blob: 382dc14e789ce14b698863b5c1285323f538b585 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::back::lto::{LtoModuleCodegen, SerializedModule, ThinModule};
use crate::back::write::{CodegenContext, FatLTOInput, ModuleConfig};
use crate::{CompiledModule, ModuleCodegen};
use rustc::dep_graph::WorkProduct;
use rustc_errors::{FatalError, Handler};
pub trait WriteBackendMethods: 'static + Sized + Clone {
type Module: Send + Sync;
type TargetMachine;
type ModuleBuffer: ModuleBufferMethods;
type Context: ?Sized;
type ThinData: Send + Sync;
type ThinBuffer: ThinBufferMethods;
/// Performs fat LTO by merging all modules into a single one and returning it
/// for further optimization.
fn run_fat_lto(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
modules: Vec<FatLTOInput<Self>>,
cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<Self::ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
) -> Result<LtoModuleCodegen<Self>, FatalError>;
/// Performs thin LTO by performing necessary global analysis and returning two
/// lists, one of the modules that need optimization and another for modules that
/// can simply be copied over from the incr. comp. cache.
fn run_thin_lto(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
modules: Vec<(String, Self::ThinBuffer)>,
cached_modules: Vec<(SerializedModule<Self::ModuleBuffer>, WorkProduct)>,
) -> Result<(Vec<LtoModuleCodegen<Self>>, Vec<WorkProduct>), FatalError>;
fn print_pass_timings(&self);
unsafe fn optimize(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
diag_handler: &Handler,
module: &ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>,
config: &ModuleConfig,
) -> Result<(), FatalError>;
unsafe fn optimize_thin(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
thin: &mut ThinModule<Self>,
) -> Result<ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>, FatalError>;
unsafe fn codegen(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
diag_handler: &Handler,
module: ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>,
config: &ModuleConfig,
) -> Result<CompiledModule, FatalError>;
fn prepare_thin(module: ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>) -> (String, Self::ThinBuffer);
fn serialize_module(module: ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>) -> (String, Self::ModuleBuffer);
fn run_lto_pass_manager(
cgcx: &CodegenContext<Self>,
llmod: &ModuleCodegen<Self::Module>,
config: &ModuleConfig,
thin: bool,
pub trait ThinBufferMethods: Send + Sync {
fn data(&self) -> &[u8];
pub trait ModuleBufferMethods: Send + Sync {
fn data(&self) -> &[u8];