blob: 37dcab512b9918d65eb95f4fe02ddde69da3d72e [file] [log] [blame]
use std::borrow::Cow;
use rustc::ty::layout::{self, LayoutOf, TyLayout};
use rustc::ty::Instance;
use rustc::{mir, ty};
use rustc_span::source_map::Span;
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
use super::{
FnVal, ImmTy, InterpCx, InterpResult, MPlaceTy, Machine, OpTy, PlaceTy, StackPopCleanup,
impl<'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
pub(super) fn eval_terminator(
&mut self,
terminator: &mir::Terminator<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
use rustc::mir::TerminatorKind::*;
match terminator.kind {
Return => {
self.frame()|r| self.dump_place(*r));
self.pop_stack_frame(/* unwinding */ false)?
Goto { target } => self.go_to_block(target),
SwitchInt { ref discr, ref values, ref targets, .. } => {
let discr = self.read_immediate(self.eval_operand(discr, None)?)?;
trace!("SwitchInt({:?})", *discr);
// Branch to the `otherwise` case by default, if no match is found.
let mut target_block = targets[targets.len() - 1];
for (index, &const_int) in values.iter().enumerate() {
// Compare using binary_op, to also support pointer values
let res = self
ImmTy::from_uint(const_int, discr.layout),
if res.to_bool()? {
target_block = targets[index];
Call { ref func, ref args, ref destination, ref cleanup, .. } => {
let func = self.eval_operand(func, None)?;
let (fn_val, abi) = match func.layout.ty.kind {
ty::FnPtr(sig) => {
let caller_abi = sig.abi();
let fn_ptr = self.read_scalar(func)?.not_undef()?;
let fn_val = self.memory.get_fn(fn_ptr)?;
(fn_val, caller_abi)
ty::FnDef(def_id, substs) => {
let sig = func.layout.ty.fn_sig(*self.tcx);
(FnVal::Instance(self.resolve(def_id, substs)?), sig.abi())
_ => bug!("invalid callee of type {:?}", func.layout.ty),
let args = self.eval_operands(args)?;
let ret = match destination {
Some((dest, ret)) => Some((self.eval_place(dest)?, *ret)),
None => None,
Drop { ref location, target, unwind } => {
// FIXME(CTFE): forbid drop in const eval
let place = self.eval_place(location)?;
let ty = place.layout.ty;
trace!("TerminatorKind::drop: {:?}, type {}", location, ty);
let instance = Instance::resolve_drop_in_place(*self.tcx, ty);
self.drop_in_place(place, instance, terminator.source_info.span, target, unwind)?;
Assert { ref cond, expected, ref msg, target, cleanup } => {
let cond_val =
self.read_immediate(self.eval_operand(cond, None)?)?.to_scalar()?.to_bool()?;
if expected == cond_val {
} else {
M::assert_panic(self, terminator.source_info.span, msg, cleanup)?;
// When we encounter Resume, we've finished unwinding
// cleanup for the current stack frame. We pop it in order
// to continue unwinding the next frame
Resume => {
trace!("unwinding: resuming from cleanup");
// By definition, a Resume terminator means
// that we're unwinding
self.pop_stack_frame(/* unwinding */ true)?;
return Ok(());
// It is UB to ever encounter this.
Unreachable => throw_ub!(Unreachable),
// These should never occur for MIR we actually run.
DropAndReplace { .. } | FalseEdges { .. } | FalseUnwind { .. } => {
bug!("{:#?} should have been eliminated by MIR pass", terminator.kind)
// These are not (yet) supported. It is unclear if they even can occur in
// MIR that we actually run.
Yield { .. } | GeneratorDrop | Abort => {
throw_unsup_format!("Unsupported terminator kind: {:#?}", terminator.kind)
fn check_argument_compat(
rust_abi: bool,
caller: TyLayout<'tcx>,
callee: TyLayout<'tcx>,
) -> bool {
if caller.ty == callee.ty {
// No question
return true;
if !rust_abi {
// Don't risk anything
return false;
// Compare layout
match (&caller.abi, &callee.abi) {
// Different valid ranges are okay (once we enforce validity,
// that will take care to make it UB to leave the range, just
// like for transmute).
