blob: 17629d392cd3d25acc18079c88ee8ac19045ee8c [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::parse::ParseSess;
use crate::parse::token::{self, Token, TokenKind};
use crate::symbol::{sym, Symbol};
use crate::parse::unescape_error_reporting::{emit_unescape_error, push_escaped_char};
use errors::{FatalError, DiagnosticBuilder};
use syntax_pos::{BytePos, Pos, Span};
use rustc_lexer::Base;
use rustc_lexer::unescape;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::char;
use std::iter;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use log::debug;
mod tests;
pub mod comments;
mod tokentrees;
mod unicode_chars;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UnmatchedBrace {
pub expected_delim: token::DelimToken,
pub found_delim: token::DelimToken,
pub found_span: Span,
pub unclosed_span: Option<Span>,
pub candidate_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct StringReader<'a> {
sess: &'a ParseSess,
/// Initial position, read-only.
start_pos: BytePos,
/// The absolute offset within the source_map of the current character.
pos: BytePos,
/// Stop reading src at this index.
end_src_index: usize,
/// Source text to tokenize.
src: Lrc<String>,
override_span: Option<Span>,
impl<'a> StringReader<'a> {
pub fn new(sess: &'a ParseSess,
source_file: Lrc<syntax_pos::SourceFile>,
override_span: Option<Span>) -> Self {
if source_file.src.is_none() {
sess.span_diagnostic.bug(&format!("Cannot lex source_file without source: {}",;
let src = (*source_file.src.as_ref().unwrap()).clone();
StringReader {
start_pos: source_file.start_pos,
pos: source_file.start_pos,
end_src_index: src.len(),
pub fn retokenize(sess: &'a ParseSess, mut span: Span) -> Self {
let begin = sess.source_map().lookup_byte_offset(span.lo());
let end = sess.source_map().lookup_byte_offset(span.hi());
// Make the range zero-length if the span is invalid.
if span.lo() > span.hi() || begin.sf.start_pos != end.sf.start_pos {
span = span.shrink_to_lo();
let mut sr = StringReader::new(sess, begin.sf, None);
// Seek the lexer to the right byte range.
sr.end_src_index = sr.src_index(span.hi());
fn mk_sp(&self, lo: BytePos, hi: BytePos) -> Span {
self.override_span.unwrap_or_else(|| Span::with_root_ctxt(lo, hi))
/// Returns the next token, including trivia like whitespace or comments.
/// `Err(())` means that some errors were encountered, which can be
/// retrieved using `buffer_fatal_errors`.
pub fn next_token(&mut self) -> Token {
let start_src_index = self.src_index(self.pos);
let text: &str = &self.src[start_src_index..self.end_src_index];
if text.is_empty() {
let span = self.mk_sp(self.pos, self.pos);
return Token::new(token::Eof, span);
let is_beginning_of_file = self.pos == self.start_pos;
if is_beginning_of_file {
if let Some(shebang_len) = rustc_lexer::strip_shebang(text) {
let start = self.pos;
self.pos = self.pos + BytePos::from_usize(shebang_len);
let sym = self.symbol_from(start + BytePos::from_usize("#!".len()));
let kind = token::Shebang(sym);
let span = self.mk_sp(start, self.pos);
return Token::new(kind, span);
let token = rustc_lexer::first_token(text);
let start = self.pos;
self.pos = self.pos + BytePos::from_usize(token.len);
debug!("try_next_token: {:?}({:?})", token.kind, self.str_from(start));
// This could use `?`, but that makes code significantly (10-20%) slower.
let kind = self.cook_lexer_token(token.kind, start);
let span = self.mk_sp(start, self.pos);
Token::new(kind, span)
/// Report a fatal lexical error with a given span.
fn fatal_span(&self, sp: Span, m: &str) -> FatalError {
self.sess.span_diagnostic.span_fatal(sp, m)
/// Report a lexical error with a given span.
