blob: 08c3e1549784395c59bd924267e26c78f0ea6b1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
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// except according to those terms.
//! Implementation of `std::os` functionality for unix systems
#![allow(unused_imports)] // lots of cfg code here
use os::unix::prelude::*;
use error::Error as StdError;
use ffi::{CString, CStr, OsString, OsStr};
use fmt;
use io;
use iter;
use libc::{self, c_int, c_char, c_void};
use marker::PhantomData;
use mem;
use memchr;
use path::{self, PathBuf};
use ptr;
use slice;
use str;
use sys_common::mutex::Mutex;
use sys::cvt;
use sys::fd;
use vec;
const TMPBUF_SZ: usize = 128;
// We never call `ENV_LOCK.init()`, so it is UB to attempt to
// acquire this mutex reentrantly!
static ENV_LOCK: Mutex = Mutex::new();
extern {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "dragonfly"))]
#[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "linux",
target_os = "emscripten",
target_os = "fuchsia",
target_os = "l4re"),
link_name = "__errno_location")]
#[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "bitrig",
target_os = "netbsd",
target_os = "openbsd",
target_os = "android",
target_os = "hermit",
target_env = "newlib"),
link_name = "__errno")]
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "solaris", link_name = "___errno")]
#[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "macos",
target_os = "ios",
target_os = "freebsd"),
link_name = "__error")]
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "haiku", link_name = "_errnop")]
fn errno_location() -> *mut c_int;
/// Returns the platform-specific value of errno
#[cfg(not(target_os = "dragonfly"))]
pub fn errno() -> i32 {
unsafe {
(*errno_location()) as i32
/// Sets the platform-specific value of errno
#[cfg(any(target_os = "solaris", target_os = "fuchsia"))] // only needed for readdir so far
pub fn set_errno(e: i32) {
unsafe {
*errno_location() = e as c_int
#[cfg(target_os = "dragonfly")]
pub fn errno() -> i32 {
extern {
static errno: c_int;
unsafe { errno as i32 }
/// Gets a detailed string description for the given error number.
pub fn error_string(errno: i32) -> String {
extern {
#[cfg_attr(any(target_os = "linux", target_env = "newlib"),
link_name = "__xpg_strerror_r")]
fn strerror_r(errnum: c_int, buf: *mut c_char,
buflen: libc::size_t) -> c_int;
let mut buf = [0 as c_char; TMPBUF_SZ];
let p = buf.as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
if strerror_r(errno as c_int, p, buf.len()) < 0 {
panic!("strerror_r failure");
let p = p as *const _;
pub fn getcwd() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(512);
loop {
unsafe {
let ptr = buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char;
if !libc::getcwd(ptr, buf.capacity()).is_null() {
let len = CStr::from_ptr(buf.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char).to_bytes().len();
return Ok(PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(buf)));
} else {
let error = io::Error::last_os_error();
if error.raw_os_error() != Some(libc::ERANGE) {
return Err(error);
// Trigger the internal buffer resizing logic of `Vec` by requiring
// more space than the current capacity.
let cap = buf.capacity();
pub fn chdir(p: &path::Path) -> io::Result<()> {
let p: &OsStr = p.as_ref();
let p = CString::new(p.as_bytes())?;
unsafe {
match libc::chdir(p.as_ptr()) == (0 as c_int) {
true => Ok(()),
false => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
pub struct SplitPaths<'a> {
iter: iter::Map<slice::Split<'a, u8, fn(&u8) -> bool>,
fn(&'a [u8]) -> PathBuf>,
pub fn split_paths(unparsed: &OsStr) -> SplitPaths {
fn bytes_to_path(b: &[u8]) -> PathBuf {
PathBuf::from(<OsStr as OsStrExt>::from_bytes(b))
fn is_colon(b: &u8) -> bool { *b == b':' }
let unparsed = unparsed.as_bytes();
SplitPaths {
iter: unparsed.split(is_colon as fn(&u8) -> bool)
.map(bytes_to_path as fn(&[u8]) -> PathBuf)
impl<'a> Iterator for SplitPaths<'a> {
type Item = PathBuf;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> { }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
pub struct JoinPathsError;
pub fn join_paths<I, T>(paths: I) -> Result<OsString, JoinPathsError>
where I: Iterator<Item=T>, T: AsRef<OsStr>
let mut joined = Vec::new();
let sep = b':';
for (i, path) in paths.enumerate() {
let path = path.as_ref().as_bytes();
if i > 0 { joined.push(sep) }
if path.contains(&sep) {
return Err(JoinPathsError)
impl fmt::Display for JoinPathsError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"path segment contains separator `:`".fmt(f)
impl StdError for JoinPathsError {
fn description(&self) -> &str { "failed to join paths" }
#[cfg(any(target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "dragonfly"))]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
unsafe {
let mut mib = [libc::CTL_KERN as c_int,
libc::KERN_PROC as c_int,
libc::KERN_PROC_PATHNAME as c_int,
