blob: 1c88a9e4d5a32ab04c2e18d22d3c6ce4fc50390f [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-wasm32-bare compiled with panic=abort by default
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// compile-flags: -Z mir-emit-retag -Z mir-opt-level=0 -Z span_free_formats
struct Test(i32);
impl Test {
// Make sure we run the pass on a method, not just on bare functions.
fn foo<'x>(&self, x: &'x mut i32) -> &'x mut i32 { x }
fn foo_shr<'x>(&self, x: &'x i32) -> &'x i32 { x }
impl Drop for Test {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
fn main() {
let mut x = 0;
let v = Test(0).foo(&mut x); // just making sure we do not panic when there is a tuple struct ctor
let w = { v }; // assignment
let w = w; // reborrow
// escape-to-raw (mut)
let _w = w as *mut _;
// Also test closures
let c: fn(&i32) -> &i32 = |x: &i32| -> &i32 { let _y = x; x };
let _w = c(&x);
// need to call `foo_shr` or it doesn't even get generated
// escape-to-raw (shr)
let _w = _w as *const _;
// START rustc.{{impl}}-foo.EraseRegions.after.mir
// bb0: {
// Retag([fn entry] _1);
// Retag([fn entry] _2);
// ...
// _0 = &mut (*_3);
// Retag(_0);
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.{{impl}}-foo.EraseRegions.after.mir
// START rustc.{{impl}}-foo_shr.EraseRegions.after.mir
// bb0: {
// Retag([fn entry] _1);
// Retag([fn entry] _2);
// ...
// _0 = _2;
// Retag(_0);
// ...
// return;
// }
// END rustc.{{impl}}-foo_shr.EraseRegions.after.mir
// START rustc.main.EraseRegions.after.mir
// fn main() -> () {
// ...
// bb0: {
// ...
// _3 = const Test::foo(move _4, move _6) -> [return: bb2, unwind: bb3];
// }
// ...
// bb2: {
// Retag(_3);
// ...
// _9 = move _3;
// Retag(_9);
// _8 = &mut (*_9);
// Retag(_8);
// StorageDead(_9);
// StorageLive(_10);
// _10 = move _8;
// Retag(_10);
// ...
// _12 = &raw mut (*_10);
// Retag([raw] _12);
// ...
// _15 = move _16(move _17) -> bb5;
// }
// bb5: {
// Retag(_15);
// ...
// _19 = const Test::foo_shr(move _20, move _22) -> [return: bb6, unwind: bb7];
// }
// ...
// }
// END rustc.main.EraseRegions.after.mir
// START rustc.main-{{closure}}.EraseRegions.after.mir
// fn main::{{closure}}#0(_1: &[closure@main::{{closure}}#0], _2: &i32) -> &i32 {
// ...
// bb0: {
// Retag([fn entry] _1);
// Retag([fn entry] _2);
// StorageLive(_3);
// _3 = _2;
// Retag(_3);
// _0 = _2;
// Retag(_0);
// StorageDead(_3);
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.main-{{closure}}.EraseRegions.after.mir
// START rustc.ptr-drop_in_place.Test.SimplifyCfg-make_shim.after.mir
// fn std::intrinsics::drop_in_place(_1: *mut Test) -> () {
// ...
// bb0: {
// Retag([raw] _1);
// _2 = &mut (*_1);
// _3 = const <Test as std::ops::Drop>::drop(move _2) -> bb1;
// }
// bb1: {
// return;
// }
// }
// END rustc.ptr-drop_in_place.Test.SimplifyCfg-make_shim.after.mir