blob: 5498261ee95a036cd85e2a96f0c0a00e65bb39b6 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::HashMap;
const CONST_OK: Option<HashMap<String, usize>> = None;
const CONST_NOT_OK: Option<HashMap<String, ()>> = None;
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
static STATIC_OK: Option<HashMap<String, usize>> = None;
static STATIC_NOT_OK: Option<HashMap<String, ()>> = None;
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
type OkMap = HashMap<String, usize>;
type NotOkMap = HashMap<String, ()>;
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
enum TestEnum {
Ok(HashMap<String, usize>),
NotOk(HashMap<String, ()>),
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
struct Test {
ok: HashMap<String, usize>,
not_ok: HashMap<String, ()>,
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
also_not_ok: Vec<HashMap<usize, ()>>,
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
trait TestTrait {
type Output;
fn produce_output() -> Self::Output;
fn weird_map(&self, map: HashMap<usize, ()>);
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
impl Test {
fn ok(&self) -> HashMap<String, usize> {
fn not_ok(&self) -> HashMap<String, ()> {
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
impl TestTrait for Test {
type Output = HashMap<String, ()>;
fn produce_output() -> Self::Output {
fn weird_map(&self, map: HashMap<usize, ()>) {
fn test(map: HashMap<String, ()>, key: &str) -> HashMap<String, ()> {
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
//~| ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
fn test2(map: HashMap<String, usize>, key: &str) -> HashMap<String, usize> {
fn main() {
let _: HashMap<String, ()> = HashMap::new();
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
//~| ERROR: map with zero-sized value type
let _: HashMap<String, usize> = HashMap::new();
let _: HashMap<_, _> = std::iter::empty::<(String, ())>().collect();
//~^ ERROR: map with zero-sized value type