blob: 3ca8b1eb2ed3a3d61b36484b2deb13d96a512d41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
mod m {
fn priv_fn() {}
static PRIV_STATIC: u8 = 0;
enum PrivEnum { Variant }
pub enum PubEnum { Variant }
trait PrivTrait { fn method() {} }
impl PrivTrait for u8 {}
pub trait PubTrait { fn method() {} }
impl PubTrait for u8 {}
struct PrivTupleStruct(u8);
pub struct PubTupleStruct(u8);
impl PubTupleStruct { fn method() {} }
struct Priv;
pub type Alias = Priv;
pub struct Pub<T = Alias>(pub T);
impl Pub<Priv> {
pub fn static_method() {}
pub const INHERENT_ASSOC_CONST: u8 = 0;
impl<T> Pub<T> {
pub fn static_method_generic_self() {}
impl Pub<u8> {
fn priv_method(&self) {}
pub fn method_with_substs<T>(&self) {}
pub fn method_with_priv_params(&self, _: Priv) {}
impl TraitWithAssocConst for Priv {}
impl TraitWithAssocTy for Priv { type AssocTy = u8; }
pub macro m() {
priv_fn; //~ ERROR type `fn() {m::priv_fn}` is private
PRIV_STATIC; // OK, not cross-crate
PrivEnum::Variant; //~ ERROR type `m::PrivEnum` is private
PubEnum::Variant; // OK
<u8 as PrivTrait>::method; //~ ERROR type `fn() {<u8 as m::PrivTrait>::method}` is private
<u8 as PubTrait>::method; // OK
//~^ ERROR type `fn(u8) -> m::PrivTupleStruct {m::PrivTupleStruct::{{constructor}}}` is priv
//~^ ERROR type `fn(u8) -> m::PubTupleStruct {m::PubTupleStruct::{{constructor}}}` is privat
//~^ ERROR type `for<'r> fn(&'r m::Pub<u8>) {<m::Pub<u8>>::priv_method}` is private
trait Trait {}
pub trait TraitWithTyParam<T> {}
pub trait TraitWithTyParam2<T> { fn pub_method() {} }
pub trait TraitWithAssocTy { type AssocTy; }
pub trait TraitWithAssocConst { const TRAIT_ASSOC_CONST: u8 = 0; }
impl Trait for u8 {}
impl<T> TraitWithTyParam<T> for u8 {}
impl TraitWithTyParam2<Priv> for u8 {}
impl TraitWithAssocTy for u8 { type AssocTy = Priv; }
//~^ ERROR private type `m::Priv` in public interface
pub fn leak_anon1() -> impl Trait + 'static { 0 }
pub fn leak_anon2() -> impl TraitWithTyParam<Alias> { 0 }
pub fn leak_anon3() -> impl TraitWithAssocTy<AssocTy = Alias> { 0 }
pub fn leak_dyn1() -> Box<Trait + 'static> { Box::new(0) }
pub fn leak_dyn2() -> Box<TraitWithTyParam<Alias>> { Box::new(0) }
pub fn leak_dyn3() -> Box<TraitWithAssocTy<AssocTy = Alias>> { Box::new(0) }
mod adjust {
// Construct a chain of derefs with a private type in the middle
use std::ops::Deref;
pub struct S1;
struct S2;
pub type S2Alias = S2;
pub struct S3;
impl Deref for S1 {
type Target = S2Alias; //~ ERROR private type `adjust::S2` in public interface
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { loop {} }
impl Deref for S2 {
type Target = S3;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { loop {} }
impl S3 {
pub fn method_s3(&self) {}
fn main() {
let _: m::Alias; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
//~^ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
let _: <m::Alias as m::TraitWithAssocTy>::AssocTy; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::Alias {}; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::Pub { 0: m::Alias {} }; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::Pub { 0: loop {} }; // OK, `m::Pub` is in value context, so it means Pub<_>, not Pub<Priv>
m::Pub::static_method; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::Pub::INHERENT_ASSOC_CONST; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::Pub(0u8).method_with_substs::<m::Alias>(); //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::Pub(0u8).method_with_priv_params(loop{}); //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
<m::Alias as m::TraitWithAssocConst>::TRAIT_ASSOC_CONST; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
<m::Pub<m::Alias>>::INHERENT_ASSOC_CONST; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
<m::Pub<m::Alias>>::INHERENT_ASSOC_CONST_GENERIC_SELF; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
<m::Pub<m::Alias>>::static_method_generic_self; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
use m::TraitWithTyParam2;
u8::pub_method; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
adjust::S1.method_s3(); //~ ERROR type `adjust::S2` is private
m::leak_anon1(); //~ ERROR trait `m::Trait` is private
m::leak_anon2(); //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::leak_anon3(); //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::leak_dyn1(); //~ ERROR type `(dyn m::Trait + 'static)` is private
m::leak_dyn2(); //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
m::leak_dyn3(); //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
// Check that messages are not duplicated for various kinds of assignments
let a = m::Alias {}; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
let mut b = a; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
b = a; //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
match a { //~ ERROR type `m::Priv` is private
_ => {}