fn err_span(&self, sp: Span, m: &str) {
self.sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(sp, m).emit();
/// Report a fatal error spanning [`from_pos`, `to_pos`).
fn fatal_span_(&self, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str) -> FatalError {
self.fatal_span(self.mk_sp(from_pos, to_pos), m)
/// Report a lexical error spanning [`from_pos`, `to_pos`).
fn err_span_(&self, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str) {
self.err_span(self.mk_sp(from_pos, to_pos), m)
fn struct_span_fatal(&self, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a>
self.sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_fatal(self.mk_sp(from_pos, to_pos), m)
fn struct_fatal_span_char(&self, from_pos: BytePos, to_pos: BytePos, m: &str, c: char)
-> DiagnosticBuilder<'a>
let mut m = m.to_string();
m.push_str(": ");
push_escaped_char(&mut m, c);
self.sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_fatal(self.mk_sp(from_pos, to_pos), &m[..])
/// Turns simple `rustc_lexer::TokenKind` enum into a rich
/// `libsyntax::TokenKind`. This turns strings into interned
/// symbols and runs additional validation.
fn cook_lexer_token(
token: rustc_lexer::TokenKind,
start: BytePos,
) -> TokenKind {
match token {
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::LineComment => {
let string = self.str_from(start);
// comments with only more "/"s are not doc comments
let tok = if is_doc_comment(string) {
let mut idx = 0;
loop {
idx = match string[idx..].find('\r') {
None => break,
Some(it) => idx + it + 1
if string[idx..].chars().next() != Some('\n') {
self.err_span_(start + BytePos(idx as u32 - 1),
start + BytePos(idx as u32),
"bare CR not allowed in doc-comment");
} else {
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::BlockComment { terminated } => {
let string = self.str_from(start);
// block comments starting with "/**" or "/*!" are doc-comments
// but comments with only "*"s between two "/"s are not
let is_doc_comment = is_block_doc_comment(string);
if !terminated {
let msg = if is_doc_comment {
"unterminated block doc-comment"
} else {
"unterminated block comment"
let last_bpos = self.pos;
self.fatal_span_(start, last_bpos, msg).raise();
let tok = if is_doc_comment {
let has_cr = string.contains('\r');
let string = if has_cr {
"bare CR not allowed in block doc-comment")
} else {
} else {
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Whitespace => token::Whitespace,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Ident | rustc_lexer::TokenKind::RawIdent => {
let is_raw_ident = token == rustc_lexer::TokenKind::RawIdent;
let mut ident_start = start;
if is_raw_ident {
ident_start = ident_start + BytePos(2);
// FIXME: perform NFKC normalization here. (Issue #2253)
let sym = self.symbol_from(ident_start);
if is_raw_ident {
let span = self.mk_sp(start, self.pos);
if !sym.can_be_raw() {
self.err_span(span, &format!("`{}` cannot be a raw identifier", sym));
token::Ident(sym, is_raw_ident)
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Literal { kind, suffix_start } => {
let suffix_start = start + BytePos(suffix_start as u32);
let (kind, symbol) = self.cook_lexer_literal(start, suffix_start, kind);
let suffix = if suffix_start < self.pos {
let string = self.str_from(suffix_start);
if string == "_" {
.struct_span_warn(self.mk_sp(suffix_start, self.pos),
"underscore literal suffix is not allowed")
.warn("this was previously accepted by the compiler but is \
being phased out; it will become a hard error in \
a future release!")