(layout::Abi::Scalar(ref caller), layout::Abi::Scalar(ref callee)) => {
caller.value == callee.value
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(ref caller1, ref caller2),
layout::Abi::ScalarPair(ref callee1, ref callee2),
) => caller1.value == callee1.value && caller2.value == callee2.value,
// Be conservative
_ => false,
/// Pass a single argument, checking the types for compatibility.
fn pass_argument(
&mut self,
rust_abi: bool,
caller_arg: &mut impl Iterator<Item = OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>>,
callee_arg: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
if rust_abi && callee_arg.layout.is_zst() {
// Nothing to do.
trace!("Skipping callee ZST");
return Ok(());
let caller_arg =|| err_unsup!(FunctionArgCountMismatch))?;
if rust_abi {
debug_assert!(!caller_arg.layout.is_zst(), "ZSTs must have been already filtered out");
// Now, check
if !Self::check_argument_compat(rust_abi, caller_arg.layout, callee_arg.layout) {
throw_unsup!(FunctionArgMismatch(caller_arg.layout.ty, callee_arg.layout.ty))
// We allow some transmutes here
self.copy_op_transmute(caller_arg, callee_arg)
/// Call this function -- pushing the stack frame and initializing the arguments.
fn eval_fn_call(
&mut self,
fn_val: FnVal<'tcx, M::ExtraFnVal>,
span: Span,
caller_abi: Abi,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>],
ret: Option<(PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
unwind: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
trace!("eval_fn_call: {:#?}", fn_val);
let instance = match fn_val {
FnVal::Instance(instance) => instance,
FnVal::Other(extra) => {
return M::call_extra_fn(self, extra, args, ret, unwind);
// ABI check
let callee_abi = {
let instance_ty = instance.ty_env(*self.tcx, self.param_env);
match instance_ty.kind {
ty::FnDef(..) => instance_ty.fn_sig(*self.tcx).abi(),
ty::Closure(..) => Abi::RustCall,
ty::Generator(..) => Abi::Rust,
_ => bug!("unexpected callee ty: {:?}", instance_ty),
let normalize_abi = |abi| match abi {
Abi::Rust | Abi::RustCall | Abi::RustIntrinsic | Abi::PlatformIntrinsic =>
// These are all the same ABI, really.
abi => abi,
if normalize_abi(caller_abi) != normalize_abi(callee_abi) {
throw_unsup!(FunctionAbiMismatch(caller_abi, callee_abi))
match instance.def {
ty::InstanceDef::Intrinsic(..) => {
assert!(caller_abi == Abi::RustIntrinsic || caller_abi == Abi::PlatformIntrinsic);
return M::call_intrinsic(self, span, instance, args, ret, unwind);
| ty::InstanceDef::ReifyShim(..)
| ty::InstanceDef::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
| ty::InstanceDef::FnPtrShim(..)
| ty::InstanceDef::DropGlue(..)
| ty::InstanceDef::CloneShim(..)
| ty::InstanceDef::Item(_) => {
// We need MIR for this fn
let body = match M::find_mir_or_eval_fn(self, span, instance, args, ret, unwind)? {
Some(body) => body,
None => return Ok(()),
body,|p| p.0),
StackPopCleanup::Goto { ret:|p| p.1), unwind },
// We want to pop this frame again in case there was an error, to put
// the blame in the right location. Until the 2018 edition is used in
// the compiler, we have to do this with an immediately invoked function.
let res =
(|| {
"caller ABI: {:?}, args: {:#?}",
.map(|arg| (arg.layout.ty, format!("{:?}", **arg)))
"spread_arg: {:?}, locals: {:#?}",
.map(|local| (
self.layout_of_local(self.frame(), local, None).unwrap().ty
// Figure out how to pass which arguments.
// The Rust ABI is special: ZST get skipped.
let rust_abi = match caller_abi {
Abi::Rust | Abi::RustCall => true,
_ => false,
// We have two iterators: Where the arguments come from,
// and where they go to.
