blob: f3c9b987eb02ab82bfdf618b8e6b89f2aa41823a [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::lazy::SyncOnceCell as OnceCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{slice, vec};
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use rustc_ast::attr;
use rustc_ast::util::comments::beautify_doc_string;
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, AttrStyle};
use rustc_attr::{ConstStability, Deprecation, Stability, StabilityLevel};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_data_structures::thin_vec::ThinVec;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, Res};
use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIndex};
use rustc_hir::lang_items::LangItem;
use rustc_hir::{BodyId, Mutability};
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc_session::Session;
use rustc_span::hygiene::MacroKind;
use rustc_span::source_map::DUMMY_SP;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, Symbol, SymbolStr};
use rustc_span::{self, FileName, Loc};
use rustc_target::abi::VariantIdx;
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
use crate::clean::cfg::Cfg;
use crate::clean::external_path;
use crate::clean::inline::{self, print_inlined_const};
use crate::clean::types::Type::{QPath, ResolvedPath};
use crate::clean::utils::{is_literal_expr, print_const_expr, print_evaluated_const};
use crate::clean::Clean;
use crate::core::DocContext;
use crate::formats::cache::Cache;
use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
use crate::html::render::cache::ExternalLocation;
use self::FnRetTy::*;
use self::ItemKind::*;
use self::SelfTy::*;
use self::Type::*;
thread_local!(crate static MAX_DEF_IDX: RefCell<FxHashMap<CrateNum, DefIndex>> = Default::default());
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Crate {
crate name: Symbol,
crate src: FileName,
crate module: Item,
crate externs: Vec<(CrateNum, ExternalCrate)>,
crate primitives: ThinVec<(DefId, PrimitiveType)>,
// These are later on moved into `CACHEKEY`, leaving the map empty.
// Only here so that they can be filtered through the rustdoc passes.
crate external_traits: Rc<RefCell<FxHashMap<DefId, TraitWithExtraInfo>>>,
crate collapsed: bool,
/// This struct is used to wrap additional information added by rustdoc on a `trait` item.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct TraitWithExtraInfo {
crate trait_: Trait,
crate is_notable: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct ExternalCrate {
crate name: Symbol,
crate src: FileName,
crate attrs: Attributes,
crate primitives: ThinVec<(DefId, PrimitiveType)>,
crate keywords: ThinVec<(DefId, Symbol)>,
/// Anything with a source location and set of attributes and, optionally, a
/// name. That is, anything that can be documented. This doesn't correspond
/// directly to the AST's concept of an item; it's a strict superset.
crate struct Item {
crate span: Span,
/// The name of this item.
/// Optional because not every item has a name, e.g. impls.
crate name: Option<Symbol>,
crate attrs: Box<Attributes>,
crate visibility: Visibility,
/// Information about this item that is specific to what kind of item it is.
/// E.g., struct vs enum vs function.
crate kind: Box<ItemKind>,
crate def_id: DefId,
// `Item` is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(Item, 48);
impl fmt::Debug for Item {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let def_id: &dyn fmt::Debug = if self.is_fake() { &"**FAKE**" } else { &self.def_id };
.field("source", &self.span)
.field("name", &
.field("attrs", &self.attrs)
.field("kind", &self.kind)
.field("visibility", &self.visibility)
.field("def_id", def_id)
impl Item {
crate fn stability<'tcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Option<&'tcx Stability> {
if self.is_fake() { None } else { tcx.lookup_stability(self.def_id) }
crate fn const_stability<'tcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Option<&'tcx ConstStability> {
if self.is_fake() { None } else { tcx.lookup_const_stability(self.def_id) }
crate fn deprecation(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Option<Deprecation> {
if self.is_fake() { None } else { tcx.lookup_deprecation(self.def_id) }
/// Finds the `doc` attribute as a NameValue and returns the corresponding
/// value found.
crate fn doc_value(&self) -> Option<String> {
/// Convenience wrapper around [`Self::from_def_id_and_parts`] which converts
/// `hir_id` to a [`DefId`]
pub fn from_hir_id_and_parts(
hir_id: hir::HirId,
name: Option<Symbol>,
kind: ItemKind,
cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
) -> Item {
Item::from_def_id_and_parts(cx.tcx.hir().local_def_id(hir_id).to_def_id(), name, kind, cx)
pub fn from_def_id_and_parts(
def_id: DefId,
name: Option<Symbol>,
kind: ItemKind,
cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
) -> Item {
box cx.tcx.get_attrs(def_id).clean(cx),
pub fn from_def_id_and_attrs_and_parts(
def_id: DefId,
name: Option<Symbol>,
kind: ItemKind,
attrs: Box<Attributes>,
cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
) -> Item {
debug!("name={:?}, def_id={:?}", name, def_id);
// `span_if_local()` lies about functions and only gives the span of the function signature
let span = def_id.as_local().map_or_else(
|| cx.tcx.def_span(def_id),
|local| {
let hir = cx.tcx.hir();
Item {
kind: box kind,
span: span.clean(cx),
visibility: cx.tcx.visibility(def_id).clean(cx),
/// Finds all `doc` attributes as NameValues and returns their corresponding values, joined
/// with newlines.
crate fn collapsed_doc_value(&self) -> Option<String> {
crate fn links(&self, cache: &Cache) -> Vec<RenderedLink> {
use crate::html::format::href;
use crate::html::render::CURRENT_DEPTH;
.map_or(&[][..], |v| v.as_slice())
.filter_map(|ItemLink { link: s, link_text, did, fragment }| {
match *did {
Some(did) => {
if let Some((mut href, ..)) = href(did, cache) {
if let Some(ref fragment) = *fragment {
Some(RenderedLink {
original_text: s.clone(),
new_text: link_text.clone(),
} else {
None => {
if let Some(ref fragment) = *fragment {
let url = match cache.extern_locations.get(&self.def_id.krate) {
Some(&(_, _, ExternalLocation::Local)) => {
let depth = CURRENT_DEPTH.with(|l| l.get());
Some(&(_, _, ExternalLocation::Remote(ref s))) => s.to_string(),
Some(&(_, _, ExternalLocation::Unknown)) | None => format!(
// This is a primitive so the url is done "by hand".
