blob: b72170adec37a818475d83d84f096d06c47674c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-wasm32-bare compiled with panic=abort by default
// Test that we generate StorageDead on unwind paths for generators.
// Basic block and local names can safely change, but the StorageDead statements
// should not go away.
#![feature(generators, generator_trait)]
struct Foo(i32);
impl Drop for Foo {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
struct Bar(i32);
fn take<T>(_x: T) {}
// EMIT_MIR generator_storage_dead_unwind.main-{closure#0}.StateTransform.before.mir
fn main() {
let _gen = || {
let a = Foo(5);
let b = Bar(6);