let result = input.parse()?;
// Parse the query modifiers
let content;
braced!(content in input);
let modifiers = content.parse()?;
Ok(Query { modifiers, name, key, arg, result })
/// A type used to greedily parse another type until the input is empty.
struct List<T>(Vec<T>);
impl<T: Parse> Parse for List<T> {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut list = Vec::new();
while !input.is_empty() {
/// A named group containing queries.
struct Group {
name: Ident,
queries: List<Query>,
impl Parse for Group {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
let content;
braced!(content in input);
Ok(Group { name, queries: content.parse()? })
struct QueryModifiers {
/// The description of the query.
desc: Option<(Option<Ident>, Punctuated<Expr, Token![,]>)>,
/// Cache the query to disk if the `Block` returns true.
cache: Option<(Option<(IdentOrWild, IdentOrWild)>, Block)>,
/// Custom code to load the query from disk.
load_cached: Option<(Ident, Ident, Block)>,
/// A cycle error for this query aborting the compilation with a fatal error.
fatal_cycle: bool,
/// A cycle error results in a delay_bug call
cycle_delay_bug: bool,
/// Don't hash the result, instead just mark a query red if it runs
no_hash: bool,
/// Don't force the query
no_force: bool,
/// Generate a dep node based on the dependencies of the query
anon: bool,
// Always evaluate the query, ignoring its depdendencies
eval_always: bool,
/// Process query modifiers into a struct, erroring on duplicates
fn process_modifiers(query: &mut Query) -> QueryModifiers {
let mut load_cached = None;
let mut cache = None;
let mut desc = None;
let mut fatal_cycle = false;
let mut cycle_delay_bug = false;
let mut no_hash = false;
let mut no_force = false;
let mut anon = false;
let mut eval_always = false;
for modifier in query.modifiers.0.drain(..) {
match modifier {
QueryModifier::LoadCached(tcx, id, block) => {
if load_cached.is_some() {
panic!("duplicate modifier `load_cached` for query `{}`",;
load_cached = Some((tcx, id, block));
QueryModifier::Cache(args, expr) => {
if cache.is_some() {
panic!("duplicate modifier `cache` for query `{}`",;
cache = Some((args, expr));
QueryModifier::Desc(tcx, list) => {
if desc.is_some() {
panic!("duplicate modifier `desc` for query `{}`",;
desc = Some((tcx, list));
QueryModifier::FatalCycle => {
if fatal_cycle {
panic!("duplicate modifier `fatal_cycle` for query `{}`",;
fatal_cycle = true;
QueryModifier::CycleDelayBug => {
if cycle_delay_bug {
panic!("duplicate modifier `cycle_delay_bug` for query `{}`",;
cycle_delay_bug = true;
QueryModifier::NoHash => {
if no_hash {
panic!("duplicate modifier `no_hash` for query `{}`",;
no_hash = true;
QueryModifier::NoForce => {
if no_force {
panic!("duplicate modifier `no_force` for query `{}`",;
no_force = true;
QueryModifier::Anon => {
if anon {
panic!("duplicate modifier `anon` for query `{}`",;
anon = true;
QueryModifier::EvalAlways => {
if eval_always {
panic!("duplicate modifier `eval_always` for query `{}`",;
eval_always = true;
QueryModifiers {
/// Add the impl of QueryDescription for the query to `impls` if one is requested
fn add_query_description_impl(
query: &Query,
modifiers: QueryModifiers,
impls: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream,
) {
let name = &;
let arg = &query.arg;
let key = &query.key.0;
// Find out if we should cache the query on disk
let cache = modifiers.cache.as_ref().map(|(args, expr)| {
let try_load_from_disk = if let Some((tcx, id, block)) = modifiers.load_cached.as_ref() {
// Use custom code to load the query from disk
quote! {
fn try_load_from_disk(
#tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
#id: SerializedDepNodeIndex
) -> Option<Self::Value> {
} else {
// Use the default code to load the query from disk
quote! {
fn try_load_from_disk(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
id: SerializedDepNodeIndex
) -> Option<Self::Value> {
tcx.queries.on_disk_cache.try_load_query_result(tcx, id)
let tcx = args
.map(|t| {
let t = &(t.0).0;
quote! { #t }
.unwrap_or(quote! { _ });
let value = args
.map(|t| {
let t = &(t.1).0;
quote! { #t }