let tail = fragment.find('#').unwrap_or_else(|| fragment.len());
Some(RenderedLink {
original_text: s.clone(),
new_text: link_text.clone(),
href: format!(
if !url.ends_with('/') { "/" } else { "" },
} else {
panic!("This isn't a primitive?!");
crate fn is_crate(&self) -> bool {
StrippedItem(box ModuleItem(Module { is_crate: true, .. }))
| ModuleItem(Module { is_crate: true, .. })
crate fn is_mod(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Module
crate fn is_trait(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Trait
crate fn is_struct(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Struct
crate fn is_enum(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Enum
crate fn is_variant(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Variant
crate fn is_associated_type(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::AssocType
crate fn is_associated_const(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::AssocConst
crate fn is_method(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Method
crate fn is_ty_method(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::TyMethod
crate fn is_typedef(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Typedef
crate fn is_primitive(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Primitive
crate fn is_union(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Union
crate fn is_import(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Import
crate fn is_extern_crate(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::ExternCrate
crate fn is_keyword(&self) -> bool {
self.type_() == ItemType::Keyword
crate fn is_stripped(&self) -> bool {
match *self.kind {
StrippedItem(..) => true,
ImportItem(ref i) => !i.should_be_displayed,
_ => false,
crate fn has_stripped_fields(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match *self.kind {
StructItem(ref _struct) => Some(_struct.fields_stripped),
UnionItem(ref union) => Some(union.fields_stripped),
VariantItem(Variant::Struct(ref vstruct)) => Some(vstruct.fields_stripped),
_ => None,
crate fn stability_class(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Option<String> {
self.stability(tcx).as_ref().and_then(|ref s| {
let mut classes = Vec::with_capacity(2);
if s.level.is_unstable() {
// FIXME: what about non-staged API items that are deprecated?
if self.deprecation(tcx).is_some() {
if !classes.is_empty() { Some(classes.join(" ")) } else { None }
crate fn stable_since(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Option<SymbolStr> {
match self.stability(tcx)?.level {
StabilityLevel::Stable { since, .. } => Some(since.as_str()),
StabilityLevel::Unstable { .. } => None,
crate fn const_stable_since(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Option<SymbolStr> {
match self.const_stability(tcx)?.level {
StabilityLevel::Stable { since, .. } => Some(since.as_str()),
StabilityLevel::Unstable { .. } => None,
crate fn is_non_exhaustive(&self) -> bool {
self.attrs.other_attrs.iter().any(|a| a.has_name(sym::non_exhaustive))
/// Returns a documentation-level item type from the item.
crate fn type_(&self) -> ItemType {
crate fn is_default(&self) -> bool {
match *self.kind {
ItemKind::MethodItem(_, Some(defaultness)) => {
defaultness.has_value() && !defaultness.is_final()
_ => false,
/// See the documentation for [`next_def_id()`].
/// [`next_def_id()`]: DocContext::next_def_id()
crate fn is_fake(&self) -> bool {
MAX_DEF_IDX.with(|m| {
m.borrow().get(&self.def_id.krate).map(|&idx| idx <= self.def_id.index).unwrap_or(false)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum ItemKind {
ExternCrateItem {
/// The crate's name, *not* the name it's imported as.
src: Option<Symbol>,
TypedefItem(Typedef, bool /* is associated type */),
/// A method signature only. Used for required methods in traits (ie,
/// non-default-methods).
/// A method with a body.
MethodItem(Function, Option<hir::Defaultness>),
/// `fn`s from an extern block
/// `static`s from an extern block
/// `type`s from an extern block
AssocConstItem(Type, Option<String>),
/// An associated item in a trait or trait impl.
/// The bounds may be non-empty if there is a `where` clause.
/// The `Option<Type>` is the default concrete type (e.g. `trait Trait { type Target = usize; }`)
AssocTypeItem(Vec<GenericBound>, Option<Type>),
/// An item that has been stripped by a rustdoc pass
impl ItemKind {
/// Some items contain others such as structs (for their fields) and Enums
/// (for their variants). This method returns those contained items.
crate fn inner_items(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Item> {
match self {
StructItem(s) => s.fields.iter(),
UnionItem(u) => u.fields.iter(),
VariantItem(Variant::Struct(v)) => v.fields.iter(),
EnumItem(e) => e.variants.iter(),
TraitItem(t) => t.items.iter(),
ImplItem(i) => i.items.iter(),
ModuleItem(m) => m.items.iter(),
ExternCrateItem { .. }
| ImportItem(_)
| FunctionItem(_)
| TypedefItem(_, _)
| OpaqueTyItem(_)
| StaticItem(_)
| ConstantItem(_)
| TraitAliasItem(_)
| TyMethodItem(_)
| MethodItem(_, _)
| StructFieldItem(_)
| VariantItem(_)
| ForeignFunctionItem(_)
| ForeignStaticItem(_)
| ForeignTypeItem
| MacroItem(_)
| ProcMacroItem(_)
| PrimitiveItem(_)
| AssocConstItem(_, _)
| AssocTypeItem(_, _)
| StrippedItem(_)
| KeywordItem(_) => [].iter(),
crate fn is_type_alias(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ItemKind::TypedefItem(..) | ItemKind::AssocTypeItem(..))
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Module {
crate items: Vec<Item>,
crate is_crate: bool,
crate struct ListAttributesIter<'a> {
attrs: slice::Iter<'a, ast::Attribute>,
current_list: vec::IntoIter<ast::NestedMetaItem>,
name: Symbol,
impl<'a> Iterator for ListAttributesIter<'a> {
type Item = ast::NestedMetaItem;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(nested) = {
return Some(nested);
for attr in &mut self.attrs {
if let Some(list) = attr.meta_item_list() {
if attr.has_name( {
self.current_list = list.into_iter();
if let Some(nested) = {
return Some(nested);
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let lower = self.current_list.len();
(lower, None)
crate trait AttributesExt {
/// Finds an attribute as List and returns the list of attributes nested inside.
fn lists(&self, name: Symbol) -> ListAttributesIter<'_>;
impl AttributesExt for [ast::Attribute] {
fn lists(&self, name: Symbol) -> ListAttributesIter<'_> {
ListAttributesIter { attrs: self.iter(), current_list: Vec::new().into_iter(), name }
crate trait NestedAttributesExt {
/// Returns `true` if the attribute list contains a specific `Word`
fn has_word(self, word: Symbol) -> bool;
fn get_word_attr(self, word: Symbol) -> Option<ast::NestedMetaItem>;
impl<I: Iterator<Item = ast::NestedMetaItem> + IntoIterator<Item = ast::NestedMetaItem>>
NestedAttributesExt for I
fn has_word(self, word: Symbol) -> bool {
self.into_iter().any(|attr| attr.is_word() && attr.has_name(word))
fn get_word_attr(mut self, word: Symbol) -> Option<ast::NestedMetaItem> {
self.find(|attr| attr.is_word() && attr.has_name(word))
/// A portion of documentation, extracted from a `#[doc]` attribute.
