blob: 266f4738c50a6ff044dc755a1675723eec5a4835 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc::mir::interpret::{
truncate, Allocation, ConstValue, LitToConstError, LitToConstInput, Scalar,
use rustc::ty::{self, layout::Size, ParamEnv, TyCtxt};
use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
use syntax::ast;
crate fn lit_to_const<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
lit_input: LitToConstInput<'tcx>,
) -> Result<&'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>, LitToConstError> {
let LitToConstInput { lit, ty, neg } = lit_input;
let trunc = |n| {
let param_ty = ParamEnv::reveal_all().and(ty);
let width = tcx.layout_of(param_ty).map_err(|_| LitToConstError::Reported)?.size;
trace!("trunc {} with size {} and shift {}", n, width.bits(), 128 - width.bits());
let result = truncate(n, width);
trace!("trunc result: {}", result);
Ok(ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::from_uint(result, width)))
let lit = match *lit {
ast::LitKind::Str(ref s, _) => {
let s = s.as_str();
let allocation = Allocation::from_byte_aligned_bytes(s.as_bytes());
let allocation = tcx.intern_const_alloc(allocation);
ConstValue::Slice { data: allocation, start: 0, end: s.len() }
ast::LitKind::ByteStr(ref data) => {
if let ty::Ref(_, ref_ty, _) = ty.kind {
match ref_ty.kind {
ty::Slice(_) => {
let allocation = Allocation::from_byte_aligned_bytes(data as &Vec<u8>);
let allocation = tcx.intern_const_alloc(allocation);
ConstValue::Slice { data: allocation, start: 0, end: data.len() }
ty::Array(_, _) => {
let id = tcx.allocate_bytes(data);
_ => {
bug!("bytestring should have type of either &[u8] or &[u8; _], not {}", ty)
} else {
bug!("bytestring should have type of either &[u8] or &[u8; _], not {}", ty)
ast::LitKind::Byte(n) => ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::from_uint(n, Size::from_bytes(1))),
ast::LitKind::Int(n, _) if neg => {
let n = n as i128;
let n = n.overflowing_neg().0;
trunc(n as u128)?
ast::LitKind::Int(n, _) => trunc(n)?,
ast::LitKind::Float(n, _) => {
let fty = match ty.kind {
ty::Float(fty) => fty,
_ => bug!(),
parse_float(n, fty, neg).map_err(|_| LitToConstError::UnparseableFloat)?
ast::LitKind::Bool(b) => ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::from_bool(b)),
ast::LitKind::Char(c) => ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::from_char(c)),
ast::LitKind::Err(_) => return Err(LitToConstError::Reported),
Ok(tcx.mk_const(ty::Const { val: ty::ConstKind::Value(lit), ty }))
fn parse_float<'tcx>(num: Symbol, fty: ast::FloatTy, neg: bool) -> Result<ConstValue<'tcx>, ()> {
let num = num.as_str();
use rustc_apfloat::ieee::{Double, Single};
let scalar = match fty {
ast::FloatTy::F32 => {
num.parse::<f32>().map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut f = num.parse::<Single>().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("apfloat::ieee::Single failed to parse `{}`: {:?}", num, e)
if neg {
f = -f;
ast::FloatTy::F64 => {
num.parse::<f64>().map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut f = num.parse::<Double>().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("apfloat::ieee::Double failed to parse `{}`: {:?}", num, e)
if neg {
f = -f;