blob: 8e0fcb56c7f37155dc714fe0afc0117a6f5e794f [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::coercion::CoerceMany;
use crate::fn_ctxt::arg_matrix::{ArgMatrix, Compatibility, Error, ExpectedIdx, ProvidedIdx};
use crate::gather_locals::Declaration;
use crate::method::MethodCallee;
use crate::Expectation::*;
use crate::TupleArgumentsFlag::*;
use crate::{
struct_span_err, BreakableCtxt, Diverges, Expectation, FnCtxt, LocalTy, Needs,
use rustc_ast as ast;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_errors::{pluralize, Applicability, Diagnostic, DiagnosticId, MultiSpan};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def::{CtorOf, DefKind, Res};
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_hir::{ExprKind, Node, QPath};
use rustc_hir_analysis::astconv::AstConv;
use rustc_hir_analysis::check::intrinsicck::InlineAsmCtxt;
use rustc_hir_analysis::check::potentially_plural_count;
use rustc_hir_analysis::structured_errors::StructuredDiagnostic;
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_infer::infer::error_reporting::{FailureCode, ObligationCauseExt};
use rustc_infer::infer::type_variable::{TypeVariableOrigin, TypeVariableOriginKind};
use rustc_infer::infer::InferOk;
use rustc_infer::infer::TypeTrace;
use rustc_middle::ty::adjustment::AllowTwoPhase;
use rustc_middle::ty::visit::TypeVisitable;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, DefIdTree, IsSuggestable, Ty, TypeSuperVisitable, TypeVisitor};
use rustc_session::Session;
use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
use rustc_span::{self, sym, Span};
use rustc_trait_selection::traits::{self, ObligationCauseCode, SelectionContext};
use std::iter;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
use std::slice;
impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
pub(in super::super) fn check_casts(&mut self) {
// don't hold the borrow to deferred_cast_checks while checking to avoid borrow checker errors
// when writing to `self.param_env`.
let mut deferred_cast_checks = mem::take(&mut *self.deferred_cast_checks.borrow_mut());
debug!("FnCtxt::check_casts: {} deferred checks", deferred_cast_checks.len());
for cast in deferred_cast_checks.drain(..) {
let prev_env = self.param_env;
self.param_env = self.param_env.with_constness(cast.constness);
self.param_env = prev_env;
*self.deferred_cast_checks.borrow_mut() = deferred_cast_checks;
pub(in super::super) fn check_transmutes(&self) {
let mut deferred_transmute_checks = self.deferred_transmute_checks.borrow_mut();
debug!("FnCtxt::check_transmutes: {} deferred checks", deferred_transmute_checks.len());
for (from, to, hir_id) in deferred_transmute_checks.drain(..) {
self.check_transmute(from, to, hir_id);
pub(in super::super) fn check_asms(&self) {
let mut deferred_asm_checks = self.deferred_asm_checks.borrow_mut();
debug!("FnCtxt::check_asm: {} deferred checks", deferred_asm_checks.len());
for (asm, hir_id) in deferred_asm_checks.drain(..) {
let enclosing_id = self.tcx.hir().enclosing_body_owner(hir_id);
let get_operand_ty = |expr| {
let ty = self.typeck_results.borrow().expr_ty_adjusted(expr);
let ty = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(ty);
if ty.has_non_region_infer() {
} else {
InlineAsmCtxt::new_in_fn(self.tcx, self.param_env, get_operand_ty)
.check_asm(asm, self.tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(enclosing_id));
pub(in super::super) fn check_method_argument_types(
sp: Span,
expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
method: Result<MethodCallee<'tcx>, ()>,
args_no_rcvr: &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>],
tuple_arguments: TupleArgumentsFlag,
expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let has_error = match method {
Ok(method) => method.substs.references_error() || method.sig.references_error(),
Err(_) => true,
if has_error {
let err_inputs = self.err_args(args_no_rcvr.len());
let err_inputs = match tuple_arguments {
DontTupleArguments => err_inputs,
TupleArguments => vec![self.tcx.intern_tup(&err_inputs)],
method.ok().map(|method| method.def_id),
return self.tcx.ty_error();
let method = method.unwrap();
// HACK(eddyb) ignore self in the definition (see above).
let expected_input_tys = self.expected_inputs_for_expected_output(
/// Generic function that factors out common logic from function calls,
/// method calls and overloaded operators.
pub(in super::super) fn check_argument_types(
// Span enclosing the call site
call_span: Span,
// Expression of the call site
call_expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
// Types (as defined in the *signature* of the target function)
formal_input_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>],
// More specific expected types, after unifying with caller output types
expected_input_tys: Option<Vec<Ty<'tcx>>>,
// The expressions for each provided argument
provided_args: &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>],
// Whether the function is variadic, for example when imported from C
c_variadic: bool,
// Whether the arguments have been bundled in a tuple (ex: closures)
tuple_arguments: TupleArgumentsFlag,
// The DefId for the function being called, for better error messages
fn_def_id: Option<DefId>,
) {
let tcx = self.tcx;
// Conceptually, we've got some number of expected inputs, and some number of provided arguments
// and we can form a grid of whether each argument could satisfy a given input:
// in1 | in2 | in3 | ...
// arg1 ? | | |
// arg2 | ? | |
// arg3 | | ? |
// ...
// Initially, we just check the diagonal, because in the case of correct code
// these are the only checks that matter
// However, in the unhappy path, we'll fill in this whole grid to attempt to provide
// better error messages about invalid method calls.
// All the input types from the fn signature must outlive the call
// so as to validate implied bounds.
for (&fn_input_ty, arg_expr) in iter::zip(formal_input_tys, provided_args) {
self.register_wf_obligation(fn_input_ty.into(), arg_expr.span, traits::MiscObligation);
let mut err_code = "E0061";
// If the arguments should be wrapped in a tuple (ex: closures), unwrap them here
let (formal_input_tys, expected_input_tys) = if tuple_arguments == TupleArguments {
let tuple_type = self.structurally_resolved_type(call_span, formal_input_tys[0]);
match tuple_type.kind() {
// We expected a tuple and got a tuple
ty::Tuple(arg_types) => {
// Argument length differs
if arg_types.len() != provided_args.len() {
err_code = "E0057";
let expected_input_tys = match expected_input_tys {
Some(expected_input_tys) => match expected_input_tys.get(0) {
Some(ty) => match ty.kind() {
ty::Tuple(tys) => Some(tys.iter().collect()),
_ => None,
None => None,
None => None,
(arg_types.iter().collect(), expected_input_tys)
_ => {
// Otherwise, there's a mismatch, so clear out what we're expecting, and set
// our input types to err_args so we don't blow up the error messages
"cannot use call notation; the first type parameter \
for the function trait is neither a tuple nor unit"
(self.err_args(provided_args.len()), None)
} else {
(formal_input_tys.to_vec(), expected_input_tys)
// If there are no external expectations at the call site, just use the types from the function defn
let expected_input_tys = if let Some(expected_input_tys) = expected_input_tys {
assert_eq!(expected_input_tys.len(), formal_input_tys.len());
} else {
let minimum_input_count = expected_input_tys.len();
let provided_arg_count = provided_args.len();
let is_const_eval_select = matches!(fn_def_id, Some(def_id) if
self.tcx.def_kind(def_id) == hir::def::DefKind::Fn
&& self.tcx.is_intrinsic(def_id)
&& self.tcx.item_name(def_id) == sym::const_eval_select);
// We introduce a helper function to demand that a given argument satisfy a given input
// This is more complicated than just checking type equality, as arguments could be coerced
// This version writes those types back so further type checking uses the narrowed types
let demand_compatible = |idx| {
let formal_input_ty: Ty<'tcx> = formal_input_tys[idx];
let expected_input_ty: Ty<'tcx> = expected_input_tys[idx];
let provided_arg = &provided_args[idx];
debug!("checking argument {}: {:?} = {:?}", idx, provided_arg, formal_input_ty);
// We're on the happy path here, so we'll do a more involved check and write back types
// To check compatibility, we'll do 3 things:
// 1. Unify the provided argument with the expected type
let expectation = Expectation::rvalue_hint(self, expected_input_ty);
let checked_ty = self.check_expr_with_expectation(provided_arg, expectation);
// 2. Coerce to the most detailed type that could be coerced
// to, which is `expected_ty` if `rvalue_hint` returns an
// `ExpectHasType(expected_ty)`, or the `formal_ty` otherwise.