/// Each variant contains the line number within the complete doc-comment where the fragment
/// starts, as well as the Span where the corresponding doc comment or attribute is located.
/// Included files are kept separate from inline doc comments so that proper line-number
/// information can be given when a doctest fails. Sugared doc comments and "raw" doc comments are
/// kept separate because of issue #42760.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct DocFragment {
crate line: usize,
crate span: rustc_span::Span,
/// The module this doc-comment came from.
/// This allows distinguishing between the original documentation and a pub re-export.
/// If it is `None`, the item was not re-exported.
crate parent_module: Option<DefId>,
crate doc: Symbol,
crate kind: DocFragmentKind,
crate need_backline: bool,
crate indent: usize,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum DocFragmentKind {
/// A doc fragment created from a `///` or `//!` doc comment.
/// A doc fragment created from a "raw" `#[doc=""]` attribute.
/// A doc fragment created from a `#[doc(include="filename")]` attribute. Contains both the
/// given filename and the file contents.
Include { filename: Symbol },
// The goal of this function is to apply the `DocFragment` transformations that are required when
// transforming into the final markdown. So the transformations in here are:
// * Applying the computed indent to each lines in each doc fragment (a `DocFragment` can contain
// multiple lines in case of `#[doc = ""]`).
// * Adding backlines between `DocFragment`s and adding an extra one if required (stored in the
// `need_backline` field).
fn add_doc_fragment(out: &mut String, frag: &DocFragment) {
let s = frag.doc.as_str();
let mut iter = s.lines().peekable();
while let Some(line) = {
if line.chars().any(|c| !c.is_whitespace()) {
assert!(line.len() >= frag.indent);
} else {
if iter.peek().is_some() {
if frag.need_backline {
impl<'a> FromIterator<&'a DocFragment> for String {
fn from_iter<T>(iter: T) -> Self
T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a DocFragment>,
let mut prev_kind: Option<DocFragmentKind> = None;
iter.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, frag| {
if !acc.is_empty()
&& prev_kind
.map(|p| matches!(p, DocFragmentKind::Include { .. }) && p != frag.kind)
add_doc_fragment(&mut acc, &frag);
prev_kind = Some(frag.kind);
/// The attributes on an [`Item`], including attributes like `#[derive(...)]` and `#[inline]`,
/// as well as doc comments.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
crate struct Attributes {
crate doc_strings: Vec<DocFragment>,
crate other_attrs: Vec<ast::Attribute>,
crate cfg: Option<Arc<Cfg>>,
crate span: Option<rustc_span::Span>,
crate inner_docs: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
/// A link that has not yet been rendered.
/// This link will be turned into a rendered link by [`Item::links`].
crate struct ItemLink {
/// The original link written in the markdown
pub(crate) link: String,
/// The link text displayed in the HTML.
/// This may not be the same as `link` if there was a disambiguator
/// in an intra-doc link (e.g. \[`fn@f`\])
pub(crate) link_text: String,
pub(crate) did: Option<DefId>,
/// The url fragment to append to the link
pub(crate) fragment: Option<String>,
pub struct RenderedLink {
/// The text the link was original written as.
/// This could potentially include disambiguators and backticks.
pub(crate) original_text: String,
/// The text to display in the HTML
pub(crate) new_text: String,
/// The URL to put in the `href`
pub(crate) href: String,
impl Attributes {
/// Extracts the content from an attribute `#[doc(cfg(content))]`.
crate fn extract_cfg(mi: &ast::MetaItem) -> Option<&ast::MetaItem> {
use rustc_ast::NestedMetaItem::MetaItem;
if let ast::MetaItemKind::List(ref nmis) = mi.kind {
if nmis.len() == 1 {
if let MetaItem(ref cfg_mi) = nmis[0] {
if cfg_mi.has_name(sym::cfg) {
if let ast::MetaItemKind::List(ref cfg_nmis) = cfg_mi.kind {
if cfg_nmis.len() == 1 {
if let MetaItem(ref content_mi) = cfg_nmis[0] {
return Some(content_mi);
/// Reads a `MetaItem` from within an attribute, looks for whether it is a
/// `#[doc(include="file")]`, and returns the filename and contents of the file as loaded from
/// its expansion.
crate fn extract_include(mi: &ast::MetaItem) -> Option<(Symbol, Symbol)> {
mi.meta_item_list().and_then(|list| {
for meta in list {
if meta.has_name(sym::include) {
// the actual compiled `#[doc(include="filename")]` gets expanded to
// `#[doc(include(file="filename", contents="file contents")]` so we need to
// look for that instead
return meta.meta_item_list().and_then(|list| {
let mut filename: Option<Symbol> = None;
let mut contents: Option<Symbol> = None;
for it in list {
if it.has_name(sym::file) {
if let Some(name) = it.value_str() {
filename = Some(name);
} else if it.has_name(sym::contents) {
if let Some(docs) = it.value_str() {
contents = Some(docs);
if let (Some(filename), Some(contents)) = (filename, contents) {
Some((filename, contents))
} else {
crate fn has_doc_flag(&self, flag: Symbol) -> bool {
for attr in &self.other_attrs {
if !attr.has_name(sym::doc) {
if let Some(items) = attr.meta_item_list() {
if items.iter().filter_map(|i| i.meta_item()).any(|it| it.has_name(flag)) {
return true;
crate fn from_ast(
diagnostic: &::rustc_errors::Handler,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
additional_attrs: Option<(&[ast::Attribute], DefId)>,
) -> Attributes {
let mut doc_strings: Vec<DocFragment> = vec![];
let mut sp = None;
let mut cfg = Cfg::True;
let mut doc_line = 0;
fn update_need_backline(doc_strings: &mut Vec<DocFragment>, frag: &DocFragment) {
if let Some(prev) = doc_strings.last_mut() {
if matches!(prev.kind, DocFragmentKind::Include { .. })
|| prev.kind != frag.kind
|| prev.parent_module != frag.parent_module
// add a newline for extra padding between segments
prev.need_backline = prev.kind == DocFragmentKind::SugaredDoc
|| prev.kind == DocFragmentKind::RawDoc
} else {
prev.need_backline = true;
let clean_attr = |(attr, parent_module): (&ast::Attribute, _)| {
if let Some(value) = attr.doc_str() {
trace!("got doc_str={:?}", value);
let value = beautify_doc_string(value);
let kind = if attr.is_doc_comment() {
} else {
let line = doc_line;
doc_line += value.as_str().lines().count();
let frag = DocFragment {
span: attr.span,
doc: value,
need_backline: false,
indent: 0,
update_need_backline(&mut doc_strings, &frag);
if sp.is_none() {
sp = Some(attr.span);
} else {
if attr.has_name(sym::doc) {
if let Some(mi) = attr.meta() {
if let Some(cfg_mi) = Attributes::extract_cfg(&mi) {
// Extracted #[doc(cfg(...))]
