blob: c49e45c0e25a0410797cbceca32165998e8b87d1 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::{make_test, TestOptions};
use rustc_span::edition::DEFAULT_EDITION;
fn make_test_basic() {
//basic use: wraps with `fn main`, adds `#![allow(unused)]`
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_crate_name_no_use() {
// If you give a crate name but *don't* use it within the test, it won't bother inserting
// the `extern crate` statement.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_crate_name() {
// If you give a crate name and use it within the test, it will insert an `extern crate`
// statement before `fn main`.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
extern crate r#asdf;
fn main() {
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 3));
fn make_test_no_crate_inject() {
// Even if you do use the crate within the test, setting `opts.no_crate_inject` will skip
// adding it anyway.
let opts = TestOptions { no_crate_inject: true, display_warnings: false, attrs: vec![] };
let input = "use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() {
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_ignore_std() {
// Even if you include a crate name, and use it in the doctest, we still won't include an
// `extern crate` statement if the crate is "std" -- that's included already by the
// compiler!
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "use std::*;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() {
use std::*;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("std"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_manual_extern_crate() {
// When you manually include an `extern crate` statement in your doctest, `make_test`
// assumes you've included one for your own crate too.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "extern crate asdf;
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
extern crate asdf;
fn main() {
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_manual_extern_crate_with_macro_use() {
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "#[macro_use] extern crate asdf;
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
#[macro_use] extern crate asdf;
fn main() {
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_opts_attrs() {
// If you supplied some doctest attributes with `#![doc(test(attr(...)))]`, it will use
// those instead of the stock `#![allow(unused)]`.
let mut opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![feature(sick_rad)]
extern crate r#asdf;
fn main() {
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 3));
// Adding more will also bump the returned line offset.
let expected = "#![feature(sick_rad)]
extern crate r#asdf;
fn main() {
use asdf::qwop;
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 4));
fn make_test_crate_attrs() {
// Including inner attributes in your doctest will apply them to the whole "crate", pasting
// them outside the generated main function.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "#![feature(sick_rad)]
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_with_main() {
// Including your own `fn main` wrapper lets the test use it verbatim.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 1));
fn make_test_fake_main() {
// ... but putting it in a comment will still provide a wrapper.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "//Ceci n'est pas une `fn main`
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
//Ceci n'est pas une `fn main`
fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_dont_insert_main() {
// Even with that, if you set `dont_insert_main`, it won't create the `fn main` wrapper.
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "//Ceci n'est pas une `fn main`
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
//Ceci n'est pas une `fn main`
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);"
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, true, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 1));
fn make_test_display_warnings() {
// If the user is asking to display doctest warnings, suppress the default `allow(unused)`.
let mut opts = TestOptions::default();
opts.display_warnings = true;
let input = "assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 1));
fn make_test_issues_21299_33731() {
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "// fn main
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
// fn main
fn main() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
let input = "extern crate hella_qwop;
assert_eq!(asdf::foo, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
extern crate hella_qwop;
extern crate r#asdf;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(asdf::foo, 4);
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("asdf"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 3));
fn make_test_main_in_macro() {
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "#[macro_use] extern crate my_crate;
test_wrapper! {
fn main() {}
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
#[macro_use] extern crate my_crate;
test_wrapper! {
fn main() {}
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, Some("my_crate"), false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 1));
fn make_test_returns_result() {
// creates an inner function and unwraps it
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "use std::io;
let mut input = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
Ok::<(), io:Error>(())";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() { fn _inner() -> Result<(), impl core::fmt::Debug> {
use std::io;
let mut input = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?;
Ok::<(), io:Error>(())
} _inner().unwrap() }"
let (output, len, _) = make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, None);
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));
fn make_test_named_wrapper() {
// creates an inner function with a specific name
let opts = TestOptions::default();
let input = "assert_eq!(2+2, 4);";
let expected = "#![allow(unused)]
fn main() { #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn _doctest_main__some_unique_name() {
assert_eq!(2+2, 4);
} _doctest_main__some_unique_name() }"
let (output, len, _) =
make_test(input, None, false, &opts, DEFAULT_EDITION, Some("_some_unique_name"));
assert_eq!((output, len), (expected, 2));