.note("for more information, see issue #42326 \
} else {
} else {
token::Literal(token::Lit { kind, symbol, suffix })
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Lifetime { starts_with_number } => {
// Include the leading `'` in the real identifier, for macro
// expansion purposes. See #12512 for the gory details of why
// this is necessary.
let lifetime_name = self.str_from(start);
if starts_with_number {
"lifetimes cannot start with a number",
let ident = Symbol::intern(lifetime_name);
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Semi => token::Semi,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Comma => token::Comma,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::DotDotDot => token::DotDotDot,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::DotDotEq => token::DotDotEq,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::DotDot => token::DotDot,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Dot => token::Dot,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OpenParen => token::OpenDelim(token::Paren),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CloseParen => token::CloseDelim(token::Paren),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OpenBrace => token::OpenDelim(token::Brace),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CloseBrace => token::CloseDelim(token::Brace),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OpenBracket => token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CloseBracket => token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::At => token::At,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Pound => token::Pound,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Tilde => token::Tilde,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Question => token::Question,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::ColonColon => token::ModSep,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Colon => token::Colon,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Dollar => token::Dollar,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::EqEq => token::EqEq,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Eq => token::Eq,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::FatArrow => token::FatArrow,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Ne => token::Ne,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Not => token::Not,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Le => token::Le,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::LArrow => token::LArrow,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Lt => token::Lt,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::ShlEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Shl),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Shl => token::BinOp(token::Shl),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Ge => token::Ge,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Gt => token::Gt,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::ShrEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Shr),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Shr => token::BinOp(token::Shr),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::RArrow => token::RArrow,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Minus => token::BinOp(token::Minus),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::MinusEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Minus),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::And => token::BinOp(token::And),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::AndEq => token::BinOpEq(token::And),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::AndAnd => token::AndAnd,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Or => token::BinOp(token::Or),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OrEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Or),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::OrOr => token::OrOr,
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Plus => token::BinOp(token::Plus),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::PlusEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Plus),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Star => token::BinOp(token::Star),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::StarEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Star),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Slash => token::BinOp(token::Slash),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::SlashEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Slash),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Caret => token::BinOp(token::Caret),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::CaretEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Caret),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Percent => token::BinOp(token::Percent),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::PercentEq => token::BinOpEq(token::Percent),
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Unknown => {
let c = self.str_from(start).chars().next().unwrap();