match Cfg::parse(cfg_mi) {
Ok(new_cfg) => cfg &= new_cfg,
Err(e) => diagnostic.span_err(e.span, e.msg),
} else if let Some((filename, contents)) = Attributes::extract_include(&mi)
let line = doc_line;
doc_line += contents.as_str().lines().count();
let frag = DocFragment {
span: attr.span,
doc: contents,
kind: DocFragmentKind::Include { filename },
need_backline: false,
indent: 0,
update_need_backline(&mut doc_strings, &frag);
// Additional documentation should be shown before the original documentation
let other_attrs = additional_attrs
.map(|(attrs, id)| attrs.iter().map(move |attr| (attr, Some(id))))
.chain(attrs.iter().map(|attr| (attr, None)))
// treat #[target_feature(enable = "feat")] attributes as if they were
// #[doc(cfg(target_feature = "feat"))] attributes as well
for attr in attrs.lists(sym::target_feature) {
if attr.has_name(sym::enable) {
if let Some(feat) = attr.value_str() {
let meta = attr::mk_name_value_item_str(
if let Ok(feat_cfg) = Cfg::parse(&meta) {
cfg &= feat_cfg;
let inner_docs = attrs
.find(|a| a.doc_str().is_some())
.map_or(true, |a| == AttrStyle::Inner);
Attributes {
cfg: if cfg == Cfg::True { None } else { Some(Arc::new(cfg)) },
span: sp,
/// Finds the `doc` attribute as a NameValue and returns the corresponding
/// value found.
crate fn doc_value(&self) -> Option<String> {
let mut iter = self.doc_strings.iter();
let ori =;
let mut out = String::new();
add_doc_fragment(&mut out, &ori);
while let Some(new_frag) = {
if matches!(ori.kind, DocFragmentKind::Include { .. })
|| new_frag.kind != ori.kind
|| new_frag.parent_module != ori.parent_module
add_doc_fragment(&mut out, &new_frag);
if out.is_empty() { None } else { Some(out) }
/// Return the doc-comments on this item, grouped by the module they came from.
/// The module can be different if this is a re-export with added documentation.
crate fn collapsed_doc_value_by_module_level(&self) -> FxHashMap<Option<DefId>, String> {
let mut ret = FxHashMap::default();
for new_frag in self.doc_strings.iter() {
let out = ret.entry(new_frag.parent_module).or_default();
add_doc_fragment(out, &new_frag);
/// Finds all `doc` attributes as NameValues and returns their corresponding values, joined
/// with newlines.
crate fn collapsed_doc_value(&self) -> Option<String> {
if self.doc_strings.is_empty() { None } else { Some(self.doc_strings.iter().collect()) }
crate fn get_doc_aliases(&self) -> Box<[String]> {
let mut aliases = FxHashSet::default();
for attr in self.other_attrs.lists(sym::doc).filter(|a| a.has_name(sym::alias)) {
if let Some(values) = attr.meta_item_list() {
for l in values {
match l.literal().unwrap().kind {
ast::LitKind::Str(s, _) => {
_ => unreachable!(),
} else {
aliases.insert(attr.value_str().map(|s| s.to_string()).unwrap());
impl PartialEq for Attributes {
fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
self.doc_strings == rhs.doc_strings
&& self.cfg == rhs.cfg
&& self.span == rhs.span
&& self
impl Eq for Attributes {}
impl Hash for Attributes {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
for attr in &self.other_attrs {;
impl AttributesExt for Attributes {
fn lists(&self, name: Symbol) -> ListAttributesIter<'_> {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum GenericBound {
TraitBound(PolyTrait, hir::TraitBoundModifier),
impl GenericBound {
crate fn maybe_sized(cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> GenericBound {
let did = cx.tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::Sized, None);
let empty = cx.tcx.intern_substs(&[]);
let path = external_path(cx, cx.tcx.item_name(did), Some(did), false, vec![], empty);
inline::record_extern_fqn(cx, did, TypeKind::Trait);
PolyTrait {
trait_: ResolvedPath { path, param_names: None, did, is_generic: false },
generic_params: Vec::new(),
crate fn is_sized_bound(&self, cx: &DocContext<'_>) -> bool {
use rustc_hir::TraitBoundModifier as TBM;
if let GenericBound::TraitBound(PolyTrait { ref trait_, .. }, TBM::None) = *self {
if trait_.def_id() == cx.tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() {
return true;
crate fn get_poly_trait(&self) -> Option<PolyTrait> {
if let GenericBound::TraitBound(ref p, _) = *self {
return Some(p.clone());
crate fn get_trait_type(&self) -> Option<Type> {
if let GenericBound::TraitBound(PolyTrait { ref trait_, .. }, _) = *self {
} else {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct Lifetime(pub Symbol);
impl Lifetime {
crate fn get_ref(&self) -> SymbolStr {
crate fn statik() -> Lifetime {
crate fn elided() -> Lifetime {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum WherePredicate {
BoundPredicate { ty: Type, bounds: Vec<GenericBound> },
RegionPredicate { lifetime: Lifetime, bounds: Vec<GenericBound> },
EqPredicate { lhs: Type, rhs: Type },
impl WherePredicate {
crate fn get_bounds(&self) -> Option<&[GenericBound]> {
match *self {
WherePredicate::BoundPredicate { ref bounds, .. } => Some(bounds),
WherePredicate::RegionPredicate { ref bounds, .. } => Some(bounds),
_ => None,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum GenericParamDefKind {
Type {
did: DefId,
bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
default: Option<Type>,
synthetic: Option<hir::SyntheticTyParamKind>,
Const {
did: DefId,
ty: Type,
impl GenericParamDefKind {
crate fn is_type(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, GenericParamDefKind::Type { .. })
// FIXME(eddyb) this either returns the default of a type parameter, or the
// type of a `const` parameter. It seems that the intention is to *visit*
// any embedded types, but `get_type` seems to be the wrong name for that.
crate fn get_type(&self) -> Option<Type> {
match self {
GenericParamDefKind::Type { default, .. } => default.clone(),
GenericParamDefKind::Const { ty, .. } => Some(ty.clone()),
GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => None,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct GenericParamDef {
crate name: Symbol,
crate kind: GenericParamDefKind,
impl GenericParamDef {
crate fn is_synthetic_type_param(&self) -> bool {
match self.kind {
GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime | GenericParamDefKind::Const { .. } => false,
GenericParamDefKind::Type { ref synthetic, .. } => synthetic.is_some(),
crate fn is_type(&self) -> bool {
crate fn get_type(&self) -> Option<Type> {
crate fn get_bounds(&self) -> Option<&[GenericBound]> {
match self.kind {
GenericParamDefKind::Type { ref bounds, .. } => Some(bounds),
_ => None,
// maybe use a Generic enum and use Vec<Generic>?