-1 as c_int];
let mut sz = 0;
cvt(libc::sysctl(mib.as_mut_ptr(), mib.len() as ::libc::c_uint,
ptr::null_mut(), &mut sz, ptr::null_mut(), 0))?;
if sz == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(sz);
cvt(libc::sysctl(mib.as_mut_ptr(), mib.len() as ::libc::c_uint,
v.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void, &mut sz,
ptr::null_mut(), 0))?;
if sz == 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
v.set_len(sz - 1); // chop off trailing NUL
#[cfg(target_os = "netbsd")]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
fn sysctl() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
unsafe {
let mib = [libc::CTL_KERN, libc::KERN_PROC_ARGS, -1, libc::KERN_PROC_PATHNAME];
let mut path_len: usize = 0;
cvt(libc::sysctl(mib.as_ptr(), mib.len() as ::libc::c_uint,
ptr::null_mut(), &mut path_len,
ptr::null(), 0))?;
if path_len <= 1 {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other,
"KERN_PROC_PATHNAME sysctl returned zero-length string"))
let mut path: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(path_len);
cvt(libc::sysctl(mib.as_ptr(), mib.len() as ::libc::c_uint,
path.as_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void, &mut path_len,
ptr::null(), 0))?;
path.set_len(path_len - 1); // chop off NUL
fn procfs() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
let curproc_exe = path::Path::new("/proc/curproc/exe");
if curproc_exe.is_file() {
return ::fs::read_link(curproc_exe);
"/proc/curproc/exe doesn't point to regular file."))
sysctl().or_else(|_| procfs())
#[cfg(any(target_os = "bitrig", target_os = "openbsd"))]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
unsafe {
let mut mib = [libc::CTL_KERN,
let mib = mib.as_mut_ptr();
let mut argv_len = 0;
cvt(libc::sysctl(mib, 4, ptr::null_mut(), &mut argv_len,
ptr::null_mut(), 0))?;
let mut argv = Vec::<*const libc::c_char>::with_capacity(argv_len as usize);
cvt(libc::sysctl(mib, 4, argv.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
&mut argv_len, ptr::null_mut(), 0))?;
argv.set_len(argv_len as usize);
if argv[0].is_null() {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other,
"no current exe available"))
let argv0 = CStr::from_ptr(argv[0]).to_bytes();
if argv0[0] == b'.' || argv0.iter().any(|b| *b == b'/') {
} else {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android", target_os = "emscripten"))]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
let selfexe = PathBuf::from("/proc/self/exe");
if selfexe.exists() {
} else {
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "no /proc/self/exe available. Is /proc mounted?"))
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
extern {
fn _NSGetExecutablePath(buf: *mut libc::c_char,
bufsize: *mut u32) -> libc::c_int;
unsafe {
let mut sz: u32 = 0;
_NSGetExecutablePath(ptr::null_mut(), &mut sz);
if sz == 0 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); }
let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(sz as usize);
let err = _NSGetExecutablePath(v.as_mut_ptr() as *mut i8, &mut sz);
if err != 0 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); }
v.set_len(sz as usize - 1); // chop off trailing NUL
#[cfg(any(target_os = "solaris"))]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
extern {
fn getexecname() -> *const c_char;
unsafe {
let path = getexecname();
if path.is_null() {
} else {
let filename = CStr::from_ptr(path).to_bytes();
let path = PathBuf::from(<OsStr as OsStrExt>::from_bytes(filename));
// Prepend a current working directory to the path if
// it doesn't contain an absolute pathname.
if filename[0] == b'/' {
} else {
getcwd().map(|cwd| cwd.join(path))
#[cfg(target_os = "haiku")]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
// Use Haiku's image info functions
struct image_info {
id: i32,
type_: i32,
sequence: i32,
init_order: i32,
init_routine: *mut libc::c_void, // function pointer
term_routine: *mut libc::c_void, // function pointer
device: libc::dev_t,
node: libc::ino_t,
name: [libc::c_char; 1024], // MAXPATHLEN
text: *mut libc::c_void,
data: *mut libc::c_void,
text_size: i32,
data_size: i32,
api_version: i32,
abi: i32,
unsafe {
extern {
fn _get_next_image_info(team_id: i32, cookie: *mut i32,
info: *mut image_info, size: i32) -> i32;
let mut info: image_info = mem::zeroed();
let mut cookie: i32 = 0;
// the executable can be found at team id 0
let result = _get_next_image_info(0, &mut cookie, &mut info,
mem::size_of::<image_info>() as i32);
if result != 0 {
use io::ErrorKind;
Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Error getting executable path"))
} else {
let name = CStr::from_ptr(;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "fuchsia", target_os = "l4re", target_os = "hermit"))]
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
use io::ErrorKind;
Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Not yet implemented!"))
