blob: 7967b32a4a49113ecb12c08910f7b499c1ef7784 [file] [log] [blame]
// check-fail
// Tests error conditions for specifying diagnostics using #[derive(SessionDiagnostic)]
#![crate_type = "lib"]
extern crate rustc_span;
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
extern crate rustc_macros;
use rustc_macros::SessionDiagnostic;
extern crate rustc_middle;
use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
extern crate rustc_errors;
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
extern crate rustc_session;
#[message = "Hello, world!"]
#[error = "E0123"]
struct Hello {}
#[error = "E0123"]
//~^ ERROR `#[derive(SessionDiagnostic)]` can only be used on structs
enum SessionDiagnosticOnEnum {
#[error = "E0123"]
#[label = "This is in the wrong place"]
//~^ ERROR `#[label = ...]` is not a valid SessionDiagnostic struct attribute
struct WrongPlace {}
#[error = "E0123"]
struct WrongPlaceField {
#[suggestion = "this is the wrong kind of attribute"]
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion = ...]` is not a valid SessionDiagnostic field attribute
sp: Span,
#[message = "Hello, world!"]
#[error = "E0123"]
#[error = "E0456"] //~ ERROR `error` specified multiple times
struct ErrorSpecifiedTwice {}
#[message = "Hello, world!"]
#[error = "E0123"]
#[lint = "some_useful_lint"] //~ ERROR `lint` specified when `error` was already specified
struct LintSpecifiedAfterError {}
#[message = "Some lint message"]
#[error = "E0123"]
struct LintButHasErrorCode {}
struct ErrorCodeNotProvided {} //~ ERROR `code` not specified
// FIXME: Uncomment when emitting lints is supported.
#[message = "Hello, world!"]
#[lint = "clashing_extern_declarations"]
#[lint = "improper_ctypes"] // FIXME: ERROR `lint` specified multiple times
struct LintSpecifiedTwice {}
#[lint = "Some lint message"]
#[message = "Some error message"]
#[error = "E0123"] // ERROR `error` specified when `lint` was already specified
struct ErrorSpecifiedAfterLint {}
#[error = "E0123"]
struct ErrorWithField {
name: String,
#[message = "This error has a field, and references {name}"]
span: Span
#[error = "E0123"]
struct ErrorWithMessageAppliedToField {
#[message = "this message is applied to a String field"]
//~^ ERROR the `#[message = "..."]` attribute can only be applied to fields of type Span
name: String,
#[error = "E0123"]
#[message = "This error has a field, and references {name}"]
//~^ ERROR `name` doesn't refer to a field on this type
struct ErrorWithNonexistentField {
span: Span
#[error = "E0123"]
#[message = "This is missing a closing brace: {name"]
//~^ ERROR invalid format string: expected `'}'`
struct ErrorMissingClosingBrace {
name: String,
span: Span
#[error = "E0123"]
#[message = "This is missing an opening brace: name}"]
//~^ ERROR invalid format string: unmatched `}`
struct ErrorMissingOpeningBrace {
name: String,
span: Span
#[error = "E0123"]
#[message = "Something something"]
struct LabelOnSpan {
#[label = "See here"]
sp: Span
#[error = "E0123"]
#[message = "Something something"]
struct LabelOnNonSpan {
#[label = "See here"]
//~^ ERROR The `#[label = ...]` attribute can only be applied to fields of type Span
id: u32,
#[error = "E0123"]
struct Suggest {
#[suggestion(message = "This is a suggestion", code = "This is the suggested code")]
#[suggestion_short(message = "This is a suggestion", code = "This is the suggested code")]
#[suggestion_hidden(message = "This is a suggestion", code = "This is the suggested code")]
#[suggestion_verbose(message = "This is a suggestion", code = "This is the suggested code")]
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithoutCode {
#[suggestion(message = "This is a suggestion")]
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithBadKey {
#[suggestion(nonsense = "This is nonsense")]
//~^ ERROR `nonsense` is not a valid key for `#[suggestion(...)]`
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithShorthandMsg {
#[suggestion(msg = "This is a suggestion")]
//~^ ERROR `msg` is not a valid key for `#[suggestion(...)]`
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithoutMsg {
#[suggestion(code = "This is suggested code")]
//~^ ERROR missing suggestion message
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithTypesSwapped {
#[suggestion(message = "This is a message", code = "This is suggested code")]
suggestion: (Applicability, Span),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithWrongTypeApplicabilityOnly {
#[suggestion(message = "This is a message", code = "This is suggested code")]
//~^ ERROR wrong field type for suggestion
suggestion: Applicability,
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithSpanOnly{
#[suggestion(message = "This is a message", code = "This is suggested code")]
suggestion: Span,
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithDuplicateSpanAndApplicability {
#[suggestion(message = "This is a message", code = "This is suggested code")]
//~^ ERROR type of field annotated with `#[suggestion(...)]` contains more than one Span
suggestion: (Span, Span, Applicability),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct SuggestWithDuplicateApplicabilityAndSpan {
#[suggestion(message = "This is a message", code = "This is suggested code")]
//~^ ERROR type of field annotated with `#[suggestion(...)]` contains more than one
suggestion: (Applicability, Applicability, Span),
#[error = "E0123"]
struct WrongKindOfAnnotation {
#[label("wrong kind of annotation for label")]
//~^ ERROR invalid annotation list `#[label(...)]`
z: Span,
#[error = "E0123"]
#[message = "Something something else"]
struct OptionsInErrors {
#[label = "Label message"]
label: Option<Span>,
#[suggestion(message = "suggestion message")]
opt_sugg: Option<(Span, Applicability)>,
#[error = "E0456"]
struct MoveOutOfBorrowError<'tcx> {
name: Ident,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
#[message = "cannot move {ty} out of borrow"]
#[label = "cannot move out of borrow"]
span: Span,
#[label = "`{ty}` first borrowed here"]
other_span: Span,
#[suggestion(message = "consider cloning here", code = "{name}.clone()")]
opt_sugg: Option<(Span, Applicability)>,
#[error = "E0123"]
struct ErrorWithLifetime<'a> {
#[message = "Some message that references {name}"]
span: Span,
name: &'a str,