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
crate struct Generics {
crate params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
crate where_predicates: Vec<WherePredicate>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Function {
crate decl: FnDecl,
crate generics: Generics,
crate header: hir::FnHeader,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct FnDecl {
crate inputs: Arguments,
crate output: FnRetTy,
crate c_variadic: bool,
crate attrs: Attributes,
impl FnDecl {
crate fn self_type(&self) -> Option<SelfTy> {
self.inputs.values.get(0).and_then(|v| v.to_self())
/// Returns the sugared return type for an async function.
/// For example, if the return type is `impl std::future::Future<Output = i32>`, this function
/// will return `i32`.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if the return type does not match the expected sugaring for async
/// functions.
crate fn sugared_async_return_type(&self) -> FnRetTy {
match &self.output {
FnRetTy::Return(Type::ImplTrait(bounds)) => match &bounds[0] {
GenericBound::TraitBound(PolyTrait { trait_, .. }, ..) => {
let bindings = trait_.bindings().unwrap();
_ => panic!("unexpected desugaring of async function"),
_ => panic!("unexpected desugaring of async function"),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct Arguments {
crate values: Vec<Argument>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct Argument {
crate type_: Type,
crate name: Symbol,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
crate enum SelfTy {
SelfBorrowed(Option<Lifetime>, Mutability),
impl Argument {
crate fn to_self(&self) -> Option<SelfTy> {
if != kw::SelfLower {
return None;
if self.type_.is_self_type() {
return Some(SelfValue);
match self.type_ {
BorrowedRef { ref lifetime, mutability, ref type_ } if type_.is_self_type() => {
Some(SelfBorrowed(lifetime.clone(), mutability))
_ => Some(SelfExplicit(self.type_.clone())),
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum FnRetTy {
impl GetDefId for FnRetTy {
fn def_id(&self) -> Option<DefId> {
match *self {
Return(ref ty) => ty.def_id(),
DefaultReturn => None,
fn def_id_full(&self, cache: &Cache) -> Option<DefId> {
match *self {
Return(ref ty) => ty.def_id_full(cache),
DefaultReturn => None,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Trait {
crate unsafety: hir::Unsafety,
crate items: Vec<Item>,
crate generics: Generics,
crate bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
crate is_auto: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct TraitAlias {
crate generics: Generics,
crate bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
/// A trait reference, which may have higher ranked lifetimes.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct PolyTrait {
crate trait_: Type,
crate generic_params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
/// A representation of a type suitable for hyperlinking purposes. Ideally, one can get the original
/// type out of the AST/`TyCtxt` given one of these, if more information is needed. Most
/// importantly, it does not preserve mutability or boxes.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum Type {
/// Structs/enums/traits (most that would be an `hir::TyKind::Path`).
ResolvedPath {
path: Path,
param_names: Option<Vec<GenericBound>>,
did: DefId,
/// `true` if is a `T::Name` path for associated types.
is_generic: bool,
/// For parameterized types, so the consumer of the JSON don't go
/// looking for types which don't exist anywhere.
/// Primitives are the fixed-size numeric types (plus int/usize/float), char,
/// arrays, slices, and tuples.
/// `extern "ABI" fn`
/// The `String` field is about the size or the constant representing the array's length.
Array(Box<Type>, String),
RawPointer(Mutability, Box<Type>),
BorrowedRef {
lifetime: Option<Lifetime>,
mutability: Mutability,
type_: Box<Type>,
// `<Type as Trait>::Name`
QPath {
name: Symbol,
self_type: Box<Type>,
trait_: Box<Type>,
// `_`
// `impl TraitA + TraitB + ...`
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Debug)]
/// N.B. this has to be different from `hir::PrimTy` because it also includes types that aren't
/// paths, like `Unit`.
crate enum PrimitiveType {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Debug)]
crate enum TypeKind {
impl From<hir::def::DefKind> for TypeKind {
fn from(other: hir::def::DefKind) -> Self {
match other {
hir::def::DefKind::Enum => Self::Enum,
hir::def::DefKind::Fn => Self::Function,
hir::def::DefKind::Mod => Self::Module,
hir::def::DefKind::Const => Self::Const,
hir::def::DefKind::Static => Self::Static,
hir::def::DefKind::Struct => Self::Struct,
hir::def::DefKind::Union => Self::Union,
hir::def::DefKind::Trait => Self::Trait,
hir::def::DefKind::TyAlias => Self::Typedef,
hir::def::DefKind::TraitAlias => Self::TraitAlias,
hir::def::DefKind::Macro(_) => Self::Macro,
| hir::def::DefKind::Variant
| hir::def::DefKind::AssocTy
| hir::def::DefKind::TyParam
| hir::def::DefKind::ConstParam
| hir::def::DefKind::Ctor(..)
| hir::def::DefKind::AssocFn
| hir::def::DefKind::AssocConst
| hir::def::DefKind::ExternCrate
| hir::def::DefKind::Use
| hir::def::DefKind::ForeignMod
| hir::def::DefKind::AnonConst
| hir::def::DefKind::OpaqueTy
| hir::def::DefKind::Field
| hir::def::DefKind::LifetimeParam
| hir::def::DefKind::GlobalAsm
| hir::def::DefKind::Impl
| hir::def::DefKind::Closure
| hir::def::DefKind::Generator => Self::Foreign,
crate trait GetDefId {
/// Use this method to get the [`DefId`] of a [`clean`] AST node.
/// This will return [`None`] when called on a primitive [`clean::Type`].
/// Use [`Self::def_id_full`] if you want to include primitives.
/// [`clean`]: crate::clean
/// [`clean::Type`]: crate::clean::Type
// FIXME: get rid of this function and always use `def_id_full`
fn def_id(&self) -> Option<DefId>;
/// Use this method to get the [DefId] of a [clean] AST node, including [PrimitiveType]s.