let coerced_ty = expectation.only_has_type(self).unwrap_or(formal_input_ty);
// Cause selection errors caused by resolving a single argument to point at the
// argument and not the call. This lets us customize the span pointed to in the
// fulfillment error to be more accurate.
let coerced_ty = self.resolve_vars_with_obligations(coerced_ty);
let coerce_error = self
.try_coerce(provided_arg, checked_ty, coerced_ty, AllowTwoPhase::Yes, None)
if coerce_error.is_some() {
return Compatibility::Incompatible(coerce_error);
// Check that second and third argument of `const_eval_select` must be `FnDef`, and additionally that
// the second argument must be `const fn`. The first argument must be a tuple, but this is already expressed
// in the function signature (`F: FnOnce<ARG>`), so I did not bother to add another check here.
// This check is here because there is currently no way to express a trait bound for `FnDef` types only.
if is_const_eval_select && (1..=2).contains(&idx) {
if let ty::FnDef(def_id, _) = checked_ty.kind() {
if idx == 1 && !self.tcx.is_const_fn_raw(*def_id) {
.struct_span_err(provided_arg.span, "this argument must be a `const fn`")
.help("consult the documentation on `const_eval_select` for more information")
} else {
.struct_span_err(provided_arg.span, "this argument must be a function item")
.note(format!("expected a function item, found {checked_ty}"))
"consult the documentation on `const_eval_select` for more information",
// 3. Check if the formal type is a supertype of the checked one
// and register any such obligations for future type checks
let supertype_error = self
.at(&self.misc(provided_arg.span), self.param_env)
.sup(formal_input_ty, coerced_ty);
let subtyping_error = match supertype_error {
Ok(InferOk { obligations, value: () }) => {
Err(err) => Some(err),
// If neither check failed, the types are compatible
match subtyping_error {
None => Compatibility::Compatible,
Some(_) => Compatibility::Incompatible(subtyping_error),
// To start, we only care "along the diagonal", where we expect every
// provided arg to be in the right spot
let mut compatibility_diagonal =
vec![Compatibility::Incompatible(None); provided_args.len()];
// Keep track of whether we *could possibly* be satisfied, i.e. whether we're on the happy path
// if the wrong number of arguments were supplied, we CAN'T be satisfied,
// and if we're c_variadic, the supplied arguments must be >= the minimum count from the function
// otherwise, they need to be identical, because rust doesn't currently support variadic functions
let mut call_appears_satisfied = if c_variadic {
provided_arg_count >= minimum_input_count
} else {
provided_arg_count == minimum_input_count
// Check the arguments.
// We do this in a pretty awful way: first we type-check any arguments
// that are not closures, then we type-check the closures. This is so
// that we have more information about the types of arguments when we
// type-check the functions. This isn't really the right way to do this.
for check_closures in [false, true] {
// More awful hacks: before we check argument types, try to do
// an "opportunistic" trait resolution of any trait bounds on
// the call. This helps coercions.
if check_closures {
self.select_obligations_where_possible(false, |_| {})
// Check each argument, to satisfy the input it was provided for
// Visually, we're traveling down the diagonal of the compatibility matrix
for (idx, arg) in provided_args.iter().enumerate() {
// Warn only for the first loop (the "no closures" one).
// Closure arguments themselves can't be diverging, but
// a previous argument can, e.g., `foo(panic!(), || {})`.
if !check_closures {
self.warn_if_unreachable(arg.hir_id, arg.span, "expression");
// For C-variadic functions, we don't have a declared type for all of
// the arguments hence we only do our usual type checking with
// the arguments who's types we do know. However, we *can* check
// for unreachable expressions (see above).
// FIXME: unreachable warning current isn't emitted
if idx >= minimum_input_count {
let is_closure = matches!(arg.kind, ExprKind::Closure { .. });
if is_closure != check_closures {
let compatible = demand_compatible(idx);
let is_compatible = matches!(compatible, Compatibility::Compatible);
compatibility_diagonal[idx] = compatible;
if !is_compatible {
call_appears_satisfied = false;
if c_variadic && provided_arg_count < minimum_input_count {
err_code = "E0060";
for arg in provided_args.iter().skip(minimum_input_count) {
// Make sure we've checked this expr at least once.
let arg_ty = self.check_expr(&arg);
// If the function is c-style variadic, we skipped a bunch of arguments
// so we need to check those, and write out the types
// Ideally this would be folded into the above, for uniform style
// but c-variadic is already a corner case
if c_variadic {
fn variadic_error<'tcx>(
sess: &'tcx Session,
span: Span,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
cast_ty: &str,
) {
use rustc_hir_analysis::structured_errors::MissingCastForVariadicArg;
MissingCastForVariadicArg { sess, span, ty, cast_ty }.diagnostic().emit();
// There are a few types which get autopromoted when passed via varargs
// in C but we just error out instead and require explicit casts.
let arg_ty = self.structurally_resolved_type(arg.span, arg_ty);
match arg_ty.kind() {
ty::Float(ty::FloatTy::F32) => {
variadic_error(tcx.sess, arg.span, arg_ty, "c_double");
ty::Int(ty::IntTy::I8 | ty::IntTy::I16) | ty::Bool => {
variadic_error(tcx.sess, arg.span, arg_ty, "c_int");
ty::Uint(ty::UintTy::U8 | ty::UintTy::U16) => {
variadic_error(tcx.sess, arg.span, arg_ty, "c_uint");
ty::FnDef(..) => {
let ptr_ty = self.tcx.mk_fn_ptr(arg_ty.fn_sig(self.tcx));
let ptr_ty = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(ptr_ty);
variadic_error(tcx.sess, arg.span, arg_ty, &ptr_ty.to_string());
_ => {}
if !call_appears_satisfied {
let compatibility_diagonal = IndexVec::from_raw(compatibility_diagonal);
let provided_args = IndexVec::from_iter(provided_args.iter().take(if c_variadic {
} else {
"expected formal_input_tys to be the same size as expected_input_tys"
let formal_and_expected_inputs = IndexVec::from_iter(
.map(|vars| self.resolve_vars_if_possible(vars)),
fn report_arg_errors(
compatibility_diagonal: IndexVec<ProvidedIdx, Compatibility<'tcx>>,
formal_and_expected_inputs: IndexVec<ExpectedIdx, (Ty<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)>,
provided_args: IndexVec<ProvidedIdx, &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
c_variadic: bool,
err_code: &str,
fn_def_id: Option<DefId>,
call_span: Span,
call_expr: &hir::Expr<'tcx>,
) {
// Next, let's construct the error
let (error_span, full_call_span, ctor_of, is_method) = match &call_expr.kind {
hir::Expr { hir_id, span, kind: hir::ExprKind::Path(qpath), .. },
) => {
if let Res::Def(DefKind::Ctor(of, _), _) =
self.typeck_results.borrow().qpath_res(qpath, *hir_id)
(call_span, *span, Some(of), false)
} else {
(call_span, *span, None, false)
hir::ExprKind::Call(hir::Expr { span, .. }, _) => (call_span, *span, None, false),
hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(path_segment, _, _, span) => {
let ident_span = path_segment.ident.span;
let ident_span = if let Some(args) = path_segment.args {
} else {
// methods are never ctors
(*span, ident_span, None, true)
k => span_bug!(call_span, "checking argument types on a non-call: `{:?}`", k),
let args_span = error_span.trim_start(full_call_span).unwrap_or(error_span);
let call_name = match ctor_of {
Some(CtorOf::Struct) => "struct",
Some(CtorOf::Variant) => "enum variant",
None => "function",
// Don't print if it has error types or is just plain `_`
fn has_error_or_infer<'tcx>(tys: impl IntoIterator<Item = Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool {
tys.into_iter().any(|ty| ty.references_error() || ty.is_ty_var())
let tcx = self.tcx;
// Get the argument span in the context of the call span so that
// suggestions and labels are (more) correct when an arg is a
// macro invocation.
