blob: 663b23b37d46a856b67200da74d4ec005e3bac63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that an invariant region parameter used in a contravariant way
// yields an error.
// Note: see variance-regions-*.rs for the tests that check that the
// variance inference works in the first place.
struct Invariant<'a> {
f: &'a mut &'a isize
fn use_<'short,'long>(c: Invariant<'long>,
s: &'short isize,
l: &'long isize,
_where:Option<&'short &'long ()>) {
// Test whether Invariant<'long> <: Invariant<'short>. Since
// 'short <= 'long, this would be true if the Invariant type were
// contravariant with respect to its parameter 'a.
let _: Invariant<'short> = c; //~ ERROR E0623
fn main() { }