let mut err = self.struct_fatal_span_char(start,
"unknown start of token",
// FIXME: the lexer could be used to turn the ASCII version of unicode homoglyphs,
// instead of keeping a table in `check_for_substitution`into the token. Ideally,
// this should be inside `rustc_lexer`. However, we should first remove compound
// tokens like `<<` from `rustc_lexer`, and then add fancier error recovery to it,
// as there will be less overall work to do this way.
let token = unicode_chars::check_for_substitution(self, start, c, &mut err)
.unwrap_or_else(|| token::Unknown(self.symbol_from(start)));
fn cook_lexer_literal(
start: BytePos,
suffix_start: BytePos,
kind: rustc_lexer::LiteralKind
) -> (token::LitKind, Symbol) {
match kind {
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Char { terminated } => {
if !terminated {
self.fatal_span_(start, suffix_start,
"unterminated character literal".into())
let content_start = start + BytePos(1);
let content_end = suffix_start - BytePos(1);
self.validate_char_escape(content_start, content_end);
let id = self.symbol_from_to(content_start, content_end);
(token::Char, id)
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Byte { terminated } => {
if !terminated {
self.fatal_span_(start + BytePos(1), suffix_start,
"unterminated byte constant".into())
let content_start = start + BytePos(2);
let content_end = suffix_start - BytePos(1);
self.validate_byte_escape(content_start, content_end);
let id = self.symbol_from_to(content_start, content_end);
(token::Byte, id)
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Str { terminated } => {
if !terminated {
self.fatal_span_(start, suffix_start,
"unterminated double quote string".into())
let content_start = start + BytePos(1);
let content_end = suffix_start - BytePos(1);
self.validate_str_escape(content_start, content_end);
let id = self.symbol_from_to(content_start, content_end);
(token::Str, id)
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::ByteStr { terminated } => {
if !terminated {
self.fatal_span_(start + BytePos(1), suffix_start,
"unterminated double quote byte string".into())
let content_start = start + BytePos(2);
let content_end = suffix_start - BytePos(1);
self.validate_byte_str_escape(content_start, content_end);
let id = self.symbol_from_to(content_start, content_end);
(token::ByteStr, id)
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::RawStr { n_hashes, started, terminated } => {
if !started {
if !terminated {
self.report_unterminated_raw_string(start, n_hashes)
let n_hashes: u16 = self.restrict_n_hashes(start, n_hashes);
let n = u32::from(n_hashes);
let content_start = start + BytePos(2 + n);
let content_end = suffix_start - BytePos(1 + n);
self.validate_raw_str_escape(content_start, content_end);
let id = self.symbol_from_to(content_start, content_end);
(token::StrRaw(n_hashes), id)
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::RawByteStr { n_hashes, started, terminated } => {
if !started {
if !terminated {
self.report_unterminated_raw_string(start, n_hashes)
let n_hashes: u16 = self.restrict_n_hashes(start, n_hashes);
let n = u32::from(n_hashes);
let content_start = start + BytePos(3 + n);
let content_end = suffix_start - BytePos(1 + n);
self.validate_raw_byte_str_escape(content_start, content_end);
let id = self.symbol_from_to(content_start, content_end);
(token::ByteStrRaw(n_hashes), id)
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Int { base, empty_int } => {
if empty_int {
self.err_span_(start, suffix_start, "no valid digits found for number");
(token::Integer, sym::integer(0))
} else {
self.validate_int_literal(base, start, suffix_start);
(token::Integer, self.symbol_from_to(start, suffix_start))
rustc_lexer::LiteralKind::Float { base, empty_exponent } => {
if empty_exponent {
let mut err = self.struct_span_fatal(
start, self.pos,
"expected at least one digit in exponent"
match base {
Base::Hexadecimal => {
self.err_span_(start, suffix_start,
"hexadecimal float literal is not supported")
Base::Octal => {
self.err_span_(start, suffix_start,
"octal float literal is not supported")
Base::Binary => {
self.err_span_(start, suffix_start,
"binary float literal is not supported")
_ => ()
let id = self.symbol_from_to(start, suffix_start);
(token::Float, id)
fn src_index(&self, pos: BytePos) -> usize {
(pos - self.start_pos).to_usize()
/// Slice of the source text from `start` up to but excluding `self.pos`,
/// meaning the slice does not include the character ``.
fn str_from(&self, start: BytePos) -> &str
self.str_from_to(start, self.pos)
/// Creates a Symbol from a given offset to the current offset.
fn symbol_from(&self, start: BytePos) -> Symbol {
debug!("taking an ident from {:?} to {:?}", start, self.pos);
/// As symbol_from, with an explicit endpoint.
fn symbol_from_to(&self, start: BytePos, end: BytePos) -> Symbol {
debug!("taking an ident from {:?} to {:?}", start, end);
Symbol::intern(self.str_from_to(start, end))
/// Slice of the source text spanning from `start` up to but excluding `end`.
fn str_from_to(&self, start: BytePos, end: BytePos) -> &str
/// Converts CRLF to LF in the given string, raising an error on bare CR.