let normalize_span = |span: Span| -> Span {
let normalized_span = span.find_ancestor_inside(error_span).unwrap_or(span);
// Sometimes macros mess up the spans, so do not normalize the
// arg span to equal the error span, because that's less useful
// than pointing out the arg expr in the wrong context.
if normalized_span.source_equal(error_span) { span } else { normalized_span }
// Precompute the provided types and spans, since that's all we typically need for below
let provided_arg_tys: IndexVec<ProvidedIdx, (Ty<'tcx>, Span)> = provided_args
.map(|expr| {
let ty = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| tcx.ty_error());
(self.resolve_vars_if_possible(ty), normalize_span(expr.span))
let callee_expr = match &call_expr.peel_blocks().kind {
hir::ExprKind::Call(callee, _) => Some(*callee),
hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(_, receiver, ..) => {
if let Some((DefKind::AssocFn, def_id)) =
&& let Some(assoc) = tcx.opt_associated_item(def_id)
&& assoc.fn_has_self_parameter
} else {
_ => None,
let callee_ty = callee_expr
.and_then(|callee_expr| self.typeck_results.borrow().expr_ty_adjusted_opt(callee_expr));
// A "softer" version of the `demand_compatible`, which checks types without persisting them,
// and treats error types differently
// This will allow us to "probe" for other argument orders that would likely have been correct
let check_compatible = |provided_idx: ProvidedIdx, expected_idx: ExpectedIdx| {
if provided_idx.as_usize() == expected_idx.as_usize() {
return compatibility_diagonal[provided_idx].clone();
let (formal_input_ty, expected_input_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[expected_idx];
// If either is an error type, we defy the usual convention and consider them to *not* be
// coercible. This prevents our error message heuristic from trying to pass errors into
// every argument.
if (formal_input_ty, expected_input_ty).references_error() {
return Compatibility::Incompatible(None);
let (arg_ty, arg_span) = provided_arg_tys[provided_idx];
let expectation = Expectation::rvalue_hint(self, expected_input_ty);
let coerced_ty = expectation.only_has_type(self).unwrap_or(formal_input_ty);
let can_coerce = self.can_coerce(arg_ty, coerced_ty);
if !can_coerce {
return Compatibility::Incompatible(Some(ty::error::TypeError::Sorts(
ty::error::ExpectedFound::new(true, coerced_ty, arg_ty),
// Using probe here, since we don't want this subtyping to affect inference.
let subtyping_error = self.probe(|_| {, self.param_env).sup(formal_input_ty, coerced_ty).err()
// Same as above: if either the coerce type or the checked type is an error type,
// consider them *not* compatible.
let references_error = (coerced_ty, arg_ty).references_error();
match (references_error, subtyping_error) {
(false, None) => Compatibility::Compatible,
(_, subtyping_error) => Compatibility::Incompatible(subtyping_error),
// The algorithm here is inspired by levenshtein distance and longest common subsequence.
// We'll try to detect 4 different types of mistakes:
// - An extra parameter has been provided that doesn't satisfy *any* of the other inputs
// - An input is missing, which isn't satisfied by *any* of the other arguments
// - Some number of arguments have been provided in the wrong order
// - A type is straight up invalid
// First, let's find the errors
let (mut errors, matched_inputs) =
ArgMatrix::new(provided_args.len(), formal_and_expected_inputs.len(), check_compatible)
// First, check if we just need to wrap some arguments in a tuple.
if let Some((mismatch_idx, terr)) =
compatibility_diagonal.iter().enumerate().find_map(|(i, c)| {
if let Compatibility::Incompatible(Some(terr)) = c {
Some((i, *terr))
} else {
// Is the first bad expected argument a tuple?
// Do we have as many extra provided arguments as the tuple's length?
// If so, we might have just forgotten to wrap some args in a tuple.
if let Some(ty::Tuple(tys)) =
formal_and_expected_inputs.get(mismatch_idx.into()).map(|tys| tys.1.kind())
// If the tuple is unit, we're not actually wrapping any arguments.
&& !tys.is_empty()
&& provided_arg_tys.len() == formal_and_expected_inputs.len() - 1 + tys.len()
// Wrap up the N provided arguments starting at this position in a tuple.
let provided_as_tuple = tcx.mk_tup(
provided_arg_tys.iter().map(|(ty, _)| *ty).skip(mismatch_idx).take(tys.len()),
let mut satisfied = true;
// Check if the newly wrapped tuple + rest of the arguments are compatible.
for ((_, expected_ty), provided_ty) in std::iter::zip(
provided_arg_tys.iter().map(|(ty, _)| *ty).skip(mismatch_idx + tys.len()),
) {
if !self.can_coerce(provided_ty, *expected_ty) {
satisfied = false;
// If they're compatible, suggest wrapping in an arg, and we're done!
// Take some care with spans, so we don't suggest wrapping a macro's
// innards in parenthesis, for example.
if satisfied
&& let Some((_, lo)) =
&& let Some((_, hi)) =
provided_arg_tys.get(ProvidedIdx::from_usize(mismatch_idx + tys.len() - 1))
let mut err;
if tys.len() == 1 {
// A tuple wrap suggestion actually occurs within,
// so don't do anything special here.
err = self.err_ctxt().report_and_explain_type_error(
format!("arguments to this {} are incorrect", call_name),
} else {
err = tcx.sess.struct_span_err_with_code(
"this {} takes {}{} but {} {} supplied",
if c_variadic { "at least " } else { "" },
potentially_plural_count(provided_args.len(), "argument"),
pluralize!("was", provided_args.len())
"wrap these arguments in parentheses to construct a tuple",
(lo.shrink_to_lo(), "(".to_string()),
(hi.shrink_to_hi(), ")".to_string()),
&mut err,
// Okay, so here's where it gets complicated in regards to what errors
// we emit and how.
// There are 3 different "types" of errors we might encounter.
// 1) Missing/extra/swapped arguments
// 2) Valid but incorrect arguments
// 3) Invalid arguments
// - Currently I think this only comes up with `CyclicTy`
// We first need to go through, remove those from (3) and emit those
// as their own error, particularly since they're error code and
// message is special. From what I can tell, we *must* emit these
// here (vs somewhere prior to this function) since the arguments
// become invalid *because* of how they get used in the function.
// It is what it is.
if errors.is_empty() {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
span_bug!(error_span, "expected errors from argument matrix");
} else {
"argument type mismatch was detected, \
but rustc had trouble determining where",
"we would appreciate a bug report: \",
errors.drain_filter(|error| {
let Error::Invalid(provided_idx, expected_idx, Compatibility::Incompatible(Some(e))) = error else { return false };
let (provided_ty, provided_span) = provided_arg_tys[*provided_idx];
let (expected_ty, _) = formal_and_expected_inputs[*expected_idx];
let cause = &self.misc(provided_span);
let trace = TypeTrace::types(cause, true, expected_ty, provided_ty);
if !matches!(trace.cause.as_failure_code(*e), FailureCode::Error0308(_)) {
self.err_ctxt().report_and_explain_type_error(trace, *e).emit();
return true;
// We're done if we found errors, but we already emitted them.
if errors.is_empty() {
// Okay, now that we've emitted the special errors separately, we
// are only left missing/extra/swapped and mismatched arguments, both
// can be collated pretty easily if needed.