// For where they come from: If the ABI is RustCall, we untuple the
// last incoming argument. These two iterators do not have the same type,
// so to keep the code paths uniform we accept an allocation
// (for RustCall ABI only).
let caller_args: Cow<'_, [OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>]> =
if caller_abi == Abi::RustCall && !args.is_empty() {
// Untuple
let (&untuple_arg, args) = args.split_last().unwrap();
trace!("eval_fn_call: Will pass last argument by untupling");
Cow::from(args.iter().map(|&a| Ok(a))
.map(|i| self.operand_field(untuple_arg, i as u64))
.collect::<InterpResult<'_, Vec<OpTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>>>>()?)
} else {
// Plain arg passing
// Skip ZSTs
let mut caller_iter = caller_args
.filter(|op| !rust_abi || !op.layout.is_zst())
.map(|op| *op);
// Now we have to spread them out across the callee's locals,
// taking into account the `spread_arg`. If we could write
// this is a single iterator (that handles `spread_arg`), then
// `pass_argument` would be the loop body. It takes care to
// not advance `caller_iter` for ZSTs.
let mut locals_iter = body.args_iter();
while let Some(local) = {
let dest = self.eval_place(&mir::Place::from(local))?;
if Some(local) == body.spread_arg {
// Must be a tuple
for i in 0..dest.layout.fields.count() {
let dest = self.place_field(dest, i as u64)?;
self.pass_argument(rust_abi, &mut caller_iter, dest)?;
} else {
// Normal argument
self.pass_argument(rust_abi, &mut caller_iter, dest)?;
// Now we should have no more caller args
if {
trace!("Caller has passed too many args");
// Don't forget to check the return type!
if let Some((caller_ret, _)) = ret {
let callee_ret = self.eval_place(&mir::Place::return_place())?;
if !Self::check_argument_compat(
) {
} else {
let local = mir::RETURN_PLACE;
let callee_layout = self.layout_of_local(self.frame(), local, None)?;
if !callee_layout.abi.is_uninhabited() {
match res {
Err(err) => {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
// cannot use the shim here, because that will only result in infinite recursion
ty::InstanceDef::Virtual(_, idx) => {
let mut args = args.to_vec();
// We have to implement all "object safe receivers". Currently we
// support built-in pointers (&, &mut, Box) as well as unsized-self. We do
// not yet support custom self types.
// Also see librustc_codegen_llvm/ and librustc_codegen_llvm/mir/
let receiver_place = match args[0].layout.ty.builtin_deref(true) {
Some(_) => {
// Built-in pointer.
None => {
// Unsized self.
// Find and consult vtable
let vtable = receiver_place.vtable();
let drop_fn = self.get_vtable_slot(vtable, idx)?;
// `*mut receiver_place.layout.ty` is almost the layout that we
// want for args[0]: We have to project to field 0 because we want
// a thin pointer.
let receiver_ptr_ty = self.tcx.mk_mut_ptr(receiver_place.layout.ty);
let this_receiver_ptr = self.layout_of(receiver_ptr_ty)?.field(self, 0)?;
// Adjust receiver argument.
args[0] =
OpTy::from(ImmTy { layout: this_receiver_ptr, imm: receiver_place.ptr.into() });
trace!("Patched self operand to {:#?}", args[0]);
// recurse with concrete function
self.eval_fn_call(drop_fn, span, caller_abi, &args, ret, unwind)
fn drop_in_place(
&mut self,
place: PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
span: Span,
target: mir::BasicBlock,
unwind: Option<mir::BasicBlock>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
trace!("drop_in_place: {:?},\n {:?}, {:?}", *place, place.layout.ty, instance);
// We take the address of the object. This may well be unaligned, which is fine
// for us here. However, unaligned accesses will probably make the actual drop
// implementation fail -- a problem shared by rustc.
let place = self.force_allocation(place)?;
let (instance, place) = match place.layout.ty.kind {
ty::Dynamic(..) => {
// Dropping a trait object.
_ => (instance, place),
let arg = ImmTy {
imm: place.to_ref(),
layout: self.layout_of(self.tcx.mk_mut_ptr(place.layout.ty))?,
let ty = self.tcx.mk_unit(); // return type is ()
let dest = MPlaceTy::dangling(self.layout_of(ty)?, self);
Some((dest.into(), target)),