/// See [`Self::def_id`] for more.
/// [clean]: crate::clean
fn def_id_full(&self, cache: &Cache) -> Option<DefId>;
impl<T: GetDefId> GetDefId for Option<T> {
fn def_id(&self) -> Option<DefId> {
self.as_ref().and_then(|d| d.def_id())
fn def_id_full(&self, cache: &Cache) -> Option<DefId> {
self.as_ref().and_then(|d| d.def_id_full(cache))
impl Type {
crate fn primitive_type(&self) -> Option<PrimitiveType> {
match *self {
Primitive(p) | BorrowedRef { type_: box Primitive(p), .. } => Some(p),
Slice(..) | BorrowedRef { type_: box Slice(..), .. } => Some(PrimitiveType::Slice),
Array(..) | BorrowedRef { type_: box Array(..), .. } => Some(PrimitiveType::Array),
Tuple(ref tys) => {
if tys.is_empty() {
} else {
RawPointer(..) => Some(PrimitiveType::RawPointer),
BorrowedRef { type_: box Generic(..), .. } => Some(PrimitiveType::Reference),
BareFunction(..) => Some(PrimitiveType::Fn),
Never => Some(PrimitiveType::Never),
_ => None,
crate fn is_generic(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
ResolvedPath { is_generic, .. } => is_generic,
_ => false,
crate fn is_self_type(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Generic(name) => name == kw::SelfUpper,
_ => false,
crate fn generics(&self) -> Option<Vec<&Type>> {
match *self {
ResolvedPath { ref path, .. } => path.segments.last().and_then(|seg| {
if let GenericArgs::AngleBracketed { ref args, .. } = seg.args {
.filter_map(|arg| match arg {
GenericArg::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
_ => None,
} else {
_ => None,
crate fn bindings(&self) -> Option<&[TypeBinding]> {
match *self {
ResolvedPath { ref path, .. } => path.segments.last().and_then(|seg| {
if let GenericArgs::AngleBracketed { ref bindings, .. } = seg.args {
} else {
_ => None,
crate fn is_full_generic(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Type::Generic(_))
crate fn is_primitive(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Primitive(_) => true,
Self::BorrowedRef { ref type_, .. } | Self::RawPointer(_, ref type_) => {
_ => false,
crate fn projection(&self) -> Option<(&Type, DefId, Symbol)> {
let (self_, trait_, name) = match self {
QPath { self_type, trait_, name } => (self_type, trait_, name),
_ => return None,
let trait_did = match **trait_ {
ResolvedPath { did, .. } => did,
_ => return None,
Some((&self_, trait_did, *name))
impl Type {
fn inner_def_id(&self, cache: Option<&Cache>) -> Option<DefId> {
let t: PrimitiveType = match *self {
ResolvedPath { did, .. } => return Some(did),
Primitive(p) => return cache.and_then(|c| c.primitive_locations.get(&p).cloned()),
BorrowedRef { type_: box Generic(..), .. } => PrimitiveType::Reference,
BorrowedRef { ref type_, .. } => return type_.inner_def_id(cache),
Tuple(ref tys) => {
if tys.is_empty() {
} else {
BareFunction(..) => PrimitiveType::Fn,
Never => PrimitiveType::Never,
Slice(..) => PrimitiveType::Slice,
Array(..) => PrimitiveType::Array,
RawPointer(..) => PrimitiveType::RawPointer,
QPath { ref self_type, .. } => return self_type.inner_def_id(cache),
Generic(_) | Infer | ImplTrait(_) => return None,
cache.and_then(|c| Primitive(t).def_id_full(c))
impl GetDefId for Type {
fn def_id(&self) -> Option<DefId> {
fn def_id_full(&self, cache: &Cache) -> Option<DefId> {
impl PrimitiveType {
crate fn from_hir(prim: hir::PrimTy) -> PrimitiveType {
use ast::{FloatTy, IntTy, UintTy};
match prim {
hir::PrimTy::Int(IntTy::Isize) => PrimitiveType::Isize,
hir::PrimTy::Int(IntTy::I8) => PrimitiveType::I8,
hir::PrimTy::Int(IntTy::I16) => PrimitiveType::I16,
hir::PrimTy::Int(IntTy::I32) => PrimitiveType::I32,
hir::PrimTy::Int(IntTy::I64) => PrimitiveType::I64,
hir::PrimTy::Int(IntTy::I128) => PrimitiveType::I128,
hir::PrimTy::Uint(UintTy::Usize) => PrimitiveType::Usize,
hir::PrimTy::Uint(UintTy::U8) => PrimitiveType::U8,
hir::PrimTy::Uint(UintTy::U16) => PrimitiveType::U16,
hir::PrimTy::Uint(UintTy::U32) => PrimitiveType::U32,
hir::PrimTy::Uint(UintTy::U64) => PrimitiveType::U64,
hir::PrimTy::Uint(UintTy::U128) => PrimitiveType::U128,
hir::PrimTy::Float(FloatTy::F32) => PrimitiveType::F32,
hir::PrimTy::Float(FloatTy::F64) => PrimitiveType::F64,
hir::PrimTy::Str => PrimitiveType::Str,
hir::PrimTy::Bool => PrimitiveType::Bool,
hir::PrimTy::Char => PrimitiveType::Char,
crate fn from_symbol(s: Symbol) -> Option<PrimitiveType> {
match s {
sym::isize => Some(PrimitiveType::Isize),
sym::i8 => Some(PrimitiveType::I8),
sym::i16 => Some(PrimitiveType::I16),
sym::i32 => Some(PrimitiveType::I32),
sym::i64 => Some(PrimitiveType::I64),
sym::i128 => Some(PrimitiveType::I128),
sym::usize => Some(PrimitiveType::Usize),
sym::u8 => Some(PrimitiveType::U8),
sym::u16 => Some(PrimitiveType::U16),
sym::u32 => Some(PrimitiveType::U32),
sym::u64 => Some(PrimitiveType::U64),
sym::u128 => Some(PrimitiveType::U128),
sym::bool => Some(PrimitiveType::Bool),
sym::char => Some(PrimitiveType::Char),
sym::str => Some(PrimitiveType::Str),
sym::f32 => Some(PrimitiveType::F32),
sym::f64 => Some(PrimitiveType::F64),
sym::array => Some(PrimitiveType::Array),
sym::slice => Some(PrimitiveType::Slice),
sym::tuple => Some(PrimitiveType::Tuple),
sym::unit => Some(PrimitiveType::Unit),
sym::pointer => Some(PrimitiveType::RawPointer),
sym::reference => Some(PrimitiveType::Reference),
kw::Fn => Some(PrimitiveType::Fn),
sym::never => Some(PrimitiveType::Never),
_ => None,