// Next special case: if there is only one "Incompatible" error, just emit that
if let [
Error::Invalid(provided_idx, expected_idx, Compatibility::Incompatible(Some(err))),
] = &errors[..]
let (formal_ty, expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[*expected_idx];
let (provided_ty, provided_arg_span) = provided_arg_tys[*provided_idx];
let cause = &self.misc(provided_arg_span);
let trace = TypeTrace::types(cause, true, expected_ty, provided_ty);
let mut err = self.err_ctxt().report_and_explain_type_error(trace, *err);
&mut err,
Expectation::rvalue_hint(self, expected_ty)
format!("arguments to this {} are incorrect", call_name),
// Call out where the function is defined
&mut err,
let mut err = if formal_and_expected_inputs.len() == provided_args.len() {
"arguments to this {} are incorrect",
} else {
"this {} takes {}{} but {} {} supplied",
if c_variadic { "at least " } else { "" },
potentially_plural_count(formal_and_expected_inputs.len(), "argument"),
potentially_plural_count(provided_args.len(), "argument"),
pluralize!("was", provided_args.len())
// As we encounter issues, keep track of what we want to provide for the suggestion
let mut labels = vec![];
// If there is a single error, we give a specific suggestion; otherwise, we change to
// "did you mean" with the suggested function call
enum SuggestionText {
let mut suggestion_text = SuggestionText::None;
let mut errors = errors.into_iter().peekable();
while let Some(error) = {
match error {
Error::Invalid(provided_idx, expected_idx, compatibility) => {
let (formal_ty, expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[expected_idx];
let (provided_ty, provided_span) = provided_arg_tys[provided_idx];
if let Compatibility::Incompatible(error) = compatibility {
let cause = &self.misc(provided_span);
let trace = TypeTrace::types(cause, true, expected_ty, provided_ty);
if let Some(e) = error {
&mut err,
&mut err,
Expectation::rvalue_hint(self, expected_ty)
Error::Extra(arg_idx) => {
let (provided_ty, provided_span) = provided_arg_tys[arg_idx];
let provided_ty_name = if !has_error_or_infer([provided_ty]) {
// FIXME: not suggestable, use something else
format!(" of type `{}`", provided_ty)
} else {
.push((provided_span, format!("argument{} unexpected", provided_ty_name)));
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None => SuggestionText::Remove(false),
SuggestionText::Remove(_) => SuggestionText::Remove(true),
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
Error::Missing(expected_idx) => {
// If there are multiple missing arguments adjacent to each other,
// then we can provide a single error.
let mut missing_idxs = vec![expected_idx];
while let Some(e) = errors.next_if(|e| {
matches!(e, Error::Missing(next_expected_idx)
if *next_expected_idx == *missing_idxs.last().unwrap() + 1)
}) {
match e {
Error::Missing(expected_idx) => missing_idxs.push(expected_idx),
_ => unreachable!(),
// NOTE: Because we might be re-arranging arguments, might have extra
// arguments, etc. it's hard to *really* know where we should provide
// this error label, so as a heuristic, we point to the provided arg, or
// to the call if the missing inputs pass the provided args.
match &missing_idxs[..] {
&[expected_idx] => {
let (_, input_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[expected_idx];
let span = if let Some((_, arg_span)) =
} else {
let rendered = if !has_error_or_infer([input_ty]) {
format!(" of type `{}`", input_ty)
} else {
labels.push((span, format!("an argument{} is missing", rendered)));
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None => SuggestionText::Provide(false),
SuggestionText::Provide(_) => SuggestionText::Provide(true),
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
&[first_idx, second_idx] => {
let (_, first_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[first_idx];
let (_, second_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[second_idx];
let span = if let (Some((_, first_span)), Some((_, second_span))) = (
) {*second_span)
} else {
let rendered =
if !has_error_or_infer([first_expected_ty, second_expected_ty]) {
" of type `{}` and `{}`",
first_expected_ty, second_expected_ty
} else {
labels.push((span, format!("two arguments{} are missing", rendered)));
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None | SuggestionText::Provide(_) => {
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
&[first_idx, second_idx, third_idx] => {
let (_, first_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[first_idx];
let (_, second_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[second_idx];
let (_, third_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[third_idx];
let span = if let (Some((_, first_span)), Some((_, third_span))) = (
) {*third_span)
} else {
let rendered = if !has_error_or_infer([
]) {
" of type `{}`, `{}`, and `{}`",
first_expected_ty, second_expected_ty, third_expected_ty
} else {
labels.push((span, format!("three arguments{} are missing", rendered)));
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None | SuggestionText::Provide(_) => {
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
missing_idxs => {
let first_idx = *missing_idxs.first().unwrap();
let last_idx = *missing_idxs.last().unwrap();
// NOTE: Because we might be re-arranging arguments, might have extra arguments, etc.
// It's hard to *really* know where we should provide this error label, so this is a
// decent heuristic
let span = if let (Some((_, first_span)), Some((_, last_span))) = (
) {*last_span)
} else {
labels.push((span, format!("multiple arguments are missing")));
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None | SuggestionText::Provide(_) => {
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
) => {
let (first_provided_ty, first_span) = provided_arg_tys[first_provided_idx];
let (_, first_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[first_expected_idx];
let first_provided_ty_name = if !has_error_or_infer([first_provided_ty]) {
format!(", found `{}`", first_provided_ty)
} else {
format!("expected `{}`{}", first_expected_ty, first_provided_ty_name),
let (second_provided_ty, second_span) = provided_arg_tys[second_provided_idx];
let (_, second_expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[second_expected_idx];
let second_provided_ty_name = if !has_error_or_infer([second_provided_ty]) {
format!(", found `{}`", second_provided_ty)
} else {
format!("expected `{}`{}", second_expected_ty, second_provided_ty_name),
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None => SuggestionText::Swap,
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
Error::Permutation(args) => {
for (dst_arg, dest_input) in args {
let (_, expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[dst_arg];
let (provided_ty, provided_span) = provided_arg_tys[dest_input];
let provided_ty_name = if !has_error_or_infer([provided_ty]) {
format!(", found `{}`", provided_ty)
} else {
format!("expected `{}`{}", expected_ty, provided_ty_name),
suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None => SuggestionText::Reorder,
_ => SuggestionText::DidYouMean,
// If we have less than 5 things to say, it would be useful to call out exactly what's wrong
if labels.len() <= 5 {
for (span, label) in labels {
err.span_label(span, label);
// Call out where the function is defined
self.label_fn_like(&mut err, fn_def_id, callee_ty, None, is_method);
// And add a suggestion block for all of the parameters
let suggestion_text = match suggestion_text {
SuggestionText::None => None,
SuggestionText::Provide(plural) => {
Some(format!("provide the argument{}", if plural { "s" } else { "" }))
SuggestionText::Remove(plural) => {
Some(format!("remove the extra argument{}", if plural { "s" } else { "" }))
SuggestionText::Swap => Some("swap these arguments".to_string()),
SuggestionText::Reorder => Some("reorder these arguments".to_string()),
SuggestionText::DidYouMean => Some("did you mean".to_string()),
if let Some(suggestion_text) = suggestion_text {
let source_map = self.sess().source_map();
let (mut suggestion, suggestion_span) =
if let Some(call_span) = full_call_span.find_ancestor_inside(error_span) {
("(".to_string(), call_span.shrink_to_hi().to(error_span.shrink_to_hi()))
