blob: c1e161e123588cdbe22622be63152f55d5297ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The point of this crate is to be able to have enough different "kinds" of
//! documentation generated so we can test each different features.
#![crate_name = "test_docs"]
use std::fmt;
/// Basic function with some code examples:
/// ```
/// println!("nothing fancy");
/// ```
/// A failing to compile one:
/// ```compile_fail
/// println!("where did my argument {} go? :'(");
/// ```
/// An ignored one:
/// ```ignore (it's a test)
/// Let's say I'm just some text will ya?
/// ```
pub fn foo() {}
/// Just a normal struct.
pub struct Foo;
impl Foo {
pub fn must_use(&self) -> bool { true }
/// Just a normal enum.
pub enum WhoLetTheDogOut {
/// Woof!
/// Meoooooooow...
/// Who doesn't love to wrap a `format!` call?
pub fn some_more_function<T: fmt::Debug>(t: &T) -> String {
format!("{:?}", t)
/// Woohoo! A trait!
pub trait AnotherOne {
/// Some func 3.
fn func3();
/// Some func 1.
fn func1();
fn another();
fn why_not();
/// Some func 2.
fn func2();
fn hello();
/// ```compile_fail
/// whatever
/// ```
/// Check for "i" signs in lists!
/// 1. elem 1
/// 2. test 1
/// ```compile_fail
/// fn foo() {}
/// ```
/// 3. elem 3
/// 4. ```ignore (it's a test)
/// fn foo() {}
/// ```
/// 5. elem 5
/// Final one:
/// ```ignore (still a test)
/// let x = 12;
/// ```
pub fn check_list_code_block() {}