blob: 006e6f490f06b14bb3b5c1a271754fcc8bb77595 [file] [log] [blame]
// Check that using the parameter name in its type does not ICE.
// edition:2018
fn main() {
let _ = |x: x| x; //~ ERROR expected type
let _ = |x: bool| -> x { x }; //~ ERROR expected type
let _ = async move |x: x| x; //~ ERROR expected type
let _ = async move |x: bool| -> x { x }; //~ ERROR expected type
fn foo(x: x) {} //~ ERROR expected type
fn foo_ret(x: bool) -> x {} //~ ERROR expected type
async fn async_foo(x: x) {} //~ ERROR expected type
async fn async_foo_ret(x: bool) -> x {} //~ ERROR expected type