} else {
source_map.span_to_snippet(full_call_span).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
fn_def_id.map_or("".to_string(), |fn_def_id| {
let mut needs_comma = false;
for (expected_idx, provided_idx) in matched_inputs.iter_enumerated() {
if needs_comma {
suggestion += ", ";
} else {
needs_comma = true;
let suggestion_text = if let Some(provided_idx) = provided_idx
&& let (_, provided_span) = provided_arg_tys[*provided_idx]
&& let Ok(arg_text) = source_map.span_to_snippet(provided_span)
} else {
// Propose a placeholder of the correct type
let (_, expected_ty) = formal_and_expected_inputs[expected_idx];
if expected_ty.is_unit() {
} else if expected_ty.is_suggestable(tcx, false) {
format!("/* {} */", expected_ty)
} else {
"/* value */".to_string()
suggestion += &suggestion_text;
suggestion += ")";
// AST fragment checking
pub(in super::super) fn check_lit(
lit: &hir::Lit,
expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx;
match lit.node {
ast::LitKind::Str(..) => tcx.mk_static_str(),
ast::LitKind::ByteStr(ref v) => {
tcx.mk_imm_ref(tcx.lifetimes.re_static, tcx.mk_array(tcx.types.u8, v.len() as u64))
ast::LitKind::Byte(_) => tcx.types.u8,
ast::LitKind::Char(_) => tcx.types.char,
ast::LitKind::Int(_, ast::LitIntType::Signed(t)) => tcx.mk_mach_int(ty::int_ty(t)),
ast::LitKind::Int(_, ast::LitIntType::Unsigned(t)) => tcx.mk_mach_uint(ty::uint_ty(t)),
ast::LitKind::Int(_, ast::LitIntType::Unsuffixed) => {
let opt_ty = expected.to_option(self).and_then(|ty| match ty.kind() {
ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) => Some(ty),
ty::Char => Some(tcx.types.u8),
ty::RawPtr(..) => Some(tcx.types.usize),
ty::FnDef(..) | ty::FnPtr(_) => Some(tcx.types.usize),
_ => None,
opt_ty.unwrap_or_else(|| self.next_int_var())
ast::LitKind::Float(_, ast::LitFloatType::Suffixed(t)) => {
ast::LitKind::Float(_, ast::LitFloatType::Unsuffixed) => {
let opt_ty = expected.to_option(self).and_then(|ty| match ty.kind() {
ty::Float(_) => Some(ty),
_ => None,
opt_ty.unwrap_or_else(|| self.next_float_var())
ast::LitKind::Bool(_) => tcx.types.bool,
ast::LitKind::Err => tcx.ty_error(),
pub fn check_struct_path(
qpath: &QPath<'_>,
hir_id: hir::HirId,
) -> Option<(&'tcx ty::VariantDef, Ty<'tcx>)> {
let path_span = qpath.span();
let (def, ty) = self.finish_resolving_struct_path(qpath, path_span, hir_id);
let variant = match def {
Res::Err => {
return None;
Res::Def(DefKind::Variant, _) => match ty.kind() {
ty::Adt(adt, substs) => Some((adt.variant_of_res(def), adt.did(), substs)),
_ => bug!("unexpected type: {:?}", ty),
Res::Def(DefKind::Struct | DefKind::Union | DefKind::TyAlias | DefKind::AssocTy, _)
| Res::SelfTyParam { .. }
| Res::SelfTyAlias { .. } => match ty.kind() {
ty::Adt(adt, substs) if !adt.is_enum() => {
Some((adt.non_enum_variant(), adt.did(), substs))
_ => None,
_ => bug!("unexpected definition: {:?}", def),
if let Some((variant, did, substs)) = variant {
debug!("check_struct_path: did={:?} substs={:?}", did, substs);
self.write_user_type_annotation_from_substs(hir_id, did, substs, None);
// Check bounds on type arguments used in the path.
self.add_required_obligations_for_hir(path_span, did, substs, hir_id);
Some((variant, ty))
} else {
match ty.kind() {
ty::Error(_) => {
// E0071 might be caused by a spelling error, which will have
// already caused an error message and probably a suggestion
// elsewhere. Refrain from emitting more unhelpful errors here
// (issue #88844).
_ => {
"expected struct, variant or union type, found {}",
.span_label(path_span, "not a struct")
pub fn check_decl_initializer(
hir_id: hir::HirId,
pat: &'tcx hir::Pat<'tcx>,
init: &'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// FIXME(tschottdorf): `contains_explicit_ref_binding()` must be removed
// for #42640 (default match binding modes).
// See #44848.
let ref_bindings = pat.contains_explicit_ref_binding();
let local_ty = self.local_ty(init.span, hir_id).revealed_ty;
if let Some(m) = ref_bindings {
// Somewhat subtle: if we have a `ref` binding in the pattern,
// we want to avoid introducing coercions for the RHS. This is
// both because it helps preserve sanity and, in the case of
// ref mut, for soundness (issue #23116). In particular, in
// the latter case, we need to be clear that the type of the
// referent for the reference that results is *equal to* the
// type of the place it is referencing, and not some
// supertype thereof.
let init_ty = self.check_expr_with_needs(init, Needs::maybe_mut_place(m));
self.demand_eqtype(init.span, local_ty, init_ty);
} else {
self.check_expr_coercable_to_type(init, local_ty, None)
pub(in super::super) fn check_decl(&self, decl: Declaration<'tcx>) {
// Determine and write the type which we'll check the pattern against.
let decl_ty = self.local_ty(decl.span, decl.hir_id).decl_ty;
self.write_ty(decl.hir_id, decl_ty);
// Type check the initializer.
if let Some(ref init) = decl.init {
let init_ty = self.check_decl_initializer(decl.hir_id, decl.pat, &init);
self.overwrite_local_ty_if_err(decl.hir_id, decl.pat, decl_ty, init_ty);
// Does the expected pattern type originate from an expression and what is the span?
let (origin_expr, ty_span) = match (decl.ty, decl.init) {
(Some(ty), _) => (false, Some(ty.span)), // Bias towards the explicit user type.
(_, Some(init)) => {
(true, Some(init.span.find_ancestor_inside(decl.span).unwrap_or(init.span)))
} // No explicit type; so use the scrutinee.
_ => (false, None), // We have `let $pat;`, so the expected type is unconstrained.
// Type check the pattern. Override if necessary to avoid knock-on errors.
self.check_pat_top(&decl.pat, decl_ty, ty_span, origin_expr);
let pat_ty = self.node_ty(decl.pat.hir_id);
self.overwrite_local_ty_if_err(decl.hir_id, decl.pat, decl_ty, pat_ty);
if let Some(blk) = decl.els {
let previous_diverges = self.diverges.get();
let else_ty = self.check_block_with_expected(blk, NoExpectation);
let cause = self.cause(blk.span, ObligationCauseCode::LetElse);
if let Some(mut err) =
self.demand_eqtype_with_origin(&cause, self.tcx.types.never, else_ty)
/// Type check a `let` statement.
pub fn check_decl_local(&self, local: &'tcx hir::Local<'tcx>) {
pub fn check_stmt(&self, stmt: &'tcx hir::Stmt<'tcx>, is_last: bool) {
// Don't do all the complex logic below for `DeclItem`.
match stmt.kind {
hir::StmtKind::Item(..) => return,
hir::StmtKind::Local(..) | hir::StmtKind::Expr(..) | hir::StmtKind::Semi(..) => {}
self.warn_if_unreachable(stmt.hir_id, stmt.span, "statement");
// Hide the outer diverging and `has_errors` flags.
let old_diverges = self.diverges.replace(Diverges::Maybe);
let old_has_errors = self.has_errors.replace(false);
match stmt.kind {
hir::StmtKind::Local(l) => {
// Ignore for now.
hir::StmtKind::Item(_) => {}
hir::StmtKind::Expr(ref expr) => {
// Check with expected type of `()`.
self.check_expr_has_type_or_error(&expr, self.tcx.mk_unit(), |err| {
if expr.can_have_side_effects() {
self.suggest_semicolon_at_end(expr.span, err);
hir::StmtKind::Semi(ref expr) => {
// All of this is equivalent to calling `check_expr`, but it is inlined out here
// in order to capture the fact that this `match` is the last statement in its
// function. This is done for better suggestions to remove the `;`.
let expectation = match expr.kind {
hir::ExprKind::Match(..) if is_last => IsLast(stmt.span),
_ => NoExpectation,
self.check_expr_with_expectation(expr, expectation);
// Combine the diverging and `has_error` flags.
self.diverges.set(self.diverges.get() | old_diverges);
self.has_errors.set(self.has_errors.get() | old_has_errors);
pub fn check_block_no_value(&self, blk: &'tcx hir::Block<'tcx>) {
let unit = self.tcx.mk_unit();
let ty = self.check_block_with_expected(blk, ExpectHasType(unit));
// if the block produces a `!` value, that can always be
// (effectively) coerced to unit.
if !ty.is_never() {
self.demand_suptype(blk.span, unit, ty);
pub(in super::super) fn check_block_with_expected(
blk: &'tcx hir::Block<'tcx>,
expected: Expectation<'tcx>,
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
let prev =;
// In some cases, blocks have just one exit, but other blocks
// can be targeted by multiple breaks. This can happen both
// with labeled blocks as well as when we desugar
// a `try { ... }` expression.