fn translate_crlf<'b>(&self, start: BytePos, s: &'b str, errmsg: &'b str) -> Cow<'b, str> {
let mut chars = s.char_indices().peekable();
while let Some((i, ch)) = {
if ch == '\r' {
if let Some((lf_idx, '\n')) = chars.peek() {
return translate_crlf_(self, start, s, *lf_idx, chars, errmsg).into();
let pos = start + BytePos(i as u32);
let end_pos = start + BytePos((i + ch.len_utf8()) as u32);
self.err_span_(pos, end_pos, errmsg);
return s.into();
fn translate_crlf_(rdr: &StringReader<'_>,
start: BytePos,
s: &str,
mut j: usize,
mut chars: iter::Peekable<impl Iterator<Item = (usize, char)>>,
errmsg: &str)
-> String {
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(s.len());
// Skip first CR
buf.push_str(&s[.. j - 1]);
while let Some((i, ch)) = {
if ch == '\r' {
if j < i {
let next = i + ch.len_utf8();
j = next;
if chars.peek().map(|(_, ch)| *ch) != Some('\n') {
let pos = start + BytePos(i as u32);
let end_pos = start + BytePos(next as u32);
rdr.err_span_(pos, end_pos, errmsg);
if j < s.len() {
fn report_non_started_raw_string(&self, start: BytePos) -> ! {
let bad_char = self.str_from(start).chars().last().unwrap();
"found invalid character; only `#` is allowed \
in raw string delimitation",
fn report_unterminated_raw_string(&self, start: BytePos, n_hashes: usize) -> ! {
let mut err = self.struct_span_fatal(
start, start,
"unterminated raw string",
self.mk_sp(start, start),
"unterminated raw string",
if n_hashes > 0 {
err.note(&format!("this raw string should be terminated with `\"{}`",
"#".repeat(n_hashes as usize)));
fn restrict_n_hashes(&self, start: BytePos, n_hashes: usize) -> u16 {
match n_hashes.try_into() {
Ok(n_hashes) => n_hashes,
Err(_) => {
"too many `#` symbols: raw strings may be \
delimited by up to 65535 `#` symbols").raise();
fn validate_char_escape(&self, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let lit = self.str_from_to(content_start, content_end);
if let Err((off, err)) = unescape::unescape_char(lit) {
self.mk_sp(content_start - BytePos(1), content_end + BytePos(1)),
fn validate_byte_escape(&self, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let lit = self.str_from_to(content_start, content_end);
if let Err((off, err)) = unescape::unescape_byte(lit) {
self.mk_sp(content_start - BytePos(1), content_end + BytePos(1)),
fn validate_str_escape(&self, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let lit = self.str_from_to(content_start, content_end);
unescape::unescape_str(lit, &mut |range, c| {
if let Err(err) = c {
self.mk_sp(content_start - BytePos(1), content_end + BytePos(1)),
fn validate_raw_str_escape(&self, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let lit = self.str_from_to(content_start, content_end);
unescape::unescape_raw_str(lit, &mut |range, c| {
if let Err(err) = c {
self.mk_sp(content_start - BytePos(1), content_end + BytePos(1)),
fn validate_raw_byte_str_escape(&self, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let lit = self.str_from_to(content_start, content_end);
unescape::unescape_raw_byte_str(lit, &mut |range, c| {
if let Err(err) = c {
self.mk_sp(content_start - BytePos(1), content_end + BytePos(1)),
fn validate_byte_str_escape(&self, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let lit = self.str_from_to(content_start, content_end);
unescape::unescape_byte_str(lit, &mut |range, c| {
if let Err(err) = c {
self.mk_sp(content_start - BytePos(1), content_end + BytePos(1)),
fn validate_int_literal(&self, base: Base, content_start: BytePos, content_end: BytePos) {
let base = match base {
Base::Binary => 2,
Base::Octal => 8,
_ => return,
let s = self.str_from_to(content_start + BytePos(2), content_end);
for (idx, c) in s.char_indices() {
let idx = idx as u32;
if c != '_' && c.to_digit(base).is_none() {
let lo = content_start + BytePos(2 + idx);
let hi = content_start + BytePos(2 + idx + c.len_utf8() as u32);
self.err_span_(lo, hi,
&format!("invalid digit for a base {} literal", base));
fn is_doc_comment(s: &str) -> bool {
let res = (s.starts_with("///") && *s.as_bytes().get(3).unwrap_or(&b' ') != b'/') ||
debug!("is {:?} a doc comment? {}", s, res);
fn is_block_doc_comment(s: &str) -> bool {
// Prevent `/**/` from being parsed as a doc comment
let res = ((s.starts_with("/**") && *s.as_bytes().get(3).unwrap_or(&b' ') != b'*') ||
s.starts_with("/*!")) && s.len() >= 5;
debug!("is {:?} a doc comment? {}", s, res);