.unwrap_or(quote! { _ });
quote! {
fn cache_on_disk(
#tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
#key: Self::Key,
#value: Option<&Self::Value>
) -> bool {
if cache.is_none() && modifiers.load_cached.is_some() {
panic!("load_cached modifier on query `{}` without a cache modifier", name);
let desc = modifiers.desc.as_ref().map(|(tcx, desc)| {
let tcx = tcx.as_ref().map(|t| quote! { #t }).unwrap_or(quote! { _ });
quote! {
fn describe(
#tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
#key: #arg,
) -> Cow<'static, str> {
if desc.is_some() || cache.is_some() {
let cache = cache.unwrap_or(quote! {});
let desc = desc.unwrap_or(quote! {});
impls.extend(quote! {
impl<'tcx> QueryDescription<'tcx> for queries::#name<'tcx> {
pub fn rustc_queries(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let groups = parse_macro_input!(input as List<Group>);
let mut query_stream = quote! {};
let mut query_description_stream = quote! {};
let mut dep_node_def_stream = quote! {};
let mut dep_node_force_stream = quote! {};
let mut try_load_from_on_disk_cache_stream = quote! {};
let mut no_force_queries = Vec::new();
let mut cached_queries = quote! {};
for group in groups.0 {
let mut group_stream = quote! {};
for mut query in group.queries.0 {
let modifiers = process_modifiers(&mut query);
let name = &;
let arg = &query.arg;
let result_full = &query.result;
let result = match query.result {
ReturnType::Default => quote! { -> () },
_ => quote! { #result_full },
if modifiers.cache.is_some() {
cached_queries.extend(quote! {
if modifiers.cache.is_some() && !modifiers.no_force {
try_load_from_on_disk_cache_stream.extend(quote! {
DepKind::#name => {
.map(|c| c.is_green())
let key = RecoverKey::recover(tcx, self).unwrap();
if queries::#name::cache_on_disk(tcx, key, None) {
let _ = tcx.#name(key);
let mut attributes = Vec::new();
// Pass on the fatal_cycle modifier
if modifiers.fatal_cycle {
attributes.push(quote! { fatal_cycle });
// Pass on the cycle_delay_bug modifier
if modifiers.cycle_delay_bug {
attributes.push(quote! { cycle_delay_bug });
// Pass on the no_hash modifier
if modifiers.no_hash {
attributes.push(quote! { no_hash });
// Pass on the anon modifier
if modifiers.anon {
attributes.push(quote! { anon });
// Pass on the eval_always modifier
if modifiers.eval_always {
attributes.push(quote! { eval_always });
let mut attribute_stream = quote! {};
for e in attributes.into_iter().intersperse(quote! {,}) {
// Add the query to the group
group_stream.extend(quote! {
[#attribute_stream] fn #name: #name(#arg) #result,
// Create a dep node for the query
dep_node_def_stream.extend(quote! {
[#attribute_stream] #name(#arg),
if modifiers.no_force {
} else {
// Add a match arm to force the query given the dep node
dep_node_force_stream.extend(quote! {
DepKind::#name => {
if let Some(key) = RecoverKey::recover($tcx, $dep_node) {
} else {
return false;
add_query_description_impl(&query, modifiers, &mut query_description_stream);
let name = &;
query_stream.extend(quote! {
#name { #group_stream },
// Add an arm for the no force queries to panic when trying to force them
for query in no_force_queries {
dep_node_force_stream.extend(quote! {
DepKind::#query |
dep_node_force_stream.extend(quote! {
DepKind::Null => {
bug!("Cannot force dep node: {:?}", $dep_node)
TokenStream::from(quote! {
macro_rules! rustc_query_append {
([$($macro:tt)*][$($other:tt)*]) => {
$($macro)* {
macro_rules! rustc_dep_node_append {
([$($macro:tt)*][$($other:tt)*]) => {
macro_rules! rustc_dep_node_force {
([$dep_node:expr, $tcx:expr] $($other:tt)*) => {
match $dep_node.kind {
macro_rules! rustc_cached_queries {
($($macro:tt)*) => {
impl DepNode {
/// Check whether the query invocation corresponding to the given
/// DepNode is eligible for on-disk-caching. If so, this is method
/// will execute the query corresponding to the given DepNode.
/// Also, as a sanity check, it expects that the corresponding query
/// invocation has been marked as green already.
pub fn try_load_from_on_disk_cache(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) {
match self.kind {
_ => (),