// Example 1:
// 'a: { if true { break 'a Err(()); } Ok(()) }
// Here we would wind up with two coercions, one from
// `Err(())` and the other from the tail expression
// `Ok(())`. If the tail expression is omitted, that's a
// "forced unit" -- unless the block diverges, in which
// case we can ignore the tail expression (e.g., `'a: {
// break 'a 22; }` would not force the type of the block
// to be `()`).
let tail_expr = blk.expr.as_ref();
let coerce_to_ty = expected.coercion_target_type(self, blk.span);
let coerce = if blk.targeted_by_break {
} else {
let tail_expr: &[&hir::Expr<'_>] = match tail_expr {
Some(e) => slice::from_ref(e),
None => &[],
CoerceMany::with_coercion_sites(coerce_to_ty, tail_expr)
let prev_diverges = self.diverges.get();
let ctxt = BreakableCtxt { coerce: Some(coerce), may_break: false };
let (ctxt, ()) = self.with_breakable_ctxt(blk.hir_id, ctxt, || {
for (pos, s) in blk.stmts.iter().enumerate() {
self.check_stmt(s, blk.stmts.len() - 1 == pos);
// check the tail expression **without** holding the
// `enclosing_breakables` lock below.
let tail_expr_ty =|t| self.check_expr_with_expectation(t, expected));
let mut enclosing_breakables = self.enclosing_breakables.borrow_mut();
let ctxt = enclosing_breakables.find_breakable(blk.hir_id);
let coerce = ctxt.coerce.as_mut().unwrap();
if let Some(tail_expr_ty) = tail_expr_ty {
let tail_expr = tail_expr.unwrap();
let span = self.get_expr_coercion_span(tail_expr);
let cause = self.cause(span, ObligationCauseCode::BlockTailExpression(blk.hir_id));
let ty_for_diagnostic = coerce.merged_ty();
// We use coerce_inner here because we want to augment the error
// suggesting to wrap the block in square brackets if it might've
// been mistaken array syntax
Some(&mut |diag: &mut Diagnostic| {
self.suggest_block_to_brackets(diag, blk, tail_expr_ty, ty_for_diagnostic);
} else {
// Subtle: if there is no explicit tail expression,
// that is typically equivalent to a tail expression
// of `()` -- except if the block diverges. In that
// case, there is no value supplied from the tail
// expression (assuming there are no other breaks,
// this implies that the type of the block will be
// `!`).
// #41425 -- label the implicit `()` as being the
// "found type" here, rather than the "expected type".
if !self.diverges.get().is_always() {
// #50009 -- Do not point at the entire fn block span, point at the return type
// span, as it is the cause of the requirement, and
// `consider_hint_about_removing_semicolon` will point at the last expression
// if it were a relevant part of the error. This improves usability in editors
// that highlight errors inline.
let mut sp = blk.span;
let mut fn_span = None;
if let Some((decl, ident)) = self.get_parent_fn_decl(blk.hir_id) {
let ret_sp = decl.output.span();
if let Some(block_sp) = self.parent_item_span(blk.hir_id) {
// HACK: on some cases (`ui/liveness/`) the
// output would otherwise be incorrect and even misleading. Make sure
// the span we're aiming at correspond to a `fn` body.
if block_sp == blk.span {
sp = ret_sp;
fn_span = Some(ident.span);
&mut |err| {
if let Some(expected_ty) = expected.only_has_type(self) {
if !self.consider_removing_semicolon(blk, expected_ty, err) {
if expected_ty == self.tcx.types.bool {
// If this is caused by a missing `let` in a `while let`,
// silence this redundant error, as we already emit E0070.
// Our block must be a `assign desugar local; assignment`
if let Some(hir::Node::Block(hir::Block {
hir::Stmt {
hir::StmtKind::Local(hir::Local {
hir::Stmt {
hir::StmtKind::Expr(hir::Expr {
kind: hir::ExprKind::Assign(..),
})) = self.tcx.hir().find(blk.hir_id)
self.comes_from_while_condition(blk.hir_id, |_| {
if let Some(fn_span) = fn_span {
"implicitly returns `()` as its body has no tail or `return` \
if ctxt.may_break {
// If we can break from the block, then the block's exit is always reachable
// (... as long as the entry is reachable) - regardless of the tail of the block.
let mut ty = ctxt.coerce.unwrap().complete(self);
if self.has_errors.get() || ty.references_error() {
ty = self.tcx.ty_error()
self.write_ty(blk.hir_id, ty);;
fn parent_item_span(&self, id: hir::HirId) -> Option<Span> {
let node = self.tcx.hir().get_by_def_id(self.tcx.hir().get_parent_item(id).def_id);
match node {
Node::Item(&hir::Item { kind: hir::ItemKind::Fn(_, _, body_id), .. })
| Node::ImplItem(&hir::ImplItem { kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(_, body_id), .. }) => {
let body = self.tcx.hir().body(body_id);
if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = &body.value.kind {
return Some(block.span);
_ => {}
/// Given a function block's `HirId`, returns its `FnDecl` if it exists, or `None` otherwise.
fn get_parent_fn_decl(&self, blk_id: hir::HirId) -> Option<(&'tcx hir::FnDecl<'tcx>, Ident)> {
let parent = self.tcx.hir().get_by_def_id(self.tcx.hir().get_parent_item(blk_id).def_id);
self.get_node_fn_decl(parent).map(|(fn_decl, ident, _)| (fn_decl, ident))
/// If `expr` is a `match` expression that has only one non-`!` arm, use that arm's tail
/// expression's `Span`, otherwise return `expr.span`. This is done to give better errors
/// when given code like the following:
/// ```text
/// if false { return 0i32; } else { 1u32 }
/// // ^^^^ point at this instead of the whole `if` expression
/// ```
fn get_expr_coercion_span(&self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> rustc_span::Span {
let check_in_progress = |elem: &hir::Expr<'_>| {
self.typeck_results.borrow().node_type_opt(elem.hir_id).filter(|ty| !ty.is_never()).map(
|_| match elem.kind {
// Point at the tail expression when possible.
hir::ExprKind::Block(block, _) => block.expr.map_or(block.span, |e| e.span),
_ => elem.span,
if let hir::ExprKind::If(_, _, Some(el)) = expr.kind {
if let Some(rslt) = check_in_progress(el) {
return rslt;
if let hir::ExprKind::Match(_, arms, _) = expr.kind {
let mut iter = arms.iter().filter_map(|arm| check_in_progress(arm.body));
if let Some(span) = {
if {
return span;
fn overwrite_local_ty_if_err(
hir_id: hir::HirId,
pat: &'tcx hir::Pat<'tcx>,
decl_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) {
if ty.references_error() {
// Override the types everywhere with `err()` to avoid knock on errors.
self.write_ty(hir_id, ty);
self.write_ty(pat.hir_id, ty);
let local_ty = LocalTy { decl_ty, revealed_ty: ty };
self.locals.borrow_mut().insert(hir_id, local_ty);
self.locals.borrow_mut().insert(pat.hir_id, local_ty);
// Finish resolving a path in a struct expression or pattern `S::A { .. }` if necessary.