pub struct Env {
iter: vec::IntoIter<(OsString, OsString)>,
_dont_send_or_sync_me: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
impl Iterator for Env {
type Item = (OsString, OsString);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(OsString, OsString)> { }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub unsafe fn environ() -> *mut *const *const c_char {
extern { fn _NSGetEnviron() -> *mut *const *const c_char; }
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
pub unsafe fn environ() -> *mut *const *const c_char {
extern { static mut environ: *const *const c_char; }
&mut environ
/// Returns a vector of (variable, value) byte-vector pairs for all the
/// environment variables of the current process.
pub fn env() -> Env {
unsafe {
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.lock();
let mut environ = *environ();
if environ == ptr::null() {
panic!("os::env() failure getting env string from OS: {}",
let mut result = Vec::new();
while *environ != ptr::null() {
if let Some(key_value) = parse(CStr::from_ptr(*environ).to_bytes()) {
environ = environ.offset(1);
return Env {
iter: result.into_iter(),
_dont_send_or_sync_me: PhantomData,
fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> Option<(OsString, OsString)> {
// Strategy (copied from glibc): Variable name and value are separated
// by an ASCII equals sign '='. Since a variable name must not be
// empty, allow variable names starting with an equals sign. Skip all
// malformed lines.
if input.is_empty() {
return None;
let pos = memchr::memchr(b'=', &input[1..]).map(|p| p + 1);|p| (
pub fn getenv(k: &OsStr) -> io::Result<Option<OsString>> {
// environment variables with a nul byte can't be set, so their value is
// always None as well
let k = CString::new(k.as_bytes())?;
unsafe {
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.lock();
let s = libc::getenv(k.as_ptr()) as *const libc::c_char;
let ret = if s.is_null() {
} else {
pub fn setenv(k: &OsStr, v: &OsStr) -> io::Result<()> {
let k = CString::new(k.as_bytes())?;
let v = CString::new(v.as_bytes())?;
unsafe {
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.lock();
cvt(libc::setenv(k.as_ptr(), v.as_ptr(), 1)).map(|_| ())
pub fn unsetenv(n: &OsStr) -> io::Result<()> {
let nbuf = CString::new(n.as_bytes())?;
unsafe {
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.lock();
cvt(libc::unsetenv(nbuf.as_ptr())).map(|_| ())
pub fn page_size() -> usize {
unsafe {
libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_PAGESIZE) as usize
pub fn temp_dir() -> PathBuf {
::env::var_os("TMPDIR").map(PathBuf::from).unwrap_or_else(|| {
if cfg!(target_os = "android") {
} else {
pub fn home_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
return ::env::var_os("HOME").or_else(|| unsafe {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android",
target_os = "ios",
target_os = "emscripten"))]
unsafe fn fallback() -> Option<OsString> { None }
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android",
target_os = "ios",
target_os = "emscripten")))]
unsafe fn fallback() -> Option<OsString> {
let amt = match libc::sysconf(libc::_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX) {
n if n < 0 => 512 as usize,
n => n as usize,
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(amt);
let mut passwd: libc::passwd = mem::zeroed();
let mut result = ptr::null_mut();
match libc::getpwuid_r(libc::getuid(), &mut passwd, buf.as_mut_ptr(),
buf.capacity(), &mut result) {
0 if !result.is_null() => {
let ptr = passwd.pw_dir as *const _;
let bytes = CStr::from_ptr(ptr).to_bytes().to_vec();
_ => None,
pub fn exit(code: i32) -> ! {
unsafe { libc::exit(code as c_int) }
pub fn getpid() -> u32 {
unsafe { libc::getpid() as u32 }
pub fn getppid() -> u32 {
unsafe { libc::getppid() as u32 }
#[cfg(target_env = "gnu")]
pub fn glibc_version() -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
if let Some(Ok(version_str)) = glibc_version_cstr().map(CStr::to_str) {
} else {
#[cfg(target_env = "gnu")]
fn glibc_version_cstr() -> Option<&'static CStr> {
weak! {
fn gnu_get_libc_version() -> *const libc::c_char
if let Some(f) = gnu_get_libc_version.get() {
unsafe { Some(CStr::from_ptr(f())) }
} else {
// Returns Some((major, minor)) if the string is a valid "x.y" version,
// ignoring any extra dot-separated parts. Otherwise return None.
#[cfg(target_env = "gnu")]
fn parse_glibc_version(version: &str) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
let mut parsed_ints = version.split('.').map(str::parse::<usize>).fuse();
match (, {
(Some(Ok(major)), Some(Ok(minor))) => Some((major, minor)),
_ => None