blob: db092970f79b88603e426dd821ebb6350b2c81e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Make sure that we normalize bounds on associated types before checking them
// as candidates.
// check-pass
trait Mul<T> {
type Output;
trait Matrix: Mul<<Self as Matrix>::Row, Output = ()> {
type Row;
type Transpose: Matrix<Row = Self::Row>;
fn is_mul<S, T: Mul<S, Output = ()>>() {}
fn f<T: Matrix>() {
// The unnormalized bound on `T::Transpose` is
// `Mul<<T::Transpose as Matrix>::Row` which has to be normalized to be
// equal to `T::Row`.
is_mul::<T::Row, T::Transpose>();
fn main() {}