blob: c77ee5ddc207b2715e9585d9ee70aa60a93b95b8 [file] [log] [blame]
1| |#![allow(unused_assignments)]
2| |// expect-exit-status-101
3| |
4| 4|fn might_panic(should_panic: bool) {
5| 4| if should_panic {
6| 1| println!("panicking...");
7| 1| panic!("panics");
8| 3| } else {
9| 3| println!("Don't Panic");
10| 3| }
11| 3|}
12| |
13| 1|fn main() -> Result<(), u8> {
14| 1| let mut countdown = 10;
15| 11| while countdown > 0 {
16| 11| if countdown == 1 {
17| 1| might_panic(true);
18| 10| } else if countdown < 5 {
19| 3| might_panic(false);
20| 6| }
21| 10| countdown -= 1;
22| | }
23| 0| Ok(())
24| 0|}
25| |
26| |// Notes:
27| |// 1. Compare this program and its coverage results to those of the similar tests `` and
28| |// ``.
29| |// 2. Since the `` test is allowed to unwind, it is also allowed to execute the
30| |// normal program exit cleanup, including writing out the current values of the coverage
31| |// counters.
32| |// 3. The coverage results show (interestingly) that the `panic!()` call did execute, but it does
33| |// not show coverage of the `if countdown == 1` branch in `main()` that calls
34| |// `might_panic(true)` (causing the call to `panic!()`).
35| |// 4. The reason `main()`s `if countdown == 1` branch, calling `might_panic(true)`, appears
36| |// "uncovered" is, InstrumentCoverage (intentionally) treats `TerminatorKind::Call` terminators
37| |// as non-branching, because when a program executes normally, they always are. Errors handled
38| |// via the try `?` operator produce error handling branches that *are* treated as branches in
39| |// coverage results. By treating calls without try `?` operators as non-branching (assumed to
40| |// return normally and continue) the coverage graph can be simplified, producing smaller,
41| |// faster binaries, and cleaner coverage results.
42| |// 5. The reason the coverage results actually show `panic!()` was called is most likely because
43| |// `panic!()` is a macro, not a simple function call, and there are other `Statement`s and/or
44| |// `Terminator`s that execute with a coverage counter before the panic and unwind occur.
45| |// 6. Since the common practice is not to use `panic!()` for error handling, the coverage
46| |// implementation avoids incurring an additional cost (in program size and execution time) to
47| |// improve coverage results for an event that is generally not "supposed" to happen.
48| |// 7. FIXME(#78544): This issue describes a feature request for a proposed option to enable
49| |// more accurate coverage results for tests that intentionally panic.