// The newly resolved definition is written into `type_dependent_defs`.
fn finish_resolving_struct_path(
qpath: &QPath<'_>,
path_span: Span,
hir_id: hir::HirId,
) -> (Res, Ty<'tcx>) {
match *qpath {
QPath::Resolved(ref maybe_qself, ref path) => {
let self_ty = maybe_qself.as_ref().map(|qself| self.to_ty(qself));
let ty = <dyn AstConv<'_>>::res_to_ty(self, self_ty, path, true);
(path.res, ty)
QPath::TypeRelative(ref qself, ref segment) => {
let ty = self.to_ty(qself);
let result = <dyn AstConv<'_>>::associated_path_to_ty(
self, hir_id, path_span, ty, qself, segment, true,
let ty =|(ty, _, _)| ty).unwrap_or_else(|_| self.tcx().ty_error());
let result =|(_, kind, def_id)| (kind, def_id));
// Write back the new resolution.
self.write_resolution(hir_id, result);
(result.map_or(Res::Err, |(kind, def_id)| Res::Def(kind, def_id)), ty)
QPath::LangItem(lang_item, span, id) => {
self.resolve_lang_item_path(lang_item, span, hir_id, id)
/// Given a vector of fulfillment errors, try to adjust the spans of the
/// errors to more accurately point at the cause of the failure.
/// This applies to calls, methods, and struct expressions. This will also
/// try to deduplicate errors that are due to the same cause but might
/// have been created with different [`ObligationCause`][traits::ObligationCause]s.
pub(super) fn adjust_fulfillment_errors_for_expr_obligation(
errors: &mut Vec<traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>>,
) {
// Store a mapping from `(Span, Predicate) -> ObligationCause`, so that
// other errors that have the same span and predicate can also get fixed,
// even if their `ObligationCauseCode` isn't an `Expr*Obligation` kind.
// This is important since if we adjust one span but not the other, then
// we will have "duplicated" the error on the UI side.
let mut remap_cause = FxHashSet::default();
let mut not_adjusted = vec![];
for error in errors {
let before_span = error.obligation.cause.span;
if self.adjust_fulfillment_error_for_expr_obligation(error)
|| before_span != error.obligation.cause.span
// Store both the predicate and the predicate *without constness*
// since sometimes we instantiate and check both of these in a
// method call, for example.
} else {
// If it failed to be adjusted once around, it may be adjusted
// via the "remap cause" mapping the second time...
for error in not_adjusted {
for (span, predicate, cause) in &remap_cause {
if *predicate == error.obligation.predicate
&& span.contains(error.obligation.cause.span)
error.obligation.cause = cause.clone();
fn adjust_fulfillment_error_for_expr_obligation(
error: &mut traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let (traits::ExprItemObligation(def_id, hir_id, idx) | traits::ExprBindingObligation(def_id, _, hir_id, idx))
= *error.obligation.cause.code().peel_derives() else { return false; };
let hir = self.tcx.hir();
let hir::Node::Expr(expr) = hir.get(hir_id) else { return false; };
// Skip over mentioning async lang item
if Some(def_id) == self.tcx.lang_items().from_generator_fn()
&& error.obligation.cause.span.desugaring_kind()
== Some(rustc_span::DesugaringKind::Async)
return false;
let Some(unsubstituted_pred) =
else { return false; };
let generics = self.tcx.generics_of(def_id);
let predicate_substs = match unsubstituted_pred.kind().skip_binder() {
ty::PredicateKind::Trait(pred) => pred.trait_ref.substs,
ty::PredicateKind::Projection(pred) => pred.projection_ty.substs,
_ => ty::List::empty(),
let find_param_matching = |matches: &dyn Fn(&ty::ParamTy) -> bool| {
predicate_substs.types().find_map(|ty| {
ty.walk().find_map(|arg| {
if let ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) = arg.unpack()
&& let ty::Param(param_ty) = ty.kind()
&& matches(param_ty)
} else {
// Prefer generics that are local to the fn item, since these are likely
// to be the cause of the unsatisfied predicate.
let mut param_to_point_at = find_param_matching(&|param_ty| {
self.tcx.parent(generics.type_param(param_ty, self.tcx).def_id) == def_id
// Fall back to generic that isn't local to the fn item. This will come
// from a trait or impl, for example.
let mut fallback_param_to_point_at = find_param_matching(&|param_ty| {
self.tcx.parent(generics.type_param(param_ty, self.tcx).def_id) != def_id
&& != rustc_span::symbol::kw::SelfUpper
// Finally, the `Self` parameter is possibly the reason that the predicate
// is unsatisfied. This is less likely to be true for methods, because
// method probe means that we already kinda check that the predicates due
// to the `Self` type are true.
let mut self_param_to_point_at =
find_param_matching(&|param_ty| == rustc_span::symbol::kw::SelfUpper);
// Finally, for ambiguity-related errors, we actually want to look
// for a parameter that is the source of the inference type left
// over in this predicate.
if let traits::FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeAmbiguity = error.code {
fallback_param_to_point_at = None;
self_param_to_point_at = None;
param_to_point_at =
self.find_ambiguous_parameter_in(def_id, error.root_obligation.predicate);
if self.closure_span_overlaps_error(error, expr.span) {
return false;
match &expr.kind {
hir::ExprKind::Path(qpath) => {
if let hir::Node::Expr(hir::Expr {
kind: hir::ExprKind::Call(callee, args),
hir_id: call_hir_id,
span: call_span,
}) = hir.get(hir.get_parent_node(expr.hir_id))
&& callee.hir_id == expr.hir_id
if self.closure_span_overlaps_error(error, *call_span) {
return false;
for param in
[param_to_point_at, fallback_param_to_point_at, self_param_to_point_at]
if self.point_at_arg_if_possible(
return true;
// Notably, we only point to params that are local to the
// item we're checking, since those are the ones we are able
// to look in the final `hir::PathSegment` for. Everything else
// would require a deeper search into the `qpath` than I think
// is worthwhile.
if let Some(param_to_point_at) = param_to_point_at
&& self.point_at_path_if_possible(error, def_id, param_to_point_at, qpath)
return true;
hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(segment, receiver, args, ..) => {
for param in [param_to_point_at, fallback_param_to_point_at, self_param_to_point_at]
if self.point_at_arg_if_possible(
) {
return true;
if let Some(param_to_point_at) = param_to_point_at
&& self.point_at_generic_if_possible(error, def_id, param_to_point_at, segment)
return true;
hir::ExprKind::Struct(qpath, fields, ..) => {
if let Res::Def(DefKind::Struct | DefKind::Variant, variant_def_id) =
self.typeck_results.borrow().qpath_res(qpath, hir_id)
for param in
[param_to_point_at, fallback_param_to_point_at, self_param_to_point_at]
if let Some(param) = param
&& self.point_at_field_if_possible(
return true;
if let Some(param_to_point_at) = param_to_point_at
&& self.point_at_path_if_possible(error, def_id, param_to_point_at, qpath)
return true;
_ => {}
fn closure_span_overlaps_error(
error: &traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>,
span: Span,
) -> bool {
if let traits::FulfillmentErrorCode::CodeSelectionError(
traits::SelectionError::OutputTypeParameterMismatch(_, expected, _),
) = error.code
&& let ty::Closure(def_id, _) | ty::Generator(def_id, ..) = expected.skip_binder().self_ty().kind()
&& span.overlaps(self.tcx.def_span(*def_id))
} else {
fn point_at_arg_if_possible(
error: &mut traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
param_to_point_at: ty::GenericArg<'tcx>,
call_hir_id: hir::HirId,
callee_span: Span,
receiver: Option<&'tcx hir::Expr<'tcx>>,
args: &'tcx [hir::Expr<'tcx>],
) -> bool {
let sig = self.tcx.fn_sig(def_id).skip_binder();
let args_referencing_param: Vec<_> = sig
.filter(|(_, ty)| find_param_in_ty(**ty, param_to_point_at))
// If there's one field that references the given generic, great!
if let [(idx, _)] = args_referencing_param.as_slice()
&& let Some(arg) = receiver
.map_or(args.get(*idx), |rcvr| if *idx == 0 { Some(rcvr) } else { args.get(*idx - 1) }) {
error.obligation.cause.span = arg.span.find_ancestor_in_same_ctxt(error.obligation.cause.span).unwrap_or(arg.span);
error.obligation.cause.map_code(|parent_code| {
ObligationCauseCode::FunctionArgumentObligation {
arg_hir_id: arg.hir_id,
return true;
} else if args_referencing_param.len() > 0 {
// If more than one argument applies, then point to the callee span at least...