crate fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
use self::PrimitiveType::*;
match *self {
Isize => "isize",
I8 => "i8",
I16 => "i16",
I32 => "i32",
I64 => "i64",
I128 => "i128",
Usize => "usize",
U8 => "u8",
U16 => "u16",
U32 => "u32",
U64 => "u64",
U128 => "u128",
F32 => "f32",
F64 => "f64",
Str => "str",
Bool => "bool",
Char => "char",
Array => "array",
Slice => "slice",
Tuple => "tuple",
Unit => "unit",
RawPointer => "pointer",
Reference => "reference",
Fn => "fn",
Never => "never",
crate fn impls(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> &'static ArrayVec<[DefId; 4]> {
Self::all_impls(tcx).get(self).expect("missing impl for primitive type")
crate fn all_impls(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> &'static FxHashMap<PrimitiveType, ArrayVec<[DefId; 4]>> {
static CELL: OnceCell<FxHashMap<PrimitiveType, ArrayVec<[DefId; 4]>>> = OnceCell::new();
CELL.get_or_init(move || {
use self::PrimitiveType::*;
let single = |a: Option<DefId>| a.into_iter().collect();
let both = |a: Option<DefId>, b: Option<DefId>| -> ArrayVec<_> {
let lang_items = tcx.lang_items();
map! {
Isize => single(lang_items.isize_impl()),
I8 => single(lang_items.i8_impl()),
I16 => single(lang_items.i16_impl()),
I32 => single(lang_items.i32_impl()),
I64 => single(lang_items.i64_impl()),
I128 => single(lang_items.i128_impl()),
Usize => single(lang_items.usize_impl()),
U8 => single(lang_items.u8_impl()),
U16 => single(lang_items.u16_impl()),
U32 => single(lang_items.u32_impl()),
U64 => single(lang_items.u64_impl()),
U128 => single(lang_items.u128_impl()),
F32 => both(lang_items.f32_impl(), lang_items.f32_runtime_impl()),
F64 => both(lang_items.f64_impl(), lang_items.f64_runtime_impl()),
Char => single(lang_items.char_impl()),
Bool => single(lang_items.bool_impl()),
Str => both(lang_items.str_impl(), lang_items.str_alloc_impl()),
Slice => {
Array => single(lang_items.array_impl()),
Tuple => ArrayVec::new(),
Unit => ArrayVec::new(),
RawPointer => {
Reference => ArrayVec::new(),
Fn => ArrayVec::new(),
Never => ArrayVec::new(),
crate fn to_url_str(&self) -> &'static str {
crate fn as_sym(&self) -> Symbol {
use PrimitiveType::*;
match self {
Isize => sym::isize,
I8 => sym::i8,
I16 => sym::i16,
I32 => sym::i32,
I64 => sym::i64,
I128 => sym::i128,
Usize => sym::usize,
U8 => sym::u8,
U16 => sym::u16,
U32 => sym::u32,
U64 => sym::u64,
U128 => sym::u128,
F32 => sym::f32,
F64 => sym::f64,
Str => sym::str,
Bool => sym::bool,
Char => sym::char,
Array => sym::array,
Slice => sym::slice,
Tuple => sym::tuple,
Unit => sym::unit,
RawPointer => sym::pointer,
Reference => sym::reference,
Fn => kw::Fn,
Never => sym::never,
impl From<ast::IntTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(int_ty: ast::IntTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match int_ty {
ast::IntTy::Isize => PrimitiveType::Isize,
ast::IntTy::I8 => PrimitiveType::I8,
ast::IntTy::I16 => PrimitiveType::I16,
ast::IntTy::I32 => PrimitiveType::I32,
ast::IntTy::I64 => PrimitiveType::I64,
ast::IntTy::I128 => PrimitiveType::I128,
impl From<ast::UintTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(uint_ty: ast::UintTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match uint_ty {
ast::UintTy::Usize => PrimitiveType::Usize,
ast::UintTy::U8 => PrimitiveType::U8,
ast::UintTy::U16 => PrimitiveType::U16,
ast::UintTy::U32 => PrimitiveType::U32,
ast::UintTy::U64 => PrimitiveType::U64,
ast::UintTy::U128 => PrimitiveType::U128,
impl From<ast::FloatTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(float_ty: ast::FloatTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match float_ty {
ast::FloatTy::F32 => PrimitiveType::F32,
ast::FloatTy::F64 => PrimitiveType::F64,
impl From<ty::IntTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(int_ty: ty::IntTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match int_ty {
ty::IntTy::Isize => PrimitiveType::Isize,
ty::IntTy::I8 => PrimitiveType::I8,
ty::IntTy::I16 => PrimitiveType::I16,
ty::IntTy::I32 => PrimitiveType::I32,
ty::IntTy::I64 => PrimitiveType::I64,
ty::IntTy::I128 => PrimitiveType::I128,
impl From<ty::UintTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(uint_ty: ty::UintTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match uint_ty {
ty::UintTy::Usize => PrimitiveType::Usize,
ty::UintTy::U8 => PrimitiveType::U8,
ty::UintTy::U16 => PrimitiveType::U16,
ty::UintTy::U32 => PrimitiveType::U32,
ty::UintTy::U64 => PrimitiveType::U64,
ty::UintTy::U128 => PrimitiveType::U128,
impl From<ty::FloatTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(float_ty: ty::FloatTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match float_ty {
ty::FloatTy::F32 => PrimitiveType::F32,
ty::FloatTy::F64 => PrimitiveType::F64,
impl From<hir::PrimTy> for PrimitiveType {
fn from(prim_ty: hir::PrimTy) -> PrimitiveType {
match prim_ty {
hir::PrimTy::Int(int_ty) => int_ty.into(),
hir::PrimTy::Uint(uint_ty) => uint_ty.into(),
hir::PrimTy::Float(float_ty) => float_ty.into(),
hir::PrimTy::Str => PrimitiveType::Str,
hir::PrimTy::Bool => PrimitiveType::Bool,
hir::PrimTy::Char => PrimitiveType::Char,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
crate enum Visibility {
/// `pub`
/// Visibility inherited from parent.
/// For example, this is the visibility of private items and of enum variants.