// We have chance to fix this up further in `point_at_generics_if_possible`
error.obligation.cause.span = callee_span;
fn point_at_field_if_possible(
error: &mut traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
param_to_point_at: ty::GenericArg<'tcx>,
variant_def_id: DefId,
expr_fields: &[hir::ExprField<'tcx>],
) -> bool {
let def = self.tcx.adt_def(def_id);
let identity_substs = ty::InternalSubsts::identity_for_item(self.tcx, def_id);
let fields_referencing_param: Vec<_> = def
.filter(|field| {
let field_ty = field.ty(self.tcx, identity_substs);
find_param_in_ty(field_ty, param_to_point_at)
if let [field] = fields_referencing_param.as_slice() {
for expr_field in expr_fields {
// Look for the ExprField that matches the field, using the
// same rules that check_expr_struct uses for macro hygiene.
if self.tcx.adjust_ident(expr_field.ident, variant_def_id) == field.ident(self.tcx)
error.obligation.cause.span = expr_field
return true;
fn point_at_path_if_possible(
error: &mut traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
param: ty::GenericArg<'tcx>,
qpath: &QPath<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
match qpath {
hir::QPath::Resolved(_, path) => {
if let Some(segment) = path.segments.last()
&& self.point_at_generic_if_possible(error, def_id, param, segment)
return true;
hir::QPath::TypeRelative(_, segment) => {
if self.point_at_generic_if_possible(error, def_id, param, segment) {
return true;
_ => {}
fn point_at_generic_if_possible(
error: &mut traits::FulfillmentError<'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
param_to_point_at: ty::GenericArg<'tcx>,
segment: &hir::PathSegment<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
let own_substs = self
.own_substs(ty::InternalSubsts::identity_for_item(self.tcx, def_id));
let Some((index, _)) = own_substs
.filter(|arg| matches!(arg.unpack(), ty::GenericArgKind::Type(_)))
.find(|(_, arg)| **arg == param_to_point_at) else { return false };
let Some(arg) = segment
.filter(|arg| matches!(arg, hir::GenericArg::Type(_)))
.nth(index) else { return false; };
error.obligation.cause.span = arg
fn find_ambiguous_parameter_in<T: TypeVisitable<'tcx>>(
item_def_id: DefId,
t: T,
) -> Option<ty::GenericArg<'tcx>> {
struct FindAmbiguousParameter<'a, 'tcx>(&'a FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>, DefId);
impl<'tcx> TypeVisitor<'tcx> for FindAmbiguousParameter<'_, 'tcx> {
type BreakTy = ty::GenericArg<'tcx>;
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> std::ops::ControlFlow<Self::BreakTy> {
if let Some(origin) = self.0.type_var_origin(ty)
&& let TypeVariableOriginKind::TypeParameterDefinition(_, Some(def_id)) =
&& let generics = self.0.tcx.generics_of(self.1)
&& let Some(index) = generics.param_def_id_to_index(self.0.tcx, def_id)
&& let Some(subst) = ty::InternalSubsts::identity_for_item(self.0.tcx, self.1)
.get(index as usize)
} else {
t.visit_with(&mut FindAmbiguousParameter(self, item_def_id)).break_value()
fn label_fn_like(
err: &mut Diagnostic,
callable_def_id: Option<DefId>,
callee_ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
// A specific argument should be labeled, instead of all of them
expected_idx: Option<usize>,
is_method: bool,
) {
let Some(mut def_id) = callable_def_id else {
if let Some(assoc_item) = self.tcx.opt_associated_item(def_id)
// Possibly points at either impl or trait item, so try to get it
// to point to trait item, then get the parent.
// This parent might be an impl in the case of an inherent function,
// but the next check will fail.
&& let maybe_trait_item_def_id = assoc_item.trait_item_def_id.unwrap_or(def_id)
&& let maybe_trait_def_id = self.tcx.parent(maybe_trait_item_def_id)
// Just an easy way to check "trait_def_id == Fn/FnMut/FnOnce"
&& let Some(call_kind) = ty::ClosureKind::from_def_id(self.tcx, maybe_trait_def_id)
&& let Some(callee_ty) = callee_ty
let callee_ty = callee_ty.peel_refs();
match *callee_ty.kind() {
ty::Param(param) => {
let param =
self.tcx.generics_of(self.body_id.owner).type_param(&param, self.tcx);
if param.kind.is_synthetic() {
// if it's `impl Fn() -> ..` then just fall down to the def-id based logic
def_id = param.def_id;
} else {
// Otherwise, find the predicate that makes this generic callable,
// and point at that.
let instantiated = self
// FIXME(compiler-errors): This could be problematic if something has two
// fn-like predicates with different args, but callable types really never
// do that, so it's OK.
for (predicate, span) in
std::iter::zip(instantiated.predicates, instantiated.spans)
if let ty::PredicateKind::Trait(pred) = predicate.kind().skip_binder()
&& pred.self_ty().peel_refs() == callee_ty
&& ty::ClosureKind::from_def_id(self.tcx, pred.def_id()).is_some()
err.span_note(span, "callable defined here");
ty::Opaque(new_def_id, _)
| ty::Closure(new_def_id, _)
| ty::FnDef(new_def_id, _) => {
def_id = new_def_id;
_ => {
// Look for a user-provided impl of a `Fn` trait, and point to it.
let new_def_id = self.probe(|_| {
let trait_ref = ty::TraitRef::new(
self.next_ty_var(TypeVariableOrigin {
kind: TypeVariableOriginKind::MiscVariable,
span: rustc_span::DUMMY_SP,
let obligation = traits::Obligation::new(
ty::Binder::dummy(ty::TraitPredicate {
constness: ty::BoundConstness::NotConst,
polarity: ty::ImplPolarity::Positive,
match SelectionContext::new(&self).select(&obligation) {
Ok(Some(traits::ImplSource::UserDefined(impl_source))) => {
_ => None,
if let Some(new_def_id) = new_def_id {
def_id = new_def_id;
} else {
if let Some(def_span) = self.tcx.def_ident_span(def_id) && !def_span.is_dummy() {
let mut spans: MultiSpan = def_span.into();
let params = self
.and_then(|node| node.body_id())
.flat_map(|id| self.tcx.hir().body(id).params)
.skip(if is_method { 1 } else { 0 });
for (_, param) in params
.filter(|(idx, _)| expected_idx.map_or(true, |expected_idx| expected_idx == *idx))
spans.push_span_label(param.span, "");
let def_kind = self.tcx.def_kind(def_id);
err.span_note(spans, &format!("{} defined here", def_kind.descr(def_id)));
} else if let Some(hir::Node::Expr(e)) = self.tcx.hir().get_if_local(def_id)
&& let hir::ExprKind::Closure(hir::Closure { body, .. }) = &e.kind
let param = expected_idx
.and_then(|expected_idx| self.tcx.hir().body(*body).params.get(expected_idx));
let (kind, span) = if let Some(param) = param {
("closure parameter", param.span)
} else {
("closure", self.tcx.def_span(def_id))
err.span_note(span, &format!("{} defined here", kind));
} else {
let def_kind = self.tcx.def_kind(def_id);
&format!("{} defined here", def_kind.descr(def_id)),
fn find_param_in_ty<'tcx>(ty: Ty<'tcx>, param_to_point_at: ty::GenericArg<'tcx>) -> bool {
let mut walk = ty.walk();
while let Some(arg) = {
if arg == param_to_point_at {
return true;
} else if let ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) = arg.unpack()
&& let ty::Projection(..) = ty.kind()
// This logic may seem a bit strange, but typically when
// we have a projection type in a function signature, the
// argument that's being passed into that signature is
// not actually constraining that projection's substs in
// a meaningful way. So we skip it, and see improvements
// in some UI tests.