/// `pub(crate)`, `pub(super)`, or `pub(in path::to::somewhere)`
impl Visibility {
crate fn is_public(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Visibility::Public)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Struct {
crate struct_type: CtorKind,
crate generics: Generics,
crate fields: Vec<Item>,
crate fields_stripped: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Union {
crate generics: Generics,
crate fields: Vec<Item>,
crate fields_stripped: bool,
/// This is a more limited form of the standard Struct, different in that
/// it lacks the things most items have (name, id, parameterization). Found
/// only as a variant in an enum.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct VariantStruct {
crate struct_type: CtorKind,
crate fields: Vec<Item>,
crate fields_stripped: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Enum {
crate variants: IndexVec<VariantIdx, Item>,
crate generics: Generics,
crate variants_stripped: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum Variant {
/// Small wrapper around [`rustc_span::Span]` that adds helper methods
/// and enforces calling [`rustc_span::Span::source_callsite()`].
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Span(rustc_span::Span);
impl Span {
crate fn from_rustc_span(sp: rustc_span::Span) -> Self {
// Get the macro invocation instead of the definition,
// in case the span is result of a macro expansion.
// (See rust-lang/rust#39726)
crate fn inner(&self) -> rustc_span::Span {
crate fn dummy() -> Self {
crate fn is_dummy(&self) -> bool {
crate fn filename(&self, sess: &Session) -> FileName {
crate fn lo(&self, sess: &Session) -> Loc {
crate fn hi(&self, sess: &Session) -> Loc {
crate fn cnum(&self, sess: &Session) -> CrateNum {
// FIXME: is there a time when the lo and hi crate would be different?
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct Path {
crate global: bool,
crate res: Res,
crate segments: Vec<PathSegment>,
impl Path {
crate fn last(&self) -> Symbol {
self.segments.last().expect("segments were empty").name
crate fn last_name(&self) -> SymbolStr {
self.segments.last().expect("segments were empty").name.as_str()
crate fn whole_name(&self) -> String {
String::from(if { "::" } else { "" })
+ &self.segments.iter().map(|s|<Vec<_>>().join("::")
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum GenericArg {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum GenericArgs {
AngleBracketed { args: Vec<GenericArg>, bindings: Vec<TypeBinding> },
Parenthesized { inputs: Vec<Type>, output: Option<Type> },
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct PathSegment {
crate name: Symbol,
crate args: GenericArgs,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Typedef {
crate type_: Type,
crate generics: Generics,
/// `type_` can come from either the HIR or from metadata. If it comes from HIR, it may be a type
/// alias instead of the final type. This will always have the final type, regardless of whether
/// `type_` came from HIR or from metadata.
/// If `item_type.is_none()`, `type_` is guarenteed to come from metadata (and therefore hold the
/// final type).
crate item_type: Option<Type>,
impl GetDefId for Typedef {
fn def_id(&self) -> Option<DefId> {
fn def_id_full(&self, cache: &Cache) -> Option<DefId> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct OpaqueTy {
crate bounds: Vec<GenericBound>,
crate generics: Generics,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct BareFunctionDecl {
crate unsafety: hir::Unsafety,
crate generic_params: Vec<GenericParamDef>,
crate decl: FnDecl,
crate abi: Abi,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Static {
crate type_: Type,
crate mutability: Mutability,
crate expr: Option<BodyId>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
crate struct Constant {
crate type_: Type,
crate kind: ConstantKind,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
crate enum ConstantKind {
/// This is the wrapper around `ty::Const` for a non-local constant. Because it doesn't have a
/// `BodyId`, we need to handle it on its own.
/// Note that `ty::Const` includes generic parameters, and may not always be uniquely identified
/// by a DefId. So this field must be different from `Extern`.
TyConst { expr: String },
/// A constant (expression) that's not an item or associated item. These are usually found
/// nested inside types (e.g., array lengths) or expressions (e.g., repeat counts), and also
/// used to define explicit discriminant values for enum variants.
Anonymous { body: BodyId },
/// A constant from a different crate.
Extern { def_id: DefId },
/// `const FOO: u32 = ...;`
Local { def_id: DefId, body: BodyId },
impl Constant {
crate fn expr(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> String {
match self.kind {
ConstantKind::TyConst { ref expr } => expr.clone(),
ConstantKind::Extern { def_id } => print_inlined_const(tcx, def_id),
ConstantKind::Local { body, .. } | ConstantKind::Anonymous { body } => {
print_const_expr(tcx, body)
crate fn value(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Option<String> {
match self.kind {
ConstantKind::TyConst { .. } | ConstantKind::Anonymous { .. } => None,
ConstantKind::Extern { def_id } | ConstantKind::Local { def_id, .. } => {
print_evaluated_const(tcx, def_id)
crate fn is_literal(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> bool {
match self.kind {
ConstantKind::TyConst { .. } => false,
ConstantKind::Extern { def_id } => def_id.as_local().map_or(false, |def_id| {
is_literal_expr(tcx, tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(def_id))
ConstantKind::Local { body, .. } | ConstantKind::Anonymous { body } => {
is_literal_expr(tcx, body.hir_id)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Impl {
crate unsafety: hir::Unsafety,
crate generics: Generics,
crate provided_trait_methods: FxHashSet<Symbol>,
crate trait_: Option<Type>,
crate for_: Type,
crate items: Vec<Item>,
crate negative_polarity: bool,
crate synthetic: bool,
crate blanket_impl: Option<Type>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Import {
crate kind: ImportKind,
crate source: ImportSource,
crate should_be_displayed: bool,
impl Import {
crate fn new_simple(name: Symbol, source: ImportSource, should_be_displayed: bool) -> Self {
Self { kind: ImportKind::Simple(name), source, should_be_displayed }
crate fn new_glob(source: ImportSource, should_be_displayed: bool) -> Self {
Self { kind: ImportKind::Glob, source, should_be_displayed }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate enum ImportKind {
// use source as str;
// use source::*;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct ImportSource {
crate path: Path,
crate did: Option<DefId>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct Macro {
crate source: String,
crate imported_from: Option<Symbol>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
crate struct ProcMacro {
crate kind: MacroKind,
crate helpers: Vec<Symbol>,
/// An type binding on an associated type (e.g., `A = Bar` in `Foo<A = Bar>` or
/// `A: Send + Sync` in `Foo<A: Send + Sync>`).
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate struct TypeBinding {
crate name: Symbol,
crate kind: TypeBindingKind,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
crate enum TypeBindingKind {
Equality { ty: Type },
Constraint { bounds: Vec<GenericBound> },
impl TypeBinding {
crate fn ty(&self) -> &Type {
match self.kind {
TypeBindingKind::Equality { ref ty } => ty,
_ => panic!("expected equality type binding for parenthesized generic args"),